Miss Verna E. Weber. BERGE:I, Alta. PRAIRIE REGION SCHEDULE Sept. 25· Oct. 1, 1949 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation VOLUME 11 No. 39 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG SEPTEMBER 16 5c PER COPY $1.00 PER YEAR This Week: Sir Thomas Beecham Stage 50 (Page 2) CBC Wednesday* Night- Toronto Symphony Vatican Organist (Page 5) * Winnipeg Drama (Page 6) * Junior Clubs (Page 8) * Drllmatis Personae » ERHAPS TIUS L'35t of players in the CBe's P Stage 50 drama series may be laughing at a joke 2,000 yeats old. Rehearsals have begun for the first program of the '50 series-a radio adapta­ tion by Lister Sinclair of The Birds, an Athenian {.'omedy by Aristophancs. Other programs in the famous series are discussed in an article on this page by Andrew Allan, CBC Supervisor of Drama. *** Stage 50 CBC's lamous drama series resumes with ancient Greek comedy (BII ANDREW ALLAN, CBe Supervisor of Drama) \Vhen Stage 50 begins on Sunday September 25, the broadcast will not only mark the opening of the seventh season of our Sunday night Stages, hut will also mark the first time we have attempted anything su daring as an ancient Greek <..'omedy, The comedy is The Birds, written in 414 B.C. by Aristophancs, and now newly adapted for us by Stage 50 Cast Lister Sinclair, Although Mr. Sinclair has been successful in his adaptations of two Greek tragedies, Oedipus l'he King and Antigone, even his expert­ tunes in. Mr. Sinclair has, quite properly, trans­ The lyrics which 1\1r. Sinclair has freely adapted ness has until now hesitated before the task of ferred the action from Ilellas in the fifth century from Aristophanes have been turned into sprightly making an Athenian comedy palatable to a modem B.C. to Canada l!)f today. This halO been inspired contemporary songs hy Lucio Agostini. The young audience. by no delusion that Aristophanes can be improved, men of the play, who collaborated with the birds Ilowever, we feel that The Birds will not only but rather that the play may have the same ldnd of the air to build a Cloud-Cuckoo-Land from provide liS with a suitable opener, but will also of impact upon our listeners that it had upon the which all the political ills besetting our everyday prove a genuine eye-opener to everybody who audience which first saw it, world are eliminated, are (Turn to page 2) Page 2 CBC TIMES Prail'ie Region SIR THOMAS BEECHAM Sunday, September 25th, 1949 Recorded program played by the STACE 50 London Philharmonic Orchestra and (Contintled from page 1) the London Symphony Orehcstra CBW, MANITOBA (990 Kc.) (CST) under the direction of Sir Thomas young Canadians of today, the kind of B: 55 Musical Program 12:15 lust Mary 6:45 John Fisher Beecham. The Hunting Dance, Love people who are in fact constantly 9:00 esc News 12:30 Way of the Spirit 7: 00 Sir Thomas Beecham 9:03 Weather 1:00 esc News 8:00 Stage- 50 Sccnc, Sarahandc and Hornpipe from thinking of doing something just like 9:05 Morning Musicale 1:03 Capital Report 9:00 esc National News The Creat Elopement (Handel); the that. 9:15 World Church News 1:30 Religious Period 9:10 Weekend Review third and fourth movements of Sym­ 9: 30 Sunday School of the 2: 00 N.Y. Philharmonic 9: 20 OUf Special Speoker The second of our plays in the new Air phony No. 97 in C Major (Haydn); 3:30 Church of the Air S:30 U.N. Documentary Stage .50 will be The Fifth Column by 10:00 esc News 4:00 Music I Like 10:00 Winnipeg Symphony parts one and two of the overture to 10:02 Neighbourly News 4:30 To Be Announced Orchestra Ernest Hemingway. This play may 10: 15 Prairie Gardener 5: 00 Alan and Me II: 00 De Rimanoczy La Scala de Seta (Rossini); the 10:30 Recital 5:25 esc News Conducts Dance of the Comedians from Act seem to be about happenings which 11:00 Trinity Baptist Church 5:27 Weather 11:30 Vesper Hour are now thoroughly out of date-per­ 11:59 Dominion Time Signal 5:30 Critically Speaking 12:00 CBC News Three 0 f The Bartered B rid e 12:00 Alan Mills 6 :00 MQkers of Music 12:10 Weather (Smetana); and March Joyeuse haps more out of date than Aristo­ phanes. The Spanish Civil ';Var is now cnK, SASKATCHEWAN (540 Kc.) (MST) (Chabrier). Now in his seventieth year, and at the peak of his powers, thought of by most of us as a small 8: 55 Musical Program 12:30 Religious Period 8: 10 Weekend Review Sir Thomas Beecham is the central prelude to the Second Great ';Var. Mr. 9:00 CBC News 1:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 8: 20 Our Special Speaker 9:02 Neighbourly News 2: 30 Church of the Air figure of this new series. Once again Hemingway's play is set in the Spanish 9:15 Prairie Gardener 3:00 Music I Like 8:30 U.N. Documentary Civil War. But whcn we hear one of 9:30 Recital 3:30 To Be- Announced 9:00 Makers of Music Sir Thomas will he talking to his audi­ 10:00 BBC News 4: 00 Alan and Me 9:45 John Fisher ence-introducing and commenting Mr. Hemingway's characters say that 10:15 Musical Program 4:25 CBC News 10:00 De Rimanoczy own we are in for fifty ycars of undeclared 10:30 Harmony Harbor 4:27 Weather upon recorded masterworks of his 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4:30 Winnipeg Symphony Conducts favourite music, and expressing his wars and that he has signed up for II : 00 Alan Mills Orchestra 10:30 Vesper Hour the duration, we can perhaps realize 11:00 CBC News pungent views not only on music but 11:15 Just Mary 5:30 Critically Speaking that is not nearly 11:30 Way 01 the Spirit 6: 00 Sir Thomas Beecham 11:10 Weather on many allied subjects. From time to The Fifth Column 12:00 CBC News 7:00 Stage SO 11:15 Historical Documents time he will invite guests to the pro­ so dated as we thought. 12:03 Capital Report 8:00 CBC National News 1l:30 Prelude to Midnight gram-such as William Walton, the The third play, hy way of contrast, CBX, ALBERTA (1010 Kc.) (MST) composer; Moira Shearer, the ballet takes us back to a more settled world 8 :55 Musical Program 12:03 Capital Report 7:00 Stage 50 star; and Sir Osbert Sil:well, the ~thc world of the late eighteenth 9:00 CBC News 12:30 Religious Period 8:00 CBC National Nows author. Sir Thomas has a number of century. This play is The Rivals by 9:02 Neighbourly News 1:00 N.Y. Philharmonic 8: 10 Weekend Review 9: IS Prairie Gardener 2: 30 Church of the Air 8: 20 Our Special Speaker anecdotes to tell about the music and Richard nrinsley Sheridan. Both the 9 :30 Recital 3:00 Music I Like 8:30 U.N, Documentary the composcrs, and about his own play and its author arc among the 10:00 BBC News 3:30 To Be Announced 9:00 Makers of Music 10:15 Musical Program 4:00 Alan and Me experiences on his last visit to the glories of the English theatre. A comic 10:30 Harmony Harbor 4:25 CBC News 9:45 John Fisher United States. creation like Mrs. Malaprop would he 10:59 Dominion Time Signal 4:27 W€Qther 10:00 De Rimanoczy 11 :00 Alan Mills 4:30 Winnipeg Symphony Conducts 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. sufficient to rank any playa master­ 11: 15 Just Mary Orchestra 10:30 Vesper Hour piece. And Mrs. lvlalaprop is only one II :30 Way of the Spirit 5:30 Critically Speaking 11:00 CBCNews 12:00 CBC News 6: 00 Sir Thomas Beecham ll: 10 Weather STAGE 50 of the attractions in The Rivals. cnc DOMINION NETWORK (MST) The CBC's most famous drama Our fourlh play will give Lucio series resumes with a mdio adaptation Agostini ample opportunity to display 3:30 Meredith Willson 16:00 Life Begins at 80 18:00 Evening Serenade his undouhted genius in crcating 4:00 Hawaii Calls 6:30 Smoke Rings 8·15 Bod's Scrapbook by Lister Sinclair of The Birds, by 4:30 Journey Into Melody 7:00 Count of Monte Cristo . Aristophanes, Greek satirist. This cele­ exotic mood-Salome by Oscar Wilde. 5:00 Think Fast 7:30 Album of Familiar 8:30 Flavoured With Flute This play was originally written in 5:30 Mutual Music Show Music S:OO Dominion News brated Athenian comedy, now more than 2,300 years old, has been mod­ French, a language with which its For Corrections and Late Program Notes for Last Week's ernized in Sinclair's version. It is a author liked to believe himself thor­ Times - See Page 8. dream of Utopia, a Cloud-Cuckoo­ oughly familiar. Although it was later Land in which this world's troubles translated by his friend Lord Alfred « « NOTES »» CBC in 1946, and returns today fol­ arc past, written in Aristophane's Douglas, the play was never performed lowing a summer recess. It deals with typical vein 0 f satirical banter. upon thc English stage until about CAPITAL REPORT the day to day adventures of a boy Andrew Allan, pro d u c e r.
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