The Life Cycle of LED A review by IIIEE & Lighting Metropolis Thomas Lindhqvist & Mikael Backman International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) Lund University Lighting the paths for Eco Desi gn : Life Cycle Assessment of light sources Mal gorzat a Lekan Rongyu Venet a Tzeng MESPOM 11 December 2016 DI D YOU KNOW THAT. "Today light emitting diodes (LEDs) cut electricity consumption by over 85% compared t o incandescent light bulbs and around 40% compar ed to fluorescent lights" "It is projectedMal that gorzat the a efficacyLekan & of Rongyu LEDs is Venet likely a toTzeng increase by nearly 50% compared to fluorescentDe lamps c . 2 0 1 by 6 2020“ Goldman Sachs, 2015 LCA ! S o … w h a t i s L C A ? ‘ Li f e Cycl e Assessment (LCA) i s a t ool f or t he syst emat i c eval uat i on of t he environmental aspects of a product or service system through all stages of its life cycle’ (ISO 14040:2006) Resource Ext ract i on Manufact uring Recycling End of Life Distribution Use (Source: avni r.org) MAI N PHASES OF LCA Goal & Scope Def i ni t i on I NTERPRETATI ON Li f e Cycl e Invent ory Anal ysi s of resul t s Li f e cycl e Impact Assessment (ISO: 14040:2006) LCAs of l ight sources: Overvi ew Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data providers .lack of established rules to conduct a det ai l ed LCA di verse shapes and si zes mat eri al composi t i on (el ect roni c component s!) di verse uses rat e of devel opment . (overl y?) simplified nat ure of si mpl i f i ed LCA model s AcademicAcademic Privat e institutions Private bodies institutions & Navigantbodies Consulting, e.g. Carnegie e.g.Inc. Navigant& Athena MellonScholars University & SustainableConsulting, MaterialInc. & CarnegieTechnical Mellon AthenaInstitute Sustainable UniveUniversity r s it y & of UC LCAs f o r LEDs Material Institute Berkely De n ma r k since 2009 IntInter er--gov.gov . Producers e.g. Philips, OSRAM, OrganizationOrganization Philips, OSRAM, == etc. Gov.Gov. Internationale.g. International Energy e.g.US DepartmentUS department of EnergyAg eAgency n c y ofEn energy e r g y Purpose of LCAs f or LEDs Ai d Provide policy- makers suggestions for conducting Ident ify LCA hazardous Compa r e Demonstrate Estimate lifetime energy materials & benefits consumption levels design to the market of various lighting EoL treatments sources Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data providers .lack of established rules to conduct a det ai l ed LCA di verse shapes and si zes mat eri al composi t i on (el ect roni c component s!) di verse uses rat e of devel opment . (overl y?) simplified nat ure of si mpl i f i ed LCA model s Bul b shapes and si zes are… …DIVERSE ! (Source: bestlightingbuy.com) Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data providers .lack of established rules to conduct a detailed LCA diverse shapes and sizes material composition (electronic components!) diverse uses rate of development . (overly?) simplified nature of simplified LCA models Mat eri al composi t i on of non-di rect i onal l amps used in households (Tähkämö et al . 2014) Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data provider .lack of established rules to conduct a detailed LCA diverse shapes and sizes material composition (electronic components!) diverse uses rate of development . (overly?) simplified nature of simplified LCA models Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data provider .lack of established rules to conduct a detailed LCA diverse shapes and sizes material composition (electronic components!) diverse uses rate of development . (overly?) simplified nature of simplified LCA models Average lighting efficacy (light output per unit of energy consumed) & cost per bulb ( 2014) Key factors affecting LCA results & their comparison . type of a body conducting a LCA (purpose of LCA) & data provider .lack of established rules to conduct a detailed LCA diverse shapes and sizes material composition (electronic components!) diverse uses rate of development . (overly?) simplified nature of simplified LCA models Functional Lumen-hours Case-specific Uni t (OVERLY ?) Life Fewer Mor e SIMPLIFIED cycle st ages ( M & U) (R, M, U & EoL) LCA MODELS En v l Only one Several impact s (e.g. GWP) (GWP,AP,EP) En e r g y Primary Act ual energy Si mpl e Ext ensive source energy product ion (use st age) (Tähkämö 2015) LCAs of light sources: Key findings 1/ 2 . Use & Manufacturing phase account for the highest share of total environmental impacts during life cycle 16 000 Transport 14 - 14 000 Bulk material manufacturing LED package/ manufacturing 12 Us e hours 12 000 - 10 10 000 8 8 000 6 6 000 4 4 000 2 Energy consumptionEnergy 20 Lumen (MJ/ million 2 000 Energy Consumption Energy Lumen Million BTU/20 (Million Hour s ) 0 0 Incandescent Halogen (use only) CFL LED (2011) LED (2015) ~22 lamps ~27 lamps ~3 lamps ~1 lamp ~0.6 lamps Life Cycle Energy of lighting sources (DOE 2012) LCAs of light sources: Key findings 2/ 2 .LEDs and CFLs consume primary energy significantly less (~ 900 MJ/ functional unit) than incandescent lamps (~ 15 100 MJ/ functional unit) .LEDs & CFLs win in terms of luminous efficacy (SI: lumens/ watt) (Tähkämö 2015) Characteristics of LEDs’ life cycle stages Raw mat erial Manufact uring Distribution & Use En d -of-Li f e acquisition Minor impact Aluminum for heat sinks (DOE, 2012) RAW MATERI AL ACQUI SI TI ON Maj or i mpact Energy consumpt ion •The only phase out -winning other lighting sources •Increasing significance - complex lighting technology •LED package Varies significantly from case to case (0.1-27% of LCI) (DOE, 2012) •Tradeoffs (energy ef f i ci ency rat e vs. met al component s) Dat a unavai l abi l i t y LCA doesn’t consi der premat ure f ai l ure of LEDs MANUFACTUTURI NG Major impact Impact category (unit) •Li f e cycl Energy e Global consumpt warming Abiotic ion Acidification Eut rophicat ion impact s per ( kg CO2 -eq.) (resource) ( kg SO2 -eq.) ( kg PO4 -eq.) •Ml mh En er g y mi x depl et i on (kg sb-eq.) •Eu r op e a nFunct 9.4 ionalit y (l0.070 umen depreci0.040 at i on&ef0.0029 f i cacy ) electricity •Fr e nc h Long2.0 lifespan 0.013 0.011 0.00056 electricity USE & DISTRIBUTION Minor impact ? Material restoration & Complex structures (Silver, nickel, gold, antimony, copper, recyclable plastic components & ALUMI NUM) NOTE: rest orat i on l evel s vary f rom one count ry t o anot her! (Tähkämö et al. 2013) END-OF-LI FE WHAT I S NEXT…? TAKE-AWAY Functional unit DATA BLACK BOX Dat a source Light ing source Regi on Count r y ENERGY SOURCE Energy mi x REACH HAZARDOUS WASTE RoHS 1 WEEE USER BEHAVI OUR References • DOE. (2014). Solid-State Lighting: Early Lessons Learned on the Way to Market. Building Technologies Office. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC. European Commission. (2013). European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). 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