SAVE THE DATE Don’t forget to renew JNF OTTAWA NEGEV DINNER 2018 your subscription to the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin! IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT! JNFOTTAWA.CA [email protected] 613.798.2411 Call 613-798-4696, ext. 256 Ottawa Jewish Bulletin MAY , | SIVAN ¢, £¤¤ ESTABLISHED ¦§¤ OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM | ¨ Shem Tov Award: Michael Landau is thankful for the opportunity to help BY LOUISE RACHLIS because it’s satisfying not because you’re forced to, or some- ichael Landau will receive the 2018 Shem Tov one made you. It’s not a chore, it’s fulfilling,” he said. Community Volunteer Award from the Jewish “With everything I do, what’s important is the interaction Federation of Ottawa. The award is given annually with people. It’s interaction with people at a different level to an outstanding volunteer for a lifetime of compared to your work, and it’s very interesting and enjoy- Mservice dedicated to the betterment and enrichment of Jewish able… The hope is my children, who are now in university or life in Ottawa. beyond, will learn from what I do. I hope that in their time Landau began fundraising for the United Jewish Appeal in they will take on their responsibility as best they can.” Toronto while he was still in dental school there. Landau has an extensive history chairing major communi- “When I came back here in 1991, I kept on fundraising,” ty fundraisers such as golf tournaments, Federation’s Annual HOWARD SANDLER said Landau, now 54. “My parents did volunteer work as long Campaign and the community walkathon. Volunteerism is a “lifelong endeavour,” says as I can remember; it’s just something you do. You somehow He is the immediate past-chair of the Ottawa Jewish Com- Shem Tov Award recipient Michael Landau. “I discover you’re comfortable with it, and you just keep on. munity Foundation and currently sits on the Foundation’s hope to always do what I can, however I can.” “Whatever it is you do outside your regular job, do it See Landau on page 2 Freiman Family Award: Aaron Smith called ‘a very gifted and trusted young leader’ BY LOUISE RACHLIS was planning a trip to Yellowknife. aron Smith, who grew up in Sarnia, Ontario, “a super “My wife and I moved to Ottawa five years ago when we small Jewish community,” has been chosen to receive were having our third child,” he said. We had two children the 2018 Freiman Young Leadership Award. born in Toronto, but once we were five, we wanted to be closer “My dad and brother and I made up 30 per cent to family.” Aof the minyan,” said Smith, whose grandfather was Ottawa They enrolled their son in senior kindergarten at Ottawa kosher caterer Jack Smith. Jewish Community School (OJCS), “and didn’t even have a The fact that Aaron Smith has a busy job and young family house yet,” he said. “I worked with Ian Sherman at EY and he was not a deterrent to his becoming involved in the Ottawa connected me to people in Ottawa. Jewish community. Smith, who turned 40 in February, quickly became involved Born in Sackville, New Brunswick, Smith lived in Ottawa with OJCS. From 2014 to 2017, he served as president of the for a few years when he was younger, before moving to Sar- OJCS board, after previously serving as chair of sales and mar- nia. He did his undergraduate degree in genomic medicine at keting in 2013. He and his wife Erin currently have two chil- Western University, a business course at Ivey, worked for a few dren at OJCS and one at Ganon Preschool. years and then studied health industry management and strat- “In my work, we’re all about action and impact, and adding egy at York University. value for our clients,” he explained. “The secret for me is that “In my work, we’re all about action and Now based in Ottawa, he is a healthcare consultant with I was always action-oriented. You can get lost in analyzing impact,” says 2018 Freiman Family Young hospitals, government and health industry providers across a situation. Sometimes you have to work with your time to Leadership Award recipient Aaron Smith. the country, frequently traveling coast to coast. This month he See Smith on page 17 Ambassador Nimrod Barkan on Sara Vered and the generation of 1948 A letter from a young Israeli in Ottawa Israel’s inspiring resilience, inside: ingenuity, innovation and hope> p. 6 > Section 2, p. 7 > Section 2, p. 9 Take the everyday Mark Motors Porsche out of every day. 611 Montreal Rd. 613-749-4275 The Macan. markmotorsporsche.com SPARKADVOCACY.CA APPROVED FILENAME SPARK-MM-PORSCHE-MACAN-JEWISHB-2018-EN1 MODIFIED MAY 7, 2018 12:31 PM DATE 2018 CLIENT CLIENT VENDOR + JEWISH BULLETIN PROPERTY ACCOUNT REP. KEVIN DEAGLE ART DIRECTOR ADRIAN JEAN CGD PUBLICATION TRIM SIZE 10.25”W X 1.5”H APPROVALS PRODUCTION MORGAN DUNBAR INSERTION TYPE --- COMMENTS SPECS INSERTION DATE --- May 28, 2018 2 OTTAWAJEWISHBULLETIN.COM Students who led fight against BDS to share Student Leadership Award BY LOUISE RACHLIS while giving immense courage and com- pre-med student at uOttawa. “They or inspiring and leading ‘By making the university a fort to all students and have been hailed defeated BDS on three separate occa- University of Ottawa students in as a model for social action, justice, hard sions this year – not to mention also the fight against the anti-Israel more inclusive and ultimately work, and community. overcoming the Student Federation boycott, divestment and sanctions better campus for current and “The students involved in this fight decertifying Hillel as a club on campus. F(BDS) movement, Jewish student leaders at uOttawa are true leaders in the fight The composure and collectiveness dis- future students, these at uOttawa will collectively receive the against BDS,” wrote Allyson Grant of played while these anti-Semitic events 2018 Student Leadership Award from the students exemplified leadership the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs occurred speaks to the types of indi- Jewish Federation of Ottawa. and represented the in a letter nominating the student viduals these students are. By making “What our Jewish and pro-Israel stu- community in a remarkable way.’ leaders for the award. “Whether it was the university a more inclusive and dents accomplished this year is nothing spending hours researching how to ultimately better campus for current and short of monumental,” said Dovi Chein, defeat the motions, recruiting record future students, these students exem- director of Hillel Ottawa. the university, Jacques Frémont, came to numbers of students to vote, delivering plified leadership and represented the “This award is a way for the Jewish Chabad for dinner in January with 100 passionate speeches at a meeting, or community in a remarkable way.” community in Ottawa to tell our stu- students. The president said ‘please wear simply supporting their peers when The 2018 Community Service Awards dents, thank you,” he said. “Thank you your kippahs. We want every minority things got tough, I am truly impressed will be presented at the Jewish Federa- for standing up for what is right. Thank to be proud of who you are.’ He was so by their intelligence, commitment and tion of Ottawa’s annual general meeting you for never backing down in the face supportive of the Jewish community.” bravery in the face of this discriminato- on Wednesday, June 20, 7 pm, at the of adversity, and for being an example “I found it to be a very emotional ry movement.” Soloway Jewish Community Centre. For and inspiration for the whole commu- experience for students,” added Yoch- “I could not think of a group of stu- more information, contact Solange Ashe nity. As director of Hillel, I am beam- eved Boyarsky. “Their Jewish identity dents that are more deserving of this at [email protected] or 613-798- ing with pride and gratitude for these came to the forefront. They felt a real award,” said Sam Morgan, a fourth year 4696, ext. 236. incredible students. The future of Jewish threat and it brought out the joy of life on campus looks stronger and more being Jewish. Each time the resolution unified than ever before.” was defeated, they felt a sense of togeth- The award is “very well deserved,” erness. It brought everyone together. It Landau: ‘Embodies kindness,respect’ said Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky, co-director was wonderful to see that uninhibited Continued from page 1 with his wife Yocheved of the Chabad pride and joy to be Jewish, to feel they board and fundraising committee. In one values my abilities and I’m appre- Student Network. had nothing to be ashamed of or to addition to these leadership roles, he ciative of that.” “It brought out a real Jewish pride. hide.” helps the community in other ways, “Michael’s volunteer activities could Over 40 students wore their kippahs the Jewish student leaders, who include whether serving as a gabbai at Kehil- be best described as continuous and entire time. Students came out feeling members of Hillel Ottawa and the lat Beth Israel or as a member of the considerate,” wrote Maxine Miska, assis- very proud and happy after the reso- Chabad Student Network, rallied hun- Chevra Kadisha, he always makes him- tant executive director of the Soloway lution was defeated. They came over dreds of other students to stand up self available to lend a helping hand. Jewish Community Centre (SJCC) in her to Chabad House after, and there was against BDS and succeeded against great “When I’m asked to volunteer for letter nominating Landau for the Shem dancing and celebration, a sense of real odds, and systemic bias, to defeat three something, I’m thankful for being given Tov Award.
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