We gratefully acknowledge the following Authors from the Originating laboratories responsible for obtaining the specimens, as well as the Submitting laboratories where the genome data were generated and shared via GISAID, on which this research is based. All Submitters of data may be contacted directly via www.gisaid.org Authors are sorted alphabetically. Accession ID Originating Laboratory Submitting Laboratory Authors EPI_ISL_875674 "1.AO Universitaria 'S. Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D'Aragona, "1. Genome Research Center for Health (CRGS) / 2. "Giorgio Giurato (Corresponding Author); Alessandro Weisz (Corresponding Author); Alessia Cossu; Aniello Gentile; Annamaria Salvati; Antonello Scuola Medica Salernitana' Hospital / 2.UOC di Virologia e Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Genomics(LMMGe) / 3. Saccomanno; Arnolfo Petruzziello; Assunta Sellitto; Carlo Ferravante; Domenico Memoli; Domenico Palumbo; Elena Alexandrova; Emilia Vaccaro; Microbiologia, Università della Campania 'L. Vanvitelli' / 3.AO Center for Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics Francesca Marciano; Francesca Rizzo (Corresponding Author); Gianluigi Franci; Giovanni Nassa; Giovanni Pecoraro; Giuseppe Fenza; Giuseppe Portella; Universitaria 'Federico II' Napoli Hospital / 4.AORN 'San (CRMPA)" Gregorio Goffredi; Ilaria Terenzi; Jessica Lamberti; Maddalena Schioppa; Maria Grazia Foti; Maria Landi; Marianna Scrima"; Mariarosaria Ingino; Giuseppe Moscati' Avellino Hospital / 5.AO 'San Pio - presidio Massimiliano Galdiero; Maurizio Fumi; Michele Caraglia; Michele Cennamo; Oriana Strianese; Pasquale Pagliano; Rita Greco; Roberta Tarallo; Sonia G. Rummo' Benevento Hospital / 6.AO 'Sant'Anna e San Amabile; Teresa Rocco; Valeria Mirici Cappa; Vincenzo Rocco; Viola Melone; Vittoria Letizia; Ylenia D'Agostino Sebastiano' Caserta Hospital / 7.PO 'Maria Santissima Addolorata' Eboli Hospital / 8.Biogem Istituto di Ricerche Genetiche" EPI_ISL_985399 to 985400, EPI_ISL_985402, EPI_ISL_985405 to 985407, EPI_ISL_985410, EPI_ISL_985433, EPI_ISL_988352, EPI_ISL_989241, EPI_ISL_990198, EPI_ISL_993930, EPI_ISL_994654 to 994657, EPI_ISL_994659 to 994667, EPI_ISL_994739 to 994740 see above "Dr. Andrija Stampar" Teaching Institute of Public Health, Institute of Applied Genomics Federica Cattonaro; Jasmina Vranes; Michele MOrgante; Michele Morgante Department of Clinical Microbiology EPI_ISL_833052 to 833054 "Presidio Ospedaliero "San Liberatore" Atri Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e Molise "G. Ancora M; Calistri P; Cammà C; Curini V; Delli Compagni E; Di Domenico M; Di Pasquale A; Lorusso A; Mangone I; Marcacci M; Puglia I; Rinaldi A; Savini Caporale" G EPI_ISL_833055 to 833056 "SIESP DIPARTIMENTO DI PREVENZIONE CHIETi Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e Molise "G. Ancora M; Calistri P; Cammà C; Curini V; Delli Compagni E; Di Domenico M; Di Pasquale A; Lorusso A; Mangone I; Marcacci M; Puglia I; Rinaldi A; Savini Caporale" G EPI_ISL_1081954, EPI_ISL_1081958 to "Stefan S. Nicolau"Institute of Virology "Stefan S. Nicolau"Institute of Virology Adriana Plesa; Alina Nastasie; Ana Iulia Neagu; Anca Botezatu; Camelia Sultana; Carmen Cristina Diaconu; Carmen Cristina Diaconu.; Coralia Bleotu; 1081959, EPI_ISL_1081961, EPI_ISL_1082252, Cristina Mambet; Denisa Dragu; Gabriela Anton; Ioana Pitica; Iulia Virginia Iancu; Laura Grecu; Laura Necula; Lilia Matei; Marinela Bostan; Mihaela EPI_ISL_1082290 to 1082291, EPI_ISL_1082294 Economescu; Mirela Mihaila; Saviana Nedeianu; Simona Ruta EPI_ISL_1082296 "Stefan S. Nicolau"Institute of Virology 285 Mihai Bravu Ave, Bucharest, Romania Adriana Plesa; Alina Nastasie; Ana Iulia Neagu; Anca Botezatu; Camelia Sultana; Carmen Cristina Diaconu; Coralia Bleotu; Cristina Mambet; Denisa Dragu; Gabriela Anton; Ioana Pitica; Iulia Virginia Iancu; Laura Grecu; Laura Necula; Lilia Matei; Marinela Bostan; Mihaela Economescu; Mirela Mihaila; Saviana Nedeianu; Simona Ruta EPI_ISL_632310 1-Laboratory of Microbiology, National Reference Lab, Charles 1-Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Lab, LR16SP02, Alia Ben Kahla; Gaies Emna; Ilhem Boutiba-Ben Boubaker; Imen Kacem; Imen Mkada; Jalila Ben Khelil; Maher Kharrat; Mouna Ben Sassi; Mouna Safer; Nicolle Hospital; 2-University of Tunis ElManar, Faculty of National Center of Pharmacovigilance, University of Tunis El Nissaf Ben Alaya; Riadh Daghfous; Riadh Gouider.; Salma Abid; Sameh Trabelsi; Sana Ferjani; Soumaya Rammeh Medicine of Tunis, LR99ES09, Tunis, Tunisia Manar, Tunis, Tunisia. 2-Neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric troubles, LR18SP03, Razi Hospital, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia. 3- Ministry of Health, National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases, 1006, Tunis, Tunisia EPI_ISL_634977, EPI_ISL_635061, EPI_ISL_683329, EPI_ISL_699655 to 699657, EPI_ISL_707697 to 707700, EPI_ISL_707791 to 707793, EPI_ISL_733499 to 733500, EPI_ISL_763065, EPI_ISL_763067, EPI_ISL_794735 to 794736, EPI_ISL_794738 see above 1-Laboratory of Microbiology, National Reference Lab, Charles 1-Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Lab, LR16SP02, Alia Ben Kahla; Alia BenKahla; Asma Ferjani; Awatef El MOussi; Awatef El Moussi; Gaies Emna; Guedi Ali Barreh; Guedi Berrabeh; Habiba Ben Nicolle Hospital; 2-University of Tunis ElManar, Faculty of National Center of Pharmacovigilance, University of Tunis El Romdhane; Hanen El Jebari; Hanen ElJebari; Ilhem Boutiba-Ben Boubaker; Imen Kacem; Imen Mkada; Ines Mdini; Jalila Ben Khelil; Maher Kharrat; Medicine of Tunis, LR99ES09, Tunis, Tunisia Manar, Tunis, Tunisia. 2-Neurodegenerative diseases and Mouna Ben Sassi; Mouna Safer; Nissaf Ben Alaya; Riadh Daghfous; Riadh Gouider.; Rouaa Ben Othman; Salma Abid; Salwa Mrabet; Sameh Trabelsi; psychiatric troubles, LR18SP03, Razi Hospital, University of Sana Ferjani; Sarra Chamman; Souissi Amira; Soumaya Rammeh; Zaineb Hamzaoui Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia. 3- Ministry of Health, National Observatory of New and Emerging Diseases, 1006, Tunis, Tunisia EPI_ISL_451971 to 451975, EPI_ISL_451977, 1. ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology, Maopolska 1. ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology, Maopolska Jakub Swadba; Krzysztof Pyr; Marcin Surmiak; Marek Sanak; Marta Rogalska-Kupiec; Monika Gsecka-Czapla; Pawe P abaj; Wojciech Branicki EPI_ISL_451979 to 451982, EPI_ISL_451984, Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University; 2. II Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University; 2. II EPI_ISL_451986 to 451987 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College; 3. DIAGNOSTYKA Jagiellonian University Medical College. Ltd. EPI_ISL_455440 to 455451, EPI_ISL_492066, 1. ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology, Maopolska 1. ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology, Maopolska Agnieszka Koakowska-Kulesza; Aleksandra A. Zasada; Aleksandra Milewska; Ewelina Hallman-Szeliska; Katarzyna Owczarek; Katarzyna Pancer; EPI_ISL_492068 to 492069, EPI_ISL_492071 to Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University; 2. II Centre of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University; 2. II Katarzyna Zacharczuk; Krzysztof Pyr; Magdalena Rzeczkowska; Marek Sanak; Natalia Wolaniuk; Pawe P abaj; Tomasz Wokowicz; Wojciech Branicki 492073 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College; 3. Narodowy Instytut Jagiellonian University Medical College; 3. Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Pastwowy Zakad Higieny (NIZP-PZH) Zdrowia Publicznego - Pastwowy Zakad Higieny (NIZP-PZH). EPI_ISL_876042 to 876043, EPI_ISL_876970 to 876975, EPI_ISL_876977 to 876978, EPI_ISL_876980 to 877010, EPI_ISL_877012 to 877034, EPI_ISL_877036, EPI_ISL_882675, EPI_ISL_882677 to 882678, EPI_ISL_882690 to 882691, EPI_ISL_882693, EPI_ISL_882697 to 882709, EPI_ISL_882711 to 882738, EPI_ISL_882741 to 882742, EPI_ISL_882744 to 882768, EPI_ISL_883499, EPI_ISL_887506 to 887507, EPI_ISL_894218, EPI_ISL_918128, EPI_ISL_918413 to 918415, EPI_ISL_918417, EPI_ISL_918419 to 918422, EPI_ISL_934420 to 934421, EPI_ISL_934423, EPI_ISL_954183 to 954187, EPI_ISL_954189 to 954192, EPI_ISL_954194 to 954199, EPI_ISL_954201 to 954209, EPI_ISL_954211 to 954213, EPI_ISL_954215 to 954225, EPI_ISL_1013525, EPI_ISL_1013533 to 1013566, EPI_ISL_1013568 to 1013578, EPI_ISL_1013580 to 1013582 see above 1.AO Universitaria 'S. Giovanni di Dio e Ruggi D'Aragona, 1. Genome Research Center for Health (CRGS) / 2. Alessandro Weisz; Alessandro Weisz (Corresponding Author); Alessia Cossu; Andreina Baj; Aniello Gentile; Annamaria Salvati; Antonello Saccomanno; Scuola Medica Salernitana' Hospital / 2.UOC di Virologia e Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Genomics(LMMGe) / 3. Arnolfo Petruzziello; Assunta Sellitto; Carlo Ferravante; Domenico Memoli; Domenico Palumbo; Edmondo Adorisio; Elena Alexandrova; Emilia Vaccaro; Microbiologia, Università della Campania 'L. Vanvitelli' / 3.AO Center for Research in Pure and Applied Mathematics Fausto Sessa.; Francesca Marciano; Francesca Rizzo; Francesca Rizzo (Corresponding Author); Francesco Curcio; Gianluigi Franci; Giorgio Dirani; Universitaria 'Federico II' Napoli Hospital / 4.AORN 'San (CRMPA) Giorgio Giurato; Giorgio Giurato (Corresponding Author); Giovanni Nassa; Giovanni Pecoraro; Giuseppe Fenza; Giuseppe Portella; Gregorio Goffredi; Giuseppe Moscati' Avellino Hospital / 5.AO 'San Pio - presidio Ilaria Terenzi; Jessica Lamberti; Maddalena Schioppa; Maria Grazia Foti; Maria Landi; Marianna Scrima; Mariarosaria Ingino; Massimiliano Galdiero; G. Rummo' Benevento
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