University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Kenna Record, 1910-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-20-1921 Kenna Record, 05-20-1921 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/kenna_news Recommended Citation Mr. and Mrs. A. C. White. "Kenna Record, 05-20-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/kenna_news/376 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenna Record, 1910-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,U.,' - 3Tt f3 Tr3 T T A 'J 3 W 1 III VOL. 16 KENNA, ROOSEVELT COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921 NO. 9 HOUSE ARRIVES IN FRANCE PRINCESS ZERDECHEN0 NAVY TO STOJAS ATTACH Tires and Tubes Aooessorlee TO BE TESTED FOR FIRST Boots and Patching and Supplies TIME IMIST0RY Phone 42 Aerial Forces to Demonstrate Effeo-- tiveness of Aerial Bombs Against Modern Navy on June 21. P. & R. GARAGE Washington. The use of poisonous Elida, New Mexico gases agalnBt naval vessels under sim- ulated battle conditions will be test ed for the first time during bombing Acetylene Welding W. E. LUCAS experiments to be conducted off the Expert Mechanics PROPRIETOR Atlantic coast beginning June 21. While army and navy aerial forces are In an effort to dem- onstrate the effectiveness of aerial bombs against modern naval vessels. fr ; t i the chemical warfare service of the army will be launching a poison gas ED. J. NEER, attack from the air against one or Undertaker an attempt to show and Embahner Cherbourg, France. Colonel d more wardships in M. House, upon his arrival from that the navy must Immediately LICENSED 'BY STATE BOARD up against a new and America expressed regret that the build defenses Calls answered day or Bight, Office phone 67 terrible menace asphyxiation. two iters. conditions of the treaty of Versailles Residence, 67 three rings. Afent for Rotwell and AanaxUlo had not been more vigorously enforced Under present plans the ship to bo Greenhouse. Portales, New llexko. by the allies. Colonel House Is on his passed will have a crew aboard. Non- - t way to Paris, where he will see for- explosive bombs filled with "tear gas" Complete Line of Caskets end Robes mer Premier Clemenceau and Andre will be dropped and every man on Tardieu. board the ship will be required to keep within the protected areas and wear a gas mask.' TEXAS OIL KING MURDERED Officers of the chemical warfare Princess Zerdecheno of Egypt, what service believe that by using a gas tias been visiting the United States DRUGS, DRUG SUPPLIES Warren Wagne It Shot Down On of Intolerable concentration, that Is With her husband. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES Streets of Ft. Worth; Enemy Held. of sufficient strength to incapacitate, but not to kill, the service can prove , in next war WOMAN SLAYS FIVE HUSBANDS Fort Worth, Texan. Warren Wag-lier- its contention that the Your Mail Orders are Solicited wealthy oil operator battleships must be made literally and oil supply man died from gunshot airtight to protect the crews. wounds. Fred J. Holmes, oil operat- TAKE MODERN BLUEBEARD or, surrendered to Sheriff Smith im- G. 0. P. DISPUTE SETTLED IN HONOLULU Wf-flV-L mediately after the shooting. Following Wagner's death Holmes Harding Sends Oklahoma Nominees Insurance Agents Investigating the was released on bond of $10,000 .1 charged with murder. Business dls To U. S. Senate Death of Her Four Husbands ROSWF.1 , N. M. agreements are given aa the cause of Has Proof of Crimes. the trouble. Washinston. After many weeks of Wagner was shot while he was Jockeying Intrigue and counter intrig Los Angeles, Cal. Lydia Southard, protect protest, walking on a down town street. Four ue, and counter three "woman bluebeard," was arrested in Okiahomans have finally been chosen shots were fired, three taking effect, Honolulu. She 1b charged with slay- GO TO Wagner fell on his face, never seeing ing lour husbands and two other per- the man who had fired the shots. sons to collect life insurance. The Wagner was head of the Wagner arreBt followed an Investigation that Supply company, director of several was started when Edward Meyer, her KEMP LUMBER CO. oil field banks and had been one of fourth huBband died at Pocatello, Ida- the best known oil operators In the - ho, on September 7, 1920. Her al- ELIDA, N. M. and North Texas fields Kx leged victims all died of poison, 'ac- - He drilled the first big gusher in (Be cording to the authorities. For Wire, Posts, Cement, Lumber and Building Desdemona field, the well coming in Mrs. Southard, when arrested, was Material Ssh Doors and Hardware for 10,000 barrels and making a for living with Paul Southard, petty offi- tune for Wagner and his associates. cer on the U. S. S. Chicago, whom she He also drilled several wells In the married in Los Angeles last Decem- Oklahoma fields and was well known ber. He was her filth husband. 8. G. BRIDGES, Manager. there as one of the most daring oper ators, a man "who never refused a She Asked Insurance. chance." Insurance agents, Investigating Mrs. Southard's claim for $10,000 life insurance carried by Meyer, learned CLARA'S ESTATE IS $10,000 she bad been married on three pre- mi vious occasions. .And it was revealed Validity of Certain Oil Property As her husbands had all died under mys- signments Recognized. terious circumstances and she had collected their life Insurance. The ffllA BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Los Angeles, Cal. A settlement bodies were exhumed and, according was effected by which Clara Smith re- to the authorities, traces of arsenic linqulshed all claim to the estate of poison was found In each case. Kenna, New Mexico. Jake L. Hamon, of whose alleged mur Mrs. Southard's maiden name was ler she was recently acquitted by an Lydia Trueblood, according to the au- Oklahoma Jury, it was announced by thorities. She was born at Lebanon, her attorney, J. B. Champion. Mo., and la described as about 28 "These are specified royalties and years old and singularly attractive. leases In the Hewitt Oil company In Mrs. Southard's matrimonial his- the Healdton oil field of Central coun tory and the dates of her husband's ty and other oil interests in Stephens deaths as given out by the authorities Center and Cotton counties from follows: which Clare Smith is now drawing Married Robert C. Dooley, an Idaho revenue. These interests are recog farmer at Twin Falls, March 27, 1912; nized in documents signed by Jake he died in Twin Falls hospital, Octo- Hamon." ber 12, 1915, typhoid being assigned The attorney said "present reve- as the cause. from holdings were "am- Victor M. Locke OOOOOOO nues" these Twin ple to take care of his client." Married William 0. Mcllaffle, to fill state patronage Jobs and their In June, "An agreement." the attorney said, Falls, waiter at Twin Falls, nominations' were sent to the senate Hardin! Mont, Octo- "has been signed between Frank L. 1916; he died at by President Harding. 22, reported to have Ketch, administrator of the estate of ber 1918, death They are Frank Lee of Muskogee, been from inlluenza and diphtheria. Jake L. Hamon and Clara Smith, attorney to be United States for the Harlan C. Lewis, automo- whereby in consideration of $10,000 Henry Cooper Married eastern district; F. of bile mechanic of Billings, Mont., at cash she relinquishes all claim to the Stlgler, to be United marshal agreement recog- States Denver, Colo., March 10, 1919; he died 8tate of Hamon, the for the district, and Victor M. eastern at Billings. July 6. 1919, cause of nizing as valid certain right which Jr., Antlers, to be superin- Locke, of death reported as gastro enteritis. the records show are vested in her. five tribes. tendent of the civilized Married Edward E. Meyer foreman agreed to com- RAILWAY BOARD ON SNAG Since Harreld has the Blue Lakes ranch. Twin Falls county, promise contained these slate which Idaho, at Pocatello, Idaho, August 10, er- names- - nominations are tanta- Court Holds it Has Powers to Dit their 1920; he died at Twin Falls hospital, on' to mine Wags Receivership Line mount confirmation. September 7, 1920. Autopcy revealed Chicago. The first legal snag which traces of poison. the railroad labor board has encoun- MEXICO POLICY EXPECTED In two more cases the prosecuting came to light recently attorney said, Mrs. Southard failed to tered when Harding to Demand Guarantees of counsel for Georgia and Florida collect insurance of her husband's DTRAIGHT BANKING ON SAFE the Protection for Life and Property railway, under a receivership estab- llveB. The policy on McHaffie's life, lished by a state superior court, cited Washington. Recognition of the n he Bald, was allowed to lapse through AND SOUND METHODS an order saying It was "not only the government of Mexico by the nonpayment of a premium. Meyer, power but the duty of the court to de- United States waits upon Iron clad the fourth husband, carried $10,000 termine what wages should be paid la guarantees from that government for worth of Insurance, which was In- the preservation the safety of lives and property of creased from $2,000 shortly before his American citizens In Mexlo death. TUB KENNA PECORD SUFFERED SEVEN r FIRST TRIPLE PLAY, Altrock, pitcher clown, police-ma- LONG YEARS cobbler, and at last Ow Your hero of a triple play, first of I 1021; Washington was pia7ln A if! Finally Relieved by taking against the I'hlllles, YVrlghtstone f?Ji and Miller were on first and New Lydia E.
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