McWhirter‐Mattison Entire Collection Author Call # Title Year A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous) MM NF AA Came to Believe…: The Spiritual Adventures of A.A. as Experienced by Individual Members 1973 Abbott, Sidney & Love, Barbara MM NF ABB Sappho Was A Right‐On Woman: A Liberated View of Lesbianism 1972 Ableman, Paul MM NF ABL Sensuous Mouth, The 1969 Ackerley, J. R. MM NF ACK My Father and Myself 1968 Ackerley, J. R. MM FIC ACK We Think The World of You 1960 Adair, Nancy & Adair, Casey MM NF ADA Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives 1978 Adam, Barry D. MM NF ADA Survival of Domination: Inferiorization and Everyday Life 1978 Adams, Stephen MM NF ADA Homosexual as Hero In Contemporary Fiction, The 1980 Adleman, Jeanne et al. MM NF ADL Lamda Gray: A Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Guide For Gays and Lesbians Who Are Growing Older 1993 Advocate MM NF ADV Gay Visitors Guide To San Francisco 1981 Agnos, Art MM NF AGN Assembly Bill 1 (Assemblyman Art Agnos) Information Packet 1984 Agnos, Peter MM FIC AGN Queer Dutchman, The 1979 Airey, Stephen MM FIC AIR Messer Rondo & Other Stories By Gay Men 1983 Alexander, Paul MM NF ALE Boulevard of Broken Dreams: The Life, Times, and Legend of James Dean 1994 Allen, Gina & Martin, Clement G. M.D. MM NF ALL Intimacy: Sensitivity, Sex, and the Art of Love 1971 Alman, Isadora MM NF ALM Aural Sex & Verbal Intercourse 1984 Altman, Dennis MM NF ALT Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation 1971 Altman, Dennis MM NF ALT cp 2 Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation 1971 Altman, Dennis MM NF ALT Homosexualization of America, The Americanization of The Homosexual, The 1982 Altman, Dennis MM NF ALT Coming Out In The Seventies 1979 Altman, Dennis, et al. MM NF ALT Which Homosexuality?: Essays from the International Sceintific conference on Lesbian & Gay Studies 1989 Alyson MM NF ALY Alyson Almanac: A Treasury of Information for the Gay and Lesbian Community 1990 Alyson Publication MM NF ALY Young, Gay, & Proud! 1980 American Medical Association MM NF AME Human Sexuality 1972 Andrews, Terry MM FIC AND Story of Harold, The 1974 Andros, Phil MM FIC AND My Brother, My Self 1970 Annon, Jack S. MM NF ANN Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems: Volume 1 Brief Therapy 1974 Annon, Jack S. MM NF ANN Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems: Volume 2 Brief Therapy 1975 Arce, Hector MM FIC ARC Secret Life of Tyrone Power, The 1979 Arthur, Gavin MM NF ART Circle of Sex, The 1966 Arvidson, Donna Lynne MM NF ARV Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction: Preparation and Training of Therapists 1973 Ash, John & Goldstein, Sid MM NF ASH American Game Cooking: A Contemporary Guide to Preparing Farm‐Raised Game Birds and Meats 1991 Auden, W. H. MM NF AUD Poems 1964 Austen, Roger MM NF AUS Playing The Game: The Homosexual Novel in America 1977 Aymar, Brandt MM NF AYM Young Male Figure: In Paintings, Sculptures, and Drawings From Ancient Egypt to The Present, The 1970 Back, Gloria Guss MM NF BAC Are You Still My Mother? Are You Still My Family? 1985 Bailey, Derrick Sherwin Ph.D. MM NF BAI Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition 1955 Baldwin, James MM FIC BAL If Beale Street Could Talk 1974 Baldwin, James MM FIC BAL Just Above My Head 1979 Bancroft, John & Reinisch, June M. eds. MM NF BAN Adolescence and Puberty 1990 Banis, Victor MM NF BAN Men & Their Boys: The Homosexual Relationship Between Adult and Adolescent 1966 Baracks, Barbara & Jarratt, Kent eds. MM NF BAR Sage Writings: From the Lesbian & Gay Men's Writing Workshop at Senior Action in Gay Enviroment 1980 Barbach, Lonnie Garfield MM NF BAR For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality 1975 Barbach, Lonnie Garfield MM NF BAR cp 2 For Yourself: The Fulfillment of Female Sexuality 1975 Barnard, Robert MM FIC BAR Scandal in Belgravia, A 1991 Barton, Crawford MM NF BAR Beautiful Men 1976 Bataille, Georges MM NF BAT Death and Sensuality: A Study of Eroticism and the Taboo 1962 Batchelor, Jr, Edward ed. MM NF BAT Homosexuality and Ethics 1980 Bayer, Ronald MM NF BAY Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Polotics of Diagnosis 1981 Beach, Frank A. MM NF BEA Human Sexuality in Four Perspectives 1976 Becker, Howard SMM NF BEC Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance 1966 Bell, Alan P. & Hall, Calvin S. MM NF BEL Personality of a Child Molester: An Analysis of Dreams 1971 Bell, Alan P. & Weinberg, Martin S. MM NF BEL Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men & Women 1978 Bell, Alan P. & Weinberg, Martin S., et al MM NF BEL Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women 1981 Sheet1 University of California, San Diego Page 1 McWhirter‐Mattison Entire Collection Author Call # Title Year Bell, Anne Oliver ed. MM NF BEL Diary of Virginia Woolf: Volume One 1915‐1919 1977 Bell, Arthur MM NF BEL Kings Don't Mean A Thing: The John Knight Murder Case 1978 Belliveau, Fred & Richter Lin MM NF BEL Understanding Human Sexual Inadequacy 1970 Bellusci, R. MM FIC BEL Wolf in the Fold, A 1976 Benjamin, Harry M.D. MM NF BEN Transsexual Phenomenon, The 1966 Benoit, Hubert MM NF BEN Many Faces of Love: The Psychology of The Emotional and Sexual Life, The 1955 Benson, R. O. D. MM NF BEN In Defense of Homosexuality Male & Female: A Rational Evaluation of Social Prejudice 1965 Berg, Charles M.D. & Allen, Clifford M.D. MM NF BER Problem of Homosexuality, The 1958 Berger, Peter L. & Luckmann, Thomas MM NF BER Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise In The Sociology of Knowledge, The 1967 Berger, Raymond M. MM NF BER Gay and Gray: The Older Homosexual Man 1982 Bergler, Edmund M.D. MM NF BER Homosexuality: Disease of Way of Life? 1957 Bergler, Edmund M.D. MM NF BER cp 2 Homosexuality: Disease of Way of Life? 1957 Bergler, Edmund M.D. MM NF BER cp 3 Homosexuality: Disease of Way of Life? 1957 Bergler, Edmund M.D. MM NF BER One Thousand Homosexuals: Conspiracy of Silence, or Curing and Deglamorizing Homosexuals? 1959 Berkery, Jr. Peter M. MM NF BER Personal Finance Planning for Gays & Lesbians: Our Guide to Predent Decision Making 1996 Berne, Eric M.D. MM NF BER Sex in Human Loving 1970 Berzon, Betty MM NF BER Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships 1996 Berzon, Betty MM NF BER cp 2 Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships 1996 Berzon, Betty MM NF BER cp 3 Intimacy Dance: A Guide to Long Term Success in Gay and Lesbian Relationships 1996 Berzon, Betty Ph.D. MM NF BER Permanent Partners: Building Gay & Lesbian Relationships That Last 1988 Berzon, Betty Ph.D. MM NF BER Setting Them Straight: You can do something about bigotry and homophobia in your life 1996 Berzon, Betty Ph.D. Ed MM NF BER cp2 Positively Gay 1992 Berzon, Betty Ph.D. & Leighton, Robert eds. MM NF BER Positively Gay 1979 Bieber, Irving et al MM NF BIE Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study 1962 Bishop, George MM NF BIS Bisexuals, The 1964 Blaine, William & Bishop, William MM NF BLA Practical Guide for the Unmarried Couple 1976 Blake, Roger MM NF BLA American Dictionary of Sexual Terms 1964 Blake, William MM NF BLA Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion: The Illuminated Books Vol. 1 1991 Blakeston, Oswell MM NF BLA Journies End in Young Man's Meeting 1979 Blixen, Karen MM FIC BLI Out of Africa 1937 Bloch, Iwan MM NF BLO Complete Encyclopaedia of The Sexual Sciences, A 1937 Bloch, Iwan MM NF BLO Die Prostitution 1912 Bloch, Iwan MM NF BLO cp 2 Die Prostitution 1912 Bloch, Iwan MM NF BLO Sexual Extremities of the World 1964 Blumstein, Philip MM NF BLU American Couples: Money Work Sex 1983 Bly, Robert MM NF BLY Iron John: A Book About Men 1990 Boardman, John & La Rocca, Eugenio MM NF BOA Eros In Greece 1975 Boggan, E. Carrington et al MM NF BOG Rights of Gay People: The Basic ACLU Guide to a Gay Persons Rights 1975 Boggan, E. Carrington et al MM NF BOG cp 2 Rights of Gay People: The Basic ACLU Guide to a Gay Persons Rights 1975 Bonaparte, Marie MM NF BON Female Sexuality 1953 Booth, Father Leo MM NF BOO Walking On Water: Life After Addiction 1985 Borhek, Mary V. MM NF BOR Coming Out To Parents: A Two Way Survival Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men and Their Parents 1983 Borhek, Mary V. MM NF BOR My Son Eric 1979 Boswell, John MM NF BOS Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality 1980 Boswell, John MM NF BOS Same‐Sex Unions in Premodern Europe 1994 Bosworth, Patricia MM NF BOS Montgomery Clift: A Biography 1978 Boyd, Malcolm MM FIC BOY My Fellow Americans 1970 Boyd, Malcom MM NF BOY Take Off The Masks 1978 Bradley, Marion Zimmer MM FIC BRA Catch Trap, The 1979 Brain, Robert MM NF BRA Friends and Lovers 1976 Brecher, Edward M. MM NF BRE Love, Sex, and Aging: A Consumers Union Report 1984 Brecher, Edward M. MM NF BRE Sex Researchers, The 1969 Brecher, Edward M. MM NF BRE cp 2 Sex Researchers, The 1969 Brecher, Edward M. MM NF BRE cp 3 Sex Researchers, The 1969 Sheet1 University of California, San Diego Page 2 McWhirter‐Mattison Entire Collection Author Call # Title Year Brenner, Charles MM NF BRE An Elemantary Textbook of Psychoanalysis 1957 Bridges, Robert ed. MM NF BRI Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins 1931 Brodkey, Harold MM FIC BRO Profane Friendship 1994 Brome, Vincent MM NF BRO Havelock Ellis Philospher of Sex: A Biography 1979 Bronski, Michael MM NF BRO Even Our Fantasies: A Compendium of Gay Erotica 1997 Brooks, Terry MM FIC BRO Elf Queen of Shannara, The 1992 Brown II, Sanger MM NF BRO Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races 1916 Brown, Arch MM NF BRO News Boy 1979 Brown, Gabrielle Ph.D.
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