NEW ZEALAND FM LISTING IN FREQUENCY ORDER to 23 January 2018 Changes after 2018 WRTH Deadline are in RED MHz City Station kW Region Owner/Group 87.6 Christchurch Star Canterbury Rhema 87.7 Wanaka Star Central Otago Rhema 88.0 Christchurch Flava Canterbury NZME 88.3 Gisborne Coast Eastland NZME 88.6 Auckland Mai FM 10 Auckland MediaWorks 88.6 Tauranga Magic Bay of Plenty MediaWorks 88.6 Wellington Radio Active 0.5 Wellington Student 88.6 Dunedin Flava Otago NZME 88.7 Pio Pio Cruise FM - King Country Independent 88.7 Rotorua Te Arawa FM 0.8 Rotorua Iwi 88.7 Napier More FM Hawkes Bay MediaWorks 88.7 Alexandra The Edge Central Otago MediaWorks 88.8Taupo The Edge Taupo MediaWorks 88.8 Whanganui The Edge Whanganui MediaWorks 88.8 Nelson The Edge Nelson MediaWorks 88.8 Oamaru Brian FM North Otago Independent 88.8 Queenstown ZM-FM Central Otago NZME 88.9 Blenheim Fresh FM - Marlborough Access 88.9 Christchurch The Edge Canterbury MediaWorks 88.9 Orewa More FM Rodney MediaWorks 88.9 Balclutha Star Otago Rhema 89.0 Waihi The Rhythm Coromandel Independent 89.0 Hamilton Free FM89 5 Waikato Student 89.0 Palmerston N. RNZ Concert Manawatu RNZ 89.0 Wanaka Rhema Central Otago Rhema 89.1 Coromandel Town More FM Coromandel MediaWorks 89.1 Timaru Tahu FM - South Canterbury Iwi 89.1 Picton The Hits Marlborough NZME 89.2 Whangarei Mix Northland NZME 89.2 Reporoa More FM Rotorua MediaWorks 89.2 New Plymouth Radio Live Taranaki MediaWorks 89.2 Glenorchy Glenorchy Country Radio 0.3 Central Otago Independent 89.2 Invercargill More FM Southland MediaWorks 89.3 Gisborne Mai FM Eastland MediaWorks 89.3 Kapiti More FM Wellington MediaWorks 89.3 Wairarapa More FM Wairarapa MediaWorks 89.3 Wellington Newstalk ZB Wellington NZME 89.3 Ashburton The Hits Canterbury NZME 89.4 Auckland Newstalk ZB Auckland NZME 89.4 Tauranga ZM-FM Bay of Plenty NZME 89.4 Twizel Port FM South Canterbury Port FM 89.4 Dunedin The Hits Otago NZME 89.5 Rotorua Flava Rotorua NZME 89.5 Masterton More FM Wairarapa MediaWorks 89.5 Kapiti Coast Newstalk ZB Wellington NZME 89.5 Hastings The Hits Hawkes Bay NZME 89.6 Russell Coast Bay of Islands NZME 89.6 Oamaru TAB Trackside North Otago TAB 89.6 Queenstown Newstalk ZB Central Otago NZME 89.6 Nelson The Hits Nelson NZME 89.6 Taupo Cool Blue Taupo Taupo Independent 89.6 Whanganui The Hits Whanganui NZME 89.7 Whakatane 1XX-FM Bay of Plenty independent 89.7 Blenheim The Breeze Marlborough MediaWorks 89.7 Christchurch RNZ Concert Canterbury RNZ 89.8 Palmerston Nth Kia Ora FM 1 Manawatu Iwi 89.8 Wanaka The Rock Central Otago MediaWorks 89.8 Hamilton ZM-FM Waikato NZME 89.9 Whangamata More FM Coromandel MediaWorks 89.9 Timaru Radio Live 3.2 South Canterbury MediaWorks 89.9 Greymouth Radio Sport West Coast NZME 90.0 Kaikohe The Rock Far North MediaWorks 90.0 Whangarei The Rock Northland MediaWorks 90.0 Invercargill RNZ Concert 40 Southland RNZ 90.0 Taihape Ski FM 0.63 Rangitekei Independent 90.0 New Plymouth The Hits Taranaki NZME 90.1 Gisborne More FM Eastland MediaWorks 90.1 Christchurch Coast Canterbury NZME 90.1 Westport Radio Live West Coast MediaWorks 90.1 Wellington The Hits Wellington NZME 90.1 Timaru The Sound South Canterbury MediaWorks 90.1 Otematata The Edge North Otago MediaWorks 90.2 Tauranga Newstalk ZB Bay of Plenty NZME 90.2 Auckland The Rock Auckland MediaWorks 90.2 Raetihi Brian FM 1.6 Ruapehu Independent 90.2 Dunedin The Sound Otago MediaWorks 90.3 Whitianga More FM Coromandel MediaWorks 90.3 Kapiti Coast More FM Wellington MediaWorks 90.3 Reefton Coast FM 0.5 West Coast Independent 90.3 Alexandra More FM Central Otago MediaWorks 90.3 Hastings Newstalk ZB Hawkes Bay NZME 90.3 Akaroa Akaroa Radio 0.3 Canterbury Independent 90.3 Rotorua RNZ Concert Rotorua RNZ 90.3 Masterton The Hits Wairarapa NZME 90.4 Mangawhai The Wireless 0.1 Northland Independent 90.4 Taupo ZM-FM 1.25 Taupo NZME 90.4 Whanganui Magic 0.16 Whanganui MediaWorks 90.4 Nelson Radio Hauraki 5 Nelson NZME 90.4 Queenstown The Hits 0.8 Central Otago NZME 90.4 Te Anau The Hits 1.6 Central Otago NZME 90.5 Whakatane 1XX-FM 16 Bay of Plenty Independent 90.5 Christchurch Tahu FM 15.8 Canterbury Iwi 90.5 South Westland The Hits West Coast NZME 90.6 Waiheke Island Chinese R 90.6FM 1.6 Auckland Independent 90.6 Waihi More FM Coromandel MediaWorks 90.6 Palmerston North ZM-FM Manawatu NZME 90.6 Hamilton Raukawa FM Waikato Iwi 90.6 Wanaka Newstalk ZB Central Otago NZME 90.7 Pauanui South The Breeze Coromandel MediaWorks 90.7 Kaikoura Tahu FM - North Canterbury Iwi 90.7 Greymouth The Hits West Coast NZME 90.7 Timaru The Sound South Canterbury MediaWorks 90.8 New Plymouth Radio Hauraki Taranaki NZME 90.8 Whangarei Radio Live Northland MediaWorks 90.8 Miranda The Breeze Waikato MediaWorks 90.8 Invercargill The Rock Southland MediaWorks 90.9 Gisborne The Hits Eastland NZME 90.9 Wellington ZM-FM Wellington NZME 90.9 Christchurch (Southshore) ZM-FM Canterbury NZME 90.9 Westport The Hits West Coast NZME 90.9 Omarama Port FM 0.05 North Otago Port FM 91.0 Dunedin R.One 2.5 Otago Student 91.0 Tauranga Radio Hauraki Bay of Plenty NZME 91.0 Auckland ZM-FM Auckland NZME 91.0 Tekapo Port FM South Canterbury Port FM 91.1 Akaroa Akaroa Radio 0.3 Canterbury Independent 91.1 Napier RNZ Concert Hawkes Bay RNZ 91.1 Taumarunui Ski FM 1 King Country Independent 91.1 Rotorua The Sound Rotorua MediaWorks 91.1 Kapiti Coast ZM-FM Wellington NZME 91.1 Masterton Trackside 1 Wairarapa TAB 91.2 Rahotu The Hits 4 Taranaki NZME 91.2 Whanganui Brian FM 0.8 Whanganui Independent 91.2 Queenstown Radio Live Central Otago MediaWorks 91.2Nelson RNZ Concert Nelson RNZ 91.2 Taupo TAB Radio Trackside 2 Taupo TAB 91.3 Christchurch ZM-FM Canterbury NZME 91.3 Blenheim The Sound Marlborough MediaWorks 91.3Milton? Hokonui Otago NZME 91.4 Palmerston Nth Rhema Manawatu Rhema 91.4 Hamilton RNZ Concert Waikato RNZ 91.5 Kaikoura The Hits North Canterbury NZME 91.5 Greymouth The Sound West Coast MediaWorks 91.5 Timaru The Rock South Canterbury MediaWorks 91.6 Kaitaia More FM Far North MediaWorks 91.6 Whangarei More FM Northland MediaWorks 91.6 New Plymouth RNZ Concert Taranaki RNZ 91.6 Invercargill The Breeze Southland MediaWorks 91.7 Opotiki Bridge FM 0.1 Bay of Plenty Independent 91.7 Gisborne Turanga FM 0.8 Eastland Iwi 91.7 Wellington The Edge Wellington MediaWorks 91.7 Christchurch (Southshore) Mix Canterbury NZME 91.7 Ashburton Life FM Canterbury Rhema 91.8 Auckland More FM Auckland MediaWorks 91.8 Waipuna Ski FM 1.6 Ruapehu Independent 91.8 Twizel Rhema South Canterbury Rhema 91.8 Dunedin The Edge Otago MediaWorks 91.9 Rotorua The Breeze Rotorua MediaWorks 91.9 Kapiti Coast The Rock 0.63 Wellington MediaWorks 91.9 Hastings The Sound Hawkes Bay MediaWorks 91.9 Masterton Radio Sport Wairarapa NZME 91.9 Alexandra Local R.Central 0.8 Central Otago Independent 91.9 Cromwell Local R.Central 0.1 Central Otago Independent 92.0 Queenstown More FM 2 Central Otago MediaWorks 92.0 Whanganui Reelworld FM 0.8 Whanganui Independent 92.0 Kerikeri The Sound 1 Bay of Islands MediaWorks 92.0 Taupo Tuwharetoa FM 4 Taupo Iwi 92.0 Motueka More FM Nelson MediaWorks 92.0 Milford Sound RNZ National 0.008 Fiordland RNZ 92.1 Whakatane Radio Live 2 Bay of Plenty MediaWorks 92.1 Christchurch More FM 80 Canterbury MediaWorks 92.1 Timaru More FM South Canterbury MediaWorks 92.1 Blenheim Newstalk ZB 0.16 Marlborough NZME 92.2 Coromandel Town Nga Iwi FM 0.2 Coromandel Iwi 92.2 Palmerston North More FM Manawatu MediaWorks 92.2 Hamilton More FM 10 Waikato MediaWorks 92.2 Wanaka R.Wanaka 0.5 Central Otago Independent 92.3 Picton Radio Live Marlborough MediaWorks 92.4 Invercargill Coast 40 Southland NZME 92.4 Kaitaia TAB Radio Trackside 16 Far North TAB 92.4 Whangarei TAB Radio Trackside 0.16 Northland TAB 92.4 Miranda Nga Iwi FM 4 Waikato Iwi 92.4 New Plymouth The Breeze Taranaki MediaWorks 92.5 Wellington RNZ Concert Wellington RNZ 92.5 Gisborne Star Eastland Rhema 92.5 Westport The Sound West Coast MediaWorks 92.5 Ashburton Hokonui 8 Canterbury NZME 92.6 Auckland RNZ Concert Auckland RNZ 92.6Dunedin RNZ Concert Otago RNZ 92.6 Tauranga The Sound Bay of Plenty MediaWorks 92.6 Twizel RNZ National 0.08 South Canterbury RNZ 92.7 Masterton Arrow FM 0.8 Wairarapa Access 92.7 Hastings Magic Hawkes Bay MediaWorks 92.7 Taumarunui Peak FM 1.6 King Country Independent 92.7 Kapiti Coast The Hits Wellington NZME 92.7 Rotorua The Rock Rotorua MediaWorks 92.8 Waihi Nga Iwi FM 0.2 Coromandel Iwi 92.8 Whanganui More FM Whanganui MediaWorks 92.8Taupo Radio Hauraki Taupo NZME 92.8 Opunake More FM Taranaki MediaWorks 92.8 Nelson More FM Nelson MediaWorks 92.9 Orewa Radio Live Auckland MediaWorks 92.9 Blenheim More FM Marlborough MediaWorks 92.9 Ohope One Double X 0.16 Bay of Plenty Independent 92.9 Christchurch The Sound Canterbury MediaWorks 93.0 Palmerston Nth The Edge Manawatu MediaWorks 93.0 Hamilton The Rock Waikato MediaWorks 93.1 Whangamata The Edge Coromandel MediaWorks 93.1 Timaru Port FM 0.1 South Canterbury Port FM 93.1 Waimate Port FM 0.8 South Canterbury Port FM 93.1 Greymouth The Hits 4 West Coast NZME 93.2 Paeroa More FM Coromandel MediaWorks 93.2 Taihape Brian FM 0.5 Rangitikei Independent 93.2 New Plymouth More FM Taranaki NZME 93.2 Invercargill Radio Hauraki Southland NZME 93.2 Kaitaia Radio Hauraki Far North NZME 93.2 Whangarei Radio Hauraki Northland NZME 93.3 Gisborne Turanga FM 1.6 Eastland Iwi 93.3 Wellington Radio Hauraki Wellington NZME 93.3 Christchurch (Southshore) Flava Canterbury NZME 93.3 Ashburton The Edge Canterbury MediaWorks 93.4 Auckland The Breeze Auckland MediaWorks 93.4 Tauranga More FM Bay of Plenty MediaWorks 93.4 Tekapo RNZ National
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