THE CITY RECORD VoL. LXVIII NUMBER 20532 NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1940 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 155 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 8724 of the New York City Charter. Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commission for the following positions: STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT BACTERIOLOGIST WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITO1 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. Wo inn 2-3490. GASOLINE ROLLER ENGINEER AND ASPHALT STEAM ROLLER ENGINEER Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. INSPECTOR OF BLASTING, GRADE 2 °Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. PATHOLOGIST (ORANGE COUNTY) SUPPLEMENTS: °Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.20); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.12); List of Enrolled Voter', prices vary; List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assemby district RESIDENT BUILDINGS SUPERINTENDENT (HOUSING), (by mail, 30 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Detailed List of Exempt Proper- GRADE 3 ties, $2 (by mail, $2.10). SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT HEALTH EDUCA- OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 17 cents) i Land Value Maps, complete for the City TION in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (by mail, 57 cents) ; SENIOR MAINTAINER (OFFICE APPLIANCES—TYPE- New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents WRITERS) (by mail, 29 cents); Official Directory, SO cents (by mail, 53 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents); Sanitary Code, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). SUPERINTENDENT OF CAMP LA GUARDIA (MEN) Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super- PROMOTION TO ASSISTANT BACTERIOLOGIST Ti/Or of THE CITY RECORD." PROMOTION TO CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER (DEPUTY ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE CHIEF), FIRE DEPARTMENT (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. PROMOTION TO RAILROAD CLERK Entered as Second-class Matter, Pat Office at New York City. Detailed information regarding the above positions may be found on page 7942. *Check must be certified. Announcements of Open Competitive and Labor Class examinations are TABLE OF CONTENTS broadcast over Station WNYC at 5.45 p. m. on the Tuesday preceding the opening ■ •■••■•■■... of applications. Bronx, President Borough of The— New York City Housing Authority- Bulletin Notice: The Commission publishes monthly an official bulletin Proposals 7942 Proposals for Demolition 7942 which is available in libraries or sent to all interested persons for one year for a City Planning Commission—Notices Sale of Old Building Materials 7942 fee of $1. Please do not call or write the Commission for routine information of Public Hearings 7946 New York City Tunnel Authority— contained in this official monthly bulletin. The Commission is already hard pressed Docks, Department of— Proposals 7940 to answer the present quota of 10,000 inquiries a week. Candidates are promptly Notice to Bidders 7945 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old notified by mail of any action affecting them individually. General inquiries are Proposals 7945 Buildings, Etc 7946 answered in the bulletin, but the Commission will be happy, as in the past, to Education, Board of— Official Directory 7939 answer specific inquiries to which the answer is not otherwise obtainable. 7940 Notice to Bidders Parks, Department of—Proposals 7944 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, PAUL J. KERN, Presi- Proposals 7940 Public Works, Department of— dent; FERDINAND Q. MORTON, WALLACE S. SAYRE, Commissioners. Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7940 Proposals 7942 Estimate, Board of—Notices of Public Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7942 Hearings—Franchise Matters 7940 Purchase, Department of—Proposals 7940 Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Bklyn.-327 Schermerhorn st.TR iangl 5-9770 Dist. Mashoetso Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- Queens-105-34 Union Hall st., 2-425 6th ave. GR army 7-4467 Estate— Jamaica JA maim 6-2543 3-2d ave. and 2d at. GR =my 5-0296 Corporation Sale of Buildings and mate on February 17, 1938 7946 Richmond-100 Richmond ter., St. 4-151 E. 57th st VO lunter 5-0442 Appurtenances Thereto on City Supreme Court, First Department— George SA intGeo 74300 5-121st st. and Sylvan p1.....LE high 4-3535 EDUCATION, BOARD OF- 7-314 W. 54th st. CO lumina 5-4630 Real Estate 7944 Notice to File Claims 7945 110 Livingston IL, Bklyn MA in 4-2300 12-455 W. 151st it ED gecomb 4-8429 Corporation Sale of a Lease of Supreme Court, Second Department— ELECTIONS, BOARD OF- Commercial Frauds-52 Chambers st. Certain Real Estate 7944 Application to Condemn 7946 400 Broome rt., Manh'n CA nal 6-2600 CO rend 7-4763 Bronx—Tremont and 3d aves...TR caret 8-1186 Felony-32 Franklin st. WO rth 2-2133 Corporation Sale of Certain Real Filing Bills of Costs 7945 Brooklyn Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-7100 Homicide-301 Mott st. CA nal 6-6500 Estate 7943 Notice to File Claims 7945 Queens-120.55 Queens blvd., Kew Gar- Municipal Term-52 Chambers st. Finance, Department of—Confirmation dens BO ulevard 1-5000 CO rend 7-4763 Transportation, Board of— Richmond—Borough Hall SA intGeo 7-1955 Night Court for Men-314 W. 54th st. of Assessments—Notices to Prop- Notice of Public Hearing 7940 9 a. m. to 4 p. Sat to 12 noon. CO lumbus 5-4630 7945 Probed's-300 Mulberry st CA sal 6-6500 erty Owners Proposals 7940 ESTIMATE, BOARD OF— Fire Department—Proposals 7940 Trade (Lower)-301 Mon st CA sal 6-6500 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 7940 Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., Traffic (Upper)-455 W. 151st ft. Higher Education, Board of—Pro- Maslen WO rth Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7940 lit Istate, Bursas ei, Municipal2-450 womb 4-3700 posals 7945 Bldg., Mank'n Week End Court (East Side)-151 E. Sale of Scrap Material 7940 WO rth 2-3600 57th st. VO lunter 5-0442 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 7942 FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF— Triborough Bridge Authority—Pro- Week End Court (West Side)-314 W, Municipal Civil Service Commission— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 54th st. CO lambs 5-4630 7943 posals 7945 City Collections, Bureau of- Womsa's-42S 6th eve GR away 7-4621 Amended Notices Manhattan—Municipal Bldg 7939 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, WO rth 2-1200 Dist. Bross Notice to Applicants Bronx—Trem. & Arthur aves.TR emnt 2-6000 1-161st st. and 3d ave. ME irose 5-2466 Notices to Appear for Examinations 7942 Department of—Proposals 7945 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg....TR iangl 5-7100 and 3-161st st. and 3d ave..ME lrose S-3670 Notices of Examinations 7942 Welfare, Department of—Proposals 7946 Queens-120.55 Queens blvd., Kew Felony-161st st. and 3d ave...ME lrose 5-2466 Gardens BO ulevard 8-5000 Homicide-161st st. & 3d ave.. ME hose 5-1951 Richmond—Borough Hall. -.GI braltr 7-1000 Municipal Term-161st st. and 3d ave. Emergency Revenue Division- ME lrose 5-3670 New York County—Old County Court 50 Lafayette st, Manh'n House, 52 Chambers st CO rtlnd 7-6264 WO rth 2-4780 Probation-161st st. & 3d ave..ME iron 5-2345 Queens—Sutphin blvd. and nth ave. FIRE DEPARTMENT— Traffic-161st st. and 3d ave...ME Irani 5-1951 Jamaica JA maim 6-2410 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4100 Dist. Brooklyn Richmond — 66 Lafayette ave., New Brooklyn—Municipal Bleg TR iangl 5-8340 5—Williamsburg Bridge Plus .EV ergrn 7-2303 Brighton GI braltr 7-6280 GENERAL SESSIONS, COURT OF— 7-25 Snyder ave. BU ckmnstr 2-1506 Clerks' offices open 9 a. in. to 4 p. m., Centre and Franklin su., Mank'n 1-2963 W. 8th at CO neyls 6-0013 Sat. to 12 noon. Courts ooen at 10 WO rth 2-6424 9-43d it. and 4th ave WI ndsr 5-0381 a. m. General and commercial Probation Dept. WO rth 2-6632 10-127 Pennsylvania aye APe legate 6-8606 calendars called at 9.45 a. sn. Clerk's office open 9 a. in. to 4 p. Adolescent-31 Snyder ave..BU str 2-3516 CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM— Saturdays to 12 noon. Court opens Felony-120 Schermerhorn st.....MA in 4-0216 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4566 at 10 a. in. Municipal Term-120 Schermerhorn st. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION— HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF- TR iangl 5-4220 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 125 Worth A., Manh'n WO rth 2-6900 Night Court-25 Snyder ave. CITY RECORD, THE— Bronx-1918 Arthur ave. TR emnt 8-6320 BU ckmnstr 2-1506 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-3490 Bklyn.-295 Flatbush ave. extension.. Probation—Municipal Bldg.. -.TR iangl S-7100 TR iangl 5-9400 Traffic-1005 Bedford aye MA in 2-2904 COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF- Traffic (2)-495 Gates ave. MA in 2-1284 60 Bway., Manh'n WH itehl 3-7575 Queens-148-15 Archer ave., Jamaica RE public 9-1200 Week End Court-25 Snyder ave. COMPTROLLER, OFFICE OF— BU ckmnstr 2-1506 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 Richmond-51 Stnyvesant p1., St. George GI braltr 7-7664 Dist. Qtsenti CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF- 1—County Court House. L. I. City ... 139 Centre at., Manh'n CA nal 6-1390 HIGHER EDUCATION, BOARD OF- 695 Park ave.
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