BRAHMA MAGAZINE Current Affairs, Mathematics, Language (Tamil and English) Exclusively prepared for RACE TNPSC Aspirants Issue : 1 | Page : 24 | Topic : Brahma | Price : Not for Sale Nk khj elg;G epfo;Tfs; ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; mzpj; jiyth; mq;Fh; jh]; • Anukumari, who secured the second 1) cyfpd; Kjy;; kpjf;Fk; mZkpd; Mthh;. rank in the prestigious civil services 2017, was made the brand ambassador of the Beti Bachao, epiyaj;ij u\;ah ghy;bf; flypy; • In Assam, a 97.3-meter-tall national Beti Padhao in Haryana. cUthf;fpAs;sJ. ,e;j mZkpd; epiyaj;jpy; flag, the tallest in the country will be installed in Guwahati under smart city mission. Ankur thas is 8) ,wFg;ge;J tpisahl;L tPuh;; fplhk;gp 70 nkfhthl; kpd;rhuk; cw;gj;jp nra;ag;gLk;. the team leader of the mission. = fhe;j; Me;jpu khepyk; Fz;^hpy; Jiz ,jw;F Akademic lomonosov vdg; 5) “];lhh; Nfy; k`hFk;g;” vDk; Ml;rpahsuhf Kiwahfg; gjtpNaw;whh;. ngauplg;gl;Ls;sJ. • Badmitton shuttler Kidambi Srikanth • Russia has launched a floating nuclear tpisahl;Lj; njhlf;fk; ,khr;ryg;gpuNjr formally took charge as Deputy collector in power plant. The 70-Megawatt Akademic khepyj;jpd; jh;krhyhtpy; gh.[.f ehlhSkd;w Andhra Pradesh’s Kundur. lomonosov was constructed on Baltic sea. cWg;gpdh; mDuf; jh$h; kw;Wk; rr;rpd; 9) ,e;jpa `hf;fp mzpapd; gapw;rpahsh; 2) \hq;fha; $l;L epWtj;jpd; nlz;Ly;fh; MfpNahh; njhlq;fpitj;jdh;. khw;wk;. Mz;fs; - `Nue;jpu rpq;> ngz;fs; - ntspAwTj;Jiw mikr;rh;fspd; khehl;by; ,j;jpl;lj;jpd; %yk; jlfs tPuh;fs; ifg;ge;J> N[hh;L khpNd. gq;Nfw;gjw;fhf ntspAwTj;Jiw mikr;rh; fphpf;nfl;> $ilg;ge;J fgb> fhy;ge;J kw;Wk; • Indian hockey team coachers change. r\;kh Rtuh[; rPdhtpw;F nrd;Ws;shh;. clw;rhh;e;j tpisahl;Lfspy; Nghl;bapLth;. men’s – Harendra Singh women’s – Sjoerd • External Affairs minister Sushma swaraj • The sports initiative star khel Marijne has left for china to participate in a meeting of the mahakumbh was launched by BJP MP Anurag 10) ,e;jpa fhg;gPl;L xOq;F Kiw foreign ministers of the shanghai cooperation thakur and great Sachin Tendulkar at Dharmasala Mizaj;jpd; jiytuhf Rgh\; rp. Fe;jpah organisation. in Himachal. The athletics will compete in volley nghWg;Ngw;Ws;shh;. 3) vfpg;J muGf; FbauRf;fhd ,e;jpaj; ball, basketball, cricket, football and kabaddi. • Subash C. khuntia has taken as J}juhf jpU. uhFy; Fy];nu];j; 6) ehl;bd; 100 tJ nray;gLk; chairman of the Insurance Regulatory and epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,th; jw;NghJ JUf;fpf; tpkhdepiyakhf> rpf;fpkpy; cs;s ghf;ahq; Development Authority of India (IRDAI) Fbaurpw;fhd J}juhf cs;shh;. tpkhd epiyak; tUk; [Pd; khjj;jpy; Jtf;fp 11) 2018 Mz;bd; cyf NuhNgh khehL itf;fg;glcs;sJ. ehl;by; tpkhd epiyak; • Gjpajhf khw;wk; nra;ag;gl;l tUk; Mf];L khjk; nga;[pq;fpy; ,y;yhj xNu khepyk; rpf;fpk;. J}jh;fs;: eilngwTs;sJ. • The Pakyog airport in Sikkim is set to • JUf;fp - jpU. rQ;ra;gl;lhr;rhh;ah • The world Robot conference will be held th • epfuFth + gdhkh - jpU. utp jhg;gh; become the 100 operational airport in the in Beijing, China in August 2018. • changes in Ambassadors of India: country when it is commissioned in June. Sikkim 12) nghJj;Jiw tq;fpahd Njdh • Republic of Turkey -Shri Sanjay was the only state without an airport in the tq;fpia hprh;t; tq;fp jd;Dil cldb pattacharya country. rhpghh;g;G eltbf;iff; fl;likg;gpNy(PCA- • Arab Republic of Egypt-Shri Rahul 7) 2017 Mk; Mz;Lf;fhd ngUikkpF Prompt Corrective Action Framework) Kulshreshth Fbikg;gzpj; Njh;Tfspy; ,uz;lhk; ,lk; Nrh;j;Js;sJ. • Nicaragua + panama-Shri Ravi Thapar gpbj;j jpUkjp. mDFkhhp> Ngl;b gr;rNth • ngUfp tUk; thuhf;fld; kw;Wk; mjpf 4) nghypTW jpl;lj;jpd; fPo; m];]hk; Ngl;b gjhNth (Beti Bacho, Beti Padhao) mstpyhd ,og;Gfs; Mfpatw;wpd; fhuzkhf khepyj;jpd; fTfhj;jpapy; ehl;by; kpf gpur;rhuj;jpd; J}juhf `hpahdhtpy; Njdh tq;fpapd; epjp Nkhrkhdij mLj;J caukhd (97.3 kP) Njrpaf; nfhb epWtg;gLk;. epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. Gjpa fld; toq;Fjypy; jil nra;Js;sJ. Chennai | Puducherry | Madurai | Trichy | Salem | Coimbatore | 7601808080 / 9043303030 www.RACEInstitute.in Erode | Namakkal | Tanjore| Tirunelveli | Trivandrum | Ernakulam| Bengaluru | Chandigarh | TNPSC BRAHMA MAGAZINE | MAY - 2018| 2 ,jdhy; PCA-tpd; fPo; jil nra;ag;gl;l Kjy; • The 9th India Japan energy dialogue was 21) Mh;rdpf; czh;tp:- ,e;jpa mwptpay; tq;fp Njdh tq;fp MFk;. fy;tp kw;Wk; Muha;r;rp epWtdk; jdpahh; held in New Delhi on May 1, 2018. Both countries RBI has put state run lender Dena Bank • agree to work together for energy security, epWtdj;Jld; $l;bide;J ePhpy; cs;s under Prompt Corrective Action(PCA) framework. energy access and climate change issues. Mh;rdpf; msit fz;lwpe;J ePf;Fk; Mh;rdpf; It has barred Dena Bank from extending fresh 17) mLj;j xypk;gpf;fpy; rpwg;ghf czh;tp (sensor) kw;Wk; ntspNaw;W Clfk; credit in view of deterioting financial health due nray;gl tha;g;Gs;s tPuh;> tPuhq;fidfis Mfpatw;iw cUthf;fp cs;sdh;. to mounting non-performing assets and mounting fz;Lnfhz;L rpwg;ghf gapw;rp mspf;Fk;. • cyf Rfhjhu epWtdj;jhy; losses. kj;jpa murpd; Target Olympic podium scheme mDkjpf;fg;gl;l Mh;rdpf; msT epyj;jb ePhpy; • It makes Dena Bank first lender to face y;- nld;dp]; tPuhq;fid mq;fpjh iudh / curbs on lending under PCA framework. 0.1 kp.fpuhk; ypl;lh;. Gtp Nkw;gug;gpy; Mh;rdpf;> 13) cyfpd; ,uz;lhtJ goikahd Nrh;f;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. mjd; fdpk tbtj;jpy; mjpf msT khf;khl;bd; rph;Nfhdpa gbTfis xbrhtpd; • Tennis player Ankita Raina has been er;Rj;jd;ik nfhz;bUf;Fk;. included in the government of India’s Target nfd;J[;`h; khtl;lj;jpd; rk;Gth gFjpapy; • Arsenic sensor: Indian Institute of Olympic podium scheme. fz;Lgpbj;Js;sdh;. ,J 4240 kpy;ypad; Science Education and Research in collaboration 18) ,e;jpah-kNyrpa uhZtk; ,ilapyhd with private company has developed a new device Mz;Lfs; goikahdJ kw;Wk; cyfpd; Kjy; $l;L uhZtg; gapw;rp “`hpkhNth rf;jp arsenic sensor and Removal media to detect and goikahd rph;NfhdpakhFk;. remove arsenic content from water and make it • World’s second oldest grain of magmatic 2018” – Vg; 30 md;W Nfhyhyk;G+hpy; cs;s safe. zircon found in champua from singhbhum rock thh;Bgh;d; Kfhkpy; njhlq;FfpwJ. • WHO’s permissible limit of arsenic in sample in Odisha’s kendhujhar district. It is an • The first ever joint Army exercise groundwater is 0.1 mg per litre. Arsenic is a estimated 4240 million years old and oldest “Harimau Sakthi 2018” has started between the natural component in the earths’ crust and is magmatic zircon in work. troops of Indian and Malaysian armies at highly toxic in its inorganic form. 14) rpf;fpk; khepy muR ghypTl; ghlfh; wardieburn camp in Kula Lumpur on April 30. 22) gphpf;]; ehLfs; rhh;gpy; 4 tJ Nkh`pj; rTfhid rpf;fpik gRikf;fhd 19) 15 tJ ntspehL tho; ,e;jpah; jpd Rw;Wr;#oy; Jiw mikr;rh;fs; khehL ,lkhf Njrpa kw;Wk; rh;tNjr mstpy; nfhz;lhl;lq;fs; 2019 k; Mz;L [d 21 Kjy; njd;dhg;gphpf;fhtpd; lh;gd; efhpy; Cf;Ftpg;gjw;fhf> rpf;fpk; khepyj;jpd; 23 tiu cj;jpugpuNjr khepyk; thuhzhrpapy; eilngw;Ws;sJ. ,jpy; ,e;jpah rhh;gpy; gRikj;J}juhf mwptpj;Js;sJ. eilngw cs;sJ. ,e;jpa gpujkh; eNue;jpu Rw;Wr;#oy; kw;Wk; gUtepiy khw;wk; Jiw • The Sikkim government has nominated Nkhb kw;Wk; nkhhp\pa gpujkh; [f;ehj; mikr;rh; Dr.`h;\;th;jd; fye;J Bollywood singer Mohit Chauhan as the green MfpNahh; njhlq;fp itg;gh;. nfhz;Ls;shh;. Ambassador of the state to promote Sikkim as th • The 15 Dravasi Bharatiya Divas- 2019 th green place in national and international level. • 4 BRICS environmental ministers will be held in Varanasi Uttar Pradesh from Jan 21 15) Xkd; ehl;bw;fhd ,e;jpaj;J}juhf meeting conducted in Durban, South Africa on 18 to 23. The event would be inaugurated by Prime jw;NghJ kj;jpa ntspAwTj;Jiw May. Union minister for environment, forest and minister Narendra Modi and Mauritian counterpart mikr;rfj;jpd; ,izr; nrayhsuhf gjtp climate change Dr. Harshvardhan has Pravind Jugnauth tfpf;Fk; jpU. KZ k`hth;-I epakpj;Js;sJ participated for India. 20) 2018 cyf Nfhg;ig Jg;ghf;fpr; RLk; • BRICS- Brazil, Russia, India, China, ,e;jpa muR. Nghl;b n[h;kdpapy; Kdpr; efhpy; elf;fpwJ. South Africa • Shri. Munu Mahavar appointed as the ,g;Nghl;bapd; eLth; FOj;jiytuhf ,e;jpa 23) tpz;fyd; kw;Wk; nraw;if next ambassador of the India to the Sultanate of Njrpa gapw;rpahsh; gtd; rpq; Nfhs;fSf;F Mw;wy; mspg;gjw;fhf Oman. He presently served as Joint Secretary in External affairs ministry. epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. i`l;uhf;]y; mNkhdpak; iel;Nul;il 16) GJnly;ypapy; Nk 1 md;W eilngw;w • Former shooter and National coach mbg;gilahff; nfhz;l Rw;Wr;#oYf;F khR ,e;jpa [g;ghd; ,ilapyhd 9 tJ vhprf;jp Pawan Singh has been appointed as chairman of Vw;gLj;jhj xw;iw ce;J vhpnghUis result and timing score jury by ISSF for the ISSF khehl;by; ghJfhg;ghd> vspjpy; mDff;$ba ,];Nuhtpd; jput ce;J vhpnghUs; mikg;G world cup in Munich, Germany.
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