MARCH 30 1 9 6 5 THE LAKE In This Issue— UNION * "FISH WASH" (p. 2) * DETAMORE MEETINGS (p. 11) Vol. LVII No. 13 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS (Left) Greg Constantine, an art instructor at Andrews University, stands by some of the paintings in his art exhibit. (Center) Mrs. Williams, a home economist from the Public Service Company in Nobleville, Ind., gives a food demonstration. (Right) Robert Little from Indianapolis pre- sents a talks on careers available in chemistry. ings, it was felt that perhaps our people would be willing to raise their giving 50 per cent of what it has been in the Career Day at Indiana Academy past. So, the action was taken request- ing that all of our members every- where plan on raising their Sabbath A Career Day was organized by the showed how to dress right by dressing School offerings in this amount wher- Indiana Academy Chapter of the Fu- in clothes that could be worn in an ever it is at all possible. ture Business Leaders of America on office. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver, Wednesday, March 17. Gregg Constantine, an instructor in and we would, of course, want our Fifteen different careers were pre- art at Andrews University presented people to give only as the Lord has sented at group meetings held through- an excellent art exhibit in addition to blessed them and as they are able to out the day. Each meeting lasted one talking to those interested in art. Miss increase their donations. hour with the speaker giving a short Millie Urbish, an instructor in educa- The work throughout the world is tion at Andrews University, presented talk and then holding a question and growing and the need is greater every answer period. an interesting program including a day. May the Lord bless our faithful Each group meeting had either a skit by several of her students. members as they give of their means. A movie on medical careers was pre- host or hostess who introduced the JERE D. SMITH, President sented by Elder C. E. Perry, the In- speaker to the group. These students Lake Union Conference diana Conference Medical secretary. met the speakers in the lobby and Several other conference workers were guided them to the room where they were to speak. The hosts and hostesses also present: Elder Clifton Walter, the Four Publishing Houses (See CAREER DAY on p. 8) Top $20 Million in Sales God Loveth a Cheerful Giver Retail sales for the four North Lake Union At the time of our last Fall Council American publishing houses operated careful attention was given to the by the Seventh-day Adventist Church Academy Music Festival prospect of increasing our Sabbath passed 20 million dollars in 1964. The School offerings throughout the North total was a new record in sales. The E. P. Weaver Auditorium American Division. We all recognize, largest volume was reported by Pa- Adelphian Academy of course, that our people generally cific Press, Mountain View, California, April 9 and 10, 1965 are very faithful in giving to missions. which sold 7.98 million dollars' worth Holly, Mich. It never ceases to be a wonder how of books and other literature, followed liberal all of our people are in their closely by the Review and Herald of EVERYONE WELCOME! tithes and offerings, and it is by this Washington, D.C., which sold . 7.86 (Because of limited cafeteria space, means that the gospel is going to all million dollars' worth of magazines only those who are delegates will be of the world. and books during the year. The figure fed from the cafeteria.) After our brethern considered the represents a 1.8-million-dollar gain amount of our Sabbath School offer- over 1963. for many years the leader of the Bible Instructors, and one of the secretaries in the Ministerial Association of the General Conference. From her experi- A Three Minute "Fish Wash" ence she has here provided the work- patterns that have proved successful. This set of ten lessons is a treasury of VERNON FLORY, Lake Union Sabbath School Secretary simple methods, sound doctrinal argu- ment, and effective appeal for gaining decisions for truth. The student of this course learns to recognize, evalu- The three minute car wash is a fa- ate, and effectively use ways that lead miliar scene today. But did you know souls into church membership, and to there is the equivalent among certain guide them while they become estab- fishes? Recent observations made by lished Christians and soul winners skin divers have brought to light this themselves. fascinating bit of information. Think, many are dying without "This tiny shrimp (The Pederson knowing earth's last warning message! shrimp) is transparent, with white Busy ministers and evangelists today stripes and violet spots. It has anten- need trained lay helpers to harvest the nae longer than its body. It establishes ripening fields on every hand. Is God's itself at a location where fish congre- Spirit calling you into service? Without gate. When a fish approaches, the delay please write for information re- shrimp shifts its antennae back and garding this inspiring Bible Instructor forth and sways its body until it at- course. The Home Study Institue, tracts the attention of the fish. If the Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C., fish is in need of cleaning, it will swim will send you further details. toward the shrimp and stop within about an inch of it. Ordinarily it will face the shrimp, but if it happens to Medical Work at Its Highest have a sore area or bothersome para- The world is sick. Sick spiritually, sites on its tail, it will stop with its mentally, and physically. As such, the tail nearest the shrimp. The shrimp world stands in need of kind and com- climbs aboard and rapidly goes all ury of facts and information that passionate medical workers who can over the body of the fish, checking all would delight anyone interested in point sin-sick humanity to the Great diseased areas, biting off parasites, and facts about creation. Then our Vaca- Physician. tion Bible School lessons, series "B," even making minor incisions to re- For this stated purpose God led in that we are using this summer are on move parasites beneath the skin. As the establishment of a medical school "God's Wonderful World." Most of it approaches the gill covers, the fish at Loma Linda, Calif. This med- the material in this book would be opens them one by one and allows the ical school is now a part of a larger ideal to help make this series of les- shrimp to enter and clean the gills. complex known as Loma Linda Uni- sons alive for the boys and girls. It is even allowed to enter the mouth versity. To this university come scores Your Book and Bible House has the cavity in its search for food. of dedicated young men and women de- book. Order it through your church "If several fish approach the shrimp, siring training as medical missionaries. missionary secretary. they will line up and wait their turn We have been told that medical mis- to be cleaned." This is not all the No Starless Crowns! sionary work is medical work at its story, but you can read the rest of it highest. This is so because Christ is Winning souls for Christ is the in the new book, Wonders of Creation, no longer in this world in person to chief business of the Christian. Those by H. W. Clark. This book is a fan- treat and heal the sick; but He com- who love Him, and expect His soon tastic collection of facts about birds, missions the church, through the grad- return have a deep desire to be suc- trees, beasts, plants, insects, shells, etc., uates of Loma Linda University, to cessful in this skill. Some are naturally many of which are just as interesting carry forward the medical missionary more adapted to it than others but to- as the above story of the shrimp. work He began. Beautiful pictures are liberally used day all may avail themselves of the throughout. The whole purpose of the opportunity to keep learning. God's In this grand work all can have a book is to point up the fact of crea- Spirit is stirring people everywhere to part. While not all can qualify as med- tion. Evolution simply cannot explain investigate His Word. Hearts are im- ical missionaries for overseas fields or why some things are as they are. pressed that the Bible has a special in the homeland, we can have a part "Charles Darwin once remarked that message for our times. The humble in preparing those who can go. On the 'Eye' of the peacock's feather al- and sincere Bible teacher is a welcome Sabbath, April 10, an offering for most gave him nervous prostration. visitor in many homes. Loma Linda University will be re- Nothing in his theory. could ex- The persevering veteran wishes to ceived in all churches. Your prayers plain the origin of such a structure." continue learning improved methods. and liberal response will prove most Why am I telling you about this This will inspire him with confidence helpful in training additional youth book? Two reasons. Next quarter's that will bring even better results in for medical work at its highest. Sabbath School lessons are on creation. soul winning. A set of studies designed THEODORE CARCICH This book is not a commentary on the especially for friendly and earnest lay- Vice-president lessons at all, but will provide a treas- men was prepared by Louise Kleuser, North America 2 LAKE UNION HERALD reports that all of its long distance trunk lines were jammed all that after- noon.
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