Annual Report The Bakala Foundation 2016 Annual Report The Bakala Foundation 2016 DEAR FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS Let me share with you some significant mo- ments of 2016. We continued our support to programmes, associations and individuals, with the common denominator being values such as freedom, free media, education, hu- man rights and democracy, as well as respon- sibility and courage. We believe that education changes our li- ves, helping us to be wiser, freer and more re- sponsible. This is why Zdeněk and I have been financially supporting talented students at fo- reign universities for years – in 2016, we awar- ded scholarships through our family foundati- ons for the seventh time. Over the time, you may have met our students at eighteen U.S., eleven British, two French, two German, one Dutch and one New Zealand universities. In to- tal, 113 students received our scholarship. In the current academic year, The Bakala Foundation awarded financial support to 47 students – 13 new ones who received the scholarship for the first time, and 34 who are continuing in their studies from previous years. Also, our effort does not end with provi- ding financial support: the foundation organi- ses formal and informal meetings for the scho- lars on a regular basis, which has allowed us to establish and maintain personal and pro- fessional relationships with them. In autumn of last year, Zdeněk and I visited one of the “cri- me scenes” – Great Britain. Over two days in London and Cambridge, we met with 30 of our scholarship students. They showed us around their campuses, we discussed various social, political and study issues, and listened to their needs. We left Britain charged with new ener- gy and belief that our scholarship programme is worthwhile and that our decision to sup- port talents was right. The Bakala Foundation | Annual Report 2016 More than a year ago, we opened the Former president Václav Havel has al- Student Hub, a counselling and information ways been a symbol for me – of the values centre where we organise public events se- on which our non-profi t activity is based. Last veral times a month and provide individual year could truly be called Václav Havel´s year: consultations to those interested in studying in October we commemorated his 80th birth- abroad; they may also borrow publications day, in December fi ve years passed since his on admission procedures at foreign universi- death. We remember his legacy continuously – ties from our library. Zdeněk and I have been supporting the Václav We continued to support the education Havel Library, and in 2016 the foundation facili- of prospective journalists. In 2016, they cou- tated the organisation of an exhibition of pho- ld attend two courses: a three-month cour- tographs commemorating the life of this signi- se titled Achilles’ Data intended for Czech stu- fi cant defender of human rights. dents of journalism, or an international summer More detailed information on the founda- school titled Journey: Journalism Bootcamp. tion’s individual projects is to be found in this In cooperation with The Design Museum annual report and on www.bakalafoundati- and the Kaplicky Centre Endowment Fund, we on.org. If you are interested in other projects organised a Kaplicky internship programme for that we support within our family philanthropy, graduates of architecture studies. The winner please visit www.bakalaphilanthropy.com. is now setting off for a three-month internship To conclude, I would like to thank the in one of the top studios worldwide – Zaha board of trustees and the supervisory board for Hadid Architects in London. Through this, we their excellent work. Let me also thank the fou- give young architects a chance to work at the ndation’s entire team for their commitment in top architects’ studios, which will help them in developing our projects. starting their careers. I wish you an inspiring read, Michaela Bakala Chair of the board of trustees 04 | 05 The Bakala Foundation | Annual Report 2016 BAKALA FOUNDATION PROGRAMMES IN 2016 06 | 07 SCHOLARSHIP The foundation has been awarding the scho- The top 22 applicants were invited for an larships for 7 years through its prestigious interview before an selection committee, and scholarship programme for talented students 13 were awarded scholarships. of high schools and universities who want to Within the scholarship programme, the attend a complete bachelor’s or master’s pro- foundation has already fi nancially suppor- gramme at the best foreign universities and ted 113 students from the Czech Republic. are under 33 years of age. In 2016, there were The concrete amount of support differs de- 218 applicants, of whom 123 wanted to stu- pending on the school chosen and the stu- dy in Great Britain – 23 applicants stated the dents’ fi nancial situation. Subject to meeting University of Cambridge as their fi rst choice, the conditions, the foundation guarante- 21 wanted to study at Oxford, 13 were interes- es the students its support over the entire ted in a degree from UCL, 11 from LSE and ei- term of the study programme for which the ght from King’s College. Apart from Britain, we support was granted. received applications for scholarships at U.S. In the academic year 2016/2017, 47 stu- Ivy League schools and other elite universi- dents received a fi nancial contribution from ties for instance in the Netherlands, Germany, The Bakala Foundation – 13 new students, Scandinavia or Australia. who were awarded the scholarship for the fi rst Applicants for scholarships Scholarship students admitted by type of scholarship in 2016 by region. Development in 2010 to 2016 (in absolute numbers of applicants). 147 133 135 121 122 121 110 104 100 95 96 97 97 93 • Prague 81 • Hradec Králové Region 5 • Central Bohemia 31 • Pardubice Region 6 9 11 8 10 12 9 8 8 • South Bohemia� 11 • Vysočina Region � 3 4 7 7 6 5 8 • Pilsen Region 8 • South Moravia 19 • Karlovy Vary Region 5 • Olomouc Region 5 9+201011 +8+201110+ 12+ 20129 +8+20134+ 8+20147+7+20156+ 5+20168+ • Ústí nad Labem Region 8 • Moravia and Silesia 20 • Postgraduates • Undergraduates • Liberec Region 7 • Zlín Region 8 90+65 65+63+ 68+75 82+66+ 83+100 71+92+ 82+66+ The Bakala Foundation | Annual Report 2016 time, and 34 students who continue their stu- dies from previous years. The total amount with which Mr and Mrs Bakala have so far supported Czech stu- dents studying abroad has reached ne- arly CZK 100 million. The scholarship programme is organised by The Bakala Foundation in cooperation with the Swiss Fondation Zdenek et Michaela Bakala. Opening of interviews for Scholarship 2016 — applicants for scholarships who have been invited for the final round. Scholarship 2016 Interviews. Photo: HerminaPress.cz Photo: HerminaPress.cz 08 | 09 ROADSHOWS Throughout the school year, Bakala Foundation but they often also ask about cultural differen- scholars have been visiting high schools in the ces and student life abroad. In 2016, a total of Czech Republic, talking to students about stu- ten lectures were held in seven Czech towns dying abroad. High school students most- (Hlinsko, Praha, Ivančice, Lány, Hradec Králové, ly want to hear about admission procedures Most, České Budějovice). and the possibilities of financing their studies, BAKALA FOUNDATION STUDENT HUB At the end of 2015, the foundation opened in With the opening of the Student Hub, its premises a counselling and information cen- applicants have also been given access to a li- tre for those interested in studying a comple- brary of hundreds of volumes, where they may te bachelor’s or master’s programme abroad. find information on admission procedures at Through the Student Hub, the foundation in foreign universities, for instance about SAT, close cooperation with scholars continuous- ly provides applicants with necessary informa- tion, organises workshops on various topics and lectures with interesting guests, and also mediates contacts. Furthermore, the founda- tion offers individual consultations on various aspects of admission procedure, including help in choosing an academic programme. Our scholars Eva Michálková and Ni- Student Hub – a meeting with s Ruth kita Poljakov visited Gymnázium K. V. Hálová, one of “Winton’s Children” Raise in Hlinsko to talk to its students saved from the transport to a con- about the possibilities of studying centration camp in 1939. abroad. In a lively discussion, many Photo: Ondřej Besperát questions were answered. Photo: Bakala Foundation archive In the Student Hub, we organ- ise popular workshops on the MUDr. Jiří Dvořáček, a director and Scholarship programme. Questions senior doctor of Červený dvůr Psy- are answered directly by the founda- chiatric Clinic talked about substance tion’s study counsellor, together with addiction and what happens in the our scholars. Our seminars focusing human brain when experiencing a on admission procedures in Great quick pleasure induced by alcohol, Britain and the U.S. are also very drugs or other substances. well liked. Photo: Mikeska Photography Photo: HerminaPress.cz The Bakala Foundation | Annual Report 2016 GRE tests or TOEFL/IELTS language exams. In the course of 2016, 19 workshops They can also borrow selected publicati- took place in the Student Hub, atten- on and take them home. ded by over 500 people. ANNUAL MEETING WITH SCHOLARS AND ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF BAKALA SCHOLARS At the end of the year, scholars regularly could do to increase the quality of education gather at an annual meeting. This time there in the Czech Republic. were two panel discussions – first Ivan Hodač At the annual meeting, scholars elect (president and founder of The Aspen Institute a president from among their midst. In 2016, Central Europe) and Petr Kolář (former am- Stanford University graduate Aleš Weiser was bassador in Sweden, Ireland and Russia) dis- elected, replacing Ján Michalčák in the office.
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