CITY OF CHARLOTTE MASTER TREE LIST FOR CITY RIGHT-OF-WAYS Last revised 8-26-09 These trees are approved for planting under utility wires PICTURE SPECIES GROWTH ADVANTAGES USE AND LIMITATION Crabapple Height Narrow Park and (Adirondack) 18’ obovate, up- street Width right branched Malus 16’ growth; Adirondack leathery dark Moderately Slow to green leaves; resistant to moderate dark carmine most pests growth buds turn and lighter red and common open to white diseases. flowers; fruit. Crabapple Height Foliage starts Park and (Candymint) 8’-10’ out dark street Width maroon and Malus Sargentii 12’-15’ leaves fade to Candymint green with Prefers full veins and sun; well stems a reddish drained, hue. Early loamy soils. spring buds start a deep Moderate carmine red, resistance fading to a full to Japanese pink as they beetle; open; dark disease maroon fruits. resistant. Crabapple Height Vase shaped Park and (Golden 20’ tree with deeply street Raindrops Weight cut, finely 15’ textured leaves; Malus transitoria turn bright Schmidtcutleaf yellow-orange, Medium slightly purple growth rate and red in fall. White star like flowers with bright yellow centers, followed by tiny golden yellow fruit in spring. Crabapple Height Rounded form; Park and (Prairie Fire) 15’-20’ purple, shiny street Width bark; purple Malus Prairie leaves; dark Fire purplish-red flowers. Crabapple Height Leaves emerge Park and (Purple Prince) 18’-20’ purple then turn street Width bronze-green; Malus purple 18’-20’ insignificant fall prince color. Maroon Medium fruits. growth rate Prefers full sun, well drained soil. Primarily disease resistant. Crabapple Height Flowering, Park and (Snowdrift) 15’-20’ rounded shape. street Width Requires little Malus Snowdrift 15’-20’ shaping/ Moderately pruning. susceptible Medium to fire growth rate Tolerant of blight. scab. Crabapple Height Flowering, Park and (Sargent) 6-10’ rounded shape; street Width pink flowers Malus sargentii 6-12’ with white May be centers; red susceptible Slow fruit. to apple growth rate scab, fire Tolerant to blight, etc. urban conditions. Requires little shaping/ pruning. Crabapple Height Irregular outline Park and (Zumi or 20’-25’ or silhouette, street Redbud) Width spreading 15’-30’ shape. No proven Malus zumi urban Calocarpa Abundant, large tolerance. white flowers open from pink Salt buds in late tolerance spring. Best moderate. crabapple for Prefers full fall display. sun on well- Glossy, cherry drained, red fruit hang acid soil. on long stems throughout winter. Hawthorn Height Flowering, Street and (Lavalle) 20’-30’ Ornamental Park Width Crataegus 10’-25’ Suited for urban Thorns on lavallei conditions lower branches Hawthorn Height Flowering, Street and (Washington) 25’-30’ Ornamental Park Width Crataegus 25’-30’ Suited for urban Thorns on phaenopyrum conditions lower Medium branches growth rate Japanese Tree Height Oval shaped Street and Lilac 20’-30’ small tree; Park Width clusters of Syringa 15’-20’ small, fragrant, Somewhat reticulata creamy-white susceptible Medium flowers in late to mildew growth rate June-early July. and lilac No major insect borer. or disease problems Hedge Maple Height Heat and Street and (English Field 30’-35’ drought Park Maple) Width tolerant. 30’-35’ Relatively free Fits under Acer campestre of insect pests most utility and diseases. lines Growth rate, slow to mod. Maple Height Shade; rounded Street and (Trident) 20’-30’ shape, dark Park Width green leaves; Acer 20’-30’ yellow, orange, buergerianum red in fall. Slow to medium Prefers full sun. growth rate Pear Height Attractive Park and (Chanticleer) 25’-35’ foliage and street Width flowers, fruit. Pyrus 16’-25’ Older trees calleryanna Tolerant of large Medium to urban branches fast growth conditions. No may split rate serious disease from trunk or insect problems. 8/26/09 These trees are approved for unrestricted planting PICTURE SPECIES GROWTH ADVANTAGES USE AND LIMITATION Ginko Height Clear yellow in Park and (Male Variety 30’-50’ fall street Only) Width 40’-80’ Generally free Ginko bilboa of pests; Slow to tolerant of moderate urban growth conditions Honeylocust Height Vigorous Park and (Shademaster) 65’-75’ grower; street Width absence of Gleditsia 50’-60’ thorns and Susceptible triacanthos reduced to pests and Fast fruiting; tolerant mildew; growth rate to urban condi- produces tions few large pods Prefers full sun Honeylocust Height Deep green with Park and (Skyline) 65’-70’ golden yellow street Width fall color; Gleditsia 55’-65’ tolerates salt Susceptible triacanthos heat, drought, to plant compaction. pests and mildew. Prefers full sun. Linden Height Tolerates wind, Park and (Criean) 30’-40’ salt and air street Width pollution. Tilia euchlora 25’-30’ Prefers full sun. Linden Height Conical, Park and (Glenleven 50’-70’ symmetrical, street Littleleaf) Width dark green 35’-50’ foliage. Defoliation Tilia cordata by Fast Japanese growing beetles, caterpillars, or linden looper is common. Linden Height Conical, Park and (Greenspire 50’-70’ symmetrical street Littleleaf) Width shape, dark 35’-50’ green foliage. Defoliation Tilia cordata by Fast Tolerant of Japanese growth urban beetles, conditions. caterpillars, or linden looper is common. Linden Height Conical shape, Park and (Redmond) 50’-70’ light green street Width foliage Tilia americana 30’-45’ Somewhat or Tilia euchlora Tolerant to susceptible Medium to urban to air fast growth conditions pollutants, defoliators. London Height Large leaf for Park and Planetree 75’-100’ good shade; street (Bloodgood Width pyramidal, Variety) 50’-80’ rounded Bark, leaf, shaped canopy; and fruit Platanus Medium tolerates urban litter may be acerifolia growth rate conditions nuisance. Prefers full sun to partial shade Maple Height Dense shade Park and (Cleveland) 45’-55’ and surface street Width roots; drought Acer platanoides 30’-35’ and pollutant tolerant. May cause damage to paving and sewer lines; Maple Height Dense upright Park and (Red Sunset) 50’-60’ crown; long street Width display of fall Acer rubrum 40’-50’ color Susceptible to wind driven road salt; shallow root system; occasional storm damage Norway Maple Height Rich golden fall Park and 40’-50’ foliage, full street Acer platanoides Width yellow flowers 15’-25’ in fall Roots may interfere Dense shade; with lawns, Rapid drought and paving, growth pollutant sewer lines; tolerant susceptible to leaf scorch and insects Norway Maple Height Column shape, Park and (Columnar) 50’-60’ oval/compact street foliage. Acer platanoides Slow growth Norway Maple Height Symmetrical Park and (Crimson King) 35’-45’ canopy; dense, street Width oval shape; Acer platenoides 25’-35’ shade More sensitive to Adds color insects and Slow to throughout the diseases moderate growing season than the growth rate species; Drought and shallow root pollutant system. tolerant Norway Maple Height Broad oval Park and (Emerald 60’-75’ shape; dense, street Queen) Width uniform, yellow 50’-60’ fall color. Acer platanoides Rapid Resistant to leaf growth rate scorch. Norway Maple Height Tolerates urban Park and (Schwedler) 45’-60’ conditions; street Width drought and Acer platanoides 35’-50’ pollutant Dense tolerant shade and surface Adds seasonal roots color interfere with lawns; paving and sewer lines Norway Maple Height Broad, oval Park and (Summershade) 60’-70’ shape; dense street Width shade; yellow in Acer platanoides 50’-65’ fall. Surface roots may Rapid Resistant to damage growth rate heat paving and sewer lines. Norway Maple Height Oval shape; Park and (Superform) 45’-55’ yellow fall color street Width Acer platanoides 30’-40’ Drought resistant; Slow pollution growth rate resistant Prefers full sun to partial shade Red Maple Height Columnar Park and (Armstrong) 50’-60’ upright street Width branching Acer rebrum 20’-25’ Avoid fall Prefers full sun planting; Rapid to partial shade; requires growth rate more vigorous acid soil. than Columnar Norway Maple Red Maple Height Broad, oval Park and (Autumn Flame) 45’-55’ shape; red leaf street Width in fall; good Acer rubrum 35’-45’ branch Shallow structure. root, surface Tolerates roots. partial shade. Requires acid soil. Red Maple Height Conical to Park and (Bowhall) 40’-50’ broadly street Width columnar, Acer rubrum 20-30’ upright form; yellowish to red Avoid fall Rapid fall color; planting; growth rate tolerates partial requires shade acid soil; some surface roots. Red Maple Height Uniform Park and (October Glory) 50’-60’ growth; great street Width fall coloring; Acer rubrum 40’-50’ shade Shallow root Medium to system; Fast occasional Growth storm Rate damage; shallow roots Sugar Maple Height Ornamental Park and 60’-70’ Shade; dense street Acer saccharum Width foliage; great 40’-60’ fall color Avoid compacted Slow to or droughty medium soils; growth rate sensitive to road salt and heat Oak Height Broadly oval Park and (Bur) 55’ shape; irregular street Width and open. Dark Quercus 45’ green foliage Susceptible macrocarpa with yellow- to Slow brown fall color. anthracnos growing e; not seriously affected by oak worm. Oak Height Rounded, open Park and (Chinkapin) 45’ shape. Foliage street Width is lustrous dark Quercus 45 ft. green; fall color muehlenbergii is yellow to No serious brown. insect or disease Tolerates mod- factors. erate drought; extremely tol- erant of alkaline soil. Oak Height Broadly ovate Park and (English) 50’-80’ to globe street Width shaped. Quercus robur 40’-70’ Susceptible Tolerates to mildew, Slow to drought, gypsy moth moderate pollution, and borers. growth rate restricted root
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