SCENES AT THE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. From Photographs by Mrs. Edward H. Boulon. 1. A GROUP OF PRO'S. 4. MESSRS. MOLTING, NUWMAN, BOC/TON, WHVTK ASU 2. AT THE FIRST TEE. HABWOOD, 3. FINDLAY DOUGLAS AS A NKWSPAPER CORRESPOND- 5. JOE LLOYD. ENT. 6. W.J.TRAVIS AND F. W. MENZIKS. BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "GOLFING." ESTABLISHED 1894. r UOL. U. OCTOBER, 1899. NO. H-. t THE ONWENTSIA CLUB ftllf UMS Mtt As he passed Staten Island the mem- bers of the Harbor Kill Club, who are EVERY MONTH, playing today for the Dewey Prize, By Appointment, an Official Bulletin of the must surely have paused for a mo- United States Golf Association, Inter- Collegiate Golf Association, Central New- ment to witness from the hill top the York Golf League, Metropolitan Golf Association, and Western Golf Associa- great assemblage of welcoming craft tion. as they sailed up the bay. Entered ftt Post Oflloe at New York as .Second Glass flatter. Copyright, by JOSIAH NEWMAN, Publisher, 1899. $ * * ONE YEAR, $2.00; SINGLE COPIES, 20 CENTS. Postage free XT. S., Canada and Mexico. To other foreign Golfer Charles Lamb has mean- countries, 2fi emits nef year, llemlt DY Kxpress Money Order, l'ostollice ordfir. Roistered Letter, or Check while been kept busy in superintend- payable to JOSIAH SMV.MAK. ing the final touches to the Dewey O. F. ZITTEL. Arch in Madison Square Garden, and ADDRESS GOLF, 5= BROADWAY, NEW YORK. amidst the roar of cannon and the CHICAGO OFFICE, 811 REAPER BLOCK, plaudits of the crowd, I am trying to jot down a few golfing notes for your • Here comes George Dewey! His perusal, Olympia is slowly steaming under the * * * windows of the office of GOLF, amid The yacht race, too, of course in- the salvos of applause from the terests every American golfer, for the throats of ten thousand steam whis- owners and managers of the Colum- tles and five million human beings. bia are all golfing enthusiasts, and to- 248 THE EDITOR'S NOTE BOOK. day's mail brings me a letter from Sir onto tlie United States team won by Thomas Lipton, of Shamrock fame, a score of 27 to 7, and an equally lib- regretting that he cannot find time eral margin is anticipated this year. for a little, foursome competition down on Long Island. Although I have written the word "Columbia" The Women's Championship, to be first in this paragraph, a sea gull from held over the links of the famous down the bay tells me that the Sham- Philadelphia Country Club at Bala, is rock is going' to win. Perhaps she scheduled for October 10th to 14th. may. It is the banner event of the year to * * * which my many fair readers have been looking forward all through the But after the yacht races and the season, and the entries promise to be welcome to Dewey, which seem likely thoroughly tip to the mark. to monopolize most of our attention * * * during the first week in October, comes the international golf match Miss Beatrix Ployt, who has for between the United States and Can- the last three years been able to carry ada on Saturday, the 7th. off first honors with ease, will again * * * enter the contest. s|: * ;|! A telegram from A. Z. Palmer, honorary-secretary of the Royal Can- George D. Fowle has been keeping adian Golf Association, whose cham- a watchful eye upon the course dur- pionship is now in progress 011 the ing the whole year, and from one end links of the Ottawa Golf Club, gives to the other it will be found to be in rae the following names of seven the pink of condition. Canadians who will in all probability ill * >|: represent their country: Messrs. It may be well to point out that last Lyon, A. W. Smith, Kerr, Patteson, year a score of 109 qualified for a Vere Brown, Gillespie and Taylor. place in the first sixteen, but I shall The remaining- three had not been be surprised if anything over 106, and chosen at the time of going to press. very possibly 104, is good enough to * -i: * obtain a position in the coveted first So far as at present arranged, the division this year. United States team will be made up from the following players :— Ii. M. Harriman, F. S. Douglas, In 1897 Miss Madeline Boardman W. J. Travis, J. A. Tyug, C. B. Mac- won the driving competition, always donald, D. R. Forgan, J. G. Thorp, a very popular "side show," with a John Reid, Jr., G. G. Hubbard.H. P. ball which covered, about 137 yards, Toler, W. M. McCawley, J. F. Cur- and in 1898 Mrs. Edward Manice tis, Quincy A. Shaw, Jr., F. W. drove 134 yards. On the present oc- Menzies and J. A. Stillman. casion these distances will be length- * :|: :|: ened at least 25 or 30 yards, showing how the full round swing has been It will be remembered that at Tor- cultivated in the meanwhile. THE EDITOR'S NOTE BOOK. 249 The secretary of the United States proval of the executive committee of Golf Association, R. .13. Kerr, 26 this association. Broad street, New York, has sent me "All disputes shall be settled by the the following official announcement executive committee of this associa- regarding' the event:— tion, whose decision shall be final. "The Women's Champion Golf "Contestants paying their entrance Competition for the championship of money shall be considered thereby to the United States, open to all women have submitted themselves to the golfers belonging to clubs which are rules of the association, both as to re- members of the United States Golf strictions enjoined and penalties itn- Association, will be commenced on iposed. On thes'e conditions alone the links of the Philadelphia Country they are entitled to enjoy all the privi- Club, Philadelphia, Pa., October 10th, leges and advantages of the associa- at 9,15 a. m., when the 'Robert Cox tion competitions. Trophy' and four medals will be com- PROGRAM. peted for under the rules of the Unit- "Tuesday, October ioth, 9.15 a. ed States Golf Association. m.—Medal play round, Women's "The winner of the competition Championship, eighteen holes, best shall be the Champion Woman Golf- sixteen scores to qualify. Three er for the year, and the trophy shall prizes are offered by the association be held for that year by the club from for the lowest three scores in this which the winner shall have entered. competition. "The winners shall receive: The "Wednesday, October nth, 9.15 a. first, a gold medal; the second, a sil- m.—First match play round, Wo- ver medal; the third and fourth, men's Championship, eighteen holes. bronze medals. 2 p. m.—Consolation handicap. Open ''The competition shall be played in to contestants entered for the Wo- the following manner:— men's Championship. Handicap lim- "The. contestants shall first play ited to eighteen strokes. Cup pre- eighteen holes medal play. The best sented by governors of Philadelphia sixteen scores shall then be taken, and Country Club. the contestants making these scores "Thursday, October i.2th, 9.15 a. shall then play eighteen holes match m.—Second match play round in Wo- play, until but two competitors re- men's Championship. 2 p. m.—Driv- main, who upon a separate day shall ing, approaching and putting con- play the final game, consisting- of tests. Cups presented by Messrs. Al- eighteen holes match play. fred C. Harrison and B. Frank Clyde. "Competitors shall enter for the "Friday, October 13th, 9.15 a. m.— championship through the secretaries Third round, (semi-finals) in Women's of their respective clubs, and an en- Championship. 2 p. m.—Mixed four- trance fee of $5 must accompany each some handicap, eighteen holes, medal entry, and must be received by the play. Open only to contestants en- secretary of the association not later tered for Women's Championship than 6 p. m. on Tuesday, October 3d. and their partners. Handicap limited "All entries are subject to the ap- to eighteen strokes. Cups presented 250 THE EDITOR'S NOTE BOOK. by Messrs. Clement A. Griscom and "Clubhouse and golf course.—The A. J. Cassatt. clubhouse and golf course will be "Saturday, October 14th, 1 L a. m.— open to all visiting players during the Final round in A'Vomen's Champion- week previous to the tournament, and ship. lockers will be assigned to all contest- "The privileges of the clubhouse ants. and grounds are extended to all com- "Accommodations.—L u n c h e o n petitors in the championship for the and dinner will be served during the week previous to the competition." meeting in the clubhouse. The hotel ;js :[: :J: Stratford, Broad and Walnut streets, will make special rates for contestants, To this the committee in charge of and it would be well for those desiring the tournament have added the fol- accommodations to engage them lowing useful information:— some time in advance, as there will be "In extending" a welcome to the an exposition in Philadelphia during contestants for the Golf Champion- October, which will crowd the hotels. ship, the officers of the Philadelphia "Information.—All advance inquir- Country Club desire to state that they ies should be addressed to Mr. W. M. will do all in their power to further JVleCawley, secretary, 22 South Fif- the success of the championship meet- teenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dur- ing of 1899, and to make the visit of ing the progress of the tournament the members of the United States information should be sought at the Golf Association to the club agreeable office of the tournament committee in in every respect.
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