State Bars Hazlet's Teacher Job Limitation SKI »IOI<\ I'W.I i The Weather 'Breezy and cool today, high FINAL 55 to 60. Clear and cool tonight. Sunny and a little EDITION wanner tomorrow. Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 24 PACES VOL.% NO. 221 RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, YJ. TUESDAY, MAY 7,1971 FEN CENTS State School Head Chosen TRENTON (AP) - The 15- "will bring with him the ex- Court mandate to replace lo- preme Court's Jan. 1, 1975 rector of the NJEA, said, month search for the New pertise needed to deal with cal property taxes as the deadline for fiscal ivluiin. "The NJEA wishes Dr. Burke Jersey education commission- the complex and varied prob- chief financial support for The announcement of the every success and looks for- er officially ended yesterday lems facing the educational public education. nomination of Burke was wel- ward to working closely with when Gov. Brendan T. Byrne community in New Jersey." comed in a brief statement by the new commissioner for the announced the selection of Simultaneous with Byrne's He said, "A new governor the New Jersey Education improvement of schools in Dr. Fred G. Burke, the top announcement here, Burke with great popular support, a Association, the largest teach- New Jersey." Rhode Island state education announced his resignation progressive state legislature er union in the state with The NJEA, meanwhile, is official, to fill the job. from the post of Rhode Island and a court mandate for fis- 78,000 members. pressing hard for passage of Byrne said that if con- commissioner of education at cal reform combine to make Opposition from the NJEA a bill that would sharply limit firmed by the Senate, Burke, a news conference in Provi- a foundation for significant reportedly blocked at least the power of the commission- 48, of Cranston, R.I., would dence. educational progress in New one potential nominee, Gor- er to arbitrate and decide dis- assume his duties here next He Immediately addressed Jersey." don McAndrew, the Gary, putes between teachers and month in the $38,000 a year himself to the most pressing A special legislative session Ind., school superintendent. their employers, the local job. educational problem in New has been scheduled to begin A statement from Dr. Fred- school boards. A hearing is The governor said Burke Jersey, a State Supreme in mid-June to meet the Su- erick L. Hipp, executive di- See New State, page 2 Brandt Resigns, Bonn AP WlrnMIl CONFIRMATION HEARING — David Bardln, right, talks to State Sen. James Dugan, R-Hudson, at confirmation hearings in Trenton yesterday, after which the Senate confirmed his appointment. Bardin is to be the Faces Political Crisis state's new commissioner of environmental protection. Dugan Is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. BONN, West Germany (AP) Brandt's unexpected resigna- a spy scandal on top of state . ernment, would retain the unmasked April 24 as an East . — West Germany's ruling So- tion. election setbacks for his so- chairmanship of the party. German spy. cial Democratic party nomi- Brandt, 60, whose "Ost- cialist party. In a dramatic and unex- Scheel Suggested nated sharp-tongued Finance •ptlitik" policies for East- Foreign Minister Walter pected move that plunged his The 60-year-old chancellor's Minister Helmut Schmidt West detente won him the No- Scheel, Brandt's vice chan- country into a crisis of politi- letter to Heinemann asked' Public Advocate Bill today to succeed Chancellor bel Peace Prize during his 4'/2 cellor and the leader of the cal uncertainty, Brandt told him to appoint Vice Chan- Willy Brandt following years in office, fell victim to junior partner in the coalition President Gustav Heinemann cellor and Foreign Minister government, took over the in a letter of resignation that Walter Scheel as caretaker caretaker cabinet left by he accepted responsibility for head of government until a Brandt. He will serve until "negligence" in connection new chancellor is elected. Wins Test in Senate Schmidt's election by the low- with the espionage role of a Scheel, who heads the small er house of parliament. close aide, Guenther Guil- Free Democratic party which By JAMES II. RUBIN bill, which would provide an tration to be headed by a Heinz Kuehn, deputy chair- laume, 47. has shared a ruling coalition agency to represent the pub- black man. Byrne has already man of the Social Democrats, A spokesman said Heine- with Brandt's Social Demo- TRENTON (AP) - A bill to lic in a broad range of legal said he wants to name State told newsmen Brandt himself mann received Brandt's letter crats since 1969, was planning create a controversial new disputes, now goes back to Public Defender Stanley C. proposed the 55-year-old fi- while on a trip to Hamburg to resign as foreign minister state department to allow the Assembly because the Van Ness, who is black to di- nance minister as his succes- and accepted the resignation. and vice chancellor this citizens "to fight City Hall" Senate amended the measure rect the department. sor. Brandt's move came after month to succeed Heinemann has barely passed a crucial to weaken some key provi- Under the Senate amend- Schmidt was nominated by the opposition charged that as the largely ceremonial legislative test. sions. The Assembly passed ments, proposed divisions in the party's presidium and a chancellory officials ignored head of state. The measure to establish the original version of the the department to represent caucus of its members in par- security services warnings in Brandt's popularity had be- the Department of Public Ad- bill, 78-0, earlier this year. prison inmates and members of liament was called for later approving the appointment of gun to wane from its high vocacy was approved by the In other legislative devel- the general public who sue today to approve the nomi- Guillaume to Brandt's staff. points — in 1971 when he won Senate, 21-14, receiving the opments'. the Mate would "self-destruct" nation. Guillaume, who became the Nobel Peace Prize for his absolute minimum number of — The Assembly passed in four years The divisions Kuehn said Brandt, despite Brandt's aide for party politi- Ostpolilik efforts at accom- votes required for passage. and sent to the Senate a M would expire unless the Legis- his retirement from he gov- cal affairs in late 1972, was modation with the Communists. The Byrne Administration million program of tuition aid lature authorized their contin- for Vietnam veterans. The uation after 1978 with new lawmakers also promised a * legislation. $50 million bond issue to fully The Senate also changed fund the plan. the bill to prohibit suits by Raritan High's Football Coach — A bill to permit motor- the Public Advocate against cycles on the Garden State the Legislature. Parkway was voted out of a Democratic leaders said committee and placed in posi- they expected the Assembly tion for a Senate floor vote. to routinely approve the Fired Over Players' Protests (See Story, page 13) changes. By HILDY McCORMICK Board of Education seeking galis said Mr. Farrell's rec- — The Senate confirmed The measure encountered to persuade the board to re- ommendation then is acted the appointment of David J. no opposition in the lower AP Wlrtpltoto HAZLET - Raritan High verse an appointment made upon by Leo J. Moran, high Bardin, an Israeli environ- house, where it was spon- STUDIO GOES UP IN FLAMES - Smoke billows School football players tried, less than an hour earlier to school principal, and even- from the famed 50-year-old Samuel Goldwyn mov- mental official, to head New sored by Assembly Speaker S. but failed, last night to retain replace Mr. Oxley as coach. tually by Mr. Cabrera. Jersey's Department of Envi- Howard Woodson, D-Mercer, ie studio in Hollywood yesterday. A spokesman Joseph Oxley of Long Branch Named to succeed him was Thus, said Mr. Shergalis, said three of five sound stages and an office build- ronmental Protection. a black lawmaker who had as their head coach. Frank Spaziani of Valley "We have acted on the rec- led a campaign for a black ing at the studio were destroyed. Two persons — Byrne signed into a law a Approximately 15 team Stream, L.I., a teacher in the ommendations of our admin- cabinet in the Byrne Adminis- were injured, one seriously. bill making New Jersey the members appeared before the Carteret school district. istrators. Supplementary posi- tration. Mr. Spaziani will assume tions are under Mr. Farrell's first state in the nation to the duties of coach for next control. Mr. Farrell initiated mandate public funding of gu- But a number of Senators season, and will teach busi- this individual's name to the bernatorial campaigns. (Story attacked the measure bitterly ness education in the high Board of Education. on page 11) on grounds the proposed Report Due Tomorrow school. He has had six years "The board does not se- agency could be a threat to The bill to create a new experience in Carteret as an its own powers and the pow- lect," Mr. Shergalis ex- Department of Public Advo- assistant and head football ers of other cabinet agencies. plained. He said in some in- cacy was described as an at- coach, according to Roman stances the board receives tempt to give citizens the Supporters of the new de- Cabrera, acting superinten- several names for a particu- power "to fight city hall." partment were uncertain until On Long Branch Probe dent of schools. lar appointment, but, he said, But opponents charged that it moments before the Sen- When board members were "They are always in order of By SHERRY CONOHAN improper activities in the dictments stemming from the would fail because the author- ale session began that there criticized for not retaining preference." ity was vested in the execu- were sufficient votes to pass Long Branch city govern- prosecutor's investigation into Mr.
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