December 17, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 15 22723 was a request for donations to the First Chair’s prior announcement, further ‘‘I should like to see the time come when Lieutenant Robert Wilson Collins Pa- proceedings on this motion will be women shall help to make the laws. I should triot Spirit Scholarship, care of Bank postponed. like to see that whiplash, the ballot, in the of Georgia, 100 Westpark Drive, Peach- The point of no quorum is considered hands of women. As for this city’s govern- withdrawn. ment, I don’t want to say much, except that tree City, Georgia 30269. it is a shame—a shame; but if I should live Again, certainly the obituary, know- f twenty-five years longer—and there is no ing that this was such an extraordinary RECOGNIZING MARK TWAIN AS AN reason why I shouldn’t—I think I’ll see young person, protecting our country AMERICAN LITERARY ICON women handle the ballot. If women had the by defeating the terrorists overseas, I ballot to-day, the state of things in this town am honored to join in urging support of Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I move would not exist. the legislation. to suspend the rules and agree to the ‘‘If all the women in this town had a vote resolution (H. Res. 1733) recognizing today they would elect a mayor at the next [From the Times-Herald.com, April 15, 2010] Mark Twain as one of America’s most election, and they would rise in their might 1LT ROBERT WILSON COLLINS famous literary icons on the 175th an- and change the awful state of things now ex- 1LT Robert Wilson Collins of Tyrone, GA, niversary of his birth and the 100th an- isting here.’’: Now, therefore, be it was killed in action on April 7, 2010, in Iraq niversary of his death, as amended. Resolved, That the House of Representa- in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. 1LT tives recognizes Mark Twain as one of Amer- Collins was born in 1985 in Red Bank, NJ, and The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ica’s most famous literary icons and com- graduated from Sandy Creek High School, tion. memorates him on the 175th anniversary of Class of 2004. After high school he graduated The text of the resolution is as fol- his birth and the 100th anniversary of his from The United States Military Academy at lows: death. West Point, NY, Class of 2008. 1LT Collins H. RES. 1733 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- was the first member of the USMA Class of Whereas, on November 30, 1835, Samuel ant to the rule, the gentleman from 2008 to die in combat. He was serving as a Langhorne Clemens, one of the most prolific Texas (Mr. CUELLAR) and the gen- Platoon Leader in B Company, 1–64 Armor and influential writers and orators in Amer- tleman from Missouri (Mr. LUETKE- Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd In- ica, was born in Florida, Missouri; fantry Division. Whereas Clemens suffered many childhood MEYER) each will control 20 minutes. He is survived by his parents, LTC (RET) setbacks including incessant poor health The Chair recognizes the gentleman Burkitt (Deacon) Collins and LTC (RET) until age 9 and the death of his father at age from Texas. Sharon L.G. Collins of Tyrone, GA; paternal of 12; GENERAL LEAVE grandmother, Susan R. Collins of Laurel, Whereas growing up along the emerging Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I ask MS; aunts, Susan D. Groff of Lancaster, PA; Mississippi port city of Hannibal, Missouri, unanimous consent that all Members Mary Margaret Anderson and her husband watching the frequent steamboat stops and may have 5 legislative days in which to Robert Earl of Ellisville, MS; and Susan G. working as a printer and editorial assistant revise and extend their remarks. Stringfellow of Purvis, MS; childhood sweet- at his brother’s newspaper, Clemens discov- heart and girlfriend of 8 years, Nicolle Wil- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ered his passion for writing; objection to the request of the gen- liams of Tyrone, GA; best friend, Andrew Whereas Clemens, at the age of 17, moved Gardner of Miami, FL; his Band of Brothers: to St. Louis, Missouri, and became a river pi- tleman from California? 1LT Andrew Collins, 1LT Sean Flachs, 1LT lot’s apprentice, eventually becoming a li- There was no objection. Tim Konze, 1LT Dan McLeod, Greg Maduro, censed river pilot in 1858; Mr. CUELLAR. I now yield myself 1LT Phil Raquepau and 1LT Clifford Walker; Whereas Samuel Clemens then worked for such time as I may consume. Battle Buddy, 1LT John F. Parsons; and nu- several newspapers across the United States Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Com- merous friends, extended family members, after the river trade was halted by the Civil mittee on Oversight Government Re- and Comrades in Arms. War in 1861; form, I am pleased to present House Funeral services will be held Saturday, Whereas Clemens assumed his pen name, Resolution 1733, a resolution recog- April 17 at New Hope Baptist Church (North Mark Twain, based on his experience as a nizing Mark Twain as one of America’s Campus) at 10 o’clock with Rev. Scott Pick- river pilot; ering, Dr. Rick Long, and Chaplain LTC most famous literary icons on the 175th Whereas Mark Twain means two fathoms anniversary of his birth and the 100th Mark E. Fairbrother officiating. Interment or 12 feet when the depth of water for a boat to follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in is being sounded, or that it is safe to navi- anniversary of his death. House Resolu- Newnan. In lieu of flowers those desiring gate; tion 1733 was introduced by our col- may make donations to the 1LT Robert Wil- Whereas Twain’s first work to gain noto- league, the gentleman from Arkansas, son Collins Patriot Spirit Scholarship, c/o riety was his short story, ‘‘The Celebrated Representative VIC SNYDER, on Novem- Bank of Georgia, l00 Westpark Drive, Peach- Jumping Frog of Calaveras County’’, which ber 18, 2010. This measure enjoys the tree City, GA 30269. Those wishing can make appeared in the New York Saturday Press on support of over 60 Members of the an online condolence at www.parrott November 18, 1865; House. funeralhome.com. Whereas Mark Twain composed 28 books as The family will receive friends Friday Mr. Speaker, Mark Twain was born well as numerous short stories, letters, and as Samuel Langhorne Clemens in the evening from 5 until 8 p.m. at Parrott Fu- sketches, including such classics as ‘‘Life on neral Home and Crematory in Fairburn, GA. the Mississippi’’, ‘‘The Adventures of Tom town of Florida, Missouri, on Novem- I yield back the balance of my time. Sawyer’’, ‘‘The Prince and the Pauper’’, and ber 30, 1835. Famously, he was born 2 Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I again ‘‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’’; weeks after the closest approach to urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Whereas Twain first declared his dis- Earth of Halley’s Comet, which made porting this measure, and I yield back appointment with politics in ‘‘A Connecticut its next approach 1 day after his death the balance of my time. Yankee in King Arthur’s Court’’, where he in 1910. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The depicted the absurdities of political and so- At the age of 4, Twain moved to Han- question is on the motion offered by cial norms by setting them in the court of nibal, Missouri, a Mississippi River King Arthur; town that would inspire some of his the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Whereas Mark Twain was a staunch civil CUELLAR) that the House suspend the rights advocate believing strongly in eman- most beloved works. At age 12, he be- rules and pass the bill, S. 3592. cipation and said, ‘‘Lincoln’s Proclamation came a printer’s apprentice; and at age The question was taken. not only set the black slaves free, but 16, he began working as a typesetter The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the set the white man free also.’’; and and contributor of articles and humor- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas Mark Twain was an adamant sup- ous sketches for the Hannibal Journal, in the affirmative, the ayes have it. porter of women’s suffrage, saying in his a newspaper owned by his brother Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I object most famous speech, ‘‘Votes for Women’’: Orion. At age 18, he worked briefly as a to the vote on the ground that a ‘‘Referring to woman’s sphere in life, I’ll printer in New York City, Philadel- say that woman is always right. For twenty- quorum is not present and make the five years I’ve been a woman’s rights man. I phia, St. Louis, Cincinnati, taking point of order that a quorum is not have always believed, long before my mother time to educate himself at public li- present. died, that, with her gray hairs and admirable braries in the evenings. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- intellect, perhaps she knew as much as I did. After returning to Missouri at age 22, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Perhaps she knew as much about voting as I. he was inspired to be a steamboat VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:45 Nov 04, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H17DE0.000 H17DE0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 22724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 15 December 17, 2010 pilot, earning significant income, 1835, Mark Twain left school at the age animal, and some of those truths are learning intimate details of the river, of 13 to go to work as a printer’s ap- not flattering.
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