UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Magmatic History of the East Tintic Mountains, Utah By Judith L. Hannah1 and Alec Macbeth2 Open-File Report 90-0095 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards nor the North American stratigraphic code. 1990 1U.S. Geological Survey Department of Geology Denver, Colorado University of Vermont and Burlington, VT 05405 Department of Geology University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 CONTENTS Page Introduction ............................ 1 Acknowledgments ........................ 1 Tertiary stratigraphy in the East Tintic Mountains ......... 1 Episode 1: Packard and Ferrow Quartz Latites ......... 2 Episode 2: Lower flow sequence ................ 3 Episode 3: Lower and upper pyroclastic sequences ....... 4 Episode 4: Latite Ridge Latite ................ 5 Episode 5: Post-caldera intrusive rocks ........... 6 Episode 6: Late latite tuffs and flows: upper flow sequence and the Laguna Springs Volcanic Group .......... 8 History of the Tintic caldera .................... 9 Geochronologic constraints ..................... 10 References cited .......................... 14 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1. Geologic map of Tertiary rocks on the west flank of the East Tintic Mountains, Juab County, Utah .......... in pocket Figure 1. Location of map areas in the East Tintic Mountains ... 15 2. Generalized geologic map of the East Tintic Mountains . 16 3. Regional geologic relationships ............ 17 4. Columnar section of Cenozoic rocks in the East Tintic mining district ................... 18 5. Paleotopography in the southern East Tintic Mountains . 19 6. Simplified geologic map of west flank of the East Tintic Mountains ...................... 20 7. Reconstructed cross sections illustrating the history of the East Tintic Mountains volcanic field and the Tintic caldera ................... 22 8. Schematic geometry of the Tintic caldera ........ 24 TABLE Table 1. Summary of published K/Ar ages for volcanic rocks in the East Tintic Mountains and adjacent areas ......... 11 Introduction The East Tintic Mountains of west-central Utah (fig. 1) (all figures are at end of report) are noted for the highly productive Tintic mining district centered on the town of Eureka. Genesis of the ore deposits in the district apparently was related to Oligocene magmatism which produced a thick volcanic/ plutonic sequence in the central part of the mountain range. Morris (1975) proposed that eruption of large volumes of quartz latite, now represented by the Packard and Fernow Quartz Latites, resulted in collapse of a 14-km-diameter caldera, centered south of the mining district (fig. 2), and herein referred to as the Tintic caldera. According to Morris, the caldera was subsequently filled and overtopped by voluminous latite tuffs, flows, and breccias, and intruded by numerous monzonitic stocks, sills, and dikes. Morris' arguments for the existence of the Tintic caldera were based on three principal observations: (1) lack of Paleozoic outcrops in a circular area; (2) a major, circular, positive magnetic anomaly (more than 700 gammas above that of surrounding areas) centered over his proposed caldera; and (3) drill-hole evidence for more than 1 km of volcanic fill. Although new detailed mapping (fig. 3 and pi. 1) provides strong evidence for the existence of a Tintic caldera, the location of the margin and the lithologic units related to caldera collapse differ from those proposed by Morris (1975). Our revised volcanic stratigraphy and lithologic descriptions reveal the magmatic history and structural development of the largely concealed caldera first insinuated by Morris' insightful observations. Conclusions presented here are based solely on field observations supplemented by examination of selected thin sections. Geochemical analyses and 40Ar/39Ar dating are underway, and will certainly lead to refinements in the proposed magmatic history. Acknowledgments Field studies for this project were supported by the U.S. Geological Survey Delta CUSMAP project. We thank David A. Lindsey and Douglas B. Stoeser for continuous discussions and support, both in the field and in the office, and for review of early versions of the manuscript. Daniel Shawe and James Ratte helped clarify parts of the manuscript through thoughtful reviews. Field assistance from Nancy Nelson, lan Gordon, and David Kelley often turned our attention to important details. Glenn Mellor of Sunshine Mining, Roger Wright and Mark Freund of Western Mining, and Spenst Hanson of Centurion Mining all provided additional insights through spirited conversations, field trips, and freely shared reports and drill logs. We deeply appreciate Jeffrey D. Keith's open cooperation and willingness to share preliminary maps, data, and ideas. Hal Morris inspired our work through his original astute observations and repeated verbal and written exchanges. Tertiary Stratigraphy in the East Tintic Mountains Morris and Lovering (1979) separated the Tertiary igneous rocks into three groups: (1) the early Packard and Fernow Quartz Latites; (2) the Tintic Mountain Volcanic Group (Copperopolis Latite and Latite Ridge Latite); and (3) the late Laguna Springs Volcanic Group (fig. 4). We propose revisions of the internal stratigraphy of the Copperopolis Latite and define informal lithologic sequences produced during six magmatic episodes (fig. 3): (1) construction of a dome field and eruption of one or more widely dispersed ash flows (Packard and Fernow Quartz Latites); (2) growth of small stratocones comprising intermediate flows and heterolithic breccias (lower flow sequence); (3) two phases of explosive volcanism and caldera collapse, which produced a semicircular depression filled with at least 1 km of tuff and lacustrine siltstone (lower and upper pyroclastic sequences); (4) eruption of post- caldera latite tuff, possibly during an early episode of resurgence (Latite Ridge Latite); (5) extensive post-caldera magmatism producing intrusions both within and along margins of the caldera (Sunrise Peak Monzonite Porphyry, Silver City stock, and other intrusions); and (6) eruption of post- resurgent^) latite flows and tuffs (upper flow sequence and Laguna Springs Volcanic Group). Episode 1: Packard and Fernow Quartz Latites Eruptions of the Packard and Fernow Quartz Latites, both deposited entirely outside the caldera proposed here, were apparently unrelated to caldera formation. The Packard Quartz Latite is a thick section of overlapping flows that formed an extensive dome field north of the caldera. Morris and Lovering (1979) cited drill-hole evidence for a total thickness in excess of 1000 m near the eastern margin of the Packard outcrop area adjacent to Goshen Valley. Morris and Anderson (1962) mapped the paleorelief at the base of the Packard, and defined a deep valley draining highlands to the south and west. Packard flows typically display pink to white color layers, layers of stretched vesicles, and platy jointing that define folded flow layering. Textural and structural variations, along with discordant flow folding, mark multiple flow units within the Packard Quartz Latite, with some younger flows ramping over or butting against older flows. Zones of dense black vitrophyre mark vent areas where temperatures were locally higher. One such area, near the Silver Shield dike (Morris and Lovering, 1979) in the northeastern part of the Eureka Quadrangle, has a vertical flow-foliation in a central black vitrophyre which flattens as the glassy rocks grade outward to more typical pink quartz latite porphyry. Thin deposits of unwelded tuff occur locally near the base of the unit; these contain broken crystals of plagioclase, sanidine, quartz, and biotite in a matrix of glass shards. Petrographic evidence for a pyroclastic origin is absent, however, from most other parts of the Packard Quartz Latite. The possibility that the ubiquitous flow foliation formed by rheomorphism from a pyroclastic deposit must be considered. Several arguments against a remobilized pyroclastic origin are: (1) exceedingly sparse preservation of pyroclastic textures, (2) complete lack of welding in the thin interlayered pyroclastic units, (3) no gradation between unwelded tuffs, layered flow rocks, and vitrophyres, and (4) limited outcrop area and abrupt thinning of the lithosome from several thousand feet thick to nothing in only a few miles. Morris and Lovering (1979) described an upper vitrophyre layer, which we have not yet examined, which is intercalated with lapilli tuffs and may be of pyroclastic origin. Delineation and correlation of this upper unit is an important problem for future work. The Fernow Quartz Latite, exposed south of the caldera, is a widespread ash-flow sheet, whose source remains undiscovered. Though the phenocryst assemblage is identical to that of the Packard Quartz Latite, coarse, smoky, beta-quartz and clear sanidine are far more abundant in the Fernow tuff. Eutaxitic textures are widespread; partial welding and a distinct compaction foliation are evident in most exposures. Thin sections display abundant shattered crystals, heavily oxidized biotite flakes, and beautifully preserved glass shards. The tuff is draped over paleotopography similar to the present day relief (fig. 5), with highlands to the north and west. The total thickness is unknown, as the top of the unit is nowhere exposed and the base is highly irregular; exposed thicknesses do not exceed about 150 meters. Both the Packard and Fernow Quartz
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