• KCS: LAND OF THE HELPERS STEAM IN ST. LOUIS 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 r ~ WOODEN TRAIN PHONE Carl Loucks ... SELLING RAILROAD TIMETABLES 199 Wayland St., North Haven, CT 06473 SPECIALS OF THE MONTH ... a few of the more than 250,000 items in our stock, We do NOT sell any reprints. All are original railroad issue. You'll learn about railroad operations from these ... THE END OF AN ERA: Public system timetables of the last year of service before Amtrak. B&O/C&O Joint .... .. .. .... .... .......... .. .8 /01 /70 Illinois Central ......................... ..... 12/13n o Louisville & Nashville ........ ........... 12/10/70 Milwaukee Road ......................... 1 0/25n O Missouri Pacific ........................ .. .. .. 2/10/70 Norfolk & Western ... .. ...... ... ...........8 /01 /70 Penn Central (East-West) ......... ......3 /03/71 #964 ........ $89.50 R F & P ............................ ... ......... 12/11 /70 Seaboard Coast Line ........ .. ......... 12/ 11 /70 Southern Pacific .......................... 10/20/70 Each timetable .............. .. .. ... $6. Five for .... ...... .. ......... ... ........ $25. All ten for just ... .. ....... ....... .. .$40 . EMPLOYEE TIMETABLES: The best way to learn about railroad opera­ tions. Line by line, branch by branch com­ plete details. ATSF-Eastern Region 1989 ... .. .. ... .. ..... $12. ATSF-Western Region 1989 ............ .. $12. CN-Great Lakes 1989 .................... .... .. $10. CP -Toronto/London 1988 ......... .. ...... ... $12. CNJ -System 1971 ... ... .. .............. ......... $10. CSX - Atlanta 1987 ........................... .. $10. GTWIDT&I System 1981 ...................... $9. NS - Eastern Div 1987 ...... .. .................. $9. NS - Decatur Div 1987 .. .............. .. .... .... $12. PC - Eastern Region 1971 .............. ...... $9. • Tone/Pulse Switchable • Fully modular P & L E - System 1978 .... .. ... .. .. .. ...... ..$12 . • Clang-Clang Ringer • Trimmed in Gold Tone Rock Island System 1979 ............... ..... .. $15. in SOO LINE - System 1987 ..... ... ... .. ... ... $12. • Last Number Redial • Headlight lights up in red when use SP - Eastern Region 1986 ................. $10. • Will not scratch table • Well made with finest qualities SP - Western Region 1987 ........ .. ........ $10. ANY FIVE ABOVE FOR JUST $40. ORDER FORM EMPLOYEE TIMETABLE NAME______________________________ _____________________ STARTER KIT: Ideal for the new collector. Ten employee ADDRESS____ _______________________________,APT .# ____ timetables, hours of interesting reading about railroad operations. One each from the SP , CITY_____________ _ --'STATE, ____,ZIP ______ UP, IGC, SBD,SOU, ATSF, BN, MP, L&N , and GN. o Visa 0 Me 0 Discover 0 AE 0 Enclosed in check or money order All ten for $35.00 Please fill in NO. below for charge orders MAJOR RAILROAD EMPLOYEE TIMETABLES 0000000000000000 You'll receive seven different ETTs cover­ ing various divisions of these major lines. Signature X____________ ______________ _ Random dates from the 70's and 80's. Choose from: Exp. Date: _________ YR. ___ SORRY - NO C.O.D.'S ATSF .. ... .. .7 ETTs for .. .. .. .......... ...... .. .$30. CN ............ 7 ETTs for .......... .. .. ........... $30. HOW MANY TOTAL PRICE ICG ........... 7 ETTs for ................ .. ....... $3Q. U.S. SHIPPING & HANDLING CHARGES L&N .......... 7 ETTs for .... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .$30. $75.00 to $150.00 add., ... .. .. ............... $ 8.95 N&W ...... .. .7 ETTs for .. ...... ................. $30. I $150.00 to $295.00 add""" .... " ... "" ... $10.00 SP ..... .. ...... 7 ETTs for ............. .. ..... .....$30. OVER $300" "". """" FREE SHIPPING AI. Residents add 8% pi=======l ANY FOUR SETS FOR .... ........... $100. DISCOUNT PROGRAM: Discou nt I OVER $t50.00 DEDUCT to% New Catalogue Issued Monthly l====~ Sent with each order or SSAE Shipping Charges I l====~ Carl Loucks TOTAL ENCLOSED IL... _____--' The Train Station P.O. Box 4923 . .. SELliNG RAILROAD TIMETABLES ... Call or write for our Montgomery, AL 36103-4923 199 Wayland Sr., North Haven, cr 06473 ... FREE CATALOG Phone (205) 240-8537 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 PACIAC RAIL Fro m the H ear t 1 and tot h ePa c i fie NEWS SE 1;EMBER 1990 PACIFIC RAIL NEWS a nd PACIFIC NEWS are regis­ tered trademarks o f Interurban Press, a Ca lifornia Corporation. Steam in St. Louis: NRHS 1990 PUBLISHER: Mac Sebree Four working locomotives wowed fans at this year's national convention EDITOR: Don Gulbrandsen ART DIRECTOR: Mark Danneman 20 Scott Muskopf and Paul Fries ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Mike Sc hafe r ASSISTANT EDITOR: Micha el E, Fa lk CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Elrond La w re nce EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Dic k Stephenson Renaissance on the Golden State Route CONTRIBUTING ARTIST: John Signor PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ray Geyer As the 1990s begin, there's been a revival of traffic on SF's Carrizozo Sub CIRCULATION MANAGER: Bo b Schneider 24 Chuck Conway RAILROAD COlUMNISTS AMTRAK/ PASSENGER-Dick Stephenson 655 Canyon Dr., Glendale, CA 91 206 Kansas City Southe rn: In the Land of Helpers AT&SF-Elrond G . Law rence 908 w. 25th St., Sa n Bernardino, CA 92405 Fighting the grades in the hill country of Arkansas and Missouri BURLINGTON NORTHERN-Karl Rasmussen 11449 Goldenrod St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 32 Barton and Sarah Jennings CANADA WEST-Doug Cummings 5963 Kitchener St., Burnaby, BC V5B 2J3 C&NW-Michael W. Blasza k I I 910 N. Sherwood Dr., LaGrange Pa rk, IL 60525 DEPARTMENTS D&RGW-Richard C. Farewe ll 9729 w. 76th Ave., Arvada, CO 8CXXl5 4 EXPEDITER 38 CANADA WEST ILLINOIS CENTRAL-David J. Daisy 6 ATC HISON, TOPE KA & SANTA FE 40 REGIONA LS 746 N. Bruns Lane Apt. A , Springfield, IL 62702 8 SOO LINE 41 ILLINOIS CENTRAL MEXICO-Clifford R. Prather P.O. Box 925, Santa Ana, CA 92702 9 SH O RT LINES 43 CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN PRESERVATION-Bri an L. Norden 11 UNION PACIFIC 44 TRANSIT P.O. Box 3012, Industry, CA 91744 17 AMTRAK/PASSEN G ER 46 CITY SC ENE REGIONALS (EASD-George Widene r 7934A N. 64th Ct.. Milwaukee, WI 53223 18 SOUTHERN PACIFI C LINES 52 IMAGES OF RAILROA DI NG REGIONALS (WESD- Allen Meyers 37 BU RLIN GTON NORTHERN 55 PRN C LASSIFIEDS 15056 Binney St.. Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 SHORT LINES-Robert C. Ga llegos P.O. Box 379, Waukesha, WI 53187 PACIFIC RAILNEWS (USPS 862840) is published monthly by Interur­ EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Submit all photos, article submi ssions SOO LINE-Karl Rasmussen ban Press (a corporation) , 1741 Gardena Ave., Glendale, CA and editorial correspondence to: 11449 Goldenrod St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 91204. Second-class postage paid at Glendale, CA 91209 and ad­ PACIFIC RAI!.NEWS SP/ SSW-Joseph A. Stra pac ditional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: PACIF­ P,O, Box 379, Waukesha , WI 53187 IC RAILNEWS, P.O. Box 6128, Glendale, CA 91225. ISSN 8750-8486. (414) 542-4900 P.O. Box 2268, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 FAX: (414) 542-7595 UNION PACIFIC- Wayne Mong er SUB SCRIPTION RATES: $30 (U.S.) for 12 issues, $58 for 24 is­ 13OJSouthhampton Rd. #214, Benecia, CA 94510 sues. Foreign add $6 for each 12 issues. Single copy $4. 50 post­ BUSINESS ADDRESS:Address all correspondence regarding paid from Glendale office (subject to change without notice). subscription and business matters to : TRANSIT Interurban Press CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The Post Office does not regularly for­ P.O, Box 6128, Gl endale, CA 91225 CHICAGO-Wynne DeCitti (818) 240-9130 LOS ANGELES-Norman K, Johnson w ard 2nd Class Mail and PACIFIC RAILNEWS is not responsible for copies not forwarded or destroyed by the Post Offi ce. Re­ FAX: (81 8) 240-5436 SACRAMENTO-Robert Blym ye r placement copieslPO notifications w ill be billed. Please allow SAN DIEGO-Chris Cucchiara us at least four weeks for any address change. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: For all subscription problems and inquiries call: SAN FRANCISCO/ MUNI-Don Jew ell 1-800-899-TRACK WESTERN TRANSIT NOTES-Richard R. Kunz SUBMISSIONS: Articles, news items and photographs are wel­ come and should be sent to our Wisconsin editorial office . © 1990 INTERURBAN PRESS When submitting material for consideration, include return en­ CITY SCENE Mac Sebree, President velope and postage if you wish it returned. PACIFIC RAILNEWS Jim Walker, Vice-President BAY AREA/ CENTRAL VALLEY-Ken Rattenne does not assume responsibility fo r the safe return of material. CHICAGOLAND-Mike Abalos Payment is made upon publication. DENVER/ FRONT RANGE-Ric h Farewell ADVERTISING RATES: Contact Interurban Press, P. O. Box KANSAS CITY-Wayne Kuc hinsky 6128, Glendale, CA 91225; (818) 240-4777. LA./S, CALIFORNIA-Dick Ste phenson NORTH TEXAS-Kirby Pople PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Steve Hart COVER: On Aug, 23, 1985, SSW GP40-2 7255 splits the lower quadrants near Torrance, N,M" with the Sl lOUIS-Scott Musko pf and Paul Fries westbound KCWCM, The Carrizozo Sub, once SP's connection with Rock Island at Tucumcari, N,M" SOUTH TEXAS-Carl M. Lehman faced an uncertain future with the demise of the Rock, Then, SP "rescued" the line west of Kansas TWIN CITIES-Steve Glischinski City and restored the Golden State Route, Today, waves of doublestacks crossing the New Mexico WASATCH FRONT-Dave Gayer desert signal the importance of the line in SP's operational plan for the '90s, Chuck Conway 'PACIFIC RAILNews • 3 BC Rail received the last of its new GE Oash-840CMs in May; red-white-and-blue widenoses 4603 and 4608 are shown leading a southbound train at Onward, B.C. (just south of Williams Lake), on May 12, 1990. After the new GE products arrived on the property three groups of AlcojMLW M630s were dis­ patched east,
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