L .4 v VI V 0 0 DOCt NEST RESt PIE ED 032 966 RC 003 697 By -Caskey. Owen L.. Comp.. Hodges. Jimmy. Comp. A Resource and Reference Bibliography on Teaching and Counseling the Bilingual Student- Texas Technological Coll.. Lubbock. School of Education. Spons Agency-Southwest Educational DeVelopment Lab.. Austin. Tex. Pub Date Mar 68 Note-48p. EDRS Price ME-5025 HC Not Available from MRS. Descriptors -*American Indians. *Bibliographies. *Bilingual Students, Bilingual Teachers. Counseling. Culturally Disadvantaged. English (Second Language). Language Instruction. *Mexican Americans. Minority Group Children, Resource Materials. Spanish Speaking Citations for 733 selected references published between 1914-1967cover materials on the teaching and counseling of bilingual students. Thepurpose of the bibliography is to provide as extensive and helpful referencesas possible- Literature dealing with Indian and Mexican American children is included. Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of original document.) (DB) I A RESOURCE AND REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TEACHING AND COUNSELING THE BILINGUAL STUDENT Mexican American Counselor Education Program SCHOOL OF EDUCATION / TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE MARCH, 1968 / LUBBOCK, TEXAS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROH THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO F.OT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POUCY. A IESUJRCE Ail) REFERENCEBIBLIOGRAPHY IN TEACHING AIM COUNSELING THE BI LINGUAL MOT COMPILED BY OVEN L1 CASKEY PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION COORDINATOR, MEXICAN AMERICAN COUNSELOREDUCATION PROGRAM AND JIMMY HODGES GRADUATE ASSISTANT PEXICAN AlfRICAN COUNSELOR EDUCATIONPROGRAM MARCH 1968 PREPARED AND PRINTED THROUGH FUNDSPROVIDED BY SOUTHWEST EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTLABORATORY TO THE tf XICAN AMERICAN TEACHER ANDCOUNSELOR EDUCATION. PROGRAMS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION TEXAS TECI-VOLOGICAL COLLEGE LUBBOCK. TEXAS FOREWORD During the past yearthere have been numerous inquiriesconcerning the available publishedmaterial on teaching and counselingthe bilingual of student.These inquiries have comefrom state agencies, institutions higher learning, school officials,teachers, counselors, and graduate students who seek to review pertinentliterature in the field. Some months ago, in an effort toprovide bibliographic sources to those who sought such listings, anumbers of reading lists wereprepared or collected.We mould like to expressspecial appreciation to Dr. Frank Angel for one ofhis bibliographies which provided anumber of references. The present bibliography includesthe material which had been searched out through 19674 In such an undertaking, somecompromises have been necessary. An original purpose of selectedannotations was abandoned due to the strict limitation onentries such an approach woulddemand. Division into separate listings,i.e., Mexican American, IndianEducat4-n, Bilingual Education, etc., wasalso found less than helpful to usersof such bibliographies. It seemed each wanted to scanthe entirity of what was available andmake his own selection ofrelevance, rather than rely on some arbitrarydivision. For example, one who seeks toreview litera- well find a ture on a specific aspect ofMexican American education may more precise report inthe literature dealing with Indianchildren, which Too, can then betranslated into parallels for MexicanAmerican children. such categorized lists arefrequently available on a moreselected basis through other sources, such as UnitedStates Office of Educationbulletins, textbooks, or as references to journalarticles. extensive and helpful The decision, therefore, was to provide as references as possible in a resourcebibliography as an initial project. Future directions will be tobring these and subsequentreferences together in categories which will proveuseful to specific users such asstudents, teachers, counselors, and researchers. A more limited butannotated resource list for special groups,such as elementary schoolcounselors or school social -workers assigned toschools with high populationof Mexican American or Indian children mightwell be a next logical project. It is hoped that one or both of theseendeavors will materialize withinthe year. We are much indebted tothe program support provided bythe Southwest Educational DevelopmentLaboratory of Austin, Texas, and tothe director, Dr. Edwin Hindsman, aswell as their Director of MexicanAmerican Studies, Dr. Joe Cardenas. Owen Caskey Jimmy Hodges A RESOURCE AND REFERENCEBIBLIOGRAPHY ON TEACHING AND COUNSELING THE BILINGUAL STUDENT and Their School,"Exceptional 1. Abraham, W. "Bilingual Child, His Parents, Children, 23: 51-523 80,1956. of Exceptional Children. Tempe: Arizona 2. A Guide for the Study State University, 1955. Investigation of MentalRetar- Abraham, Willard, ResearchCoordinator. 3. Biligual and dation and Pseudo MentalRetardation in Relation to State Sub-cultural Factors. Tempe: College of Education, Arizona University, 1960. 363 pp. Elementary English, 4. "The Bilingual Childand His Teacher," 34: 474-478, November, 1957. The Veterans of World Adair, John J. "A Study of CultureResistance: 5. dissertation, Univer- War II at Zuni Pueblo,"Unpublished Doctoral sity of New Mexico,Albuquerque, 1948. Disease Among theNavajos," The 6. , et al. "Patterns of Health and American Indian, The Annalsof the Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, 311:89, May, 1957. Physicians on the _,John, and Kurt Dueschle. "Some Problems of the 7 16, No. 4, Winter, Navajo Reservation," HumanOrganization, Volume 1958. An Investigation ofSecond 8. Agard, Frederick B. and Harold B. Dunkel. Boston: Ginn Language ktIOafnA.: EnglishAs A Foreign Language. and Co., 1948. 344 pp. Childhood Education. 33: 9. Ahrens, Maurice R. "A Center for Materials," 118-119, November, 1956. Selected Aikman, Arthur L. "An Analytical Study ofthe Attitudes and Other 10. Five and Six," Measures of EconomicallyDepressed Children in Grades Dissertation Abstracts. 26:6435, 1966. Values: A Method and Illustra- 11. Albert, Ethel M. "The Classification of April, 1956. , tion," AmericanAnthrapiogist, 58: Latins," Saturday Evening 12. Alexander, Louis. "Texas Helps Her Little Post, 234:30-31 ff.,August 5, 1961. 2 13. Allen, Virginia French. People in Fact and Fiction, Selections Adapted fo? Students of English as a Foreign Language. Few York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1957. 14. People in Livingston, A Reader for Adults Learning English. New York:Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1953. 15. Allport, Gordon W. "Reading the Nature of Prejudice," Seventeenth Year- book, Claremont College Reading Conference, Claremont, California, 1952. 16. Altus, Grace. wW.I.S.C. Patterns of a Selective Sample of Bilingual School Children," Journal of Genetic Psychology.83:241-248, 1953. 17. Altus, W. D. "The American Mexican: The Survival of a Culture," Journal of Social Psychology 29, 1949,pp. 211-220. 18. The Amerindian, A Current Review of Happenings Among American Indians. Chicago: The Amerindian, 27 East Monroe St. 19. Ametjian, Armistre. "The Effects of a Pre-School Program Upon the In- tellectual Development and Social Competency of Lower-Class Children," Dissertation Abstracts. 27:105A, 1966. 20. Amsden, Charles Avery. Navajo Weaving: Its Technic and History. Santa Ana, California: The Fine Arts Press, 1934. 21. Anastasi, Anne, and Cordova, F. A. "Some Effects of Bilingualism Upon the intelligence Test Performance of Puerto Rican Children in New York City," Journal of Educational Psychology, 44:1-19, 1953. 22. , and Cruz De Jesus. "Language Development and ronverbal IQ of Puerto Rican Preschool Children in New York City," Journal of Abnormal Soc. Psychology, 48:357-366, 1953. 23. Anderson, Kenneth E., et al. The Educational Achievement of Indian Child- ren. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953. 24. Andersson, T. "The Teaching of Modern Language and Intercultural Under- standing," Modern Language Journal, 39:197.200, 1955. 25. Angel, Frank Jr. "Wheel of Fortune," National Education. Association Journal, 38:585, November, 1949. 26. Annals of the Academy of Political 1and M=O1 Social M MMScience, "American Indians and American Life," 311:266 pp., May, 1957. The entire issue is devoted to the Status of American Indians Today. Articles are written by many "specialists" in the total field of acculturation of Indians. 27. Antonovsky, Aaron. "Toward a Refinement of the Marginal Man Concept," Social Forces, 35:57-62, October, 1956. 28. Apodaca, Anacleto G.The Spanish-American Farmers of the Tewa Basin and the Extension Sevice, Press Bulletin 1059. State College, New Mexico: rew Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 1951. 3 Caution in EstablishingRace Eorms," 29. Arlitt, Ada Hart. "On the reed for 1921. journal of AppliedPsycholov, 5:188-195, April, rew York; Bureau Arsenian, Seth. Bilingualism and KentalDevelopment. 30. University, 1937,164 pp. of Publications,Teachers College, Columbia Post-par World," PsychologyBulletin, 42: 31. "Bilingualism in the -----g5-86, 1945. Chicago: C. H. Stoelting Co. 32. Arthur Point Scale ofPerformance Tests. ----424 North Homan Ave.) Education in the GoldCoast," Asamoa E. A. "The Problem of Language in Africa, 25:60-78, 1955. rationalism with SpecialReference 34. Aucamp, Anna J. Bilingual Education and Ltd., 1926. to South Africa. Pretoria: J. L. Van Schalk, of the Revival ofHebrew in Israel," 35. Bachi, R. "A Statistical Analysis Scripta Hierosolymitana,3:179-247, 1956. Tongue?"Parents' Magazine, 36.
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