Földrajzi név / Geographical name IPA-átírás / IPA codes Földrajzi jelleg / Feature type Aba ɑǤbǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Abádszalók ɑǤbaətsǤloək city, town, administrative place of third order Abaliget ɑǤbǤliDZǫt commune, administrative place of fifth order Abasár ɑǤbǤʃaər commune, administrative place of fifth order Abaújalpár ɑǤbǤuəjǤlpaər commune, administrative place of fifth order Abaújkér ɑǤbǤuəjkeər commune, administrative place of fifth order Abaújlak ɑǤbǤuəjlǤk commune, administrative place of fifth order Abaújszántó ɑǤbǤuəjsaəntoə city, town, administrative place of third order Abaújszolnok ɑǤbǤuəjsolnok commune, administrative place of fifth order Abaújvár ɑǤbǤuəjvaər commune, administrative place of fifth order Abda ɑǤbdǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ablánc-patak ɑǤblaənʦpǤtǤk water course Abod ɑǤbod commune, administrative place of fifth order Abony ɑǤboȂ city, town, administrative place of third order Ábrahámhegy ɑaəbrǤɦaəmɦǫǯ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ács ɑaəʧ city, town, administrative place of third order Acsa ɑǤʧǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Acsád ɑǤʧaəd commune, administrative place of fifth order Acsalag ɑǤʧǤlǤDZ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ácsteszér ɑaəʧtǫseər commune, administrative place of fifth order Adács ɑǤdaəʧ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ádánd ɑaədaənd commune, administrative place of fifth order Adásztevel ɑǤdaəstǫvǫl commune, administrative place of fifth order Adony ɑǤdoȂ city, town, administrative place of third order Adorjánháza ɑǤdorjaənɦaəzǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Adorjás ɑǤdorjaəʃ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ág ɑaəDZ commune, administrative place of fifth order Agár-tet ő ɑǤDZaərtǫtøə hill, mountain with a height of 400 m or more above sea level Ágasegyháza ɑaəDZǤʃǫchaəzǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ágasegyházai-rét ɑaəDZǤʃǫchaəzǤireət lake Ágasvár ɑaəDZǤʃvaər hill, mountain with a height of 400 m or more above sea level Ágfalva ɑaəkfǤlvǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Aggtelek ɑǤktǫlǫk commune, administrative place of fifth order Aggteleki-karszt ɑǤktǫlǫkikǤrst mountain range Ágói-patak ɑaəDZoəi ɑpǤtǤk water course Agyagosszergény ɑǤǯǤDZoʃsǫrDZeəȂ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ajak ɑǤjǤk city, town, administrative place of third order Ajka ɑǤjkǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Aka ɑǤkǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Akasztó ɑǤkǤstoə commune, administrative place of fifth order Alacska ɑǤlǤʧkǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Alap ɑǤlǤp commune, administrative place of fifth order Alattyán ɑǤlǤcəaən commune, administrative place of fifth order Albertirsa ɑǤlbǫrtirʃǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Alcsútdoboz ɑǤlʧuədəoboz commune, administrative place of fifth order Aldebr ő ɑǤldǫbrøə commune, administrative place of fifth order Alföld ɑǤlføld geographic and ethnic region on plain area Algy ő ɑǤlǯøə major commune, administrative place of fourth order Algy ői-f őcsatorna ɑǤlǯøəi ɑføəʧǤtornǤ drainage canal Alibánfa ɑǤlibaəɱfǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Almamellék ɑǤlmǤmǫləeək commune, administrative place of fifth order Almásfüzit ő ɑǤlmaəʃfyzitøə commune, administrative place of fifth order Almásháza ɑǤlmaəʃhaəzǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Almáskamarás ɑǤlmaəʃkǤmǤraəʃ commune, administrative place of fifth order Almáskeresztúr ɑǤlmaəʃkǫrǫstuər commune, administrative place of fifth order Almás-patak ɑǤlmaəʃpǤtǤk water course Álmosd ɑaəlmoȢd commune, administrative place of fifth order Alpokalja ɑǤlpokǤjəǤ hill and mountain range Alsóberecki ɑǤlʃoəbǫrǫʦki commune, administrative place of fifth order Alsóbogát ɑǤlʃoəboDZaət commune, administrative place of fifth order Alsódobsza ɑǤlʃoədopsǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Alsónémedi ɑǤlʃoəneəmǫdi major commune, administrative place of fourth order Alsó-Tápió ɑǤlʃoətaəpioə water course Alsó-Válicka ɑǤlʃoəvaəliʦkǤ water course Alsózsolca ɑǤlʃoəȢolʦǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Által-ér ɑaəltǤleər water course Andrásfa ɑǤndraəʃfǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Annavölgy ɑǤnəǤvølǯ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apácatorna ɑǤpaəʦǤtornǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apagy ɑǤpǤǯ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apaj ɑǤpǤj commune, administrative place of fifth order Aparhant ɑǤpǤrɦǤnt commune, administrative place of fifth order Apátfalva ɑǤpaətfǤlvǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apátistvánfalva ɑǤpaətiʃtvaəɱfǤlvǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apátvarasd ɑǤpaətvǤrǤȢd commune, administrative place of fifth order Apc ɑǤpʦ commune, administrative place of fifth order Áporka ɑaəporkǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Apostag ɑǤpoʃtǤDZ commune, administrative place of fifth order Aranyhegyi-patak ɑǤrǤȂɦǫǯi ɑpǤtǤk water course Aranyosapáti ɑǤrǤȂoʃǤpaəti commune, administrative place of fifth order Aranyosgadány ɑǤrǤȂoȢDZǤdaəȂ commune, administrative place of fifth order Arany-patak ɑǤrǤȂpǤtǤk water course Arka ɑǤrkǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Árkus-ér ɑaərkuʃeər water course Arló ɑǤrloə major commune, administrative place of fourth order Arnót ɑǤrnoət commune, administrative place of fifth order Árokt ő ɑaəroktøə commune, administrative place of fifth order Árpádhalom ɑaərpaəthǤlom commune, administrative place of fifth order Árpás ɑaərpaəʃ commune, administrative place of fifth order Ártánd ɑaərtaənd commune, administrative place of fifth order Ásotthalom ɑaəʃothǤlom commune, administrative place of fifth order Ásványráró ɑaəʃvaəȂraəroə commune, administrative place of fifth order Aszaló ɑǤsǤloə commune, administrative place of fifth order Ászár ɑaəsaər commune, administrative place of fifth order Aszód ɑǤsoəd city, town, administrative place of third order Aszóf ő ɑǤsoəføə commune, administrative place of fifth order Áta ɑaətǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Átány ɑaətaəȂ commune, administrative place of fifth order Atkár ɑǤtkaər commune, administrative place of fifth order Attala ɑǤtəǤlǤ commune, administrative place of fifth order Avas ɑǤvǤʃ hill with a height less than 400 m above sea level Bábolna ɑbaəbolnǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Bácsalmás ɑbaəʧǤlmaəʃ city, town, administrative place of third order Bácsbokod ɑbaəȴbokod major commune, administrative place of fourth order Bácska ɑbaəʧkǤ geographic and ethnic region on plain area Bács-Kiskun megye ɑbaəʧkiʃkuɑməǫǯǫ county Badacsony ɑbǤdǤʧoȂ hill, mountain with a height of 400 m or more above sea level Badacsonytomaj ɑbǤdǤʧoȂtomǤj city, town, administrative place of third order Bag ɑbǤDZ major commune, administrative place of fourth order Bagamér ɑbǤDZǤmeər major commune, administrative place of fourth order Baja ɑbǤjǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Bajtemetés ɑbǤjtǫmǫteəʃ hill with a height less than 400 m above sea level Bakónaki-patak ɑbǤkoənǤki ɑpǤtǤk water course Bakony ɑbǤkoȂ mountain range Bakonyalja ɑbǤkoȂǤjəǤ geographic and ethnic region with hill ranges Baktalórántháza ɑbǤktǤloəraənthaəzǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Balassagyarmat ɑbǤlǤʃǤǯǤrmǤt city, town, administrative place of third order Baláta-tó ɑbǤlaətǤtoə lake Balaton ɑbǤlǤton lake Balatonalmádi ɑbǤlǤtonǤlmaədi city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonboglár ɑbǤlǤtomboDZlaər city, town, administrative place of third order Balaton-felvidék ɑbǤlǤtoɱfǫlvideək mountain range Balatonföldvár ɑbǤlǤtoɱføldvaər city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonfüred ɑbǤlǤtoɱfyrǫd city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonf űzf ő ɑbǤlǤtoɱfyəsføə city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonkenese ɑbǤlǤtoŋkǫnǫʃǫ city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonlelle ɑbǤlǤtonlǫləǫ city, town, administrative place of third order Balatonszárszó ɑbǤlǤtonsaərsoə major commune, administrative place of fourth order Balkány ɑbǤlkaəȂ city, town, administrative place of third order Balmazújváros ɑbǤlmǤzuəjvaəroʃ city, town, administrative place of third order Balota ɑbǤlotǤ hill with a height less than 400 m above sea level Bálvány ɑbaəlvaəȂ hill, mountain with a height of 400 m or more above sea level Bán-patak ɑbaəmpǤtǤk water course Baranya megye ɑbǤrǤȂǤ ɑmǫǯǫ county Baranyai-dombság ɑbǤrǤȂǤi ɑdompʃaəDZ geographic region with hill ranges and plain areas Baranyai-Hegyhát ɑbǤrǤȂǤi ɑɦǫchaət geographic and ethnic region with hill ranges Barcs ɑbǤrʧ city, town, administrative place of third order Bársonyos ɑbaərʃoȂoʃ drainage canal Bársonyos ɑbaərʃoȂoʃ geographic and ethnic region with hill ranges and plain areas Batár ɑbǤtaər water course Bátaszék ɑbaətǤseək city, town, administrative place of third order Bátonyterenye ɑbaətoȂtǫrǫȂǫ city, town, administrative place of third order Bátorligeti-láp ɑbaətorliDZǫtilaəp swamp, marsh Battonya ɑbǤtəoȂǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Becehegy ɑbǫʦǫɦǫǯ single, grouped or scattered buildings outside of the continuously built-up area of an administrative place Begécsi-víztároló ɑbǫDZeəʧi ɑviəstaəroloə reservior, artificial lake Békés ɑbeəkeəʃ city, town, administrative place of third order Békés megye ɑbeəkeəʃ ɑmǫǯǫ county Békéscsaba ɑbeəkeəʃʧǤbǤ city of county right, populated place of second order Békésszentandrás ɑbeəkeəʃsǫntǤndraəʃ major commune, administrative place of fourth order Bélapátfalva ɑbeəlǤpaətfǤlvǤ city, town, administrative place of third order Beled
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