v February 2018 ^ Volume 42, Issue 2 [email protected] 908-233-8533 holytrinitywestfield.org BLESSEDHave LENT!a Καλη Σαρακοστη BY REV. centered so that the contemplation of FR. PETER DELVIZIS anything greater than this world eludes us. Great Lent calls each and every one Lenten Liturgical Schedule he time for self- of us to a higher realm. We are to lift our awareness and souls in praise of God and understand FEBRUARY spiritual reflec- that without God we are nothing. T “I have been crucified with Christ”, tion is upon us. Great Lent is the 19 Monday First Day of Great Lent, mechanism by which we rid ourselves of St. Paul tells the faithful of Galatia 5:00 PM Great Compline in Asia Minor. Great Lent calls us to those obstacles that keep us from having 20 Tueday 5:00 PM Lenten Vespers a fuller life in Jesus Christ. During this crucify our passions, to lay aside every 21 Wednesday 7:00 PM Presanctified period of time, the Church provides the worldly care so that “it is no longer I Liturgy tools of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving who live, but Christ [Who] lives in me”. 8:30 PM Theosis Program all working in cooperation to care for When Christ dwells within us, then we 23 Friday 7:00 PM First Salutation the soul by silencing and humbling the are able to align our lives to the true to the Theotokos ego and focusing meditation on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and flee from 24 Saturday 9:00 AM Last Saturday Lord. Repentance is the key to salvation. the false gospel and narratives of this of Souls The Lord will not unlock the gates of present age. 25 Sunday Sunday of Orthodoxy heaven or open a person’s heart without As we embark on this spiritual odys- 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy an expression of humility. The acknowl- sey that we call Great Lent, let the doors 27 Tuesday 5:00 PM Great Compline edgment of personal sin coupled by a of our hearts swing wide open to allow movement towards reconciliation leads 28 Wednesday 7:00 PM Presanctified the King of Glory to enter. Liturgy us to repentance. Without repentance, 8:30 PM Theosis Program the soul remains haughty and self- Continued on page 2 Wait for the promise of the Father 1 Dates in the Life of Our Church Continued from page 1 FEBRUARY 2018 23 7:00 PM Akathist Hymn 1 4:00 PM Greek School 24 Saturday of Souls Great Lent Begins 7:30 PM Choir 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy February 19 2 Presentation of our Lord 25 Sunday of Orthodoxy Few people today believe that they can lose their salvation. Even “reli- 8:30 AM Orthros 8:15 AM Orthros gious” people are very careless about 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy their souls, thinking that if they “just 3 6:00 PM Greek School Dance 27 4:00 PM Greek School believe” (whatever), they will “go to 4 8:15 AM Orthros 5:00 PM Great Compline heaven.” They have forgotten the many, many places in Holy Scripture 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 7:00PM Presanctified Liturgy 28 which speak of death, God’s judgment, 6 4:00 PM Greek School 8:30 PM Theosis heaven, and hell, and especially they 8 St. Theodore the Commander have forgotten Christ’s own words 8:30 AM Orthros MARCH 2018 that the way to life is narrow and few find it! Let us cast off carelessness 4:00 PM Greek School 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 1 and a superficial attitude regarding 10:00 AM TOTS 7:30 PM Choir our salvation, and strive to find and 4:00 PM Greek School 2 7:00 PM Akathist Hymn follow the narrow way laid out in the Gospel! 7:30 PM Choir 3 Sights & Sounds 10 First Saturday of Souls 4 8:15 AM Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy ENGAGE your faith 11 MeatFare Sunday 5 5:00 PM Lenten Vespers 8:15 AM Orthros 6 4:00 PM Greek School > 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 7 7:00PM Presanctified Liturgy REPENT of your sins 12:00 PM Communion Breakfast 8:30 PM Theosis 13 4:00 PM Greek School 8 9:30 AM TOTS > 7:00 PM Philoptochos Board Meeting 4:00 PM Greek School 7:30 PM Parish Council 7:30 PM Choir GROW in Christ 4:00 PM Greek School 9 7:00 PM Akathist Hymn 15 > 7:30 PM Choir 8:30 PM Lenten Potluck Dinner 17 Second Saturday of Souls 10 Sights & Sounds snow date and be 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 11 Sunday of the Holy Cross RENEWED! 11:00 AM Baptism 8:15 AM Orthros 18 CheeseFare Sunday 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy “Let us all make haste to humble the flesh 8:15 AM Orthros 13 4:00 PM Greek School by abstinence, as we set out upon the God- 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM Philoptochos Board Meeting given course of the holy fast; and with prayers 19 GREAT LENT BEGINS 7:30 PM Parish Council and tears let us seek our Lord and Saviour. 5:00 PM Great Compline 14 7:30 PM Parish Council Laying aside all memories of evil, let us cry aloud: We have sinned against You, Christ 11:00 AM Trinity Circle 8:30 PM Theosis 20 our King; save us as the men of Nineveh 5:00 PM Lenten Vespers 15 4:00 PM Greek School in the days of old, and in Your compassion 21 7:00PM Presanctified Liturgy 7:30 PM Choir make us sharers in Your heavenly Kingdom.” 8:30 PM Theosis 16 7:00 PM Akathist Hymn – Hymn of Vespers, Introducing the 8:30 PM Lenten Potluck Dinner 22 9:30 AM TOTS Great Fast, Sunday 7:30 PM Choir 2 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church ^ Westfield, New Jersey Lenten POTLUCK DINNER Fridays, March 9, 16, 23 Honoring the Panagia and Virgin Mary during Great Lent and for the continuation of fellowship, all parishioners of Holy Trinity are invited to the Parish Lenten Potluck Dinners. As one family in Christ, we will gather together, first to celebrate the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos at 7:00 PM, and then to break bread in the Bouras Cen- ter afterwards. Each parishioner is asked to bring A Lenten Prayer a Lenten cover dish (no meat, cheese, dairy, eggs, by St. Ephraim fish is permitted; oil and shellfish are permitted.) the Syrian O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, Lord and King, grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother, for Thou art blessed unto ages of ages. Amen. Kali Sarakosti Have a blessed Lent The Promise ^ February 2018 ^ Volume 42, Issue 2 3 The First Sunday of Great Lent heThe Feast of Orthodoxy Sunday (also of Orthodoxy knowns as the Sunday of Orthodoxy or the Triumph Tof Orthodoxy) is celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent (six Sun- days before Pascha) in the liturgical calendar of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Feast is kept in memory of the final defeat of iconoclasm and the restoration of the sacred icons to the churches. Despite the teaching about icons defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787 AD, the iconoclasts be- gan to trouble the Church again. After the death of the last iconoclast emperor, Theophilos, his young son Michael III, with his mother the regent Theodora, and Patriarch Methodios, summoned the Synod of Constantinople in 843 AD to bring peace to the Church. At the end of the first session, all made a triumphal procession from the Church honor of the true Faith in general. This for the Orthodox Church. They are of Blachernae to Hagia Sophia, restor- is shown by its special service. not optional devotional extras, but an ing the icons to the Church. This oc- After Orthros and Divine Liturgy, a integral part of Orthodox faith and curred on 11 March, 843 (which that procession is made with icons around devotion. The debate involved impor- year was the first Sunday of Lent). The the church. Once the procession ar- tant issues: the character of Christ's Synod decreed that a perpetual feast on rives at the place, the Synodicon (de- human nature, the Christian attitude the anniversary of that day should be cree of the Synod of Constantinople) towards matter, and the true meaning observed each year on the First Sunday is proclaimed aloud by the priest. This of Christian redemption. Icons are of Great Lent, and named the day, "the Synodicon begins with the memory of held by the Orthodox to be a necessary Sunday of Orthodoxy" (ἡ Κυριακὴ τῆς certain saints, confessors and heroes of consequence of Christian faith in the Ὀρθοδοξίας). the Faith. Then follows a long list of Incarnation of the Word (John 1:14), The name "Orthodoxy" has gradu- heretics of all kinds, to each of which the Jesus Christ. Icons are considered by ally affected the character of the feast. answer is: "Anathema" once or thrice. In Orthodox Christians to have a sacra- Originally commemorating only the parish life this part is oftentimes sup- mental character, making present to the defeat of iconoclasm, the commemo- pressed. These heretics comprise all the believer the person or event depicted on ration has gradually come to be un- major opponents of the Orthodox Faith, them.
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