SUBBUTEO CLUB MEMBERS AUG. 2002 TO AUG. 2005 ADDERLEY Kevin ELPHICK Charles LENDRUM Steven RIGBY Dean ALLEN Chris ENGLISH Dave LENTON Brian RIISLER Kieron ALLODI Luca ENTWISTLE David LEONARD Steve ROBERTS Simon AMES Darren EVANS Martin LEONE Filippo ROBERTSON Nigel ANDERSON David EVANS Simon LETTS Nicholas RONSEN Anton ANGUIGE Frank EVERETT Philip LEWIS Patrick RUDDLE Tony ARDUISE Laurent EYES Paul LEWIS Simon RUSSELL Stan ARMSTRONG Mike FINLAY Dave LISHMAN Neil SADD Mark ARNAL Alain FISHER Carl LIVINGSTONE Robert SADDLER Dean ARTHUR Trevor FITZPATRICK Tom LIVRIERI Luca SALT Adam ASHURST Dean FLETTON Ben LODGE David SALTER Steven ASPRIS George FORDHAM David LONGHORNGuy SANDERS Robert ASTON Simon FORESHAW Wayne LONGINOTTI Marco SAUNDERS Paul BAGNALL Ric FOX Steve LOWE Francis SAUNTSON Dixie BALLARD Jamie FOWKES Justin LUCAS Ben SCATCHARD Paul BANNOCK Mark FREEMAN Rob LUCAS Ian SENESE Marco ISSUE #12 - SEPTEMBER 2005 BARNES Paul FRENCH Jon LUCAS Steve SENIOR Gareth BASS Martin GAMBLE Luke LUCOCK Mike SHAW Terence BATTEY Guy GARRATT Peter McCARTNEY David SHELLEY Jon BAXTER Dave GARWOOD Geoff McCREERY Alan, Stuart SHERWOOD Pete Another 3 months have elapsed, the Autumn is approaching (along with the Welwyn Fair on Oct. 2nd!) and the SC BEARD Richard GENT James McGOWAN Neil SHONE Tim BEARMAN Lee GENTLEMAN Craig McLAUGHLIN Nick SKEFFINGTON Wayne enters its fourth year. We’re still firing on all 3 fronts with the newsletters, fairs and—more recently—our Internet BELLI Simone GHIO Gianni MACKEN Shaun SHERIDAN Martin Forum. This has been the big success of 2005 with 375 signed-up members since January and it puts SC members BERRY Wayne GIBSON Robert MACKENZIE Andrew SIBBALD Geoffrey BEST Ashley GIULIANI Carlo MACKAY Rod SIMMONDS Wesley (plus the wider Subbuteo community) in closer contact as well as providing regular information and updates on BIANCHI-CERIANI Simone GLOSSMAN Frankie MACKEY Grant SIMPSON Andrew BIASINI Bruno GLOVER Alan MALLACH Howard SLATTER Simon matters which cannot wait 3 months for the next newsletter. This is a tool that previous clubs did not have at their BLAKE Tony GOLDTHORPE Martin MANCINI Alissandro SMART Robin disposal so if you are not registered yet please sign in sometime and use it. BLANCHARD Peter GOODALL Phillip MANLEY Jason SMITH Chris BOAKES Simon GRABOWSKI Jake MANSON Kenny SMITH Debra BOLMEER Karl GRANT Paul MARKHAM Phil SMITH Mark Sorry that the last issue of this newsletter was a bit delayed due to my printer giving up (the sixth since issue #1!) BONSALL Mike GRANT Malcolm MARSHALL Craig SMITH Trevor BOOTH Mike GREEN Paul MARSHALL Peter SPRING Alan That’s the problem with these editorials; there’s so much happens in between writing them and actually printing them BORG-MARKS Clifford GREENE Conrad MAYERS Kevin, Peter SPROSTON Adrian BORSI Simone GREENHALGH Ian MERRILL John STANIFORTH Michael off so you can’t say what went wrong until the next one. For the record, my printer was experiencing overheating BOYLE Pamela GRUNDY Andrew MILLER Dave STANNARD Paul problems meaning I could only print out a dozen or so sheets before giving it a long rest to cool down. You can BOYER Thomas GRAY Darren MILNE Alistair STAPLES Richard BREWER Spencer GRIFFIN Edward MILLS Roger STAPLETON Chris imagine how long it all took, and apologies if anyone received a copy with a heat streak through one (or more) of the BRIANT Adrian GRIFFITHS Dean MITCHELL Andy STAPLETON Roy pages. It’s since been patched up but can still only do light loads so if it struggles through its latest ordeal you should BRIGGS John HALL David MOLONEY Patrick STASKIEWICZ Andrew BROWN Jim HAMMOND Conrad MONTGOMERY Alvin STEVENS Graham be reading this somewhere around the 28/9 which again is slightly behind schedule. If my worst fears are realised I’ll BROWN Peter HAMMONDS Darren MOORE Stuart STOKER Kevin BULMER George HANNIFIN Jon MORRIS Jeremy STONE Damien head back down to the photocopy shop as I did with some of the earlier editions, but this will mean a slightly poorer BUTLER Rob HARRIS Matt MORRIS Simon STREATHER Paul print quality so if you notice this you will know what’s happened. BYRNE Chris HARROLD Greg MOSELEY Rich SUTTON Ron BYRNE Matthew HARVEY Andrew MOTLEY Pete SWAIN Matthew BYWATERS Steve HAYES Chris MOURANT Tim SWEENEY William At this point I must make an appeal for some fresh, original newsletter material. Why? Well, a serious computer crash BUCKBY Steve HAYES Daniel MURRAY Andrew TATARSKY Daniel CACCURI Eddy HAYES Victor MURRELL Graeme TAYLOR Harvey has wiped out many of the contributions that I was keeping in reserve, some of which were quite old and their authors CAIN Tim MASON Andy MYHILL Joe TAYLOR Lee CAMBIONI Riccardo HATELEY Ross NAPIER Adam TECHIATI Enrico no longer traceable. I realise this is turning into quite a tale of woe what with printers breaking down and now CAMPBELL Michael HEADLEY James NEAL Charles TERRASI Anna computer hard drives being wiped clean but it really has been one of those summers! The situation is not critical as CANDLANDTony HEARD Chris NEWMAN Sam THORPE Kevin CAPENHURST Ray HEINRICHS Klaus NICHOLLS Brian TINDLE Paul we’ll always have incoming contributions from our dedicated team of regulars but I don’t want to overburden a CARRUTHERS Andrew HENLY Andrew NOROHNHA Nuno, Miguel TIPLADY Keith CARTER Eamonn HICKEY Sean O'BYRNE Aiden TOTTI Gianmatteo minority as we stock up again and so this is an opportunity for some new names to appear. I know there are some CARTWRIGHT Paul HICKLING Sam O'CALLAGHAN Chris TURNER Max members sitting on stories which would make for a great read (I’ve been nagging them for long enough!) so the time CHAMBERS Chris HOLMES Stuart OAKLEY Kevin TURPIN John CHURCH Gary HOPKINS Peter ODDY Jonathan TYLER-MASON Josh has come to do your bit for the SC newsletter. CHURCHILL Andrew HOPPER Mandy OFFILER Neil UNDERWOOD Colin CIPRIANI Riccardo HORABIN Neil OGILVIE Alex VALENTE Bruno CLARKE Lee HOPTON Richard O'MALLEY James VARNEY Bob Meantime, I’d like to thank all those who have contributed to this present issue (which we just managed to fill) and COLLEDGE Mark HOWIE Alistair OVER Derek VINCE Ian COLLINS Roy HOWKER Robin OWENS Malcolm VYCE Nathan provided us with our usual array of articles. Jon “what’s it worth?’ French has been looking at Ebay prices this time, COMEGLIA Paolo HUCKVALE Malcolm PAICE Graham WADDINGTON Paul while Graham Paice has done us a “Subbuteo Scruples” quiz as a follow-up to his popular “Are you a true collector?” COMMONS Les HUGHES Richard PAPADIMITRIOU Dimitris WAKELEN Nigel COOMBES Joseph HUMPHRIES Daniel PARKER Mark WALKER David one in issue #9. Floodlights, team painting and a big rummage sale find are also featured and we round off with a COOPER David INGLIS George PARKER Stuart WALKER Matt less-than-glorious tribute to Subbuteo Angling followed by the anguish of a collector with too many run-of-the-mill COPELAND Sean ISMAN Alex PATTERSON Alan WALKER Stephen COX Byron JAMES Errol PAVONE Fabrizio WALLIS Adam items, including as the legendary ball-raising chute—great stuff!!! :-) I then achieved my ambition of doing an CRAVEN Tim JARVIS Peter PEACOCK Michael WARREN Kenneth CROSS Julian JOHNSON Travis PEACOCK Steve WATSON Malcolm updated membership list on the back page containing 384 names for those of you with perfect reading vision. CRYER Will JOLLEY Ian PEACOCK Stuart WATTS Dennis CUMMINGS Paul JONES Grant PEAKE Colin WELDON Matt CURTIS Adrian JONES Mark PEARCE Gary WELLINGS Shaun Undoubtedly the most thought-provoking article is from Andrew Churchill, who fears for the game’s future in this DALTON Maurice JONES Robert PEARSON Geoffrey WEST Keith FISTF-dominated era and asks how we can get back to playing real Subbuteo again as opposed to Table Football?!? DAND Greg JONES Victor PEDRINI Alex WESTHEAD Mark DAVIS Peter JUSSAH Jah PENROSE Adam WESTWOOD Calum I suppose I could take refuge behind a neutral statement such as “all opinions expressed merely reflect those of their DAVIES Simon KAVANAGH Bernard PERRY Colin WESTWOOD Jim DAY Adam KEEGAN Barry PHILLIPS Andrew WHITEHOUSE Phil author” but I have to say I share most of his views on the subject. Still, it’s uncompromising stuff and Bruno Biasini DE'ATH Ian KELLY Kevin PINSENT Marshall WICKS Oliver completes this issue’s centre-spread with his related piece on the World Retro League. DEACON Connor KEMP Norman POLLACK Shane WILKINSON Paul DENTON Mark KENT Patrick PORRITT Mark WILLIAMS Gary But why am I telling you all this when you can read the full contents list below...? De ANGELIS Marco KING Roger POULDEN Mark WILLIAMS Paul DeSILVESTRE Adrian KITSON Craig PRATT Robert WILSON Andy DEVENEY Matt KOSIOR Adam PRESTON Neil WILSON Geoff DOLLIVE Trevor LAMPITT Richard PROTHEROE Gareth WILSON Toby C (1) Trev’s Editorial (zzzzzz) (2) Club News (3) Play “Subbuteo Scruples” (4) The definitive floodlight guide DOUGLAS Adam LANDONI Luca PURCHASE Chris WIMPERISS Len O DUNN Rod LANE Paul RADFORD Peter WINSTANLEY Peter N (5) Recent Subbuteo Prices (6) Subbuteo and Table Football - the culture clash! (7) The World Retro League DUNN Tony LANG Eddie RAMNATH Vikash WOOLCOCK John T DUTTON Alex LAWRENCENigel RANDALL Owen WRIGHT Steve EARLE Michael LAWRENSON Paul RICHARDS Gordon WROE Peter E EDWARDS Keith LAZARIS Panos RICHARDS Craig WYKES Sam N (8) “A new hobby for a talented woman” (8/9) “My best ever Subbuteo find” (10) The impossible Angling game EDWARDS Ken LEANDRO Cosimo RICHMOND Greg YATES Brian T ELLIOTT Gavin LECOUVREUR Thierry RIDDICK Neville YOUNG Richard S ELLIS Graham LEHMAN Glenn RIDGEWELL Mark ZAZA Sahim (11) Common Subbuteo items - the collector’s curse! (12) The 2k5 membership list, sponsored by “Specsavers” CLUB NEWS AAGGHH!!!! Common Subbuteo items Every collector’s nightmare! —SUBBUTEO CLUB AUTUMN FAIR— This is an article about the more depressing side of Subbuteo collecting….all those common items we find in job lots and are forced to clog up our homes with.
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