ff flJilId "IDS, ~.~."(ffl. 1ffiO 'tf ~ <t>I~ ~~ q~ ~ tcliljdl "Jf~ Satyabrata Sahu, LA.S. Governmentof India Joint Secretary Ministry of Drinking Waterand Sanitation 8-2 Wing, 4th Floor, Paryavaran 8hawan, Complex, Lodhi Road, New Oelhi-110003 ~ cqo ~'"""""'" 111\ an. Tel. : 24361043 Fax: 24364113 E-mail: jstm@nic.in Website: www.ddws.nic.in DONo. Q-14021/1/2016-Stat Date: 8th August, 2016 DearMadam/Sir, As you are aware that the Ministry has been mandated to provide safe and adequate drinking water to all rural population of the country. To monitor the physical progress of each of the NRDWPscheme, it is essentially required to assess the progress and implementation of the Programme in a transparent way. Hence, it has been decided to capture the physical progress in % term of all ongoing NRDWP schemes (Spot sources, PWS & Others) for which an entry format has been made available in the IMIS. A copy of the template in this respect is enclosed for ready reference. 2. Therefore, you are hereby requested to get the data entered in It-US latest by 11th August 2016 (forenoon). Top priority may please be accorded for this activity. In case of any clarification, Smt S. Sengupta, Sr.TD (011-24362610, 9313547767), Shri S.M.Srivastava,Sc.-B (011-24362610, 995390082G) and Shri. R.K.Maurya (011- 24361052,85G6947~74)may be contacted. With regards, Yours sincerely, Encl.As above. To, Principal Secretary/Secretary in chargeof Rural Drinking Water Supplyin all States/UTs. Sustainable Drinking Water and ~ aBn ~ Sanitation for all in Rural Areas ~ ~ ~ ~ '{<Iisd I . ct\ aiR / Sanitation is Next to Godliness ~~~ . Physical Financial Scheme MPR ~ HELP State Name: UTTAR PRADESH District Name; AGRA Month, August Year; 2016 Select habitation(s} covered by the schemes{Optional) Block: In AUBlock -- ,. I Panchayat : I--AII Panchayats-- ,. I Village: I--An Vinagesn ,. I Habitation: I--AII Hab~ation-- ,. I Scheme: 62 OBc/JEN BASTI TTSP OPV pws SCHEME2015 16 BARAULI AHIR I HAHUA KHERA MAHUA KHERA HAHUA KHERA Update this Scheme Data Scheme Name -: 62 OBC/JEN BASTI TTSP QPV PINS SCHEME 2015 16 Category -: PINS Sanction Year _: 2015-2016, Comen. Date -: 01/0412015,Est. Cost (in Lakhs) -: 347.14000, GOI Cost (in Lakhs) -: 173.57000, State Cost (in Lakhs) -: 173.57000, Comm. Cost (in Lakhs) -: 0.00000, Scheme Type -; Tubewell Power Pump, Date of Completion -: 29/01/2017 AdminSanctionNumber: SLSSCMeetingDate:c===J A. Expected Completion Date (dd/mmlyyyy) : B910112017I Physical Completion Date (dd/mmlyyyy) : B910112016I Financial Completion Date (ddimm/yyyy) : c===J B. Is This Schemehanded over to community 0 c. Habitation Covered(Physical) (Pink Colored rows show target habitations & Disable checkbox may be marked as non functional with selected scheme.) AII12 ~ ~ Total Pop as on covered of this Pop Cov during the Total Connection ~~~7 -~ LPCD status 2016 1/4/2016 hab as on date MOnthsc~:!ected House pro~ded NO• Block Panchayat Village Habitation ~= Till upto Remark Save is- as pe as per 40 LPCD Holds Connection Selected Month Month 40 J--r--,r--I--r--r-+-...,..--,--I UptoDate Scheme &. LPCD SC sr GEN SC sr GEN SC sr IGEN Month BAH IBAH Bartra Bartra PC 987 2109 24 a 52 OE][ 619 a D o BAH PC 267 792 o 13_-iB_A_H f-~_H_~_~O_~_AI_Y_A+~~_~_PD_UO_~_IY_A_+R-A-N_IP_U_R_A_B_H_A_D_A_U_R_IY_Aj_F_C-+___2_28J--+_if-~__0-l--+_9_18__75.+0-+2___2_80+_-+__0-+_EJ9_85__--+0_-++~_~i-0 I __ I!~::::,~:::red 0 I r ..,Ir ~ ~IAlreadY Covered BAH SIDHAOLI SIDHAOLI SARA PURA FC 129 182 129 5 182 0010 47 a D L,.::~..:.jon 0 I I = IJanuary.201S BARAULI GHAMOTA Ghamota Ghamota PC 687 o 2321 17 a 58 I~ 10[0 601 a EJ II§£] ,~ 0 1 AHIR BARAULI MAHUA MAHUA 3938 890 ~ IIAlreadYCo-;,e;;;;;-~ IKHERA KHERA MAHUAKHERA FC 890 0 a 3938D:0!D 710 a to._j =~ ;1 Fe-~· ~~'nuarv.2016 0 I AHIR f-7_-iB_I_C_H_P_UR_I_r~~~T~I~~~~~~__-+_Ba+_BiP__au__iPr _u_r --+_P_C-+_9_18--+_0_~1-8-79+-22-1-0_+-4-6-f.0===]~1!0====I~0===r_5___59-+0_+_D==~-+~II§£]=.0=0~ [] I. f-8_-iF_A_T_E_H_A_BA_D+A_I-iEA_I_E ~+P_I_NN_A_P_U_RA --+_F_C-+_'_2+--_' 0_~'_2-2-if-' '_2_1+_0_+_'2-2-'fO=:::11iiO=::::::;!f=0==t--1-83-+--0-+-D==-+-=~==-t'=F= :,re~~icl~~~~r;d [] I m OO!O 54 a D ~ ~~~readYCOVere~ [] FATEHABADRIHAULI RIHAULI RIHAULI FC 417 I December2012 BAMNAI BAMNAI 11950!010 D ~ ~~~eadY Covered [] 10 JAGNER BAMNAIKALAN FC 176 1195 176 200 KALAN KALAN ....1'" I Januarv,2016 BAMNAI BAMNAI 11 JAGNER GUSAI MUTH FC 57 126 57 126001024 D ~~ . KALAN KHURD 01 -I. ,Ir !~ ~AlreadyCovered 12 JAGNER ~~~~W',MA ~~~~W',MA BARGAw\N KHURD I FC 396 a 2209 396 0 22090iOO 378 0 D E22J ~~~nuarv.2016 [] I 13 JAGNER I FC 54 a 306 54 a 3060:0,0 50 a D ~ ~~,I~adYCOVered [] 1 .III,. I Januarv.zc te 14 JAGNER BIDHOULI BIDHOULI BIDHOULIJAGNER 11 FC 326 a 1177 326 a 1177 ~.fj!p-' 209 a ~ I<OQOI ~~~readY Covered [] I f--~r- ~J-A-G-NE-R-~i-JA-G-N-E-R--+-------_+-~--+--+'--1--+-+-+'~===d::: 1~===~I~==~_ ..~ -1--=to._j===-~===~~~= 'IJanua~2016 15 JAGNER CHANDSORACHANDSORACHANDSORA FC 853 !950 853 19500010 _._O_._L....O== .....l-=~=.OO='=F= L__..J.___ L...._........J,---_--'- .....l.._'---..l............L.---L--'- __ '---"=====L...404 ._ ~e~~rc;,~~~r;d0 I D. School/ Aganwadi Covered (Physical) (Pink Colored rows show target schools) School! Aganwadi Covered by this scheme not found. E. Programme Component; I NRD'M'-'MIter Qual~ ·1 Expenditure (in RS) , Since inception upto 31/0312016 From 11412016to 31/07120161 During August, 2016 I Ip IlkJ J The following data is shown as per the GOl,State Communitv share of the estimated cost entered in the scheme fonn. You can edit this data. Expenditure during the Month (in Rs.) School Expenditure during the Month (in Rs_) Available Fund (in Rs.) sc ST GEN SC ST GEN SC ST GEN Gal Ip 1 a ,a State Ip 0 10 Communityp 1E3~ IlrJ lip 10 a 10 - F. 2. % of Scheme Completed ( Physically) Upto this Mo ~\ DISCLAIMER Desl ned & Develo ed b NIC Cop fI ht©2009. MInistry of Dflnklng 'MIter and San~atlon(MDWS) htlp:/flndiawater.gov.inlIMISWeb/DataEntry/RWS/Schemeslfrm_PhyFinMPRDetail.aspx 1/2.
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