OFFICIAL BULLETIN JOliN WILLIAM WIXG.\TE, Durango, Colo. (>,os>). Creat·grandoon of Abraham Walku, prh·ate Eleventh Rhode Island Continental Infantry, Colonel Hitchcock. OFFICIAL BULLETIN JENNINGS CROPPER WISE, Richmond, Va. (28333). Great•·grandson of John 0 .. Cropp.,·, Lieutenant Colonel Ele\·enth Regt. \ ' irginia Line. Colonel of Militia. CHARLES BARTON WOOD, Olympia, Wash. (27883). Great'-grandson of THE NATIONAL SOCIETY Jacob Mytinger, First Lieutenant, Captain Bartholomew Von Heer's Com­ 0 .. THE pany Penna. Troop of I,ight Dragoons. WILLIAM DARLING WOODBRIDGE, Parkersburg, West Va. (D. C. 268o;), Supplementals. Great-grandson of Dudley Woodbridge, Conn. minute man, SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2 Member of Committee of Inspection; great ·grandson of Elijah Backus, Orpniz.d April30, 1889 cannon founder, )!ember of Committee of Inspection. Preaident General Elmer M. Wentworth, Des Moines, Iowa. Incorporated by Act of Congre.. June 9, 1906 WILLIAM CIIARLES WOODFORD, llartford, Conn. (27959). Great2-grandson of Abel Woodmff, private, Col. Noadiab Hooker's and other Conn. Regts. JUNE. 1916 Number I ALLEN GURNEY WOODRUFF, Millburn, N. J. (28358). Great"-grandson of Volume XI Stephen Woodruff, private Essex County 1\'ew Jersey Militia. " Publlshed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Insti- G. BARTRAM WOODRUFF, Elizabeth, N. J. (28o8s). Great'-grandson of tution), Washington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. Francis Barber, Major Third New Jersey Regt., Assistant Inspector under Baron Steuben. Entered as second-class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washmgton, D. C., uhder the Act of July 16, 1894. HERBERT ARDEN WOODRUFF, Grand Rapids, ;\Iich. (27475). Great-grand­ son of Abel Woodruff, private, Col. Joseph Spence•·'s and other Conn. Regts. BENJAMIN WHITELEY WOOLFORD, Roland Park, Md. (27861). Great3- THE OFFICIAL BuLLETIN records action by the General O~cers, the grandson of Thomas Joucs, Major l\Iaryland 1\Iilitia. Board of Trustees, the Executive and other Natio~al Comm1tte~s, hsts DEAN AMORY WORCESTER, Albuqu~rque, X. ;\[ex. (23923). Great"-grand­ son of Noah l·Vorcesler, Captain )la"s. :\lilitia. :\!ember of Committee of of members deceased and of new members, and 1mportant domgs of Safety. State Societies. In order that the OFFICIAL Bu_LLETIN m_ay be u~ to NICHOLAS DOREMUS WORTENDYKE, Ea<t Orange, N. J. (28357). Great'­ date, and to insure the preservation in the Nat.10nal So~tet~ archtves grandson of Thomas Doremus1 2d1 private Es!o\ex County New Jersey Militia. of a complete history of the doings of the entire orga~tzatJOn, State SAMUEL COPP WORTHEN, East Orange, N. J. (27408). Supplementals. Cor­ Societies and local Chapters are requested to commumcate promptly rection of records in December Dt' LLETI~. Crcat:!·grandso:l of Bradstrert to the Secretary General written or printed ~ccou~ts of all meetings Gi/ma"~ private, Capt. James 1 I ilrs Company :\'ew Hampshire ~I ilitia; also or celebrations to forward copies of all nottces, c1rculars, and other great~-grandson of 11/i,throp Gilman. recruiting officer (rank of Captain) New Hampshire Troops; great2-grandson of Samuel Meacham, Member of Commit­ printed matter' issued by them, and to notify him at once of dates of tee of Safety of Canaan and Enfield, X. H.; great2-grandson of Samuel Copp, death of members. Member of Committee of Safety of Lebanon, Me., Lieutenant, Captain Drew's Company New Hampshire Militia; great2·grandson of Jolm Blaisdell, Sergeant, Col. Jacob Gerrish's Mass. Regt.; great0-grandson of Joseph Goodwin, Ser­ geant, Col. Joseph Storer's Mass. Regt. PRESIDENT GENERAL'S INAUGURAL. FRED PHILO WRIGHT, Oswego, N. Y. (27829). Supplemental. Great-grand­ DEs MOINES, IowA, June I, 1916. son of Thomas 'Blai,., private, Col. John Hathnrn's Orange County Regt. New York Militia. CoMPATRIOTS : ,·n our ancestors who established this Nation T. JAY WRIGHT, Chicago, Ill. (28277). Great0-grandson of Frederick WarJ, What we most honor . Lieutenant First York County llattalion Penna. Militia; great:"·grandson of is that they did not permit the material to subme;,ge. the 1deal; th~y d,',~ Mathias Detter, private York County Penna. :\lilitia. not base this Government on the principle that M1ght makes R•ght ' SHERMAN TECU:\TSEIT YOUXG, Oswego. III. (28278). Great-grandson of that the subject exists for the State. We are proud that we are a Richard roung. ergeant New York :\£ilitia, pt.ncioned. nation where the individual is supreme; where all are equal before the law; where liberty is the heritage of every ~an, but liberty based upon and regulated by the common welfare of soctety. 2 OFFICIAL BULLETIN NATIONAL SOCIETY., S. A. R. 3 The great problem before us today is the Americanization of the OFFICERS ELECTED AT THE NEWARK CON- / millions of our population of foreign birth or alien parentage, to inst 1I GENERAL GRESS, MAy r6, rgr6. 1 deep into their minds the principles upon which this nation was founded Secretary General and Registrar General President General to teach them the rights and duties of true citizenship. ' A HOWARD CLARK ELMER MARSTON WENTWORTH The liberality of our naturalization laws brought into the electorate Smithsonian ~nstltutlon . Washington, 0. C a greater number of citizens of foreign birth than "the melting-pot" Des Moines, Iowa could readily fuse, with the natural result that there have been devel­ VIce-Presidents General Treasurer General ORISON J. C. DUTTON oped in our midst organizations or groups of different nationalities, JOHN H. BURROUGHS 309 Securities Bldg., Seattle, Wash. bound close by kindred tongues-organizations which tend to delay the 15 William ~t., New York City adoption of real American ideals and principles and may easily become FREDERICK E. EMERSON a menace to the nation. N.Y., P. & N. R. R., Norfolk, Va. Historian General The Society of the Sons of the American Revolution early recognized THOMAS W. WILLIA"S DAVID L. PIERSON the obligation and assumed the responsibility of doing its part toward 78 N. Arlington Ave., East Orang'!, N . J. 21 Washington St., East Orange, N.J. making thorough Americans of all who come to our shores, and to do it as quickly as possible; to make it clear to them that the Anglo-Saxon PHILIP F. TURNER 40 Exchange St., Portland, Me. Chaplain General tongue should be the Universal language of the people of our Land. Rev. JOHN ONESIMUS FOSTER, D. D. For many years past this work has been the most important, the most WILLIAM K. BOARDMAN Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co., Nashville. Tenn. Seattle, Wash. aggressive, of our practical patriotic activities. Let us be prepared to advance it more rapidly, co-operating with all other agencies toward ATIONAL COMMITTEES, rgr6. the accomplishment of complete Americanization of our citizenship. That Americans treasure their liberties and measure their rights by ExEcUTIVE Co><MITTEE. Des ~r oines, 1ow a. their duties has been demonstrated in the War for Independence and l!;LMER 1.\rlARSTON \IVENTWORTH, P reSI"d e nt General • Claoirmau, the War for the Preservation of the Union. The Government estab­ NEWELL B. Vl'ooowoRTR, :raoc::c:t ~~~·. Detroit, Mich. lished by our forefathers must be and will be defended by this and ALBERT M. HENRY, I20I Nen L Salle s; Chicago, Ill. future generations. Such blood does not run out. As Sons of the C NCELLOR L JENKS, 30 o. a ., ::-< J JoHNRA L>!NORD MERRILL,· SI7 p ark Ave ·• East Orange, • · · American Revolution, our duty is clear. Our influence and our activi­ LEWIS B. CuRTIS, Bridgeport, Conn. y k N y ties in this critical period must be directed to a higher patriotism, a Louis ANNDI AMES, 99 Fulton St., New or ' . deeper interest in public affairs, a better citizenship. Wear the rosette of the Society every day in honor of your fore­ ADVISORY COMMITTEt:. fathers and as an evidence of your determination that "A Government The EucuTIVE CoMMITTEE. of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from WALLACE McCAMANT, Portland, Ore .. the earth." H n EoDY ORLAND Lu, Salt Lake City. Utah. R.o C. BALLARD TnRUSTON, Louisville, Ky Fraternally yours, The SECRETARY GENERAL. COMMITTEE ON CREDESTI.\LS. TEUNIS D. HUNTTINC, Chatf'malt.,. 220 adway ' New York, N- Y. JoHN C. BROWN, Vice·Chairmau, N~shville, Tenn.. Ill ]OHN D. VANDERCOOK, 82 W. Washmgton St., Chicago, . \VILLIAM J. CoNKLING, Orange, N. J. Bid Louisville, Ky. ALEX. WooDRUFF TIPPETT, 43 U. S. Trust g .. Maj. JoHN W. FAXON, Chattanooga, Tenn. ]AMES N. Cox, Cookeville, Tenn. WILLIAM WILSON \VILROIT, Memphis, Tenn. President General. Dr. PAUL DE WITT, Nashville, Tenn. W. E. METZGER, Nashville, Tenn. NA'l'IONAL SOCIETY, S. A. R. 5 4 OFFICIAL BULLETIN I CoMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION (MtssrsstPPt VALLEY-EAST). CoMMITTEE oN ~ \ u orTING AND l"INANcE. Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. G>:oRGII D. 13ANGS, Chairmau, Huntington, N. Y. ALBtRT ~I. HENRY, Chairman, 1201 NORMAN P. Il£HL£Y, 1350 Bedford .\ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. North. S>:YMOUR C. LooMIS, New Haven, Conn. C. SYMM£S KIGGINS, 96 W. Grand St., Elizabeth, N . J . G~oaG£ 0. Dtx, Vice-Chaarman, Terre Haute, Ind. ALB£RT J. SQUIER, Gray Oaks, Yonkers, N. Y. J ES p GooDRICH Winchester, Ind. "" W AusTIN' 217 Lake St., Oak Park, Ill. :M>:MORIAL COMMITT£E. HENRY ·,I BuR;ON 20 Home Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. CLAR£N C£ •• . • . R. C. BALLARD THRUSTON, Chaarmau , Louisville, Ky. GEORGE E. P o ><£ROY, Toledo, Olno. Hon. JAMES H . SToVER , N-1 \ ' an Buren St., Milwaukee, Wis. A. HowARD CLARK, Secretary General, Secretary of Committee. Prof. WILLIAM C. ARMSTRONG, 345 Rahway Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. South. Brig. Gen. PHILIP READ£, U. S. A. (retired), The Wadsworth, Tlo•ton, :Mass. OTIS G. HAMMOND, State Library, Concord, N. II. GEoRGE T. WooD, Vlce-Ciwrrmall, 417 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky.
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