Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:205 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . FEBRUARY 23. 2016 -Hoot 04, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 15 killed, 13 injured in Parwan suicide attack AT News Report KABUL: Fifteen people were killed and 13 more injured on Mon- day afternoon in a suicide blast carried out by the Taliban militants in northern Parwan province of the country. A security official in the KABUL: Deputy Chief of Army province, who wished anonymi- Staff Lt. Gen. Murad Ali Murad ty, told Afghanistan Times that the on Monday said the troops were suicide bomber was possibly riding ready for the spring offensive and a motorcycle targeted a local po- they were no more in a defensive lice commander and his bodyguards mode. He told a press briefing in Syagard district of the province. here that the Afghan forces were According to the source, 15 peo- fully prepared for future challeng- ple including the commander and es. He said the Ministry of De- and they had lost international eight civilians were killed and 13 fence was pulling out troops from support. He said another insur- more injured in the attack. The in- parts of the country to prevent gent group under the name of Is- jured were rushed to the provin- troops’ causalities in the upcom- lamic State (IS) emerged in recent cial hospital for treatment. Some ing spring offensive. Lt. Gen. years, but the outfit was defeat- of them are in critical condition. Murad said militants used all their ed by security forces with their The Taliban in a media statement resources in 2014-15 against the bravery. Murad said unlike pre- claimed that their bomber has country’s security forces to show vious winter seasons the securi- killed a local police commander and the international community they ty forces faced challenges this several of his men today afternoon were resurgent. He claimed the winter, but they were prepared in Parwan. Parwan is among rela- enemy sustained heavy causali- to face challenges ahead. tively calm provinces of the coun- ties in last year’s fighting season (Pajhwok) try. Afghan youngster develops m-gover- nance software JALALABAD : Land plots mea- the residential scheme consists of chased illegally and a mechanism the Afghanistan Freedom House suring 1,500 acres have been 8,000 plots. But only 5,000 plots was being worked out to retake the (AFH), an investigative institute. usurped by powerful individuals have been distributed to returning usurped plots and prevent such in- The survey titled ‘The Black Sea- on a township in the capital of east- families and the remaining plots cidents in future. He said the pro- son of Land Grabbing’ and ‘The ern Nangarhar province, an offi- have been occupied or sold by pow- vincial government was committed Consequences of Land Grabbing cial said on Monday. Refugee and erful individuals. To a question, to retaking the grab land and so far in Afghanistan’ cites credible in- Repatriation director Ghulam Hai- Faqiri said buyers of the grabbed dozens of land grabbers had been formation from government and dar Faqiri told reporters here that plots could not dare to name the detained. A new investigative report non-government organs. The sur- nearly 3,000 plots had been land grabbers. He said when offi- claims nearly two million acres of vey that interviewed 70 govern- grabbed in the Chamtali township cials arrived in the area, the land land was usurped by 15,800 indi- ment officials said usurping gov- area. The Chamtali Township was grabbers disappeared to avoid be- viduals in 18 provinces only under ernment and private properties has constructed for families who had ing arrested. The governor’s former president Hamid Karzai dur- a long history in Afghanistan but Pakistan has allegedly set up been built and destroyed several returned back to Afghanistaninfo- spokesman, Attaullah Khogyani, ing the past 14 years. The survey in most of the public properties were An Afghan computer science checkpoints inside Afghanistan's times in the past. "We have threat- icon. Situated on the outskirts of said most plots in the Chamtali three chapters and 100 pages has grabbed during the last four years. student has developed new soft- territory in Bahramcha area of De- ened them that such actions will Jalalabad near Sara Rud district, Township had been grabbed or pur- been prepared in three months by (Pajhwok) ware for mobile governance - sho district of southern Helmand undermine the environment of which is said to be the first of its province, said members of Helmand trust between the two countries," kind in the country. The software provincial council. They claim that he said. Previously, Pakistan had 37 INSURGENTS which is known as 'Lemar' has the check posts have been set up built installations in bordering ar- KILLED IN KUNDUZ been designed by student Aqa three kilometers inside Afghani- eas in Paktika and Nangarhar prov- Malook, 22, over a 14-month stan's border. "Pakistanis still want inces. Even though officials con- AT News Report period and covers about 24 cate- to attack our soil. They have set stantly say that such issues should gories including elections, univer- posts in and have built military in- be resolved through diplomatic KABUL: Thirty-seven Taliban stallations in Bahramcha," said ways, the Ministry of Foreign fighters were killed and 25 oth- sity entrance exams and banking. Malook believes that using the Ataullah Afghan, a member of the Affairs (MoFA) said that they ers wounded during a series of council. Commander of 215 Mai- have not received any official let- clearance operations launched software in government institu- tions will help curb corruption wand Military Corps, Mohammad ter in this regard so far. "Although by the national army in north- ture. He said that mafia groups and the government remained silenced Moeen Faqir, confirmed that Paki- such remarks are being made, the ern Kunduz province, ministry AT Monitoring Desk within these departments. He powerful individuals were in- over the issue, the day would not says that election fraud during stan has set check posts inside Af- MoFA have not received any fresh of defense announced Monday. volved in land grabbing. “Common be far to see that public property ghanistan, but said that he had dis- reports and details from security “Afghan National Army KABUL: Ghazni police chief on presidential elections motivated Monday vowed to protect state- people cannot do so,” he said, re- usurped by the land mafia. A tribal him to do something extraordi- cussed the issue with Pakistani of- organizations recently in this re- (ANA) has conducted differ- ferring to the land grabbing. He did elder in Ghazni city, Khalilullah ficials. "I have discussed the issue gard," said Shekib Mustaghni, ent clearance operations against owned lands, which is increasing- nary. Despite the encouragement ly targeted by land grabbers. Warn- not disclose any names involved Hottak, said that besides Ghazni by domestic and international with them [Pakistani officials] and spokesman for the MoFA. Paki- Taliban insurgents in the Archi in the land grabbing. “At least City, public land had been usurped they have said they didn't do this. I stan has in the past built military district of Kunduz province,” ing land grabbers of strict action, organizations, so far no one has Brig. Gen. Aminullah Amarkhil 150,000 acres of land had been il- in Jaghori, Malistan, Nahur, Gi- reached out to help expand the told them that both of us should installations in Angor Ada area of the ministry said in a statement. legally occupied by strongmen and lan, Maqur, Andar and Deh Yak visit the area in a helicopter and if Barmal district in Paktika prov- In these operations, 37 in- told newsmen that no one would software and its utilization, he dare to usurp government lands in mafia groups in the province,” a districts. He said private land of said. Key to this is the user needs the installations were not built, then ince. This move by Pakistan was surgents including two Paki- provincial council member, Abdul nomads had also been usurped. I am going to apologize, otherwise faced with a strong reaction from stani and three Tajik citizens the future as the police was ready to be in possession of an elec- to send behind bars the usurpers. Jamay Jamay, was quoted by Pa- This comes at a time when Afghan- tronic ID card to be able to use you should destroy the installations officials in Afghanistan. The were killed and 25 others were jhwok Afghan News as saying. He istan Freedom House on Sunday and if you don't do this, then we MoFA said that they have dis- injured, it added. He confirmed that thousands acres the software and not misuse it. of land had been grabbed in the said that public lands are still said that 1.9 million acres of state Currently only 150 people, are going to destroy them for you," cussed the issue with Pakistan of- The operations were con- grabbed and the government could lands have been grabbed by pow- he said. The army's Deputy Chief ficials and Pakistanis troops are ducted with the aim to foster province, but he warned that sim- mainly relatives and friends, of ilar crime committed in the past not prevent mafia groups from erful individuals in 18 provinces Malook are using the software.. of Staff, Gen. Murad Ali Murad, expected the leave the area soon. security in the district, accord- usurping the lands, adding that if in the past 10 years.
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