ilmirljPBlpr Iprali 30 Cents Saturday, April 23, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm U.S. NAVY TO EXPAND GULF ROLE WASHINGTON (AP) - The The new policy assumes that Reagan administration has de­ Iraq, at war with Iran for 7'/i cided to expand its Persian Gulf years, will not attack neutral policy to allow U.S. warships to merchant ships operating be­ aid neutral merchant ships under tween neutral ports. It thus is attack, administration officials intended to apply specifically in said Friday. cases of neutral merchant ships The policy is aimed at deterring under Iranian attack. Iranian attacks against gulf “Our purpose is not to get into a shipping and is a direct result of war with Iran,” said an official. the mining of a U.S. frigate and “Our purpose is to secure safe Monday’s extensive fighting be­ passage for neutral shipping tween Iranian and U.S. forces, moving back and forth between the officials said. neutral ports.” Under the new policy, for which The sources stressed the policy support is being sought from change did not entail an extension congressional leaders and allied of the U.S. military umbrella to governments. Navy warships foreign-flag ships in regular L Reginild PInto/MinchMWHarald would no longer be told to ignore convoys. Even under the new Iranian attacks on merchant policy, only ships flying the WHAT A FIND — Mary Juleson and her 2’/4-year-old daughter, ships that weren’t flying the Stars American flag will be entitled to Kelly, prepare to send a box full of Manchester-related goods to and Stripes. "door-to-door protection” in Welland, Ontario, Canada. The Julesons found a balloon In their If a U.S. warship observed an convoys. Iranian attack and was close Also rejected in formulating yard Thursday, which contained a note from a Canadian enough to intervene, it would the new policy were suggestions schoolgirl. have the authority to do so, said that Navy warships start protect­ the officials, who agreed to ing American-owned ships that discuss the matter only if not fly a foreign flag of convenience, identified. the sources said. UP AND AWAY TO MANCHESTER “It’s a random, target-of- opportunity approach designed to throw the Iranians off guard,” Bv Andrew J. Davis Juleson and her daughter are re­ Healthy Manchester Herald sponding with a vengeance. They spent said one source. part of the day collecting newspapers, Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., chair­ Mary Juleson is preparing to send a postcards, clothes and brochures deal­ man of the House Armed Services First family little piece of Manchester to Canada. ing with Manchester. She also has Committee, confirmed that the And it’s all because of a balloon. information about Manchester Com­ new policy had been discussed gets checkups Juleson is preparing a box of items munity College and the Cheney Historic Friday with the congressional associated with Manchester to send to a District, she said. leadership. He said the policy girl in Welland, Ontario, as the result of Also, the children of Fitch Street wouid “enable U.S. Navy vessels a balloon her 2*/4-year-old daughter School will get a taste of Bolton because to defend themselves fully and to Wealthy Kelly found Thursday in their yard at Juleson plans to send a box of Munson’s take appropriate action to deal 329 Hackmatack St. Candy. with specific circumstances.” O’Neill worth Inside the balloon was a note from Lea "We went around town to find ... Valcourt, who attends Fitch Street something to represent Manchester,’’ Aithough Aspin refused to half a million School in Welland. The note asked that Juleson said. ’T m genuinely excited discuss specifics of the policy, whoever found the balloon write to her. about this” another Capitol Hill source who Juleson said. Because the note was She said she’ll mail the box Monday. was briefed on the matter said, printed, she said she assumed it was Welland, near Buffalo, N. Y., is about 500 “This will give a lot of authority to Stories on page 3 local commanders and a lot of sent by a child. miles from Manchester. leeway to do as they see fit.” Reagan says Governor Dr. Crane’s Quiz mi Justice Dept, is worth 1. Which deity had his birth predicted many centuries in advance and even the name of the town where it would occur? $493,400 ALLAH BUDDHA ZOROASTER JESUS 2. Which one of these creatures wears spurs? is ‘just fine’ By Judd Everhart DOBBIN CHANTICLEER BILLY TABBY The Associated Press 3. Which American product is estimated to have WASHINGTON (AP) — President Reagan said saved a million residents of the Emerald Island Friday that Attorney General Edwin Meese III HAR’TFORD — Gov. William from starvation? should not resign and that the Justice Department is A. O’Neill is worth nearly half a CORN TURKEYS POTATOES PEANUTS running “ just fine,” despite being told two days million dollars and paid federal 4. In a sailor’s language, a cow’s udder would be earlier that a “ deep malaise” had set in at the taxes of $17,574 on 1987 income of $83,206, according to documents located at her department and that Meese should be indicted. STARBOARD BOW PORT SIDE STERN In a brief appearance outside the White House, made public Friday. O’Neill and his wife, Nikki, also 5. Croquettes usually suggest which farm sound? Reagan responded to reporters’ questions by saying paid $694 In state taxes on capital CLUCK OINK GOBBLE BA-A “ no” when asked whether Meese should resign or gains. Interest and dividends of 6. Match the characters at the left with the whether he had offered to. $11,188, according to the docu­ descriptions that refer to them, as a the right. When asked whether the Justice Department was ments released by O’Neill’s (a) Martha...... (v) First to see Jesus on Easter running well, Reagan replied: “ Just fine.” morning. Reagan on Friday moved quickly to ease Meese’s office. ' O’Neill’s 1987 tax return shows (b) Matthew (w) Outran Peter to Christ’s empty personnel problems, nominating Francis Keating, he and his wife, Nikki, could have tomb. an assistant treasury secretary, to fill the associate AP photo gotten a $2,378 refund, but chose (c) John (x) Christ’s favorite hostess and cook. attorney general’s slot, the department’s empty No. instead to apply that amount (d) Peter (y) Christ cured is mother-in-law of a 3 post. He would replace Stephen Trott, who left the “A-OK" — President Ronald Reagan forms the "A-OK" fever toward their 1988 taxes. I department a week ago to become a federal judge. sign as he and first lady Nancy Reagan leave Bethesda The O’Neills’ yvorth is $493,400, (e) Mary Magdalene (z) Quoted Jesus as saying Meese announced April 5 that he was recommend­ Naval Hospital Friday in Bethesda, Md. The president according to a financial state- Christ would drink fruit juice with his Apostles in ing Keating for the post. Keating may come to the ment released along with their Heaven. David Kool/Manchaster Herald Justice Department late next week to begin serving underwent a series of dental X-rays, whilethefirst lady tax returns. That compared with Answers on classified pages on an acting basis until he is confirmed by the had a physical. TH A N K S — Kristin DeBonee of Man­ from 1984 to 1987, visits Manchester a total worth of $456,900 in 1987. Sendte ’The governor volun^rily files chester, the Connecticut Muscuiar Manor Thursday to say "thank you" to 30 The Nos. 2 and 3 offices at the Justice Department his tax returns and financial Dystrophy Association poster chiid association volunteers. are virtually vacant and the department plans to statement annually with the Connecticut Weather shore them up by naming a number of temporary Nancy free of cancer; secretary of the state’s office. replacements to fill the positions, perhaps nearly a ’The statem ent lists the dozen people in all, department spokesman Patrick Manchester and vicinity; Saturday, sunny, then Ron passes his exam O’Neills’ principle assets as; The ‘sweetheart’ of their lives Korten said. The posts probably will be filled on becoming cloudy in the afternoon. High 60 to 65. ■ House, Meeks Point. East Saturday night and Sunday, rain. Low around 40. Monday. Hampton: $155,000. “ We will have people there” in the offices of WASHINGTON (AP) - the president and first lady.” High in the mid 50s. Chance of rain 80 percent both ■ House, Bhrton Hill, East says ‘thanks’ for helping out deputy attorney general and associate attorney First lady Nancy Reagan had The White House said earlier Saturday night and Sunday. Hampton: $65,000. - general “ to keep the paper moving and the usual her first major examination that the examinations were not West coastal, east coastal: Saturday, becoming ■ Restaurant apd property. Bv J< Gordon Brown done at the University of Connec­ “ We can’t underestimate just lines of communication open,” Korten said. Friday since her cancerous prompted by any current cloudy with a 30 percent chance of rain late in the Special to the Herald ticut Health Center in Farming- how much you people do. The role left breast was removed six physicial problems of either pf East Hampton; $160,000. “ Meese absolutely has no intention of stepping ■ Lot (onp-qiiarter Interest), afternoon. High 55 to 60. Saturday night and Sunday, ton, according to Marquis. you play is so important,” Mar­ months ago, and the White the Reagans. down,” Korten added. Route 66, East Hampton; $10,000.
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