Rest, relax, read R&R interviews Conan O'Brien and Eric THE CHRONICLE Nisenson as well as pays tribute to .Kurt ^ THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1994 © DUK E UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CARCUN A CIRCULATION: 2L5.000 VOL. 89. NO. !37 Legislators change IFC bans kegs at open parties By MATT DE FERRANTI allowed at closed events that self governance, to look at a The Interfraternity Council are registered with IFC 48 hours difficult issue and handle it our- DSG representation approved Wednesday a plan in advance and restricted to in­ By HEATHER STERN specific living groups, legisla­ that may radically alter social vited guests only. Bown said he hopes to work The Duke Student Govern- tors will represent one of five life on campus. The definition of a closed party with the administration to ment legislature significantly districts: West, East, Central The council voted by includes mixers be­ merge the tenets of the IFC's revamped itself Wednesday and North as well as off-cam­ an overwhelming ma­ tween University rec­ plan with the University's alco­ night. pus. The number of legisla­ jority to prohibit kegs ognized groups, date- hol policy. Bown said he envi­ After more than an hour of tors in each district will be at open parties begin- functions ana events sions more campus-wide inter­ debate, DSG legislators voted proportional to the number of ningthis fall, provided involving only the liv­ action on weekdays, but less 35-10 to approve a bylaw students in each district. the University's com­ ing group and its alcohol consumption overall. which decreases the size of A minimum number of the mon container policy alumni and family. "I would prefer [the IFC] the legislature from 108 to 50 seats allotted to each district is altered. The plan Parties with no more policy to the present one if people members, and changes the will be guaranteed to fresh­ requires fraternities than one non-mem­ get behind it. There is potential way students elect legislators. men. Students will be able to to follow a bring-your- ber per member for more interaction," Bown "This legislation is the step cast only one vote and will own-beverage policy Mike Bown would also be consid­ said. that DSG needed to take to only be able to do so in the or use a licensed cash ered closed. The administration has taken increase its accountability and district in which they live. bar at open events. Violations oflFC's plan would steps in the last few years to its representation to the stu­ Some legislators said they Those attending open parties be adjudicated by the council's restrict alcohol-related parties dents," said Trimty freshman thought that the proposal would be permitted to bring no judicial board. to weekends. The IFC's plan Lauren Eisner, a member of would allow students in selec­ more than a dozen 12-ounce "We've taken the lead and we comes at the same time as a the committee that drafted tive living groups to stack the cans of alcoholic beverages. expect the administration to variety of University commit­ the proposal. legislature, leaving some stu- Hard alcohol and glass contain­ work with us from now on," said tees examine issues relating to Instead of being elected by See DSG on page 4 p> ers would be prohibited. Trinityjunior Mike Bown, IFC undergraduate life. Kegs, however, would still be president. "The whole goal is See IFC on page 4 • Clinton can't come, trustee to speak instead By MICHAEL SAUL Woodruff, a University over," Keohane said in an in­ the University has ever waited President Nan Keohane alumna from 1968 and a mem­ terview Wednesday. "I'm sure for a confirmation on the com­ learned this week that patience ber of the Board of Trustees that Judy Woodruff will give a mencement speaker, whose doesn't always pay off. since 1985, is Cable News very interesting and stimulat­ identity is typically announced Keohane confirmed Wednes­ Network's prime anchor and ing talk." in the fall. day that award-winning broad­ senior correspondent. She co- Keohane asked Woodruff "We knew it was a gamble," cast journalist Judy Woodruff anchors "Inside Politics," a two months ago to be this year's said Keohane, who became well will present the 1994 com­ daily program devoted exclu­ speaker in the event that Clin­ acquainted with Clinton when mencement address. The an­ sively to politics, and "The ton would be unable to attend. she served as one of Wellesley nouncement came just hours World Today," an hour-long Keohane invited Clinton to College's trustees during after the Office ofthe First Lady daily newscast that examines speak in July and decided to Keohane's presidency there. informed the University that major stories and issues around wait for her response, which Clinton received more than Hillary Rodham Clinton would the world. came 25 days before gradua­ 1,500 invitations for gradua­ be unable to deliver the May 8 "The long uncertainty about tion. tion addresses and is sched- SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE speech. the commencement speaker is This year marks the latest See SPEAKER on page 5 • Judy Woodruff Director of cancer center to leave post By SANJAY BHATT study the causes and possible The director of Duke's Com­ treatments for cancer. Patients prehensive Cancer Center is from around the world travel to leaving his post to join the Uni­ the center for chemotherapy, versity of Texas's cancer cen­ radiation treatment and tumor ter. removal. Dr. Robert Bast, who has "The opportunity there is the served as director since 1987, kind of thing you don't pass up will head the division of medi­ in a lifetime," Bass said. cine at the M.D. Anderson Can­ Bast, who was at a confer­ cer Center, said Jane Brust, ence in California, could not be director ofthe media communi­ reached for comment. cations-office at M.D. Ander­ Dr. Robert Bell, professor of son. He officially begins work cell growth regulation and on­ on July 1. togenesis, will serve as acting Bast will oversee research director until a new director is and clinical trials of new drugs, appointed. said Stephanie Bass, senior A search committee will be public relations specialist at formed to find a candidate to Duke's center. More than 150 fill Bast's position, Bass said. physicians will report to Bast, EVAN RATUFF/THE CHRONICLE "Bob Bast took a very fine Bass said. cancer center, which was Stay away from the cream sauces M.D. Anderson, one of the started by Bill Shingleton, and President Nan Keohane checks out the Oak Room menu as she meets with students during nation's oldest and largest can­ built a nationally ranked can­ the Union Interaction Committee's sponsored lunch. cer centers, uses a cer program," said Dr. Ralph multidisciplinary approach to See CENTER on page 5 •• THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1994 World and National Newsfile Repeat suicide bombing kills 6 Israelis Associated Press By CLYDE HABERMAN to her, only to see him "mangled and stopped short of a frill-throated condem­ Vatican Chooses: Both girls and N.Y. Times News Service covered with blood." nation in remarks Wednesday to the boys will be officially allowed to act as HADERA, Israel — In the second such "You're talking to somebody," said Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. altar servers at Roman Catholic Mass, attack in a week, a Palestinian suicide Mualem, who suffered relatively mild But he departed from his prepared text the Vatican said Wednesday. It will be up to each bishop to decide whether bomber blew himself up Wednesday in an wounds from the blast, "and then you to say in Arabic that the violence "strikes girls can serve under him. Altar serv­ attack on an Israeli commuter bus, kill­ hear a boom, and they're not there." at the heart ofthe peace process" he has ers, generally aged 8 ta 14, assist the ing five Israelis and wounding 30 others In Europe, Palestine Liberation Orga­ embarked upon with Israeli Prime Minis­ priest while he celebrates Mass, by at the main bus station in this working- nization Chairman Yasser Arafat spoke ter Yitzhak Rabin. lighting candles, preparing the altar class town in the country's heartland. out against the latest terrorist attack by "These actions are unfortunately di­ or handing him water or wine. Girls Mostof the survivors had minor wounds, Islamic radicals, in contrast to his silence rected only against innocent people," he have been altar servers in American but they told of a scene of blood and terror, a week ago, when he literally walked said. "And these innocent people are on parishes for years. of bodies ripped apart and of people too away from a chance to condemn a suicide both sides, Palestinians and Israelis." stunned in the firstmomentseven to scream. car bombing that killed seven Israelis Arafat, however, also blamed Israel for Africans killed: The bodies of eight Rachel Mualem, who works in a Hadera and wounded 44 others in the northern contributing to a thickening air of vio­ men who were distributing nonparti­ tour agency, heard the explosion from her town of Afiila. lence by what he called a "policy of mass san voter education pamphlets were seat in the middle ofthe bus that she had Arafat, who was roundly criticized last killings, detention, imposing curfews and found mutilated and decapitated Monday afternoon at a primary school just boarded, and turned to the man next week by Israeli and American leaders, towns." in South Africa. Spinach banned: Spinach was banned from the menu in the States' welfare policies unnerve officials McPherson County Jail because in­ By JASON DEPARLE The states say the experiments allow dren.
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