IOTOF?!OrX^ T " T he L a w r e n t ia n Vol. 53. No. 15. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, January 17, 1936 Miss Meusel, In Joint Concert Wriston Defends Liberal Famed Singer, Here Jan. 20 Arts College; Retires Her Accompanists are Also O f W orld • W ide As President of A. A. C. Reputation Talks Over Columbia Mi.-»s Lucille Meusel, world-fam­ Disagrees Willi Presi­ ed coloratura soprano who will Network on Academic Work Continues dent Hutchins Over api>ear on the Community Artist Freedom, Tenure Educational Program Series program of Jan. 20 at Law­ On Addition to rence memorial Chapel, will be re­ HITS OATH LAWS HITS ‘REFORMERS’ turning to her Alma Mater, for in Dr. Henry M. Wriston yesterday Institute Proper 1924 she, as a young artist in both Closing his term as presiden. of* broadcast, for a fifteen minute pe­ the Association of American Col­ voice and piano, was graduated riod over the Columbia network, a Foundation» Completed. from Lawrence College Conserva­ discussion of the question of Acad­ leges with his address yesterday in tory. Upon winning a Witherspoon emic Freedom and Academic Ten­ Steel Work Finished New York at the twenty-second an­ ure with Dr. James L. McConaughy, Vocal Contest in competition with Up to Secoud Floor nual meeting of the Association, Dr. seventy-four entrants, among whom President of Wesleyan University. H. M. Wriston declared that he were opera singers of note, she be­ Speaking from the New York Col­ gan study in the Chicago Musical ! umbia studios, Dr. Wriston >vas Enlargement of the present ac­ could not agree with the insistence commodations of the Institute of of President Robert Maynard College under the late Herbert. KNNIO BOLOGNINI heard in Wisconsin over station Witherspoon of New York. WISN, the Wisconsin News station Paper Chemistry at a cost of ap­ Hutchins of Chicago University that "the three worst words in educa­ In 1927 this coloratura soprano in Milwaukee, and over WABC in proximately $75,000 is well under from Green Bay. Wis., made h e r) New York City. tion are character, personality, ;>nd debut with the Chicago Civic Opera , The discussion began with men­ way. Extension of the Institute facts.” Company. Following her successful New Constitution tion of the Massachusetts oath (a building and the addition of ma­ In opening his address, President routine she went to Paris to pursue law to compel teachers to declare chine building will almost double Wriston attacked the ideas and po­ her art further, and after two years I publicly their allegiance and loyalty the size of the structure as it now licy of the "would-be” reformer of study abroad, won the plaudits' Would Add Two to to the American flag.» law, and re ­ stands. The completed group viil who operates on the principal that of the severest critics in Europe,! cent infractions of it which had re­ take the form of a hollow square. ‘ whatever is, is wrong” in the way which enabled her to become ..he Executive Groupsulted in the dismissal of a profes­ The machine building will lie just of educational institutions, ano who leading coloratura soprano of the sor in one of the schools of the south of the Institute building pro­ wants to tear down existing insti­ Royal Opera of Liege. Belgium.! Bay State. The Massachusetts law, per. forming, with a new exten­ tutions and "rebuild” merely be­ Said the Journal de Liege and La AImo Organizations Receiv­ Dr. Wriston concluded, was the sion of the west wing, a rectangle cause he thinks existing condition« Critique, "Mile. Meusel as Gilda work of well-intentioned people open at its east limit. The new must be wrong. sang with virtuosity and vocalise?, ing Funds Must Have who wished unanimity of thought foundations are now all completed Early Return» trills, staccato notes, scales of all Boards «if Control upon the subject of loyalty to their and the steel work up to the sec­ One of the early reforms sugges­ description, and with a voice really country. Similar laws have been ond floor of the west wing has tions in the field of education w?* thrilling.'* “There is nothing but passed in several states, where to drop the last two years of col­ In accordance with the demand just been finished. praise to address to Mile. Meusel citizens are fearful of the inroads The new accommodations will lege. What is the hurry to get for her conception of the role of for a more workable and clearer of radical groups. materially enlarge laborakv, of­ th-ougH"’ "Do business or indm - Rosina.” constitution for the Student B*»dy, Trend to i>ietoir fice, storage, and experimental *i^ or the professions want col­ Cities Appreciative t< r Constitutional Committee, com­ The danger inherent in the situa­ space. The machine building will lege graduates taster and faster or Echoing the comments of the for­ tion, he declared, arose from the better and better?" The idea seems posed of Walter Coffey, Robert provide additional facilities foi car­ eign press, the Chicago Tribune tendency to compulsion, and, still rying on large-scale experimental to be to hurry over the general said, “She was a mature artist who Coller, Maxine Schalk. Albert In­ worse, to the use of deception on work and teaching. Interior finish, education in order to begin special­ ha<i made good. Here was a voice graham and Edward Powers Pres­ the part of those at whom the law trim, and furniture will be the ization. The four-year college ed­ that in range, quality, and flexi­ ident of the Student Body have is aimed. Those inimical to the in­ same as that in the present quar­ ucation is ridiculed as more time­ bility was entirely charming for the come out of their huddle with pro­ terests of the nation do not hesitate ters. The exterior will be ol Lan- serving,” but "is the cure to suo- part of Gilda; here was a winsome, posals for some necessary changes to lie in taking the oath, he as non stone, like the present Insti­ stitute some other unit in place wistful personality to create a char­ in the existing document. The con­ serted: on the other hand, many tute proper and Kimberly Mei .or- of time”? A bachelor's degree it acter i/.at ion.” And the San Francis­ stitution was printed in last week's who would ordinarily comply with ial Hall lying just to the west. granted upon an arbitrary basis. LAWRENTIAN. the changed parts co Chronicle: "First and foremosi, their normal instincts for patriot­ Ben B. G anther of Oshkosh is the "Now it is sought to use only tha being in bold face type. arbitrary measure of material of course, was Lucille Meusel in ism rebel against the fascistic type General Contractor. the name part, Lucia. She was de­ These changes, which were sug­ of state compulsion embodied in learned, time being held of no es­ mure and attractive as ever, and gested by the above-mentioned such laws. Such laws are a step in sential importance. "But can a per» her coloratura seemed to have committee and which have already the direction of Fascism. son know too much to justify an A. even more agility and ease than been approved by the Executive A distinctly minor group. Dr. Winter Sports to B. degree? No, there can be no when she sang in ‘Rigoletto’ and Council will be presented to a vote Wriston and Dr. McConaughy then ‘Traviata.* I had to leave after the of the Student Body in Chapel on jointly asserted, of college officials Turn to Page 2 'Mad Scene.' but the thunder and January 22. for approval or dis­are either disloyal or radical in Hold Spotlight volume of the applause that started approval. opinion as a whole the large num­ as I turned to go indicated that The first distinct change occurs ber from the population of the Coibtrurl Toboggan and EXAMINATION SCHEDULE once more Lucille Meusel had won in Article V Section II. 'Hie Exec­ country should bo commended for Examination* will be held the ovation of the season.” utive committee is to be enlarged their loyalty to the nation. Ski Slide* INear from 8:30—11:30 a. m. and iron» Upon her return to America Crom the present five to sevin Contrary to the Constitution 1:30—4:30 p. m., on the days indi. Miss Meusel successively took lead­ members elected by the assembly The utterances of single individ­ Gymnasium rated. Any examinations not ing roles in the Chicago Grand Op­ of the Student Body in addition to uals outside the college walls here provided for will lie held at era Company, the Detroit Civic Op­its officers who are also members. should in no sense be interpreted as A start toward a winter sports times to he set by the instructors era, and the San Carlo Opera Com­ The Committee also plans in Arti­ representative of the institution, program has been made at the in­ concerned. pany, and is now making c».ncert cle VI to have elections to the Ex- the two educators next asserted. In stigation cf the Executive Commit­ Thursday, January 23: tee in the building of a tobaggan tours with the National League of a. m. Physical Education, all Community Concerts under which Turn to Page 3 Turn to Page 2 and two ski slides. These slides are sections. she has scored unusual success. situated in the ravine on the South p. m. Speech 7. While here at the Conservatory Campus near the new Alexander Iriday, January 24: Miss Meusel traveled as soloist with Midsummer Night’s Dream Proves Gymnasium.
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