712 CONGRESSIONAL REC.ORD-SENATE. JANUARY 10, Also, petition of Friends Church, for the Burkett-Sims bill; By Mr. SLAYDEN: Petition of citizens of Texas, against ex­ to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. tension of parcels-post service; to the Committee on the Post By l\Ir. KRO::NMILLER: Paper to accompany bill for relief Office and Post Roads. of Sarah Halley; to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. SWASEY: Petition of citizens of Wiscasset, Me., By l\Ir. LAl!':IDAl~: P etition of Valley Grange, No. 1360, Pa­ against parcels-post law; to the Committee on the Post Office trons of Husbandry, for Senate bill 5842, for amendment of and Post Roads. the oleomargarine law; to the Committee on Agriculture. By l\Ir. SULZER: Petition of the Trans-Mississippi Commer­ By l\Ir. LINDBERGH: Petition of H. E'. McLane, of Annan­ cial Congress, for good-roads building;· to the Committee on dale, Minn., protesting against the establishment of a local rural Agriculture. parcels-post service; to the Committee on the Post Office and Also, petition of Walla Walla Trades and Labor Council, reJa­ Post Roads. Urn to abandoned land of Fort Walla Walla; to the Committee By Mr. McKINNEY : Petition of business men of Seaton, Ill., on the Public Lands. · against rural parcels post; to the Committee on the Post Office Also, petitions of High School Teachers' Association and Prin­ and Post Roads. cipals' Association of Graded Schools, for the teachers' retire­ ' Also, petition of businei::s men of Milan, Ill., protesting against ment bill; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. the establishment of a local rural parcels-post service; to the Also, petition of· Wireless Association of Pennsylvania, against Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. House bill 23595; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By l\Ir. MAGUIRE of Nebraska : Petition of citizens of Lin­ Commerce. coln, l'\ebr., against parcels-post legislation; to the Committee Also, petition of United States Custom Employees' Benevo­ on th~ Post Office and Post Roads. lent Association, for increase of salaries in the Customs Serv­ By Mr. MASSEY : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Aaron ice; to the Committee on Appropriations. W. Dixon; to the Committee on Pensions. By .Mr. TAYLOR of Ohio: Petition of citizens of Ohio, against .Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of John N. West; to a local rural parcels post; to the Committee on the Post Office the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and Post Roads. A~.:;0, paper to accompany bill for relief of W. G. McKinzie; By Mr. TOWNSEND: Petition of citizens-of :Michigan, against to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · rural parcels post; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post By Mr. l\fOORE of Pennsylvania : Petition of Manufacturers' Roads. Club of Philadelphia, for a fair trial of the tariff board; to the Committee on Ways and Means. SENA.TE. Also, petition of National Business League of America, for San Francisco as site of Panama Exposition; to the Commit­ TUESDAY, January 10, 1911. tee on Industrial Arts and Expositions. Also, petition of American Federation of Labor for Federal Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. inspection of locomotive boilers; to the Committee on Interstate The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read und approved. and Foreign Commerce. Also, petition of Phoenix Paint & Varnish Co., for the Hey­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. burn paint bill {S. 1130); to the Committee on Interstate and A message from the House of Representatives, by W. J. Foreign Commerce. Browning, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the By Mr. MOON of Tennessee: Paper to accompany bill for re­ House had signed the following enrolled bills, and they were lief of William J. Walsh; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. thereupo~ signed by the Vice President: · By Mr. MORSE: Petition of Central Labor Council, for legis­ S. 1872. An act setting apart a tract of l:rnd to he used as a lation to curb immigration; to the Committee on Immigration cemetery by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Central and Naturalization. - City, Colo.; Also, petition of citizens of the tenth congressional district of S. 5362. An act granting to the city of Bozeman, Mont., cer­ Wisconsin, against parcels-post legislation; to the Committee tain lands to enable the city to protect its source of water sup­ on the Post Office and Post Roads. ply from pollution ; By Mr. OLDFIELD: Papers to accompany bills for relief of H. R. 6 67. An act to authorize the city of Sturgis, l\Iich., Josiah E. George and Lula B. Prentiss; to the Committee on to construct a dam across the St. Joseph River; Invalid Pensions. H. R. 24786. An act to refund certain tonnage taxes and light Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of James W. Smith; dues; and to the Committee on Pensions. H. R. 25775. An act to authorize the Gxeat Northern Devel­ By Mr. PADGETT: Papers to accompany bills for relief of opment Co. to construct a dam across the Mississippi River John C. Dempesy and Thomas L. Richardson; to the Committee from a point in Hennepin County to a point in Anoka County, on Invalid Pensions. Minn. By Mr. PETERS : Petition of American Peace Society for neu­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tralization of the Panama Canal; to the Committee on Railways The VICE PRESIDENT presented memorials of sundry citi­ and Canals. zens of Leslie, Idaho; Loretto, Minn.; and Oklahoma City, Okla., By Mr. REEDER: Petition of citizens of Kansas, against par­ remonstrating against the passage of the so-called parcels post cels posts; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. bill, which were referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Also, petition of citizens of Kansas, against a rural parcels­ Post Roads. · post law; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. l'llr. GALLINGER pr.esented a petition of the Central Labor By Mr. ROBINSON: Petition of citizens of the sixth con­ Union of Lebanon, N. H., praying for the enactment of legisla­ gressional district of Arkansas, against the proposed rural par­ tion to further restrict immigration, which was referred. to the cels post; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Committee on Immigration. Also, paper to accompany bill for relief of Asa Crow ; to the He also presented a petition of the Board of Trade a.nd Mer­ Committee on War Claims. chants' Exchange of Portsmouth, N. H., praying that an appro­ By Mr. SHEFFIELD: Petition of board of aldermen of priation be made for the rebuilding of the dry dock at the Newport, R. I., favoring Senate bill 5677; to the Committee on Portsmouth Navy Yard, which was referred to the Committee Interstate and Foreign Commerce. on Na val Affairs. Also, petitions of Darius B. Dodge and 82 others, of Block l\Ir. CULLOM presented memorials of sundry citizens of Mat­ Island, R. I. ; the town council of Middleton, R. I. ; Max F. toon and Delavan, in the State of Illinois, remonstrating against Shade and 12 others, of Jamestown, R. I.; Business Men's Asso­ the passage of the so-called parcels-post bill, which were re­ ciation of Providence, R. I.; Union Club of· Wakefield; and ferred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. Woonsocket Central Labor Union, for investigation of causes of He also presented a petition of Local Lodge No. 253~ Modern tuberculosis in cattle; to the Committee on Agriculture. Brotherhood of America, of Creal Springs, Ill., praying for the Also, petition of Rhode Island Retail Grocers and l\Iarket­ enactment of legislation providing for the admission of publica­ men's Association, Providence, R. I., relative to the butterine tions of fraternal societies to the mails as second-class matter, bill ; to the Committee on Agriculture. · which was referred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post By Mr. SHEPPARD : Paper to accompany bill for relief of Roads. George A. Bush; to the Committee on Claims. He also presented a petition of the Council of North American Also, petition of Congress of Nations, by Albert Sydney John­ Grain Exchanges, praying for the passage of the so-caned ston Camp of Confederate Veterans, favoring arbitration; to Stevens bill-of-lading bill, which was referred to the Committee the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · on Interstate Commerce. 1911. .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE~ 713 Mr. DICK presented a petition of 2,556 employees of the Hock­ REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. ing Valley Railroad Co., in the State of Ohio, praying for the Mr. 1\IcCU.l\IBER, from the Committee on Pensions, to which enactment of legislation authorizing higher rates of transporta­ were referred the following bills, reported them each with tion for railroads, which was referred to the Committee on amendments and submitted reports thereon : Interstate Commerce. H. R. 28435. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ l\Ir. .WETMORE presented a petition of the Central Labor sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and cer­ Union of WoonE.ocket, R. I., and a petition of the Society for tain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis, of Pawtucket, R. I., sailors ( Rept. No. 946) ; and praying that an investigation. be made into the condition of H. R. 28434. An act granting pensions and increase of pen­ dairy products for the prevention and spread of tuberculosis, sions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and cer­ which were referred to the Committee on Agriculture and For­ tain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and estry.
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