Class of 1815-1819

Class of 1815-1819

U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 145 NUMBER. 181.5. CLASS RANK. GRADUATES OF 1815. 121....(Born S. C.) . ..HENRY MIDDLETON..•...... .. (Ap'd S. C.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy from Dec. 24, 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGL'IEERS, :rim. 2, 1815. On leave of absence, Mar. 2, 1815, to July 15, 1816. RESIGNED, JULY 15, 1816. Civil History.-Author of papers on "The Goyernment and the Currency," 1844-45. :L22 ....(BornN. Y.) ....WILLIAM F. RIGAL ............ (Ap'dN. Y.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. NIilitluy Academy from May 29, 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to . THIRD LIEUT., ORDNANCE, ~fAR. 2, 1815. Servec1 on Ordnance duty, Mar. 2, 1815, to Jan. 1, 1818. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAY 17, 1816. DROPPED, J .~N. 1, 1818. Civil History.-:Major of Engineers in the service of one of the South American States, 18-, to 18-. ' DIED,18-. 123....(Born N. Y.) .....JAMES SIMONSON.............(Ap'd N. Y.) Military History.·- Cadet of the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from Aug. 7, 1813, to ~rllr. 2, 1815, when he was graduated a·nd promoted iIi the Army to THIRD LJEUT., ORDNANCE, MAR. 2, 1815. Seryed : on Ordnance duty, Mar. 2,1815, to Apr. 20, 1826; and in garrison at (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, ~fAY 21, 1817) (FIRST LIEUT., ORDN.~NCE, OCT. 10, 1819) (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST Am:-r=ERY, IN RE-ORGANIZATION OF ARMY, JUNE 1, 1821) Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1826- 28,-Ft. Johnson, N. C., 1828-29, - Bellona Arsenal, Va., 1830,-and Ft. Johnson, N. C., 1830- 31. DROPPED, Noy. 30, 1833, FOR DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDERS, AND RAVING FAILED TO PERFORM ANY DUTY FOR OYER Two YEARS. Civil History.-Civil Engineer, 1833- 39. DIED, AUG. 7, 1839, IN CUBA, W. I. ~24 . ...{Born NIas.) .... ... ..JOHN HILLS...... ...........(Ap'Ll Mas.) Military History.- Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy from July 31, 1813, to Mo,r. 2, 1815, when lle was graduuted and promoted in the Army to THIRD LIEUT., ORDN.U'CE, MAR. 2, 1815. 10 146 GRADUATES OF THE NUMBER. 1815. CLASS RANK. Seneel on Ordnance duty, at various Arsenals and Depots, Mar. 2, 1815, (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JA...'<. 1, 1818) (FrnsT LIEUT., ORDNANCE, DEC. 31, ISla) (FmsT LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, IN BE-ORGANIZATION OF All~IY, JUNE 1, 1821) to Aug. 6, 1822. RESIGNED, AUG. 6, 1822. Re-appointed in the United States Army with the rank of SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 25, 1827. Served on Ordnance duty, Aug. 15, 1827, to Sep. 26, 1831. RESIGNED, DEC. 17. 1831. Re-appointed in the United States Army "ith the rank of BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, DEC. 17, 1831. Served: on Ordnance duty Jan. 14 to July 13,1832; and in selecting site for, (CAPTAIN, ORDNANCE, JULY 13, 1832) .lind building the Arsenal at Apalachicola, Fla., J \11y 13, 1832, to Feb. 25, 1835. DUlD, FED. 25, 1835, AT APALACHICOLA ARSENAL, FLA. 1.25.... (Born Mas.) ... .. .SIMON WILLARD ..............(Ap'd Mas.) Military History.- Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy from July 29, . 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated aud promoted in the Army to THIRD LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAlI. 2, 1815. Served on Ordnance duty, 1.'lar. 2, 1815, to May 1, 1816. RESIGNED, lIUY 1, 1816. Civil History.-lmporter and Dealer in Chronometers and Watches, Bost<m, :Mas., since 1825. 1.26.... (BornDel.) ......JOHN SYMINGTON.............(Ap'd Md.) Military History.·-Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy, fi.-om Sep. 10, . 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promote<1 in tho Almy to THIllD LIEUT., OUDNA,'<CE, i\iAll. 2, 1815. Served: on Ordnance duty at various Arsenals, Mar. 2, 1815, to May 30, (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, APR. 8, 1818) (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNAXCE, MAY 17,1820) (FillST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, IN RE-ORGANIZATION OF AR~IY, JUXE 1, 1821) (BVT. CAPTllN, MAY 17,1830, ]·OR FAITHFUL SERYICE TEN YEARS rn ONE GRADE) 1832; as Assistant Inspector of Foundries, 1832-33; in command of St, Louis (CAPTAIN, ORDNANCE, MAY 30, 1832) Arsenal Mo., 1833-40; on dut:y in Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C., 184.0-41; in command of Wnslllngton Arsenal, D. C., 1840- 44; as Member of the Ordnance Board, Dec. 26, 1840, to , 1857; in command of Harper's Ferry Armory, Va., 1844- 51, - of Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1851- 56,- and of (MAJOR, ORDNA.c'<CE, MAll. 27, 1842) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 147 NUMDER. 1815. CLASS RANK. Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1857- 62; on sick leave of absence. 1862-63; and (COLONEL, ORDNANCE, AUG. 3, 1861) unemployed, 1863-64. (RETIRED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE, JUNE 1, 1863, UNDER THE L.l.w OF JULY 17,1862, "HAYING DEEN DORNE ON ~'HE ARMY REGISTER MORE THAN 45 YEARS") DIED, APR. 4, 1864, IN HARFORD COUNTY, MD. 127....(BornGa.) .....WILLIAM W. GORDON ............ (Ap'd Ga.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. Milita.ry Academy from May 2, 1814, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to THIRD LIEUT., ORmIANCE, lVIAR. 2, 1815. Served as Aide-de-Camp to Byt- Maj.-Geneml Gaines, 1815. RESIGN ED. 00'£. 15, 1815. Civil History.- Counsellor at Law, S'l.v[1nnah, Ga.. 1818-36. Captain of Hnssars. Georgia Militia, 1832- 34. M'l.yor of the cityof Savannah. Gu., 1833- 35. Member of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgiu. 1835-36. President of the Central Railroad and Bmlking Company of Georgia 1836-42. DIED, Mlil. 20, 1842, AT SAYANNAH, GA.: AGED 46.' 128....(Born Va.) .......HENRY R. DULANy............. (Ap'cl Md.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. lVIilitary Academy frol11 July 13, 1813, to Mar. 2, 1815, when he was grndunted UJlCl promoted in the Army to THIRD LIEUT., LIGHT ARTILLERY, MAR. 2, 1815. Served: as Battalion Adjutant of Artillery, at Charleston harhor, S. C., 1815, (THIRD LIEUT., COllPS OF ARTILLERY, ON REDUCTION OF ARMY, lIrAY 17, 1815) to l\br. 5, 1817; on Recruiting service, 1817- 18; in garrison at Amelia Island, (SECOND Ln U r.• 4TH INFANT1W, MAR. 5, 1817) Fla., 1818-19; as Adjutant of 4th Infuntry, Apr. 1 to Nov. 1, 1819; as Aide-de­ (FIllST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, FED. 10, 1818) Camp to Bvt. M'l.j.-General Gnin€s, Noy. 1, 1819, to Feb. 3, 1822; and on sick (CAP'fAP.<, 4TH IxFANTRY, FED. 3, 1822) leave of abseuce, 1822-25. RESIGNED, lILw 31, 1825. Civil History.-·Farmer, uear Alexandria, Va., 1825-45. DIED, 1845, NEAR ALEXANDBU, VA. If! Gordon count~T, In Georgia, was named after him, in testimony of his rtblo and sl1ccessful se~vices in initiating and developing the railroad system of t.he State; nnd, in 1859, the Central R..'l,llrOfld Comp~ny Hl)l1rOpriatcd S5,000 for the erection of a monument, at Savanuah, Ga., t,o him -It·S first PreSIdent, who devot.ed his life to t.his gl'oot piolleer cuterprisCl, the success of which haa eovored the Stato witb a net· work of railways. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 149 NUl\IIlER. 1815. CLASS RANK. nance duty, Feb. 13, 1823, to "by, 182G; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artil­ lery School for Practice), 1827-28,-and Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1828- 30, 1830-31; (BVT. CAPTAIN, DEC. 31, 1828, FOR FAITHFUL SERVICE TEN YEARS IN ONE GRADE) on Commissary duty at New York, 1831-32; and as Aide-de-Camp to Bvt.. ":Iaj.-General Scott, June 22 to July 13, 1832, on the" Black Hawk Expe­ dition," but not at the seat of w,1.1·. RESIONED, SEP. 30, 1832. Civil History.·-Alderman of tho City of New York, 1833-34; and President of the Board of Alel81'men, 1834. Aicle-cle-Camp, with the rank of Colonel, to Governor Marcy, of the State of New York, June 27, 1836 : declined. lVlem­ bel' of the U. S. House of Representatives from New York city, 1839-41 ; and <'f the Legislature of the State of New York, 1850 and 1852. Residence, New York city. 132.... (Born Va.) ......ROBERT C. BRENT.............. (Ap'cl Mel) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy from Apr. 14, 1813, to "iar. 2, 1815, when he was gracluated and pI'omoted in the Army to TRmD LIEUT., CORPS OF ARTILLERY, MAR. 2, 1815. Served: in garrison at Ft. McHenry, Mel, 1815-18,-Ft. Preble, Me., (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ARTILLERY, MAY 13, 1817) 1818,-Ft. Sullivan, Me., 1818-20,-Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1820,-Ft. Co­ (FmsT LIEUT., CORPS OF ARTILLERY, ]VIAR. 5, 1819) (FIRST LmUT:, 1ST ARTILLERY, IN RE-ORGANIZATION OF ARl\IT, JUNE 1, 1821) (TRANSFERRED TO 1ST INFANTRY, Nov. 16, 1821, AND RE-TRANSFERRED TO 1ST ARTILLERY, DEC. 21, 1822) . lumbus, N. Y., 1820-21,-Ft. Slllli"an, Me., 1821,-and Baton Houge, La., 1821-23. RESIGNED, Nov. 1, 1823. Civil History.-Farmer, Stafford County, Va., 1823-37. DIED, MAY, 15, 1837, IN STAFFORD Co., VA. 133. (Born N. Y.) ....ABRAHAM WENDELL ..... .. .... (Ap'd N. Y.) Military History.-Cadet of the U. S. Military Academy ii'olll Sep. 2, 1813, to "far. 2, 1815, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to THIRD LIEUT., CORPS OF ARTILLERY, MAR. 2, 1815. SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ARTILLERY, MAy, 13, 1817. Served in gan-ison at Ft. Wolcott, R. I" 1815-16,- and at Castine, Me., 1816. D.IED, OCT_ 17, 1817, AX ALIlANY, N. Y. 134.. (Born Va.) .. GEORGE A. WASHINGTON . ......(Ap'd D.

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