GOVERNING BODY MEETING – A meeting in public Tuesday 4th October 2016 Birkenhead Town Hall, Assembly Room Mortimer Street Birkenhead Wirral CH41 5EU 1pm - 4pm AGENDA Ref No Time Item Action Papers No. GB16- 1. 1.00pm PRELIMINARY BUSINESS 17/0012 (Chair) 1.1 Apologies for Absence 1.2 Chair’s Announcements 1.3 Declarations of Interest 1.4 Comments/questions from members of the public (10 mins) 1.5 Minutes and Action Points of Last Meeting – 6th September 2016 DRAFT GB Minutes Copy of WCCG PUBLIC MEETING 06 09Formal GB Action Poin Action Points 1.6 Matters Arising GB16- 2. COMMISSIONING DECISIONS 17/0013 2.1 Products of Limited Clinical To Value Prescribing Policy approve a Lorna Quigley (Director of decision Quality and Patient Safety) coversheet_plcvpolicy PLCV v3 - Governing _GB_060916.docx Body report 4th Octobe Appendix 1 - Products of Low Clinical Priority 2.2 Self Care Prescribing Policy To Lorna Quigley (Director of approve a Quality and Patient Safety) decision coversheet_selfcarep Self Care Prescribing olicy_GB_060916.docxPolicy - GB Report 4_1 Appendix 1 - OTC-Survey Results.pd 2.3 Gluten Free Prescribing To Policy approve a Lorna Quigley (Director of decision Quality and Patient Safety) coversheet_glutenfre Gluten Free efoodpolicy_GB_06091Prescrbing Policy_GB_0 Agenda – Wirral Governing Body Meeting PUBLIC SESSION – 10th October 2016 Page 1 of 3 Ref No Time Item Action Papers No. Appendix 1 - Current Appendix 2 - prescribing guidelines.Summary Survey Resu Appendix 3 - Appendix 4 - BSG.pdf BSNA.pdf Appendix 5 - Coeliac Appendix 6 - Gluten UK.pdf Free Products Breakdo 2.4 Homeopathy and Iscador To Service Review Nesta Hawker approve a (Director of Commissioning) decision coversheet- GOVERNING BODY Homeopathy-Iscador.dBOARD REPORT Home Consultation on Homeopathy and Iscad GB16- 3. GOVERNANCE 17/0014 3.1 Assurance Framework To assure (Paul Edwards, Director of Corporate Affairs) Cover Sheet - AF OctoberGoverning Assurance FrameworkBody - changes agreed Wirral CCG Assurance Framework - Changes 3.2 Development of Wirral Health To note and Social Care System (Jon Develing, Chief Officer) Development of Wirral Health and Soci GB16- 4. PERFORMANCE 17/0015 4.1 Presentation from Wirral To assure Hospitals on CQC Report (Lorna Quigley, Director of Quality and Patient Safety) GB16- 5. RISK REGISTER 17/0016 Current Risk Register To Paul Edwards, Director of Corporate approve Affairs) MASTER Risk Resgister - Sept 16 QP 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 6.1 7. End DATE AND TIME OF NEXT FORMAL MEETING Agenda – Wirral Governing Body Meeting PUBLIC SESSION – 10th October 2016 Page 2 of 3 Ref No Time Item Action Papers No. Date and time of Next meeting: Tuesday 1st November 2016 – 1pm – 4pm Nightingale Room OMH Please forward any apologies to [email protected] Agenda – Wirral Governing Body Meeting PUBLIC SESSION – 10th October 2016 Page 3 of 3 WIRRAL CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY BOARD MEETING Minutes of Meeting – Public Session Tuesday 6th September 2016 2pm Nightingale Room, Old Market House Present: Dr Sue Wells (SW) (Chair) Medical Director/Acting Chair Jon Develing (JD) Chief Officer Mike Treharne (MT) Chief Financial Officer Nesta Hawker (NH) Director of Commissioning Paul Edwards (PE) Director of Corporate Affairs Lorna Quigley (LQ) Director of Quality & Patient Safety James Kay (JK) Lay Member (Patient Champion) Alastair Cannon (AC) Lay Member (Quality & Outcomes) Alan Whittle (AW) Lay Member (Audit & Governance) Dr Laxman Ariaraj (LA) GP Lead – Planned Care Dr Simon Delaney (SD) GP Lead – Primary Care Dr Paula Cowan (PC) GP Lead – Unplanned Care Dr Sian Stokes (SS) GP Lead – Long Term Conditions Dr Sean Magennis (SM) Chair of Members’ Council Dr Arpan Guha (AG) Secondary Care Doctor Graham Hodkinson (GH) Director of Department of Adult Social Services In Attendance: Allison Hayes (AJH) Corporate Officer Richard Williams (RW) LMC Jacqui Harvey (JH) PWC Laura Middleton (LM) PWC Ref Minute No. GB16- Preliminary Business 17/0009 1.1 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from: Fiona Johnston and Lesley Doherty. 1.2 Chairs Announcements/Opening Remarks Chair welcomed members and the public to the meeting. Chair announced that Dr Peter Naylor has resigned from his position as Chair of the CCG on health grounds and gave thanks to Dr Naylor for his work and commitment. Chair informed members that a discussion had taken place at the Quality, Performance and Finance Committee about how risk could be made more central to agenda times and asked that future papers highlighted key issues for the risk register that could be discussed with the item rather than just at the end of the meeting. Members supported this proposal. Action - PE and AJH are to review the format of future agendas and papers to support this. 1.3 Declarations of Interest Minutes of the WCCG –Governing Body Meeting – PUBLIC SESSION – 6th September 2016 Page 1 of 8 Ref Minute No. Chair reminded the Governing Body members of their obligations to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group. Declarations declared by members of the Governing Body are listed in the CCGs Register of Interests. The Register is available either via the secretary to the Governing Body or the CCG website at the following link: https://www.wirralccg.nhs.uk/Downloads/AboutUs/WhosWho/Register%20of%20Interests%20Versio n%20Updated%20June%202016.pdf There were no declarations of interest received at today’s meeting. 1.4 Comments/questions from members of the public Three members of the public attended the meeting, none of whom requested to address the Governing Body. 1.5 Minutes & Action Points from previous meeting held on 5th July 2016 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th July 2016 were agreed as a true and accurate record notwithstanding grammatical/typographical errors which will be rectified. Action Points: Members provided an update of their current actions recorded on a separate action log. It was agreed that future action points would be assigned a numeric code to allow easier tracking. Action – AJH to amend current action log to add numeric codes. 1.6 Matters Arising PE updated that the implementation plan for Communications and Engagement is still in progress, as a resource paper had only recently been approved by the CCG’s executive team that has shaped the scale of ambition. He also said that a meeting to progress the ‘Your NHS in Wirral’ brand is not due to take place until later in the month and that discussions are still going on regarding engagement footprints (e.g. Wirral or wider STP population). He stated that the more detailed plan would be brought to November Governing Body. Action – PE to bring Communications and Engagement implantation plan to November Governing Body 1.7 Patient Story LQ informed members of a quality review which had been undertaken of the Medical Assessment Unit at Arrowe Park Hospital. LQ advised the Governing Body of the recommendations that had been made in order for the service to improve areas of complaints, long waits, care of deteriorating patients and lack of continuity and care. LQ informed members of feedback which had been received from a patient’s relative in relation to the unit and the positive impact and outcomes the recommendations have had on the service. Members noted the patient story presented at today’s meeting. GB16- 2.0 Items for Assurance and Approval 17/0010 2.1 Chief Officer’s Update JD advised the Governing Body that the NHS has been very much in the news over the summer Minutes of the WCCG –Governing Body Meeting – PUBLIC SESSION – 6th September 2016 Page 2 of 8 Ref Minute No. months with the announcement of a new round of junior doctor industrial action, now suspended in the short term with a view to enabling further negotiation, and increasingly difficult times for the NHS in terms of both performance and finances. JD explained that CCGs are now subject to a more rigorous and extensive assessment regime and that the first meeting in this process for 2016/17 is due to take place in September. Last year’s overall assessment was ‘requires improvement’, largely based on the year-end financial position. JD stated that the financial position remained a challenge and the CCG would need to be seen to be taking all possible actions to address this. JD highlighted pressures across the Cheshire & Merseyside system and how the CCG have been working on the development of the STP across that footprint which has the four key themes of: • Managing demand • Reducing unwarranted variation • Collaborations as a means to reducing back office functions • Exploring different ways of working in respect of accountable care These are present in the Healthy Wirral and within the Cheshire & Wirral plan which is becoming increasingly important as CCGs and Providers work increasingly closer on these areas. With regard to Healthy Wirral, the CCG and partner organisations recently presented progress to Sam Jones, the National Director for Vanguard, who noted that we had continued to make significant progress in spite of not receiving expected funding on 2016/17. JD went on to report that the CCG is now beginning to see the outputs form the Cerner clinical registries for the first time and these are being piloted in a number of practices. The Governing Body noted the Chief Officer’s update. 2.2 Director of Corporate Affairs’ Report PE advised members that, on the assumption that his papers had been read, he would draw attention to the most salient elements of his report. Key areas included: • Emergency, Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) • Commissioning Support • Communications and Engagement PE advised that the Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit has designed new service structures and has been consulting with staff as part of a formal organisational change process.
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