·: ; j ;."'A,.,,, .-¢ • ,pc: , .... ,•. ;, ;i"t .,I Meets WIA chalDp Weaver July 25 at Caesar's Palace Cobb trains here for· championship bout By ERNESTV. JOINER members of his team. understand he had no plans to Philadelphia Eagles. talk.ed him into going to A 28-year-old fighter with an When not punching his become a boxer in the first place. Cobb was the fighter who Philadelphia and training for the incredible past and a rosy future sparring partners, he does his He was an all-district champion "killed" boxer Jon Voight in --the ring. Later, Clinite and Joe is winding up training in Carrizozo running and cardiovascular at the when he played football for movie, "The Champ." Gramby of Philadelphia became before meeting the WBA world mountain cabin of a friend, Dave Abilene (Texas) High School. He His next interest was karate. co-managers of a newcomer to the heavyweight champion boxer, Pettigrew, who divides time with was another kind of a winner when He trained out of Albuquerque for ring. Mike Weaver, at Caesar's Palace, Cobb's training camp and a he played on the 1973 Abilene a couple of years to become the 'Before turning pro. Cobb Las Vegas, July 25. construction firm in Las Cruces. Christian University NAlA North American pro karate fought only two amateur fights Randall "Tex" Cobb works To understand how Cobb got championship football squad, and champion. It was while par­ before being catapulted into the out daily in the Carrizozo High to be a contender for the World he wasn't a loser when he opened ticipating in an amateur karate professional ring to meet Pedro School gym with two sparring Boxing Assn.'s heavyweight holes for Wilbert Montgomery, show in El Paso that he came to Vega in EI Paso in January, 1977, partners, a trainer, and other boxing crown, it's necessary to now a star running back for the the attention of Paul Clinite, who (Continued on page 2) _LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS VOL. 77 NO. 'J:1 CARRIZOZO. NM THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1982 EST. 1905 Billingsley resigns as county manager Truman A. Billingsley. County. board for its action: in upgrading the road depart­ minstrative Officer for the AH Lincoln County manager sinee Heasons for the res1gnation - In securing $500,000 in ment, which is now equipped to do Attache, American Embassy, in 'I June 4, 1979, tendered hiS are purely personal. "I'm lired." federal funds to replace bridges its own paving. Tel Aviv, Israel, and held a resignation to the board of he said. "My ambitIOn now IS to lost in the floods of June, 1979 and -f'or the purchase of two new similar position With the US commiss1oners on July 2. lower my golf score and my blood December, 1978 W1th new and county ambulances, and for Embassy in Home. Italy. where Billingsley had nothing but pressure at the same time" modern ones. contracting with the Ruidoso­ their daughter was born. praise for the comm1SSIOners Hondo Valley Hospital to proVide HIS Immediate plans are for -l"or completing the new "The board has been out­ health serv1ces to this area. Prior to becoming Lincoln standing," he said. "and has been he and Mrs. Billingsley to get into parking area north of the eour­ County Manager, Billingsley very supportive of me. Because of their car and take a long vacatIOn thouse which wl1l house, among A native of Beeville, TX, served as Chief of Procurempnt the efforts of its members a lot has They plan to VISit her home town other thingS, a new computer Btllingsley retired from the US for the State of Florida where he been accomplished for Uncoln of AshV1lle, !\iC, and relallves 111 system that will upgrade the Air I-'orce in September, 1966. planned, orgaruzed and directl'd South Carolina. Then they may county's data processing. after 26 years of active duty. At purchasing for all state agencies. dnve up the Eastern Seaboard to - For plans to build a county the time of his. reUrement he was Institution~ and poiltical sub· the New England states. Their administratIOn building In assistant chief, Execulive Ser­ diVisions. He and a staff of 22 only ctuld. a daughter. !lVI'S In HUldoso as soon as a suitable site VlCes Division, Office of the Vlce­ persons 'purchased $225 million a L Colorado Springs, ('0, and they can be purchased. Chief of Staff for the US Air Force year in goods and services for the are all)OOUS to VISit her and their -l"or "treme\ldous strides" l"rom 1962 to 1964 he was Ad- state. grandda~hter They may II\'P there to be near them In antICipation of hiS retirement they recently sold the Truman A. Spencer Jr. is buried at White Oaks home they had bUllt at Alto, and have been renting a hom£' In Nogal Truman A Speneer Jr. 65. William C. McDonald. who also hiS commlSS1on ill lY38 to be<'oml' the :'-,1\11\11 Board 01 Hl'gl'nt~ and :-'pencer both ~(.l'~ dr,· ~I "11,,,IIl" since then owner-Qperator of the Bar W owned the Carnzozo ('attlp a L;S Army Air Corps flying cadt,t. ....as elected preSident (,I thl' hO;trd ot :\:\11\11 I:hlhngsley .... ab r£'1ul'tant to Hanch. Carrll.OZO, dIed July 1 and Company. and won hiS wings In 1939. of regents In 1Y5Y. il PO~lt IOn Ill' :\lr ~pencer I~ ~Uf\ 1\ l'{j 11\ Ill" answer .... hen askPd to r(>('lte the was buned at White Oaks Mr. Spencer attended high During World War 11 hl' roM' held untIl l\ItJl .... Ido..... :\Janon ~~t'l"l·r "r ttH' hlll,hhghts and accomp!lshments Cemetery Saturday, July :1 school and Juruor college at !\ip", to the rank of Ileutenant-colonl'l Truman ··(0.... b(J~ ~pl'll({·r tamliy [alKh llt'or \ dITI'",,' d of hiS adrmmstratlOn "The (TPDlt Mr. Spencer was born July 14. MeXICO MIlitary Institute. and received numerous awardl-­ Jr .... as marnl:'d to :'Ilanoll ~1'lb\ brother. In t\:'\ :-'pl'llll'l "f for all the Improvements Iha t IY17 on the Bar W Ranch, the son H.oswell. 1\iM, where he graduat£'d and decoratIOns, among .... hl('h daughler 01 Lt 101 JOhll F and Alto. :\:\1. thfl'l' dlildn'!1 :-'11,",,>11 have been made goes to the board of Truman A. Spencer Sr and In 1935 before hiS 21st birthday were the Dlsllngwshed FlYing ('arollne ~elby. III l\J;l\J Thl'\ had Frost 01 FI 1'"~,,. 1:-' :-,tt'\l'll of commiSSioners. which nt'vcr l'rances McDonald Spencer. !lp With a Heserve Officer's com­ Cross, Bronze Star. Air J\1pdal and three children ~u~a n :--d 1>\ :'>IcDonald 01 (dlll/"'" "I,d seems to want to take credll for Its was a grandson of !\iew .Mexlco·s miSSIOn. He returned to 1\iMl\11 In Purple Heart. Spencer. Sll" l'll :'lId )ol1;i1d Sllrlrng '1 rUI:,d!' "1.", 01 .... ork ... he said. But he laudcd thc first statehood governor I 1912 ,. 1937 as a tactical officer, rpslgnlng in 1955, he was apP0lntpd to Spencer and .~tlrIIng '1 rUI11al ( arfilOZO. Commissioners set budget,tackle doctor problems Lincoln County ("om VH administrator Ken Moorp termed an "Incompatible at­ HIS reSignatIOn came about one release the land ';for non-airport volunteer fire depart l1lpnl~ :-'heltJ\ to U~t· tlll' ,ounl\ I,Hh" missioners approveD a 1!l82-P';l announceD plans to prespnt a titude" on Johnson's part. HI" said • month short of h1S contract term use unless the au-port Will benefit - Held executl\l' Sl'~~IC'1l 10 ITl'quen('y budget of $.3,009,501 at It.S J unp proposal for a 10ng-tPfm efforts would continue to locatp Huerta has reportedly filed to the maXJmum extent." dIscuss htll/.atlon .... lth Ilr lllll'fl a -AI' d hea r t1 III ~ I ill' \\!' r ~ meeting. It mcludes a 5 percpnt management contract to hospital another doctor to replace Huerta. charges with the State Labor H.Uldoso had agreed to sell thp ~ ApPOinted (;reg Hau~;.II'1 report of hiS ilt tl'ndd!" t ,11 thp salary mcrease for county pm trustees and commlSSlonprs. who recently resigned when 51 CommiSSIOner for "back salary" land for $75,000 to be paid at $7.500 BIl!lngsley and 110.... ard Shank;. i!;' sl ate .... Ide rura I lil'\' '''I,I11l'nt ployees. subject to approval of thp seilS Joseph's HOSP1tai tenn10ateD the he alleges 1S due hun while the a year With no Interest. ThP FA,\ road revle .... lng eomllllttl'l' I" ('onterence. hiS ('IlTHTrn \"r thl' It also granted. subject to thc meetmll; In August. management contract county commiSSIOners seek thp said It would agree to a )pase .... It h study the road at 1\lagado (fl'{'\-' nl'l'd 0 t an airport Of) /- "rl ~1"1l1 on Aug. 10 meeting of South .... PSt Moore a Iso told ('om Huerta, In reslgnml'1,. has return of the $2,500, alleging a payments of $9.000 a year. but SubdiVISIOn :'.lpSd and lor rural tt'll pt'<lIH' Community Health SerVices, a :W­ mISSIOners that negotlat Ions .... It h forfeited (In the opiruon of com­ breach of the contract he signed. subject to periodIc adJustnl£'nt s of - Approved Ct n'M,lutlOn for rat£' llllTl'ases I" :'Ilountilil 1'.l'11 day extension on the contract with Dr Ben Johnson of PhoeniX. AZ. missioners) about $2,500 In Construction of a Lincoln rates.
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