WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY 86° W 18,000 88° W Y E A R S A G O 90° W 92° W YEAR 88° W 90° W 92° W 46° N 46° N 46° N ° N Laurentide Ice Sheet: 44° N 44° N 44° 44° N Ice-Margin Positions in Wisconsin 42 42° N David M. Mickelson and John W. Attig 86° W 88° W 42° N MILES 90° W 0 10025 50 75 92° W Educational Series 56 | 2017 86° W 88° W 90° W MILES Second Edition his series of maps shows the chronology of the TLaurentide Ice Sheet’s many advances and retreats. Dating ice extents The 44 maps cover Wisconsin and parts of surrounding Radiocarbon age estimates in Wisconsin and Illinois pro- states. They track the location of the glacier and the extent vide some constraints on the initial advance of the Lake of ice-marginal lakes between 31,500 and 11,000 calendar Michigan Lobe. In Wisconsin there are very few radio- years ago. We used mostly 500-year intervals between carbon age estimates between about 30,000 and 16,000 each map; we used different intervals when a significant calendar years ago that control ice-margin positions, and event occurred that would otherwise be missed, or when none at all dating advances out of the Lake Superior basin. we have good controls on the ice-margin position. Where New age estimate techniques provide more accuracy on helpful, we have referenced major regional events, espe- ice-margin fluctuations, but so far they are limited in both cially if they are well-documented in the geologic litera- number and extent. ture. For more detailed studies on the subject, please see We have used crosscutting relationships of moraines, our list of references. stratigraphic relationships, and available ages to assem- Nearly all of the maps are based on our long-distance ble a series of maps that illustrate our best estimate as to and uncertain correlation of landscape features that mark where the ice margin was at various times. For many of the former positions of the ice margin. Few of the ice-margin maps there is little or no precise age control, but we hope positions are closely constrained in time by radiocarbon or these maps highlight important areas for future research of other types of age estimates, and positions of the ice mar- ice-sheet chronology. gin during recession are particularly poorly constrained. Therefore, unless otherwise noted in the map description, there are no numeric age constraints on the ice margins. LAURENTIDE ICE SHEET Wisconsin ice-margin names are summarized in Attig and others (2011) and Syverson and others (2011); occasionally ice-margin names from Illinois and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are used where the margins are continuous Wisconsin Valley Lobe across the state borders. Note that the distance of ice-mar- Superior Langlade Chippewa Lobe gin recession and re-advance was significantly greater Lobe Lobe in Illinois and Indiana than in Wisconsin, especially after 26,000 years ago, likely because the climate was warmer to the south. Green Bay Lobe Lake Michigan Lobe Lobes of the Laurentide Ice Sheet WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Determining lake positions Acknowledgments Large glacial lakes are shown in Wisconsin, but many The authors wish to thank the many people involved in smaller ones are not. (Glacial lakes are not shown outside this project: of Wisconsin.) The geologic evidence for these former lakes GIS specialists: Michael S. Bricknell, Erin L. Hamilton, is the distribution of lake sediment and, in a few places, Stephen W. Mauel, and Caroline Rose beaches. The elevations of the lakes depicted on each map Reviewers: Eric Carson, J. Elmo Rawling III, Brandon Curry, were calculated by incorporating an isostatic rebound Steve Brown, and Anders Carlson model that calculates land surface elevations at various Editor: Linda Deith times in the past (Clark and others, 1994; James Clark, Funding for this publication was supported in part by personal communication, 2010, 2011). For each map, we the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey subtracted those elevations from the present-day digital and by the Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition elevation model (DEM). Those elevations were extrap- (U.S. Geological Survey cooperative award #G12AC20388). olated onto the paleo-DEMs to depict a representative Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publica- shoreline for illustrative purposes. tion is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. government. Superior NOTE: The ice-margin maps are intended to be used at the 8 ½- x 11-inch page size and no larger; they are not intended to provide the level of details found Grantsburg on larger maps. The maps are best viewed as a continuous sequence. Oshkosh Wisconsin Scuppernong Michigan Yahara 0 50 miles General location of major glacial lakes in Wisconsin. Glacial lakes were formed and drained as the ice sheet advanced and retreated. These lakes were not all present at the same time. Published by and available from: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey 3817 Mineral Point Road n Madison, Wisconsin 53705-5100 ISSN: 1052-2115 608.263.7389 n www.WisconsinGeologicalSurvey.org ISBN: 978-0-88169-987-6 Kenneth R. Bradbury, Director and State Geologist WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Selected references A sample of some of the references used in putting Hansel, A.K., and Mickelson, D.M., 1988, A reevaluation of together this set of maps is listed below. timing and causes of high lake phases in the Lake Michigan Attig, J.W., Bricknell, M., Carson, E.C., Clayton, L., Johnson, M.D., basin: Quaternary Research, v. 29, p. 113–129. Mickelson, D.M., and Syverson, K.M., 2011, Glaciation of Johnson, M.D., and Mooers, H.D., 1998, Ice-margin positions of Wisconsin [4th edition]: Wisconsin Geological and Natural the Superior Lobe during the last glaciation, in Patterson, History Survey Educational Series 36, 4 p. C.J., and Wright, H.E., Jr., eds., Contributions to Quaternary Attig, J.W., Clayton, L., and Mickelson, D.M., 1985, Correlation studies in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of late Wisconsin glacial phases in the western Great of Investigations 49, p. 7–14. Lakes area: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, Krist, F.J., and Lusch, D.P., 2004, Glacial history of Michigan, p. 1585–1593. USA: A regional perspective, in Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P.L., Attig, J.W., Hanson, P.R., Rawling, J.E., Young, A.R, and Carson, eds., Quaternary glaciations—extent and chronology, E.C., 2011, Optical ages indicate the southwestern margin part II: Amsterdam, Elsevier, Developments in Quaternary of the Green Bay Lobe in Wisconsin, USA, was at its maxi- Science, p. 295–311. mum extent until about 18,500 years ago: Geomorphology, Larsen, C.E., 1987, Geological history of Glacial Lake Algonquin v. 130, p. 384–390. and the upper Great Lakes: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin Clark, J.A., Hendriks, M., Timmermans, T.J., Struck, C., and 1801, 36 p. Hilverda, K.J., 1994. Glacial isostatic deformation of the Larson, G.J., 2011, Ice-margin fluctuations at the end of Great Lakes region: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. the Wisconsin Episode, Michigan, USA, in Ehlers, J., 106, p.19–31. Gibbard, P.L., and Hughes, P.D., eds., Quaternary glacia- Clark, J.A., Befus, K.M., Hooyer, T.S., Stewart, P.W., Shipman, T.D., tions—extent and chronology, part IV—A closer look: Gregory, C.T., and Zylstra, D.J., 2008, Numerical simulation Amsterdam, Elsevier, Developments in Quaternary Science, of the paleohydrology of glacial Lake Oshkosh, eastern v. 15, p. 489–497. Wisconsin, USA: Quaternary Research, v. 69, p. 117–129. Mickelson, D.M., Clayton, L., Fullerton, D.S., and Borns, H.W., Jr., Clayton, L., and Moran, S.R., 1982, Chronology of late 1983, The late Wisconsin glacial record of the Laurentide Wisconsinan glaciation in Middle North America: Ice Sheet in the United States, in Porter, S.C., ed., Late- Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 1, p. 55–82. Quaternary environments of the United States, vol. 1, The late Pleistocene: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Clayton, L., 1984, Pleistocene geology of the Superior Region, Press, p. 3–37. Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Information Circular 46, 40 p. Schaetzl, R.J., Drzyzga, S.A., Weisenborn, B.N., Kincare, K.A, Lepczyk, X.C., Shein, K., Dowd, C.M., and Linker, J., 2002, Coleman, S.M., Clark, J.A., Clayton, L., Hansel, A.K., and Larsen, Measurement, correlation, and mapping of glacial Lake C.E., 1989, Deglaciation, lake levels, and meltwater dis- Algonquin shorelines in northern Michigan: Annals of the charge in the Lake Michigan basin: Quaternary Science Association of American Geographers, v. 92, p. 399–415. Reviews, v. 13, p. 879–890. Syverson, K.M., Clayton, L., Attig, J.W., and Mickelson, D.M., Colgan, P.M., 1999, Reconstruction of the Green Bay Lobe, eds., 2011, Lexicon of Pleistocene stratigraphic units of Wisconsin, United States, from 26,000 to 13,000 radio- Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History carbon years B.P., in Mickelson, D.M., and Attig, J.W., eds., Survey Technical Report 1, 180 p. Glaciers past and present: Geological Society of America Special Paper 337, p. 137–150. Syverson, K.M., and Colgan, P.M., 2004, The Quaternary of Wisconsin: A review of stratigraphy and glaciation history, Curry, B., and Petras, J., 2011, Chronological framework for the in Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P.L., eds., Quaternary glacia- deglaciation of the Lake Michigan Lobe of the Laurentide tions—extent and chronology, part II: North America: Ice Sheet from ice-walled lake deposits: Journal of Amsterdam, Elsevier, Developments in Quaternary Science, Quaternary Science, v.
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