■r r ' ■ '. 'i -,)•• « ‘ ■ '■’> .' '-(■'■•' • ".' ..f ■ ‘^1 't-- {v; ■ I ' :■ J .u / ■ r r ■^. ( "'r* ; ■ " ■ • --’M • .-V••■4 ..,■: ;• THURSDAY, llARCH 11, 19«4 kYefege-DnUy Net Preas Run V-- Waak .BMM i, I ^ _ ji 11,145 NRoabar at Mia Audit * ^w aau Ml OIreulaUoao ' HahehetUr^A City of Ymago Charm /: -*r- VOL.LXXin.NO.lS7 (Otaaalflad AdvarMMug aa Faga l4) MANCHESTER. CONN., MAIK:H 12. 1954 (SIXTEEN PAGES) r r W : . 7-^-7 ...... m....... Ptnehiirst ti^)pen JBrazil Favors Friday Ni^lts May Boost Until 8:30 > Friday n ifh t continues to Debt Limits be « popular fannily shop- p in f niffht... but if you Washington, March 12 (/P)‘ prefer to shop Saturday, ""Caracas, VenexU' M areh .f •uitatlon whan intomational Oom- (ff)— Brazil |im muntam deihlnataa or eantrola tho -wBao. Williaius (R-Del) said rcm em l:^ we are here all 12 with the U niM States le In- InatituUona of an AnierlCan re­ today Congress members who day froiiis 8 to 6, and will public, ha aaid, auch conaultatloh back major cuta in taxes this be. 1^ tb see you. We ter-Am^rican conference to­ doaa not imply aanctiona.. , day in fayor of the,U.;S. draft year should be willing to sun- gladly carry packages to Fiiet, he aaid, a majority volO of poii an eQuivalent increase in «- resolution on Cummuhism as tha American repuUicu would ba z : your <M •■. or deliver it stands. ' A .required for a oonaultatlvo maot- the national debt limit. J self-selected to Your home Mnat Pay far SMah ® f“ *Uan F 0 r a I g n Mihiiatar ing. Than a two-thirda vote would The Shape of Things to Come" \ for a slight V i^ ta lUb urged dalagati^ at a ba needed to approve any action "Wa should make it vory clear Stevenson meeting of the poltUcal-liitikUcal taken at auch a meeting. to tho peopia," ha said in an intar- charge. No tipi^i viaw, “mat any tax tot wa are course, for carry committee xo lay aaida aihand- "ConaultaUon doaa not mean ’ manta which w o u ld . weaken the aanctiona or even a atudy of aanc- giving them muat ba paid for by service . please. O ur ffirmation of tho tntantlon\ to tiona," Rao aaid. ‘Tt nuana only an DorrowM money.” Lambasted Aide’s Use stainless steel place set^. A POPULAR SPECIAL RETURNS: keep Communiam away from tha axehanga o f opinion whidi might Ilia t la true, WilUama aaid. ba- tfag offer went over with I • Waatarn.Haalimbara. — ,..... - ■ raault in tha ovahtual application ogugg^ ♦BhQ Wmihimrtr such a “bang" that we\l 4 ' Mexlca Atthcka Flan of sanctipna" tion haa '/oracast a dtod t of 13.- In Air Talk The principal attack on tha Rao oppoaad tha iacluaion of 3i00,000,000 fo r the currant Snan- Prei^iire had to give out “rain Unguaga at tho U . g. raaoluUon aconbmic or aodal daclaratlona in eMl year ending June SO and |3,- checks" last Friday and came from Mexico. Oontlnulng a the raaolutlon, holding It would MO,(MM,000 fo r ma next year. Washington,-March 12 WaaM . M aro h Saturday on the p la ^ Set­ declaration begun . yeateraay, than become an aconottiic-ancial in- Williama came out against m# — Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) — Sen. iKcCerthy (R-1i tings. If you have a “rain Mexico’p Roberto Cordova con­ atniment rather than a declaration •13 million dollars worm of excise has accused commentator Ed­ cried “blackifiail" today at aii W H O L E 4*4 LBS. tended the meaaura endangered of foreign policy on Oommuhiam. cuts included in a bUT'piSaM over­ check," bring it now, if the principle of non-intervention Friandly but aamaat dUTarancaa whelmingly by tha^ouse Wadnea- ward R, Murrow of having o r t ^ and mg cMkf convenient and we will BEEF TSNDERLOIN STEAKS .. 4 ...... Lb. $1.29 in the internal affalca pf a repub- ware midant In tha approach of day. The admlniitratioa ia fighting l>een connected with a M os­ counsel, Roy Gphn, apididd gladly redeem it. Watch Bc. Mexico and tha United Statea—tha the cuta cow scliool described as revo­ veastureior special treatment for our Gold Fi»h promo­ Braail’a Foreign Uinlatar aougbt good naighbort of th» Rio GNeade— Each opthe cuta might ^ juati- lutionary, and Adlai Steven- oY a driftad aide whild from to allay the feara of aoma iMa- to tho Giteimuniat iaaua. Sad opr Its ownnierita, WllUanu soh of dealing in untruths. ’ tion the end of Bfarch. H t l S M M A M ataa concerning poaaibio uae p f ‘ Senators there^werB de­ Both agroed that Oonlmuniam but no furmer general tax Murrow said he actually waa an 10 reaoluUon for intervonUoh. mands for a quick investiga­ LEG 0’ LAMB S tlon should be voted unUl me adviser in an international educa­ WhUa tha raaolutlon calla for con- n (Oanltnnad aa Page Btovan) . btoget la balanced. tion experiment me^Ruaslanf can­ tion, - tmn Hetien eg AnMuTs was rigtit whtn h* said that ataaS LAMB Four membara ef McCarthy's wouM continua to aaO, waak aftar wack, ao long aa tha -p T O t Q U A L IT Y The Delaware Senator gave hia celed In 1955 before any school T* aewHons were held. i own pennanent Sanate InvesUgto waa'aa low aa lunr . Ranambar at Ptai^urat you^ views in advance of a closed meet­ tiona aubconanittaa- one a Repub­ ’The accusations came In .the tandar ataidliif ataaka cut from choica grada W H O U O R H A U > PATTIES ing of the Senate Finance Commit­ lican—asked fbr an early meettag’ InapactadMl Waotai am Beef Again' wa feature tee, on which he serves,. to con­ first inatallment of McCaiUiy’s re­ ply to recent r.iUcism. He has of the group te coaaider the re­ \ sider the Kouae excise bill. ~ po rt Red Jets T uM arid his real reply wlU be made a CHOICE \ ' ’The biU would cut to 10 per la Banda Of GasMdttoe cent a wide variety of exclaea week from today. But last night he fired some preliminary broad­ Aad me Benate RtooMicaa n n s is C which now have rates ranging SIRLOIN oir sides at Murrow', who devoted hie leadership indicsted A dItouMtkm I I . I Un m eltapabres from 25 ,tP .11 per cent. They .in­ UBS--televisiDn show-Tnwday to 'a .-rrat-Jesat.-fbr-:tha.. niftoant te . LK clude levies on transportaUon critical review of McCarthy and leave me matter ia the xaubeon- tickets, telephone biils, jewelry, DOODYVniE BAi^Y. NO WASTE Stevenson, Democratic oreaiden- mittee’a hands. SHORT furs, coametica, luggage, admia- with Wnlch^s . We will havava good sup^ of Te cure Corned Beef Ual nominee in 1952,‘who attacked The eequsnce. of devetepaMata SeouL March 12 { It ) — south-bound Communist jets siona to movies and omer enter' “McCarmyism’’ when he apoke to following dlscloaura of tha A finy Momn’a ready to aat Rama . .U more Native Roaating DBUCIOVS fA I^ O turned tti[l at the K o ^ n demarcation line today and fled tatimants, electric bulbs, 'and report by .Senate aourcaa last "straw-six*" earri*rs! ChlCkeha (O a ^ttaa ) wMcb Sro^ a Capon and Fraan Democrats in Miami Beach Sat- :^ A R R O T S north wheh^Americain^bre jets streaked up to meet them, photographio ^equiprhent. Urtiay. Blgbt was mia: DoodyvOa la tha W gfost cUy 1* Oovtntiy PrieaaaN Fowl. B g 1. Sen. Potter (R -M lch )~-A CHICKENS u S S t the A ir Form smdr-^No shots were fked, added a spokesman A t the same time, me measure Spoke OB Lewi Progiam<<. tha Warid! would extapd for a year beyond McCarmy spoke last night on a member of McCarthy’s aubtom-\ BE $ 1.7^ fi«eh^ for aUi Air Forca,/^^ , ~ mittee—callad a news cenfaranee Ahnoat U ,000,000 JcMte Uva In 2 Ce»o P k u 2 7 c FRESH FOWL ^ u. 4Ss Tha Red p iM J M wpparanUy ware April 1 rates .or. major excises in­ question and imawar progt-am cluding autos, gwUne, liquor and wim Fulton Lewia,- Jr., on me and announced be had atoad Me- DoodyvUla ovary day—ffva daya a aeaded tawa^UKhap, port city for Carmy to call a cloaed aaaaion of Cuatomera aro ‘ ‘catching on" to the cigarettSs votto after me Xorean Mutual Radio Network. waak. t lia y Uva thara through thair R FRYERS, BROILERS . S | j U ,,8aoul in 8oUth Korean tha apokaa- P olio Vaccine me group to . go into “all tha quality and value in our froaMy hiSn aaidTSut thara wka no way of W ar began. Mutual reported in New York TViaata—and do th ^ lova it. ground aaaaoned facta.^ rltjtha CoaummiAspUota ac- Chairman MUUltox (R -Colo) said that Up to midnight, it had receiv­ ed 9M phone calls for McCaitby |*otter said Cbhn ahouki ba re- And thaaa klda are craqr about ■ IAMB PATTIES tuaHj^>h>tandbd ta croas into aouth Test Indicates his group would go ovto the mea­ movfd if What he callad the Rowdy Doody and hia frionda. Thay . MAYONNAISE ^ m e MVOMTE DBH IS FLAVORIVL K W Xoraa dr were teaUng AUiad radar sure wim its axpccts and conrider and 834 against me Wisconsin 35c Lb. — 3 Lbs. i l .OO Senator.. ^ Photo. “shocking chargas" against'the know DoodirvUla and avary houaa and air alert pracUcaa.^^- whemcr to hold any hearlngt.\No This aeeae will be repeated many Mmes betweea new and mldalgbt at Matdi 15 aa ariUtto et Anwr- 27-year-old commlttaa coiinsal in i t Now thay caA hava I t fo r thair and Shoulders of Lamb are BONELESS CHUCK Courac gdaatlauad^A.
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