TUESDAY," AUGUST 8, 1971 The Weather PAGE SIXTEEN Average Dally Net Press Run manrt|i?atpr lEttnting H m tld For The Week Ended Showers, heavy at times, July 81, 1671 thunderstorrii possibility through tonight; low In 60s. Tomorrow Annual Service Coventry M anchester cloudy, cool, chance of showers; 1 4 ,8 9 0 high near 70. Listed by TCL Hospital Notes Manche»ter^—A City of Village Charm VISm NO HOURS Tall Cedars of Lebanon of the (Olaaslfled Advertising on Page ft) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS British Theater Not Diminished Intermediate Care Semi- MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1971 United States of America will private, noon - 2 p.m., and 4 VOL. LXXXX, NO. 259 (THm'TY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) have Its seventh annual New p.m. ■ 8 p.m .; private rooms, England Tall Cedax Sunday at 10 a.m. - 2 p.mu, and 4 p.m. - 8 By Movie and TV Competition p.m. the Cathedral of the Pines, Pediatrics: Parents aUowed Rlhdge, N.H., on Aug. 15 start­ By MARY LEBLANC any time except no<m - 2 p.m.; (Herald OorraqM»dMit) Price Board n Space] le n Ready ing at 11 a.m. ofliers, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. House Votes George P. Leigh Jr. of Vlr- Despite competition from Self Service: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; glnla Beach, supreme TaU Cedar movies and television, the Bng- 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Idea Spumed Intensive Care and Coronar}’ T o Sustain of the Unlt^ Hah community theater has ap- Home the' welcoming address. Hie ' , Care: Immediate family only, To Return guest speaker Is the Rev. Rdb- P^ently remained nearly as any time, Umlted to five min­ 177 HARTFORD ROAD • MANCHESTER CLOSED SA'TURDAY By President Four Vetoes By HOWARD BENEDICT ert S. Nagle of Holmes, Pa., su- popular a form of entertainment utes. AP Aerospace Writer Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. preme chaplain of the Tall ^s it was In the days of Shake- WASHINGTON (AP)— By SOL R. COHEN 12:45 p.m., and 6:80 p.m. - 8 O PEN D A IL Y 9:30 to 9:30. SUN. 10 - 6 (Herald Reporter) SPACE CENTER, Houston (A P)—Apollo 15’s as­ Cedars. soeare p.m .; others, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., President Nixon said to­ tronauts neared the end of six days oP moon explora­ Special music will be present- • ’The House of Representatives ed by guest soloists, Miss Janet O"® ***®. visitors from Oov- and 6:80 p.m. -8 p.m ... day he did not favor a tion today and prepared to fire out of lunar orbit for Age lim its: 16 In maternity, wage-price board approach tetuaeA to follow the lead Rowe of Hartford and Joseidi entry, England started an State Senate which voted the trip home and man’s farthest-out space walk. Rabltallle of Groton. The otgan- amateur troop on a challenge 12 In other areas, no limit in inflation in the econ- to override four of Gov. Before they leave, they’ll add 1st U Mrs. Shirley P. CronMte of and the company has since self-service. Thomas Mesklirs vetoes, another'dimension to one of his­ Worden will take the space The emergency entrance on oniy. ]^e said he would East Hartford. achieved a success and popular- tory’s greatest scientific ex­ walk Thursday—about 196,000 Armory St. is Uie only hospital bn n^ the power, of his o f- Hio House voted to sustain Dean W. Crenkite of East Ity that many down-on-thelr-luck peditions. ’They'll eject into or­ miles from earth and more entranf^e open from 11 p.m. to fice to bear in an effort to the four vetoes, thus killing any Hartford, past grand Tall Cedar American movie studios might bit a small iatellite to probe than 40,000 miles from the 7 a.m. All other outside doors lee that industry and la- ®han®® that any of the record of Manchester's Nutmeg Forest envy. governor additional moon secrets. moon—to retrieve film canis­ are locked during the night | PINW ALE WOOLEN SKIRT <or negotiations settle­ 178 vetoes by the and originator of the service, peter Mansley-Dawson, the would be overridden. David R. Scott, James B. Ir­ ters from an equipment bay at shift. Mdll give memorial tributes for troop’s producer, said the group, CORDUROY LENGTHS ments “are responsible.” Hie vetoes overridden by the win and Alfred M. Worden will the rear of the Endeavour. all deceased TaU Cedars. He has which calls itself the Rainbow He spoke out on a day when Senate on Monday but sustain­ complete the experiments in Because the hatch will be served as general chairman of players, came Into existence Patients Today: 244 a dozen Senate Republicans ed In the House today are: their flying s lence lab when opened, all three men will be the service since Its inception, about 10 years ago. TMiy Hold- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: proposed a system of wage- 'Public Act 273, an act to cre­ they kick the satellite loose at exposed to the vacuum of space According to Roy E. Reed of stock, an actor In the condjpany. Leon Baltulonls, RFD, ^ e lly price restraints and Secretary ate a, state commission to study 4:10 p.m. BDT. and will wear pressurized suits. East Hartford, grand TaU Cedar jg also visiting here, Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Elsie A. pc ot the Treasury Connolly said and Investigate the problems of At 5:20 p.m. they plan to trig­ Mission Control, aware that of Nutmeg Forest, many Man- ..j managing a pubUc ' Bradley, 462 Woodbridge St.; the administration would wel­ deaf and hearing Impaired per­ ger the engine of their space- the_ ____astronauts could be tired come a full-fledged debate in Chester area residents attend the house, which is a beer parlor, Mrs. Joan M. Breen, 4 Green- In high fashion colors. 86 sons. ’The vote was 93 to 62. An ship Endeavour to break away after 10 days In All first quality wool and Congress on the Issue. service each year. After the when one night some chaps and hill St.; Frank Burton, 19 Long to 45” wide 109% cotton, affirmative count of 118 was from the grip bf lunar gravity wool blends In % to 1)4 Nixon said the Idea cf a (See Page Eight) service, which Is ,<^n to the y^ung girls came In and said Hill Rd., South Windsor. machine washable. Flat needed to override. Manchester and start the three-day Journey Also, Heidi Chaplin, Lake St., lengths with retails to wage-price board would be con­ Rep. Donald Genovesl was the back to earth. pubUc, a famUy picnic wUl .be had been to see a play,” folded. Ideal for those sidered « d y if congressional held at Annert State Park. RFD 8, Vernon; Mrs. Arllne B. 85.00 yd. Brnided and im- only Manchester area Republi­ The astronauts were quiet to­ Mansley-Dawson said. "They back to school outfits. hearings "convince me that en­ Dwight, WilUmanUc; Mrs. Rita bonded. Available plaids, can to vote with the Democrats day as they-busily aimed their were saying If the acting com­ Reg. 81.00 yd. forcing an incomes policy could D. Lajole, 2106 Ellington Rd., solids, fancies and heath­ on this measure. cameras and scientific In­ pany couldn’t * do better than be accomplished without stifl­ Apollo 15 South Windsor; Mrs. Freda G. Public Act 832, an act to es­ struments at the bleak surface How To Hold that, they wouldn’t go to the ers. ing the economy.” McVeigh, 24 EIro St. tablish a summer employ­ 70 miles below, trying to At an impromptu news con­ FALSE TEETH theater again because they could Also, Mrs. Hazel M. Parent, ment program in municipal­ squeeze as much knowledge as ference in his Oval Office the Schedule Securely do better themselves. ’Hiey were 208 Main St.; Maryann Par- ities for teen-agers. This vote possible out of the alien moon. President reiterated his belief Do false teeth embarrass you by bragging tm that they could, so Tony Holdstock, right, as Bill Sikes in the Rain­ saln, 8 Cherry Liane, Rockville; Machine Washable was 88 to 54. All Manchester In one brief exchange Mission SPACE CENTER, Hou^on that 1071 “ would be a good coming^)ming Ilooseo o m whenwnen you eat, I offered the chaUenge; Tf you bow Players’ production of “Oliver!” attacks Fagin. Madeline Rice, East Hartford; area legislators voted along Control told them: “ It’s been (AP) — The Apollo 15 time­ or tallu A denture adnesive can help, POLYESTER year for the ecemomy” and 1972 raining a lot in Houston, and think you can do .better, let’s Hardy Sawyer, 88 Bigelow St.; Also from the Same strict party lines—the Demo­ table, all times Eastern Day­ FASTEETH* gives dentures a long­ Manufacturer ■“a very good year.” you g;uys will have a lot of er, firmer, steadier hold. Makes M t- have a go.’ Frances M. Swetz, 820 DOUBLE KNITS crats to override and the Re­ Mustached "Vice President Ky is flanked by bodyguards and trailed by newsmen Nixon: light: . M- ,,n. 1 , four nerformances the compcuw you; orchestra and the lot. You Mrs. An incomes policy, to which grass-cutting to do when you ing more enjoyable. For more security publicans to sustain. Msmehes- as he arrives at the Vietnamese Supreme Court in Saigon, today. (AP Photo) snd comfort, use FASTEETH Den­ took tte show on the road. have to set up all the lighting ^ ® t h ^ V ' = V k f • POLYESTER Nixon referred.
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