An Independent - Journal, Devoted to Home Interests. Established in 1878. VOLUME 22. HALLOWELL. ME.. SATUKDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1899. NUMBER 44 PATRICK HENRY. sary to dissolve them; which lie did. On the California table, too, were sev- The people appointed several deputies eral sea-moss booklets containing some al l records br oken ! 1 Catharine II. Quinn. to represent the colony iu the Congress very pretty, common varieties and a to be held at Philadelphia the first Mon- Patrick Henry, one of America’s great- few quite rare specimens of the lovely day in September; George Washington est orators, was born in Virginia, May things of the mighty deep which some Pei Gl. Pi and Patrick Henry were among these. poet lias made to say: 25 29th, 1736. His father was a man who FLOUR Monday morning, Seirtember 5th, at was held in great esteem by his neigh- “ Call us not weeds for we are Ocean’s ten o’clock, the first Continental Con- flowers.” bors, because of his superior character gress met at Philadelphia. It adjourned These the indefatigable seeker had On All Our LADIES. MISSES and and intelligence; he had been very well SPECIAL CASH PRICES. on Wednesday, October 26th. found, washed, pressed and mounted educated at his home in Scotland, and herself, and the result was most satis- On Thursday, March 23d, 1775, the had many kinsmen there, some of whom factory. second revolutionary convention of Vir- NAME OF BRAND. CHILDREN'S JACKETS. were very well known. PER BBL. ginia assembled at Richmond, and they The matchless floral beauty, too, of His mother was of the family of Win- decided that they must have a militia, the Land of Roses is represented. In or C if on Ladies’ Suits and Skirts, on Furs stons, of Welsh stock, and very talented, Pillsbury’s ‘BEST’ Sl)l.i l l g $ 4 . 3 5 so that they would not ..ave to support a certain woman artist’s studio in one of but using their talents in a fitful way. ^ I I L Silkand Wool Waists, all Table Linen the British soldiers. the Southern California cities in which When Patrick Henry Was young, there she dwelt for a time, this beauty-loving Washburn’s ‘GOLD MEDAL’ 4.35 Shortly after this a dots climent of Eng- were very few schools in Virginia; those Spring Patent A LOT OF GOOD BARGAINS LEFT IN OUR CARPET ROOM. CALL lish marines visited one of the Ameri- tourist became fascinated by a life-size AND GET OUR PRICES. people who could afford to do so, sent can store-houses where gun-powder was study of superb Gold of Ophir roses. their children to England to be educated, kept, and carried some of it on board The price was high, too high forthenot- Faist’s ‘IMPERIAL’ Spring Patent 4.25 while those who could not, tried to teach FOWLER & HAMLIN, Augusta their vessel. This arou-ed the people. too-bulky purse, but as day by day she their children at home. Patrick Henry’s wandered into the studio to look and ad- Five thousand men sprang to arms, Pat- Coombs’ ‘ROB ROY’ Fancy Winter Patent 4.35 father kept a small school at his own rick Henry was appointed commander- mire the woman artist smiled in her * *S*0*HH*O*J*O*!*O*!*- CHHCH*O+CH*04*O4' CH*04*0*H>l-,0*lrCH*04,0^-CH*0* house, and from him be received some in-chief. friendly way and at last the coveted pic- kouc 4.00 knowledge of Latin and Greek. Coombs’ ‘RIVERDALEj’Fa„oy , This command he resigned in Febru- ture became the property of its lover, EXPERIENCE ^ lie never liked study very well but ary, 1776. He was elected governor of and for a considerably smaller price than Fancy Winter Patent Is a hard schoolmaster, as the Filipino is finding would rather be hunting or fishing than C o o m b s ’ ‘J U N O ’ 4.35 Virginia three times. In the year 1794 ippeared on the ticket. From this busi- out. Perhaps you've "had experience with the studying. When he was fifteen years ness transaction grew a strong, sweet ordinary grade of footwear. If you'll be wise lie withdrew from public life and estab- old, his father became financially embar- friendship and in the California corner Jenks’ CROWN’Fancy Winter Patent 4.35 and inspect our Out-of-the-Ordinary stock of lished himself 011 an estate called Red rassed, and lie was obliged to go into Footwear. Hill in Charlotte County. He died of the Eastern woman’s home are more the store of a country tradesman. Stott’s ‘PEERLESS ’Fancy Winter Patent 4.35 Ladies' Felt Slipper, flannel lined, for June 6th', 1799. than one choice bit of flowers and truit After working there for one year, his only................................ - - 39c painting, tlie gift of the painter of the Ladies’ Felt Slipper, and felt soles, father set him up in business for himself, Gold of Ophir roses. In a quaint old Franklin Mills, Entire W heat 2.90 for o n l y ............................................... 49c with his brother William as a partner. A CORNER OF REMEMBRANCE. Chinese jar, too, there is growing a trans- HALF BARRELS. Ladies ’ Serye Slipper*, flannel lined William was, if possible, more idle and planted clump of California violets, for winter, only - . - . - 29c unbusinesslike than Patrick himself. A woman whose not-t )o-bulky purse whose all-pervading perfume fills the Ladies’ llabbe.ts for 29c, 43c and 49c The result of course was 2 failure, and admits of occasional precious visits to room. L\ S. WINGATE The 43c and 49c rubbers are the best on the market. one year after tbe store was opened, it various parts of her native land lias orig- M n ’s Cheap Overshoes fo r only 73c A copy of that great California story inated a very pretty idea of preserving, the dining-room, one of the number M en’s Good Q uality Overshoe fo r $1.19 had to be closed. When eighteen lie of Helen Hunt Jackson’s “Ramona,’> where young and vigorous blood looked made matters still worse by marrying for her own enjoyment and that of others, lies conveniently near to pick up at odd worked up courage enough to take a after the management, and where there ZtUTJIB S H O E S T O R E . Sarah Shelton, the daughter of a respect- mementoes and memories of her happy minutes when she wishes to refresh her- seat at a table loaded with the usual was a radical departure from old-time able farmer in the neighborhood. times. To her a winter in California, delicacies. The others followed. At methods of doing business. Chances 125 W ATER ST., decl * GARDINER. ME. self with the glory of that “great, golden By the efforts of his father and his three thousand miles from home, meant mustard field'’ or “that beautiful old tlie head a figure of Jupiter presided, were, perhaps, taken which cause older *B3*BDri*O*H^*HCi*b0*bO*I*O*!*O*!*O*-rC>*I*O 0*1*0 *i*0v0*I*0*hC>*F04,0d*04,0*l*0d*0*l* EOOOOO w i f e ’s f a t h e r , t h e y w e r e e s t a b l i s h e d 011 a luxury which might occur but once in willow” which her own eyes have seen. and at a signal from the host the great heads to shake in disparagement of the a small farm, from which, with the aid a lifetime and therefore to be appreciated. Here and there in this wonderful cor- god began to make an address of wel- outcome. The result was that the suc- of a few slaves, they were expected to Californians smiled to see her going ner are quaint and curious old idols of come, “phonographically.” He wore cess achieved in such instances is all the BE WISE AND TAKE obtain a living. Two years afterward, delightedly here and tuere, gathering Chinese make, carved out of yellowed electric lights for shirt studs, a bibulous more marked, as the failure would have in 1759, he sold some of bis slaves, and this and that to take lic^nc with her to ivory and bought at not too high a price red light for a nose, and liis green eyes been most disastrous had the tide turned again tried ills luck as a store-keeper, the “ sometimes torrid, sometimes in the Japanese bric-a-brac ’ shops iir had thej- snai) of lightning in them, the other way. That it lias been more IRepatring OTorfc but was compelled to close his store once frozen East,” as they called it. Every which she spent many a delighted hour. while blue bolts started from his pmdU difficult toachieve 'sfrecki# linHrig the more. day this ardent lover of the picturesque And here upon its yucca-wood founda- ets continually. past decade than at any other period -TO- He then began the study of law; how took long walks and rambles, returning tion lies the horned toad of California The table seemed bewitched. Reach during the history of this country there long lie studied is not really known, afterward to her pleasant room in which of which harmless and interesting little for an innocent looking sandwich, and is not the slightest doubt. WHEELER & CROSS. some accounts say six weeks, others six she kept house iu her own dainty fashion.
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