Kerala Gazette No. 38 dated 29th September 2020. PART III COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE LAND FAIR VALUE NOTIFICATION KOLLAM DISTRICT ]p\-eq¿ dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^o-k-dpsS \S-]-Sn{Iaw (lm-P¿: _n. iin-Ip-am¿) \º¿ F^v˛3732/2020/F¬.Unkv. 2020 Pqsse 29. hnjbw :—`qanbpsS \ymb-hne-—]p\-eq¿ k_v Unhn-j≥—sIm´m-c-°c Xmeq-°v, sIm´m-c-°c hnt√Pv—A]m-IX ]cn-l-cn®v ]p\¿ \n¿Æbw \SØn DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. kqN\:—(1) tIcf ap{Z-∏{X \nbaw 1959 sk£≥ 28-F N´w 5 (4) (2) _lp. em≥Uv dh\yq IΩo-j-W-dpsS 11-˛2-˛2019˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse F¬F3˛ 54647-˛mw \º¿ ]cn-]-{Xw. (3) sIm´m-c-°c hnt√-Pn¬ I‰m\w apdn-bn¬ B\-μ-`-h-\-Øn¬ {ioa-Xn kn‘p ka¿∏n® At]-£. (4) sIm´mc-°c Xl-io¬Zm-cpsS 13-˛7-˛2020-˛se F^v. 8263/2020-˛mw \º¿ dnt∏m¿´v. `qan-bpsS \ymb-hne \n¿Æ-bn-®p-sIm≠v k¿°m¿ ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn® 6˛3-˛2010-˛se hn⁄m-]-\-Øn¬ 3˛mw kqN-\-bn¬ t]cv tN¿Øn-´p≈ At]-£IbpsS ssIh-i-h-kvXp-hns‚ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sX‰mbn tN¿Øv hne \n¿Æ-bn®v hn⁄m-]\w sNbvXp h∂n-´p-≈Xv ]cn-l-cn-°p-∂-Xn-\mbn At]£ ka¿∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂p. {]kvXpX At]-£-bn≥ta¬ kqN\ (4) {]Imcw dnt∏m¿´v ka¿∏n-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn dnt∏m¿´ns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Ønepw kqN\ (2) {]Im-c-ap≈ \n¿t±-i-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Ønepw tcJ-Iƒ {]Im-c-ap≈ icn-bmb ¢m n-^n-t°-j≥ tN¿Øpw Ah-bv°-\p-kr-X-amb hne-tN¿Øpw hn⁄m-]\w sN-tø≠Xv Bh-iy-am-sW∂v t_m≤y-s∏-´-Xns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ NphsS tN¿°pwhn[w DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. DØ-chv `qan-bpsS \ymb-hne \n›-bn-®p-sIm≠v 6˛3-˛2010-˛¬ hn⁄m-]\w sNø-s∏´ \ymb-hn-ebn¬ h∂ptN¿∂ A]m-IXIƒ ]cn-l-cn®v NphsS tN¿Øn-cn-°p∂ {]Imcw AwKo-I-cn®v DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. k¿sΔ/ 6˛3-˛2010˛se ]p\¿ ]p\¿ At]-£-Is‚ t]cpw Xmeq°v hnt√Pv/ dok¿sΔ/ hn⁄m-]-\-Ønse \n¿Æ-bn® \n¿Æ-bn® ta¬hn-em-khpw tªm°v k_v ¢mkn-^n-t°-j\pw ¢mkn^n hne (B¿ \º¿ Unhn-j≥ hnebpw t°j≥ H∂n-\v) \º¿ ` {ioaXn kn‘p, sIm´mc-°c sIm´mc-°c 364/10, Residential plot Residential plot 30,000 D/o cXv\-Ω, tªm°v-˛23 364/18 with Corp/Mun/ without B\-μ-`-h-\w, 364/19 Panch/road Vehicular I‰m\w apdn, access ` 80,000 access I‰m\w hnt√-Pv, amth-en-°c dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ Hm^okv, (H∏v) ]p\-eq¿. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ B^o-k¿. Gaz. No. 38/2020/DTP/CLR (Fair Value-Supplement). 201 2 THRISSUR DISTRICT Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5-˛19713/2011. 2020 Pq¨ 24. 6˛3˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 515˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr»q¿ Pn√-bnse Nmh-°mSv Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hne k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. F∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n-¬ Dƒs∏´ hnhn[ hnt√-Pp-I-fnse GXm\pw k¿sΔ- \-ºcp-I-fn-¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`qanIƒ k¿°m¿ `qan F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw Nne k¿tΔ/k_v Unhn-j-\p-Iƒ°v \ymb-hne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne `qanI-fpsS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{]-Im-c-ap≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymb-hne \n›-bn-°p-∂-Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i-°m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn¬ Nmh-°mSv `qtcJ Xlio¬Zm-cpsS At\zjW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \n›-bn®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿tΔ/k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ `qanIƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymb-hne Xmsg ]d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw Xncp-Øn-hm-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ B^o-kv, (H-∏v) Xr»q¿. k_v If-IvS¿. FORM A [See Rule (4)] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995. Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each Serial Number in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. (1) No. K.Dis. 50/2020/B5. 19th March 2020. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Nattika. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 168 4A .. .. .. Panchayath Nattika 10 Residential 3,80,000 plot without Vehicular access 202 3 (2) No. K.Dis/51/2020/B5. 19th March 2020. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Nattika. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 168 4A .. .. .. Panchayath Nattika 10 Residential plot 4,00,000 with Corp/Mun/ Panch/road access Revenue Divisional Office, (Sd.) Thrissur. Sub Collector. ERRATUM NOTIFICATIONS (1) No. K.Dis/11721/2019/B5. 22nd January 2020. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 255/2 of Mullassery Village in Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District finalised on 6-3-2010 (date) stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Mullassery. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 255 2 .. .. .. Panchayath Mullassery .. Wet Land 5,000 without road access 203 4 (2) No. K.Dis/11315/2018/B5. 23rd January 2020. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 249/4 of Mullassery Village in Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District finalised on 6-3-2010 (date) stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Mullassery. Name of Re-Survey Sl. Survey Sub Re- Re- Panchayath/ Local Body Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sub No. No. Division Survey Survey Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. of cation per Are Division No. Block No. Corporation Municipality/ Ward by use ` No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) .. 249 4 1 .. .. Panchayath Mullassery .. Wet Land 10,000 without road access (3) No. K.Dis/52/2020/B5. 8th June 2020. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 80/15 of Vailathur Village in Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District finalised on 6-3-2010 (date) stands motified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Vailathur. Name of Re-Survey Sl. Survey Sub Re- Re- Panchayath/ Local Body Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sub No. No. Division Survey Survey Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. of cation per Are Division No. Block No. Corporation Municipality/ Ward by use ` No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) .. 80 15 .. .. .. Panchayath Vadakkekkad .. Residential 1,50,000 plot with Private road access (4) No. K.Dis/528/2020/B5. 8th June 2020. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 80/15 of Vailathur Village in Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District finalised on 6-3-2010 (date) stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Vailathur. Name of Re-Survey Sl. Survey Sub Re- Re- Panchayath/ Local Body Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sub No. No. Division Survey Survey Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. of cation per Are Division No. Block No. Corporation Municipality/ Ward by use ` No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) .. 80 15 .. .. .. Panchayath Vadakkekkad .. Residential 1,50,000 plot with Private road access 204 5 (5) No. K.Dis/15961/2019/B5. 1st January 2020. The fair value of the land comprised in Sy. No. 50/9 of Manathala Village in Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur District finalised on 6-3-2010 (date) stands modified to the extent shown below: SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Manathala. Name of Re-Survey Sl. Survey Sub Re- Re- Panchayath/ Local Body Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sub No. No. Division Survey Survey Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. of cation per Are Division No. Block No. Corporation Municipality/ Ward by use ` No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) .. 50 9 .. .. .. Municipality Chavakkad .. Residential 75,000 plot with Private road access Revenue Divisional Office, (Sd.) Thrissur.
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