Feedback LETTERS MATTER THANKS FOR MAKING MY ENGLISH BETTER! Hi! I have been reading your magazine “NRI Achievers” regularly since 2014. It New Delhi, India Volume 04 Issue 10 July 2016 ` 100 www.nriachievers has been my one of my main sources for polishing my English, as your month- .in ly is so rich with vocabulary as well as how the sentences are constructed and Ç«ÏÂпÅŸÁÏ © used. This is one reason why I have been sharing the e-version of your maga- zine in my friends groups, who are also getting increasingly interested enough to read it MAHESH GUPTA regularly. Now I have a few thoughts on the content part. It is my feeling CMD - Kent RO Systems Ltd. that NRI Achievers is slowly losing its charm as a ‘magazine with multi con- tent’ which can satisfy all kinds of readers whether they are politics, sport, science, cuisine, lifestyle or healthy-living aficionados. Sometimes your is- sues lack on current affairs. Its fine that you strive to caters to the needs of a specific category, but even than you ought to gradually increase the heft of your magazine by adding more pages, making space for more topics, issues and discussions. This time you had a cover feature on an Indian WATER WATER achiever who had changed the definition of pure water in India – the man EVERYWHERE... Annual Subscription: ` 1,080 (India) US$ 100 (Out of India) …NOT A DROP behind Kent RO, Mahesh Gupta. And the quote, ‘Sankalp Karo, Vikalp TO DRINK Mat Dhoondo’ is so inspiring that I have made it my way of life and if at all I take any work in hand, I never look for excuses, and the whole con- cept of my working has now changed. Thank you for making me an all July 2016 together different person post your July issue. Next month is Olympic month and India is participating with its biggest ever contingent. Please think of giving it enough coverage. Thanks Vijendra Kumar Kaushik, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh ¥ôçÜ´ç€Uâ ÂÚU ÕÇ¸è ·¤ßÚUðÁ Îð´ IMPORTANT DAYS NRI Achievers ÅUè× ·¤ô ©Ù·Ô¤ ¥Öè Ì·¤ ·Ô¤ ¥æ° âæÚUð ¥´·¤ô´ DATE COUNTRY DAY ·Ô¤ çÜ° ÕÏæ§Øæ´ ¥õÚU ¥»Üð ¥´·¤ô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° ãæçÎü·¤ àæéÖ·¤æ×Ùæ°¡Ð August 1 Benin Independence Day ¥æ·¤æ ÁéÜæ§ü ¥´·¤ ×éÛæð ãÚU ÕæÚU ·¤è ÌÚUã ÂôSÅU ·Ô¤ ×æŠØ× âð Japan International August 1 JCIA Foundation Day Âýæ# ãé¥æ ¥õÚU ×ñ´Ùð §â ¥´·¤ ·¤ô Öè ÕãéÌ çÎÜ¿SÂè ·Ô¤ âæÍ Cooperation Agency Foundation of the ÂɸUæ çÁâ ÌÚUã ×ñ´ ¥æ·¤æ ãÚU ¥´·¤ ÂɸUÌæ ãê¡Ð §â ¥´·¤ ·¤è ×éØ August 1 Switzerland ·¤ãæÙè ×ãðàæ »é#æ 'Îè ßæòÅUÚU ×ñÙ ¥æòȤ §´çÇØæ' ×éÛæð ÕðãÎ Ââ´Î Swiss Confederation ¥æ§ü €UØô´ç·¤ §â·Ô¤ ×æŠØ× âð ã×ð´ °·¤ ¥õÚU ÖæÚUÌèØ ·¤è âȤÜÌæ August 2 Macedonia National day ¥õÚU ©óæçÌ ·¤æ ÂÌæ ¿ÜæÐ §â ¥´·¤ ·Ô¤ Õæ·¤è Öæ» Öè ÚUô×æ´¿·¤ August 5 Burkina Faso Independence Day August 6 Bolivia National day ãñ´Ð Áñâæ ·¤è ã× ÁæÙÌð ãñ´ ç·¤ §´çÇØÙ ÅUè× ãÚU ÕæÚU ·¤è ÌÚUã August 6 Jamaica Independence Day §â ÕæÚU Öè ¥ôçÜ´ç€Uâ ×ð´ Öæ» Üð ÚUãè ãñ Üðç·¤Ù âÕâð ÕǸæ August 7 Cote d’ Ivoire National day Ȥ·¤ü Øð ãñ ·¤è §â ÕæÚU ·¤æ ÎÜ âÕâð ÕǸæ ãñ ¥õÚU ÕÇ¸è ¹éàæè August 9 Singapore National day ·¤è ÕæÌ ãñ ·¤è ’ØæÎæÌÚU ¹ðÜô´ ·Ô¤ çÜ° ÖæÚUÌèØ ç¹ÜæçǸØô´ Ùð August 10 Ecuador Independence Day ¥ôçÜ´ç€Uâ ·Ô¤ ֻܻ ãÚU ¹ðÜ Áñâð °‰ÜðçÅU€Uâ, çÁÙæçSÅU€Uâ, August 17 Gabon National day Proclamation of ÌñÚUæ·¤è, ÕðâÕæÜ, ãæò·¤è, ÕñÇç×´ÅUÙ, ÅUðçÙâ, Õæòç€Uâ´», »ôËȤ, August 17 Indonesia ÚU‚Õè, àæêçÅU´», ÅUðÕÜ ÅUðçÙâ, ·¤éàÌè, ¥æçÎ ×ð´ `¤æÜèȤæ§ü ç·¤Øæ Independence ãñ §âçÜ° ×ðÚUæ ¥æÂâð çÙßðÎÙ ãñ ·¤è ¥æ §´çÇØÙ ŒÜðØâü ·¤æ August 19 Afghanistan Independence Day August 20 Hungary National day ãô´âÜæ ÕɸUæÌð ãé° ©‹ãð´ àæéÖ·¤æ×Ùæ°¡ Îð´ ¥õÚU ¥æÙð ßæÜð ¥´·¤ ×ð´ August 24 Ukraine Independence Day ©‹ãð´ Öè àææç×Ü ·¤ÚUð´Ð ×éÛæð ©×èÎ ãñ ·¤è ¥æ ×ðÚUè ÕæÌ ÂÚU »õÚU August 25 Uruguay Independence Day ·¤ÚUð´»ð ¥õÚU ¥ôçÜ´ç€Uâ w®v{ ·¤ô ¥æ ¥»Üð ¥´·¤ ×ð´ ¥‘Àð É´» August 31 Kyrgyzstan Independence Day âð àææç×Ü ·¤ÚUð´»ðÐ Ï‹ØßæÎÐ August 31 Malaysia National day ¥ÖØ·¤é×æÚUçןææ,ܹ٪¤,©žæÚUÂýÎðàæ August 31 Trinidad & Tobago National day NRI ACHIEVERS August 2016 4 ÁèÌð ãñ´ àææÙ âð Volume 04 Issue 11 August 2016 CHIEF PATRON —AJAY SINGH (Former High Commissioner, Fiji) EDITOR RAJEEV GUPTA ÁèÌð ãñ´ àææÙ âð © CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER B.K. AGGARWAL RNI No. DELBIL/2012/45826 CHIEF ADVISOR DR. KAMAL KUMAR ADVISORS SUSHIL TAYAL Darvesh BANSAL VARSHA GOEL CONSULTING EDITOR CHAKRAVARTHI SUCHINDRAN CONSULTING EDITOR (REAL ESTATE) VINOD BEHL INSIDE BUREAU HEADS RAJ UPPAL (NORTH AMERICA) SANJAY KUMAR (EUROPE) AJAY AGGARWAL (U K) PREMCHAND RAMLOCHUN (MAURITIUS) RAJIV KUMAR (FRANCE) RAVI KUMAR (FRANCE) BALESH DHANKHAR (AUSTRALASIA) SUMAN KAPOOR (NEW ZEALAND) LOSHNI NAIDOO (SOUTH AFRICA) Suraj da costa (UAE) vijay malik (belgium) JYOTHI VENKATESH (MUMBAI) ASSOCIATE EDITORS SANDIP THAKUR BARKHA ARORA SR. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT AJEET VERMA THE UBIQUITOUS NON RESIDENT SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER RAJEEV TYAGI THE WIZARDS OF BANKING & FINANCE AVP (MARKETING) SUMIT SINGH 18 MANAGER-PR & MARKETING VINOD SHARMA BUSINESS ASSOCIATE (DELHI) CHANDER MOHAN MARKETING EXECUTIVE NITIN AADVANSHI MANAGER-MARKETING (MUMBAI) AARTI BAGARKA OVERSEAS ADVISORS ISMAIL KHAN (NORTH AMERICA) DR. HARRY DHANJU (CANADA) M.S. SHALI (UK) MANJIT NIJJAR (UK) MOHAN GUNTI (ASEAN) 37 56 OVERSEAS CO-ORDINATORS RAJKUMAR YADAV NORTH INDIA CO-ORDINATORS SUNNY VYAS RIO OLYMPICS DESTINATIONS JOGINDER MALIK THE VERY BEST NORTHEAST SOJOURN PUNJAB CO-ORDINATOR SHIKHA CHOPRA OF THE BEAUTY BEYOND MEDIA ADVISORS MUKESH SAINI INDIAN SQUAD COMPARE SANSKRITIKA COMMUNICATIONS DIGITAL ART DIRECTOR MUKESH KASHIWALA REAL ESTATE ART DIRECTOR AR. VIVEK KHURANA NATIONAL BUILDING SR. GRAPHIC DESIGNER Monika Gulyani CODE 2016 A REGULATORY... INDIA DISTRIBUTOR CENTRAL NEWS 34 AGENCY PVT. LTD. METAPHYSICAL MUSINGS CIRCULATION INCHARGE S.P. PANDEY SADHGURU JAGGI VASUDEV DIGITAL STRATEGISTS SUCHI DINESH SHARMA MAN, MYSTIC & VISIONARY 43 RAHUL RAKESH HERITAGE LEGAL CONSULTANT DR. RAJA VOHRA 1948 THE FALL OF HYDERABAD 54 EDITOR: RAJEEV GUPTA VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THE ARTICLES PRINTED, PUaBLISHED & OWNED BY ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS, & NOT RAJEEV GUPTA, PUBLISHED FROM TO BE CONSTRUED AS THOSE OF NRI SIlvER SCREEN A-208, WEAVERS COLONY, ASHOK ACHIEVERS OR ITS EDITORS. VARUN DHAWAN VIHAR PHASE-IV, DELHI-110 052 AND ALL DISPUTES ARE SUBJECT TO A STAR ON HIS PRINTED AT ROLLERACT PRESS SERVICES, EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF C-163, GF NARAINA INDUSTRIAL AREA, COMPETENT COURT & FORUM IN DELHI. OWN STEAM PH-I NEW DELHI-110 028 @ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 52 CONTACT: SLM MEDIA SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. New Delhi, India Ph: +91 11 4702 3674 E-mail. [email protected] NRI ACHIEVERS August 2016 6 ÁèÌð ãñ´ àææÙ âð Editorial ALL THE VERY BEST, INDIA he monsoon month of July brought much needed rain, a boon to many but a bane for some. With India's met-man confident of weathering monsoon deficits abundantly, it might certainly be good for agricultural, but floods are wreaking havoc in the states of Bihar and Assam, and the urban infrastructure in some T Indian metros has time and again proved to be woefully inadequate – placing a huge question mark on how much more these citadels need to be 'smartened' in order to meet the most basic expectations of their citizens, and begging the question why still have no strategies to combat the ritual flooding of some riverine states that’s become an annual woe. On the international stage, world-media's Brexit frenzy of last month has by and large abated and the UK now has a new PM in Theresa May – one of whose first acts was to appoint Indian-born MP Alok Sharma as Under Secretary of State responsible for Asia & Pacific. In the US, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won their respective nominations, and coming months would indeed prove inter- esting to see how and which way our diaspora swings, as the American election fever hets up. PM Modi embarked on path-breaking 4-nation tour of Africa – where his focus was sharply on strengthening Afro-Indian connects, economic outreach, combating terror, food-security, and last, but not least, defence-diplo- macy – boosting India's position in the Indian Ocean Region as a key security provider for countries in this ambit. A game pretty well played. On the domestic front, parties of all shades and hues are gearing up for an upcoming 2017 election to the state assembly in Uttar Pradesh – rallies are planned, banderoles are being unfurled, and various 'social-engineering' strategies are be- ing contemplated. The monsoon session of Parliament apropos went quite smoothly, and wonder of wonders – the long pending GST – or the goods and services tax bill that aims to clean up India's complicated taxation laws and bring the entire country under one pre- dictable and uniform legislation – passed muster and was cleared by the Upper House, catapulting India instantaneously bang into the centre of the global economy. By far the biggest-ticket reform to come after the 1991 economic liberalisation regime ushered in by Dr. Manmohan Singh – GST will turn India into one mammoth common market, leading to a much greater ease of doing business. Definitely a feather in the cap of the NDA gov- ernment, and kudos to Modi for pushing it through. Those were the most important milestones of July. Now let’s see what lies in store for you in our August issue of NRI Achievers. Our Cover Feature has an 'Indiaspora' focus, bring- ing you profiles and features of some movers and shakers of Indian origin.
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