AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION One Hundred Third Annual Meeting HISTORY Of SCIENCE SOCIETY Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting December 27—30, 1988 Cincinnati RS CINCINNATI •1986 G.C.B.CJ. __ HISTORICAL ABSTRWTS... soon to bring you IXPANDED COVERAGE ofjournals from the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA affords students an ot ervien’ of representative current work in the areas of methodology and philosophy of history, even in languaces the undergraduates do not have gives them a world scope they might otherwise lack. Robert I. Burns, S.]. Department of History, University of California, Los Angeles ‘illstorical Abstracts a tool that can be used effectively in a small college. Stanley 3. ldzerda Department of Histon’, college of St. Benedict HistoricalAbsfracts enables me to take shortcuts in my own research and to do in a fraction of time what would otherwise take many hours.’ Peter Kiassen Dean of Social Science, California State University, Fresno “Historical .4 hstracts offers much more than just titles, I find out what the articles are actually about, It’.s very useful.’ H. Peter Krosby Department of History, State University of New York, Albany It aids in the u’innotc’ing pmcess. .Vost researchers discard about 9O° of the material they read as irrelei ant to their ou’n u’ork..4nything that helps one to knou’ in advance what will be useful is extremely valuable.’ Paul W Schroeder Department of History, University of Illinois, Champaign.Urbana Register at Booth 39 for a free daily drawing. Win The Mirror ofHistory: Essays in Honor ofFritz Feilner ($75 value),, ABC-CLIO 2040 A.PS., Box 4397 Santa Barbara, CA 931404397 .\ BC-C LI 0 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION One Hundred Third Annual Meeting Convention Center HISTORY OF SCIENCE MEETING Sixty-Fourth Annual Meeting Westin Hotel December 27—30, 1988 CINCINNATI, 01110 AKIRA IRIYE STEIN-FREILER DISTINGUISHED SERVICE PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGO PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN HISTORICAL AS S UClA LION lOt) A Street SE, Waslangton, D( 2Ot)03 1988 OFFICERS President: AK1RA IRIYE, University of Chicago President-elect: Louis R. HARLAN, University of Maryland College Park Executive Director: SAM UEL R. GAMMON Editor: DíwID L. RAN5EI , Indiana University Contiolls r: JAMES H. LEA FHERWOOD (—July) RANDY B. N0REu. (August—) COUNCIL AIURA IRIYE NATALIF Z. Dvis, past president Louis R. HARLAN SAMuEL R. GAMMoN, cx officio PATRIcIA A. CR f TAM, vice-president J OlIN j. 1 EPA5KE, vice-president feaching Dhision (1988) Professional Division (1989) Harvard University Duke University RIchARD 1. VANN, vice-presideiit Research Division (1990) Wesle) an University RoBrar FoRsrER (1988) RICHARD H. KoHN (1989) Johns Hopkins University Ofhce of Air Force History PeGGY K.Liss (1988) CARol. GLu K (1990) Washington, DC Columbia University JOhN F. Bets loNt (1989) LwRrNcE W. LEvINE (1990) California Institute of 1 echnology Umversit) of California, Berkeley PACIFIC COAST BRANCH OFFICERS President: Pm ER STisNsIY, Stanford University Vi —P reodcnt Ro;srwr M1DDLF.K u rr, Unix ersit) of Callftji nia, Berkeley Scntoiy hvasurer: LAwRENcE jFL1NEK, Loyola Maryrnount Unix ersity Monogs rig Editor: NORRIS HUNDLFA, JR., Unix ersity of California, Los Angeles PRESIDENTS OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 188 1—$5 ANDREW DICKSON WHITE 1939 WILLIAM SC0T1 FER;USON 1885—86 GEORGE BNcRof I 1910 Mx FARRND 1886—87 JUSIIN WIN50R 1941 JAMES WESIIAIL IFIOMPSON 1887—88 WILLIAM FREDERIcK Pooi E 1942 ARTHUR M. SCHLESINGER 1859 CEIARLEs KENDALL ADAMS 1943 \ELLIE \EILSOx 1890 JOHN JAY 19-11 WILLIAM L. WESTERMANN \TILLI\f 1891 WIRT HENRY 1945 CARLTONj. H. HAYES 1892—93 JAMES BURRILL ANGELL 1946 SIDNEY B. F u 1893—94 HENR\ ADAMS 1947 THOMAS J. WERTFNBAKLR 1895 GEoRGE FRIsBIE HOAR 1948 KENNETH SCOTT LArOuRL FE 1896 RICHARD SALTER STORKS 1919 CON VERS READ 1897 J.;ES ScIT0ULER 19Sf) SIUEL E. MORISON 189$ GE0RC,E PARK FISHER 1951 ROBEWr L. SCIELYLER 1899 JAMES FORD RHODES 1952 JAMES C. RANDALL 1900 ED ARD EGGLES ION 1953 LouIs Goii SCHALK 1901 ChARLES FRANCIs ADAMS 1954 MERLE CuRTI 1902 ALFRED ThAYER MAHAN 1955 LYNN ThORN DIKE 1903 HENRY CHARLES LEA 1956 DEXTER PERKINS 1901 GOLDwIN SMITH 1957 WTILLIM LANGER 1905 J OLIN BACh MCMASTER 195$ WALTER PRESCOTT WEBB 1906 SIME0N E. BALDWIN 1959 ALLAN NEVINS 1907 J. Fiu JAMESON 1960 BERNADm1E E. SCHMn F 1908 GEOIZGE BuwrON ADAMS 1961 SfUEL fLAcG BEIIs 1909 ALBERT BUSHNELL HART 1962 CARL BRIDENB.-uGH 1910 FREDERIcK JACKSON TURNER 1963 CRANE BRINTON 1911 WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE 1964 JULIAN P. Bovo 1912 ThEODORE ROOSEVELT 1965 FREDERIC C. LINE 1913 WILLIAM ARCHIBALD DUNNING 1966 ROY F. NICHOLS 1914 ANDREW C. MCLAUGhLIN 1967 HAJ0 H0LB0RN 1915 H. MORSE STEPHENS 1968 JOHN K. FAIRB,Nx 1916 GEORGE LINCOLN BURR 1969 C. VANN W00DWARD 1917 WORTHINGTON C. FORD 1970 R. R. PALMER 1918—19 WILLIAM R0SC0E TIIAYER 1971 DAVID M. POTTER 1920 EDWARD CIIANNING JOSEPh R. STRAYER 1921 JEAN JULES JUSSERAND 1972 IHOMAS C. COCHR,N 1922 ChARLES H. HASKINS 1973 Lx’NN WHITE, JR. 1923 EDWARD P. CHEYNEY 197-1 LEWIs KANKE 1924 VOoDRoW WILSON 1975 GoRDoN WRIGHT 1924—25 ChARLES M. ANDREw5 1976 RICHARD B. MORRIS 1926 DAN, C. MUNRO 1977 ChARLES GIBSON 1927 HENRY OSB0RN TAYLOR 1978 WILLIAM J. BOuwSiIA 198 JAMES H. BREASTED 1979 JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN 1929 JAMES HARvE\- ROBINSON 1980 DAVID H. PIN KNEY 1930 EVARTS BOUTELL GREENE 1981 BERNARD BAILVN 1931 CARL LOTUS BECKER 1982 GORDON A. CRAIG 1932 HERBERT EUGENE BOLTON 1983 PHILIP D. CURTIN 1933 CHARLES A, BEARD 1984 ARFHuR S. LINK 1931 WILLIArI E. DODD 1985 WILLIAM H. MCNEILL 1935 MICHAEL 1. RosTOvTzEff 1986 CARL N. DEGLER 1936 CHARLES Mc ILWAN 1987 N.TLIE Z. 1937 GUY STANTON fORD 1988 AuRA IRIYE 1938 LAURENCE M. LARSoN FREDERIC L. P.xSON PLANNING AND ARRANGEMENTS, 1988 ANNUAL MEETING Program Committee Chair. Konract H. jarausch Carol Gluck University of North Carolina. Columbia University Chapel Hill Lynn A. Hunt Cochair: Melvyn P. Leffler University of Pennsylvania University of Virginia Charles 0. Nauert, Jr. Joyce Appleby University of Missouri, Columbia University of California, David P. Thelen Los Angeles Indiana University Peter Czap Norbert Mavr Amherst College Assistant to the Committee, Michael frisch IJNC Chapel Hill State University of New York, Buffalo Local Arrangements Committee Cochmr: Roger Daniels Steen Kesselman University of Cincinnati William Howard Taft National Cochair; Gale E. Peterson Historical Site Cincinnati Historical Society Alexander Korros Roberta Sue Alexander Xavier University University of Dayton Bruce Levine William A. Baughin University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College, Joanne Meverowitz University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati John Brackett Deborah A. Overmeyr University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Historical Society Jonathan Dembo Jonathan D. Sarna Cincinnati Historical Society Hebrew Union College Raymond G. Herbert Judith Sealancler Thomas More College Wright State University Sam Jenike Allan M. Winkler Walnut Hills High School, Miami University Cincinnati AHA Editorial Staff Eileen Gaylarcl Sharon K. Tune Maureen Leonard Tricia T. Pvne PERSONAL APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULE vIorniiig Afternoon Date Breakfast Session Luncheon Session Other Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 TABLE Of CONTENTS AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION General Information 8 Meetings of Affiliated Societies and Groups 9 Floor Plan of Convention Center 19 AHA Sessions 27 Luncheons 37, 59, 60 Topical Index 90 List of Participants 91 Scholars from Abroad 97 Exhibitors 99 Annual Reports of the Executive Director 104 Editor, AHR 109 Controller ill HISTORY OF SCIENCE SOCIETY Floor Plan of Westin Hotel 128 Program 132 List of Participants 154 ADVERTSIERS 156 7 GENERAL INFORMATION Except for the opening session the evening of December 27, which will be held at the Clarion Hotel, all sessions will be held at the Cincinnati Convention Center on the second Floor, The Local Arrangements Committee office svill be located in South 226, the AHA staff office in South 227, and the Press in South 220. The job Register is located in rooms North 212 and 213. The Book Exhibits occupy the Ballroom on the third floor. DISCOUNTED AIR FARES TO CINCINNATI: American Airlines and Delta Airlines are offering special rates to all those attending the annual meeting. for information and reservations on American Airlines c:all 1-800-433-1790 and ask for Star file number 5.15554. The AA reservation desk is open Monday through Friday, 7 am, to midnight (CST). for Delta Airline information and reservations call 1-800-241-6760 between 8:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. seven days a week tEST) and ask for ble number N.0122. AHA REGISTRATION: Members at-c urged to preregister at the reduced rate of $30 (nonmembers $40, students and unemployed 12) .A preregistration form is enclosed. Registration at the meeting will be $35 (nonmembers $50, students and unemployed $14). The registration desks on the second floor of the convention center will be open during the following hours: Tuesday, December 27 12 noon—7:00 p.m. Weclnesday, December 28 8:00 a,m.—6:00 p.m. Thursday, December 29 8:3t) a.m,—4:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING: Resolcitions for the business meeting will be handled as follows: I) resolutions signed by twent -five members of the Association will be acceptedl until December 15; 2) resolutions received by November 1 will take precedence and will be published in the December Peccpedizes; 3) resolutions must be no more than three hundred words in length. Resolutions should be sent to the Executive Director at the AHA central office, with a copy to the Parliamentarian. Michael Les Benedict. Department of History, 106 Dttlles 1-lall, Ohio State University, 230 W. 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ofi 43210. At its meeting on May 1 5—l 6, 1980, the Council adopted the following bylaw pursuant to Article VII, Sections [—4, of the constitution: Bylaw 8(5): There shall be a quorum for the annual business meeting of one hundred members in good standing.
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