MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1972 PAGE TWENTY lEnmitts l|m U i Final Figures The Weather PEirtly cloudy tonight; low On Grand List near 30. Tomorrow vEiriable The Koffee Krafters will meet Cub Scout Pack 98 commit­ The executive bofird and State Seeking programs suited to them. The cloutUneas; high in 40s. ’Thurs­ About Town Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. at the tee will meet tomorrow at 7:30 chairmen of the fEishion show revision of the kindergarten cur­ Page 8 day, again cloudy, mild with Community Y , 79 N. Main St. p.m. at the home of K eitI HEihn, of the Manchester Newcomers riculum has also tied in with the MORGAN*S LTD. chEmce of showers. 1110 council on' ministries at Members will work on raper 53 WlUard Rd. Club will meet tonight at 8. at Federal Funds results. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm South United Methodist Church bag flowers and are reminded the home of Mrs. Peter Hickey, Children who w ill be five years (Formerly CUfford’s) will meet tonight at 7:30 at Su­ to bring scissors, colored or ’The Old Guard of Emanuel 82 Oxford St. To Fight Crime old on or before Jtm. 1, 1973 are sannah Wesley House of the brown paper bags, badl fringe, eligible to enter kindergarten in VOL. XCI, NO. 127 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 (dassiHed Advertising on Page U) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS LutherEui Church w ill meet to­ HARTFORD (A P ) — . Con­ church. stamens, fine wire, felt-tip morrow at 10 a.m. in Luther The Women’s Home League' September. Parents who have Men’s Clothing and Furnishings necticut has filed a plEUi seek­ marking pens, and a plastic Hall of the church. ’There will of the Salvation Army will meet not already done so are Eisked to ing $6.8 million in federtd funds Olri Scout iVoop 642 w ill meet container for wallpaper paste. be a film, “The Kem)>er Open,"' tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the call or write their nearest school for crime control Euid crime WRIGHT tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Commu­ Hostesses Eire Mrs. Albert Bogli Eind refreshments. Junior Hall of the Cttedel. Mrs. and give the name of the child, nity Baptist Church. Etnd Mrs. Edwin McAdam. A Brig. George Simons w ill con­ prevention programs. Gov. birth date, home address, and babysitter is avEdlable. The duct a worship service. Host­ IhomELs J. Meskill EUmounced telephone number. Arch Preserver Shoes The membership committee of event is open to Edl area wom­ MEinchester W ATRS will pieet esses are Mrs. Mary ’Xhiull EUiid today. Rgelstration forms \rill be North United Methodist Church en. tomorrow at the ItallEUi-Ameri- Mrs. Lucille Crawford. "This plan continues our em­ sent upon receipt of this infor­ 985 M A IN STREET . Ph®"® 648-7954 w ill meet tonight at 8 at the cEin Club. Weighting in w ill be phasis on drug abuse control mation. When the forms are church. from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. William and youth crime EUid delinquen­ Bob Bantly, proprietor ‘No Secret Deals:’ Nixon St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Due to Saturday’s snowstorm, filled out Emd returned ,a gen­ ters of Isabella, will have an Muldoon is in chEirge of a fruit the rummage sale sponsored by cy control by giving* these eral registration will be held at Euid vegetable WEdk. The Gospel Dancers of Cen­ auction for members Eind guests Girl Scout Thoop 10 wEis post­ items top priority,” Meskill the krea school at a date to be ter Congregational Church will tomorrow night at the home of poned until tomorrow from 10 said. Emnounced. He csdled the plan, compiled rehearse tonight at 6:45 in the Mrs. Leo Barrett, 35 Deepwood ’The VFW AuxlllEiry will spon­ a.m. to noon at the St. M ary’s by the Connecticut Ptonning church narthex, and the Sacred Dr. The event will open at 6:30 sor a fEishion show tomorrow at Eplsccpal Church parish hall Committee on C rim li^ Admin­ Home Dance Group will rehearse to­ p.m. with refreshments. 8 p.m. at the Post Home. ’The on Lccust St. Proceeds will be Models Chosen Taipei istration, “ the most com­ morrow at 1 p.m. In Woodruff event is open to members suid used for the troop’s combined prehensive document to date Hall of the church. George Bennett of the South­ guests free of chEUge. Refresh­ camping trip -Emd tour of Bos­ For Style Show on criminal justice In Con­ ern New EnglEind ’Telephone Co. ments will be served. ton’s North Shore during April necticut.” i From Manchester Assembly, Order will discuss “ The Case for school vacation. Rie Manchoater Newcomers C O M P in E Claims Raising Tele^dume Rates" to­ Club hEis nEimed the children of Rainbow for Girls, will have The Children’s Choir of Center morrow at the noon meeting of Emd mEile m odels for its FEteh- a business meeting tonight at CongregationEd Church w ill re­ the Kiwanls Club at MEUiches- lon Peep Show, which w ill be 7:30 at the Masonic Temple. hearse tomorrow Eit 3:16 p.m. Driver Blamed Pupils Entering MSURANCE Orient ter Country Club. held March 21 at 8 p.m. at Members are reminded to bring at Memorial 'Hall of the church. prises for a game basket. Those For Own Death Kindergarten WiUie’s Steak House. Sellout WASHING’TON (AP) — Pres­ planning to attend "Fiddler on Manchester Chapter, SPEBS- Modeling girls’ flashlons will ident Nixon gave congressional the R oof" . are reminded to QSA, will reheEirse tonight at Cub Scout PEick 251 wiU have be JuUe D’Avanzo, Michelle SERVICE T A IP m . (A P ) — NattoEiailst A Hartford Ooimty coroner’s To Be Tested leaders a report on his historic bring ticket money to tonight’s 8 at the Arm y-Navy Club. ’The its Blue Eind Gold banquet to­ Major, Jennifer OoUman, Chrls- CSiina’s premier and its Nation­ journey to C3iina today after rehearsal is open to eiII men In­ morrow at 6:45 p.m. at Ver- inquiry liEm determined that a Qe Mahlstedt, Patricia M cNiff meeting. It is plarmed that pre-school al Assembly accused President telling the nation his talks with terested in singing barbershop- planck School. Those plEuming 56-yeardold MEmchester man screening of children who will and Georganna Livingston. Boy Communist leaders sowed the Manchester Gilbert and Sul­ style harmony. to attend EU'e reminded to bring enter kindergarten in September models are Curt Mahlstedt, Nixon today of selling out old 2 who died after a car crush in seeds for “a more-enduring silverwEire. David WEimpold, Robert Wood­ REAL livan Workshop will rehearse May 1971 was respmisible for will stEut March 13 at the friends and said Ctalang Kai- structure for peace” without se­ its 2Sth anniversary produc­ Friendship Circle of the sied- schools that children urill attend. ford, Bldward Manner, Michael ft his own death. shek’s gDvenunent cannot for­ cret deals undercutting any tion “ 'Patience” today and vation Army will have a work The Trinity CovenEint Church Individual appointments will be McNiff and Michael Craft. Male ESTATE Andrus Buzeis, 'late of 90 'Du- give him for negotiating with ally. Eind recreaUon prognun at its made at the tlm/e of kinder­ models are Jerry Dvornek, Rus­ Wednesday ad 8 p.m. at South Fellowship Group will join the rEmt St., died Alay , 18, 1971, The chief executive followed meeting tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. garten registration. sell VoUman, Alan Crenshaw, Communist China. United Methodist Church. Those West Hartford Group tomorrow from injuries sustalnWl in a the 90-minute meeting with 21 interested in doing make-up for of the Citadel. Hostesses Eire Individual testing periods will R'obert Fuclie, Peter Hickey, at 1 p.m. at the West Hartford hcEid-on coUlsicm on W. Middle ‘“nie Chinese Communist re­ Republican and Democratic the show are reminded to also Mrs. jEunes Munsle fmd Mrs. lEist about 20 mteutes. ’They will John Pierog, Bruce Lane, Larry CovenEint Church. Tpke. two days earlier. gime s a rebel group which House and Senate leaders with report at 8 p.m. at the church. .WilUam Hall. consiEtt of parent interview, gen­ Griffiths and Paul Hornjak. has no right to represent the a separate session for his Cabi­ Deputy Coroner Henry Ra- eral readiness evaluation, vision Professional models from the 9 The Conflrmatlon cIeuss of Sec­ net. menda found that Buzeis’ death people of mainland CSilna,” and hearing, screening, Emd mo­ CEUTlage House Boutique will He gave each congressman a ond Cong^regaticmal Church will was the result of the injuries he said a resoluticm adopted by toe tor coordination. Screening will show the women’s fashions. set of nesting boxes he had meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. at the sustained in the collision, Emd assembly- “’Ihe people and church. be conducted by three teams of FEishions for the evmt will be President Nixon, flanked by Vice President Agnew and Mrs. Nixon, delivers re­ brought from China, and pre­ READING the collision was a result o i govenunent of' the Republic of four members each. provided by the CEuriage House marks to newsmen on arrival at Washington after jouraey to East. (A P photo) sented his Cabinet members CENTER, INC. B uzeis’ own crimlriEil Eictlons — ROBERT J. SMITH, China cannot foqglve the nego- Academ ic A schedule of schools Emd Boutique, RegEil Men’s Store, with a small jewel box and a The Drop-In Center for Ben- he operated the CEir with defec­ and the Younger Generation UftUoiui vdilch President Nixon net Junior High School students hours for screening will be pub­ I tea cup.
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