VOLUME NINETEEN. NO. 19 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAY 13. 1911 ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR NEW lAW EXPLAINED FIREMEN HOLD ELECTION ST. PAUL’S ANNIVERSARY UNUSUAL HONOR PAID ANNUAL PREACHERS’ MEETING j ENLARGING REFORM SCHOOL TO SCHOOL BOARDS Olliccrs Named lor Hie Eagle and Exlra Services in Grove Church Dur­ TO DEAD FIRE CHIEF Rev. illarsliall Oivcns Hc-Elected Slate Will Expend Ihe Sum o( $40,- Slohes Companies in g IHonlh ol May I’r csid en i ot Local Body 000 on I.arflc Addition On Friday evening ot last week Special meetings and . observances On Monday hint officers of the. In ilie appropriation bill of tlie MESSRS. VAN GILI.lVVIi AND LYNDALL the annual meeting and election of ot St. Paul's M. E. Church, Ocean= NEWARK’S TRIBUTE TO WM. ASTLEY, New • Brims \virk dlst r it L si reach vrs • Legislature there is an Item of $40,- the-Eagle. Hook, aiid Ladder' company Grove, have been arranged for the meeting :were fleeted, for ihe com- , 01,11 for .the erection .of a central REPRESENT NEPTUNE DISTRICT was held at tlio tnitjk house, corner month of May. •" A' number of these WHO DIED FRIDAY ing year at tiie session • iieid in St. graded school, on the State Home ileclt and Whiteflbld avenues. Tlie. already have been held, witli others Paul’s church, this place. These of­ gtounds at • .lameslmrg, Superinten- olllcers elected were: , 1 lo follow iii ' regular order; The ficers are: . V' dont Kalleeu in h is annual report to schedule for the remainder ;of • the- County Educators Gather at Free­ President—-F; A. Smith,. • ..Presideht-^-Rev.- '.-Marshall' Owens, • 11)0 eomniittee asked for an appro-* Vice President— Edmund Thoiiij]- montii is as4 follows: •"! Decreased Was a Summer Resident of Ocean.Grove. • prlntion of. $100,0U0 for the building, hold to Hear Superintendent En- son. V'/:;.;-;; 1 ■ May .^^Probationers’ r ecdgul- Ocean Giove anti Was building a Vice: President-r—Rev. Dr- ] *1'; ,t. and. $6,000 for furnishing. His Sccretary,-'rreasurei-—-L. • Harry tion, at the parsonage; address by Scott, pcean Grove,; • ’ - idea was to install an up-to-date ' righi XalK on All-Important Meas­ Ueevea. : Rev. Dr. Henry Wheeler. Cottage Here——A Fireman for : Se^reiary-Treasurer^-Re.v; F, 1C. gymnasium, bowling alley, swim- Foreman—Charles B.Twijgiis... May I4~r—Bible Tercentenary an­ Purcell, Spring Lake. mlng pool, auditorium and play­ ure, Which Becomes Inflective July ■ Assistant Foremeil-r-Bert Thomp­ niversary, special’ sermon by the pas­ More Tluui Forty Veais and it Clv- These committees were appoint­ ground, but these latter luxuries tor at morning , service.; Evening,- 1st—Duties of Various Officials. son, Lewis Brown. " • ed: '• • • • . were thought extravagant. Trustee ,'for Three Years—Charles observance of MoVJiei^’s Day. il War Veteran. ^ " ; Temperance—Rev.-j. -H. HaWx- An additional., $20 per capita per B, Wilgus. .May • i 7--—Special; visitors*. prayer; hurst, Rev. Dr. Scott, Rev.;nr..II. O. year has been granted. For the past - According to law County Superin­ Representative, to Fireinen's • 'Re-' service; Rev. Mr. Qwens Will bo as­ ; Fire. .Chief William Astley/who McBride. •* 20 years the per .capita at the Home tendent of Schools Enright called llof-i—Charles A;' Clevenger. : sisted by; Mr. Kern and Air. Cham-; died in Newark last Friday, Was Literary—Rov. Dr. B. C. Lippfn- for Roys has never gone ahoy0; $1_G.0; the several boards of#education of . Fire Police—-Arch . Wardell, Fred beriain, .. laid to vest on. Monday afternoon of cott, Rev. Dr. George Neal,', ltev... J. He will now secure $810. This was a the county together last Saturday in Slilbla, Arthur Chamberlain. ■ May 21—Rev. Dr. John Handlejv this .week, in' Fairmount cemetery, B., A da m s. compromise as Air. i-Caileen asked tho high school building at Freehold. district superintendent, will preach that city. Mr; -Astley was well Sabbath—“Rev. Daniel. Johnson, tor $2.00. There was a fair attendance only, in the morning; special musical ser­ known in Ocean Grove, o£ late years Rev. Steadman. Applegate, Rev. I. At ]>resent there is a gr.eat over­ business men finding It difficult to The annual meeting of the Stokes vice at night. having made his summer home here. Waters. .... crowding at the Home. Tlie enroll-, leave their occupation on that par­ company was held on Monday night. May 24-r-Song aiid prayer service Some weeks ago a cottage for the At the meeting this' week Rev. ment is. ;102 boys and Pedro, the ticular day. of the week, and the These officers were chosen: led by the pastor; special music by.; Astley family, was started .by Con­ President—T, N. Lillagore. Marshall Qwens, pastor of St. Paul’s, monkey; who was committed from celebration, at the same time of How­ members of the Sunday school and tractor Silas Barton at 52 Heck ave­ gave an address dealing with the New Brunswick county jail about ell township!s sons, held at Farm­ Vice Presidents-—W, E. Taylor, G. nue. The cottage is nearly, complet­ F. Rainear. Epworth League, . Tercentenary anniversary of the three years ago. Health authorities ingdale, likewise contributed to. May 28—St. Paul’s . anniversary ed.. King James Bible,/ exhibiting a Miy that over 25 boys to a cottage make the attendance smaller than Secretary-Treasurer—E. N. Wool- For - several weeks Chief Astley. sfon. day; early, lovefeast; special ser­ number of the rare Bibles in- his is detrimental to the.health of the usual. ■ ' V mons and all-day celebration. had been confined to his home, suf­ valuable collection. Other, speakers Inmates, ■ while, at present over 50. Messrs. vanGilluwe and Lyndall Foreman—\V. F. Clayton. May 31—Special praise and pray­ fering from congestion of blood in Assistant Foremen—Frank Samp­ on the subject under consideration are being taken care of in: each cot-, represented the Neptune board. er service, with several ministers as­ the arteries of his right leg. Al­ were Rev; Dr. J. I. Boswell, Revi tage, ; . Superintendents Gregory, *of Long son, William Schwartz. though Ills condition was not consid­ Engineer—II,. M. Wilson. sisting and extra music. Dr. Henry Wheeler, of Ocean Grove; On . file completion, of the' .new Branch; Strahan, of Oakhurst, and By vote of the official board it has ered critical, it was feared that the: Rev. William Blackmari, of New schooi building, rooms now devoted Miller, of Matawan, also were pres- Assistant Engineers-—-Walter been resolved to adopt the individual congestion might spread. As a final, Gretna, and Rev. J. Ward Gamble-, to class work will be used by . the ' ent. The session begain at 10.15 a. Franklin, G. L. D. Tompkins. communion system at St. Paul’s. A result of the stagnation, cardiac em­ of Seabrlght. residents of the cottages for other , m. and ended 1 p. m. Fire Police—J. E. Quinn, A. T. cfrment walk is to replace the old tar bolism ensued and resulted in Next Monday morning the Rev. ipurposes. Mr. Kalleen will, confer Mr, Enright stated'-that the prin­ Van Cleve, James Woglam. ■ pavement around the four sides, of death. Titian P. Summers, Jr., ot Wash­ Dr. B. C. Lipplncott, of this place, with State Architect Pallard at cipal object of the meeting would he the church at an early date. For more than forty years Chief will relate some .of the' experiences Trenton in an effort to . have the; ..the explanation of the- neto school ington company, was endorsed for Astley was identified w ith tho New­ C h ie f of the Ocean Grove depart­ in his ministry covering a period, of building under way at once and com- law as far as jhe liad been able to ser ark fire department. He was also a a half century, rleted before the opening of the. fall cure a copy.. No complete copies ment. - Thomas Martin, Jr., of the DEATH OF AUGUSTUS AIUXG. Civil War . veteran, being identified ^Stokes company, was nominated for. term of school. , ^ could yet be obtained. * Preliminary with Lincoln Post, Gi A. R.; No. 11, WEDDED LAST SEPTEMBER. to this! lie stated that the taxes from assistant chief at a previous meet- He Was tho Father of Mrs. George of Newark.- He stood high in Ma­ the railroads'would likely be . larger ing. ■ ' • sonic circles, being Potentate of FIVE ELECTION DISTRICTS. in the future, thereby benefitting the F. Ralnear, of Ocean Gi*ove. Salaam Temple in his home city. Ocean Grove Bride Breaks the Glad scliodls to a greater extent. The WILL REPAIR ROADWAY FREE. At his . home near Farmingdale, ; President Weber,, of the fire News to Her Mother. New Boundary Lines Established by amount apportioned to the schools Augustus; Aring died early last- Sat­ board, upon receipt of the news of ifrojri all sources is a little over nine Township Authorities Accept • Offer urday morning of ple.uro:pneumonia, the chief’s death, called a special It transpires that Miss‘ Jessie A. Totvnship Committee. cents per scholar for each day‘s at­ after a, brief'illness. He was seven- meeting of the board. • A committee Young, that was, has been Mrs. tendance, necessarily the greater the of Amcslto Company. ty^two years old. Tlie funeral was was appointed to draw up Resolu­ Frederick Cottrell since last Sep- The boundary lines of the new attendance the more money will each held on Tuesday afternoon at two tions and orders were given to Dep­ temberi although no inkling of that Ocean Grove election districts, ■; in district receive. At no cost to Neptune township uty Chief Sloan to see. that all fact was had by anybody in this vi­ conformity with the Geran law, were As to the transportation pf pupils, the Amesite Company will, furnish o’clock, with services at the house fixed by the Neptune Township Com.
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