Svensk Djupstabilisering Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre Report 13 International Conference on Deep Mixing Best Practice and Recent Advances Volume 2 Volume 2 Proceedings of the International Conference on Deep Mixing – Best Practice and Recent Advances, Deep Mixing’05 Stockholm, Sweden, May 23 – 25, 2005 SD Report 13, Volume 1 – 2 Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre, c/o Swedish Geotechnical Institute SE-581 93 Linkoping When using material from these Proceedings full credit shall be given to the conference and the author(s). The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in these proceeding volumes are those of the author(s). The proceedings may be purchased from the Information Service, Swedish Geotechnical Institute SE-581 93 Linköping, Sweden Tel: 013 – 20 18 20 (int +46 13 201820) Fax: 013 – 20 19 14 (int +46 13 201914) E-mail: [email protected] ISSN 1402-2036 ISRN SD-R--05/13--SE Conference Photos: Ulf Lonäs, Svensk Bergs- & Brukstidning and SGI Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre wish to acknowledge the Swedish National Rail Administration, SSAB Merox AB and SMA Svenska Mineral AB for their generous support to the publishing of the Proceedings of Deep Mixing ´05. II Deep Mixing´05 Volume 2 Preface The International Conference on Deep Mixing – Best Prac- discussed important topics, covering field and laboratory test- tice and Recent Advances (Deep Mixing ´05) was organised ing, design aspects and solidification of contaminated soils. by the Swedish Deep Stabilization Centre. Particular empha- In one session, the results of case histories were presented. sis was placed on the exchange of practical experience from During the conference, a Technical Exhibition was held, where the application of dry and wet mixing methods. The aim of equipment manufacturers, consultants and contractors as well the conference was to enhance the exchange of knowledge as material suppliers informed about their products and serv- and to facilitate the interaction between researchers, consult- ices. An Internet Exhibition was also available at the confer- ants, constructors, equipment manufactures and clients from ence Web site, presenting the worldwide deep mixing society. all over the world. Following the conference, a Technical site visit with field demonstrations was organised. As a landmark event, Deep Mixing´05 was organised to docu- ment major developments of deep mixing methods, including An important aspect of the conference was to facilitate com- recent technical and equipment development, experience from munication on the Internet, using an interactive web platform. case histories in different parts of the world as well as stand- All abstracts were published on the conference Web Site. ardisation efforts in Europe and elsewhere. An effort was made Registered conference participants were able read papers in to bring together representatives of the deep mixing industry advance of the conference and to discuss interesting topics as from different parts of the world and to facilitate information part of an Internet Poster Session and also exchange ideas on exchange and discussions. deep mixing at a Discussion Forum. The papers submitted to the conference were reviewed by a The successful planning and implementation of the confer- scientific committee, which helped to assure a high technical ence would not have been possible without the hard work and and scientific level. The conference organisers wish to thank competence of many individuals, as well as the support of the authors for their excellent contributions. many organisations and companies. Their support and contri- bution is gratefully acknowledged. The Technical Programme comprised Regional Reports, State of Practice Reports and Keynote Lectures by eminent inter- national experts in the area of deep mixing. Invited panellists Linköping, September 2005 Bengt Rydell Gunnar Westberg K. Rainer Massarsch Chairman Secretary Chairman Organising Committee Organising Committee International Advisory Committee Deep Mixing´05 III Volume 2 Readers guide to Proceedings The Proceedings contain the written contributions to the Contents of Proceedings International Conference on Deep Mixing. Best Practice and The conference is documented in Proceedings consisting of Recent Advances (Deep Mixing´05). The Proceedings were two volumes, which are available on CD and in printed ver- published in electronic form on two CDs as well as in printed sion (within three books – volumes 1.1, 1.2 and 2): format. Volume 1: Recent Advances An important aspect of Deep Mixing ´05 was to establish ad- • Regional Reports vance contact and interaction between authors of papers and • Technical Papers conference participants, thereby facilitating the exchange of • Keynote Lectures ideas during the conference. For that reason, a communica- tion tool within the Internet has been established. Volume 2: Best Practice • State of Practice Reports Technical and Scientific Documents • Technical Documents The Proceedings of Deep Mixing´05 include Regional Re- • Welcome and Closing Addresses ports, State of Practice Reports, Keynote Lectures and Tech- • Social Program nical Papers. • List of Participants • List of Partners and Exhibitors Regional Reports have been prepared by leading experts from three regions where deep mixing methods are used extensively: Volume 2 includes Technical Papers received after the dead- Europe, Far East and North America. These reports are in- line of submission. tended to give an overview of the use of dry and wet deep mixing methods and their applications within a specific re- The Proceedings include a Table of Contents and an Author gion. The Reports address the main topics of the conference Index. The Technical Papers in Volumes 1 and 2 are grouped and a summary of methods and applications, organisations in the session topics. The papers are listed in alphabetical or- within the region, the state of the industry, present and future der, based on the name of the first author. markets, and the development of standards/manuals/best prac- tice guidance documents. Development trends and future needs Publisher of improvement with regard to design, equipment, materials, The Proceedings are published by the Swedish Deep quality control and standardisation are also outlined. Stabilization Research Centre (SD) in the SD Report series. State of Practice Reports give an overview of current best References to Proceedings practice and recent advances of dry and wet mixing methods, When using material from these Proceedings full credit shall covering the themes of the technical sessions. The Reports be given to the conference and the author(s). summarise best practice, based on the author’s experience, including relevant papers submitted to Deep Mixing´05, but also on recent developments, which were presented at other conferences and the geotechnical literature. The advantages and the limitations (technical, economic, traditions etc.) of deep mixing methods are described. Future needs of improve- ment with regard to the session themes are presented. Keynote Lectures by invited experts focus on specific topic, chosen by the lecturer within the scope of the technical ses- sions. Technical Papers were accepted based on submitted abstracts. A scientific committee reviewed the draft papers. Based on the main topic addressed in the respective papers, these were assigned to the most appropriate session. IV Deep Mixing´05 Volume 2 Contents Volume 2 Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................... iii Readers guide to Proceedings..........................................................................................................................................iv Conference Program ......................................................................................................................................................... 639 Opening Session Welcome address............................................................................................................................................................... 646 Chairman of the Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre. Sellgren, E. Welcome address............................................................................................................................................................... 648 President of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) Van Impe, W.F. Welcome address............................................................................................................................................................... 650 Chairman of the Organisation Committee of Deep Mixing ´05 Rydell, B. Closing Session Deep Mixing from a client’s perspective .......................................................................................................................... 654 Paulsson, B. Closing address ................................................................................................................................................................. 656 Chairman of the Swedish Deep Stabilization Research Centre Sellgren, E. Closing remark & invitation to the next conference ......................................................................................................... 657 Terashi, M. State of Practice Reports State of Practice Report – Field and laboratory investigations, properties of binders
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