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Hanson/Contesting the French Revolution 9781405160834_6_index Final Proof page 220 20.11.2008 12:56pm Compositor Name: ARaju Index Note: note numbers in brackets indicate the location of quotations by people not named in the text. Aelders, Etta Palm d’ 62 Barras, Paul-Franc¸ois 132, 137, 145 Aiguillon, Armand, Duc d’ 63 Barthe´lemy, Franc¸ois 132 American Constitution 54 Bastille, fall of 42–43, 165 American Declaration of Baudot, Marc-Antoine 115 Independence 51, 54 Beauharnais, Josephine de 145 Andress, David 172, 173 Bell, David 18 Andrews, Richard 44, 95 Bentham, Jeremy 55 Annales school 186 Berlin Wall, fall of 2 Arasse, Daniel 175 Berthollet, Claude 146 Assembly of Notables 32, 38 Bertier de Sauvigny, Louis 163 Audu, Louise-Reine 168 Bhutto, Benazir 193, 194 Aulard, Alphonse 4, 172 Biard, Michel 36–37, 81, 114, Austria 88, 136, 137 116 n., 131, 141 Bicentennial celebrations (1989) 2 Babeuf, Gracchus 142 biens nationaux 71, 78, 105, 136, 153 Baczko, Bronislaw 128, 133–34, Billaud-Varenne, Jean Nicolas 94, 170–71COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL110, 130 Baecque, Antoine de 124, 170 black Africans 58, 59, 102: see also bagarre de Nıˆmes 81 slavery Baker, Keith 8, 15, 18, 20, 38 Bo, Jean-Baptiste 117 on Constituent Assembly 73–74 Bolsheviks 6, 193 on Terror 171–72 Bonaparte, Joseph 147, 156 Banque de France 135 Bonaparte, Lucien 144, 147, 148 Bare´re, Bertrand 111, 115 Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I of Barnave, Antoine 163 France Hanson/Contesting the French Revolution 9781405160834_6_index Final Proof page 221 20.11.2008 12:56pm Compositor Name: ARaju 221 Boroumand, Ladan 94 Civil Constitution of the Clergy 17, Bouquier, Gabriel 121 66, 71, 78–81 bourgeois militias 44–45, 47 civil liberties 56–57 index bourgeoisie 3, 4–6 civil marriage 153 Brissot, Jacques-Pierre 18, 59, 88, 102 Civil Oath of the Clergy 71, 78–80 Brissotins 88, 93: see also Girondins civil war 179–83 Brival, Jacques 114 Clarissa (Richardson) 54 Brown, Howard 129, 139–40, 149, Clermont-Tonnerre, Stanislas 82 183 n. 49 Cobb, Richard 96, 161, 172, 184–85 on state violence 175–76, 177 Cobban, Alfred 6, 22, 26 Brumaire, 18 coup 147–48, 149–50 Code Noir 60 Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, Collot-d’Herbois, Jean-Marie 94, Comte de 59 113, 124, 130, 175 Buonarroti, Filippo 142 Colwill, Elizabeth 167 Burke, Edmund 51, 55, 171 commercial republicanism 138 Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques 55 Committee of Public Safety 4, 6, Burstin, Haim 95–96 110, 111, 112, 115, 126 common lands: division of 104–5, 136 Cadoudal, Georges 153 communism 190 cahiers de dole´ances (grievance lists) Compagnies de Je´sus 134 26, 41, 42 Concordat 151–52 Calonne, Charles-Alexandre 19, 30, Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Caritat, 32, 39 Marquis de 53, 59, 61–62, 93 Cambace´re`s, Jean-Jacques-Rene´ 151 conscription 154–55, 156 camp de Jale`s 81–82, 179–83 conservatism 190 Campo Formio, Treaty of 137, 145 conspiracy, fear of 109, 182–83 Carnot, Lazare 115, 123, 132, 142 Conspiracy of Equals 142 Carrier, Jean-Baptiste 113, 115–16, Constant, Benjamin 138 130, 175 Constituent Assembly 3, 62, 65, Cate´chisme du Citoyen (Saige) 17 66, 70 Catholic Church 56, 71, 78, 141, 192 Civil Constitution of the Clergy Concordat 151–52 71, 78–81 conflicts with Protestants 81–82 redrawing of map of France and Jansenism 16–17 71, 74–78 Censer, Jack 163–64 royal power debate 72–74 censorship 143 Constitution of 1791 70, 71 Charles, Archduke of Austria 137 Constitution of 1793 98, 100–1 Charles X, king of France 158, Constitution of 1795 130–31 188–89 Constitution of 1800 151 Chartier, Roger 15 constitutional monarchy 70–86 Chartres, Bishop of 65 Civil Constitution of the Clergy Chinese Revolution (1949) 1–2 71, 78–81 citizenship 76–77, 168 redrawing of map of France Civil Code (Napoleonic) 143, 71, 74–78 153, 156 royal power debate 72–74 Hanson/Contesting the French Revolution 9781405160834_6_index Final Proof page 222 20.11.2008 12:56pm Compositor Name: ARaju 222 Cordelier Club 87, 168 historical overview 129–33 Corps Le´gislatif 151 legal system 140 index Council of 500 131, 147–48, 150 politics of 138–40 Council of Elders 131, 147–48, 150 violence of 175–77 Council of State 151 divorce 61, 120, 153 counterrevolution 179–83 Doyle, William 7, 23 Couthon, Georges 115, 124, 130 du Chaˆtelet, Duc 65 Cowans, Jon 128–29, 134 Ducos, Pierre-Roger 147, 151 Crook, Malcolm 100, 148, 149 Dumouriez, Charles-Franc¸ois 122 Cult of the Supreme Being 129–30 Duport, Adrien 39, 58 Dupuy, Pascal 36–37, 81, 131, 141 Danton, Georges Jacques 90, 162, 168 Darnton, Robert 18, 20, 196 educational reforms 121, 136 Darthe´, Augustin 142 Ellis, Geoffrey 154 Daunou, Pierre-Claude-Franc¸ois Emile (Rousseau) 15 138, 151 Engels, Friedrich 193 David, Jacques-Louis 153 Enghien, Duc d’ 153 de Baecque, Antoine, see Baecque, Englund, Steven 150, 157, 158 Antoine de Enlightenment 13–14, 15–16 de Gouges, Olympe, see Gouges, epistolary novels 54–55 Olympe de Estates General (later National De J. J. Rousseau conside´re´ comme l’un Assembly) 5, 21, 33–34, 36–42 des premiers auteurs de la Re´volution (Mercier) 14 Fabre d’Eglantine, Philippe 106, 119 de Launay, Bernard-Rene´ Jourdan, family reforms 120–21 see Launay, Bernard-Rene´ Farge, Arlette 20–21 Jourdan de federalist revolts 76, 99–100, de Tocqueville, Alexis, see Tocqueville, 112, 115 Alexis de Fe´raud, Jean-Bertrand 132 De´claration des droits de la femme et de la feudalism: abolition of 47, 52, 53, citoyenne (Gouges) 61 63–66, 67–68 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Fife, Graeme 171 Citizen 16, 47, 51–63, 68, 100 First Republic 87–107 Declaration of the Rights of the Girondins vs. Montagnards 91–96 World’s Children 68 provincial politics 96–101 Declaration of the Rights of in rural France 104–6 Woman 61 slave revolt in Saint-Domingue De´fenseur de la Constitution, La 101–4 (newspaper) 89 Fitzsimmons, Michael 57, 65, 66, democratic republicanism 138–39 67, 71, 74, 85 de´partements/departments 75–77 Flachat (company) 137 Desan, Suzanne 80–81, 120–21 Flore´al coup 132 Diamond Necklace Affair 19–20 Flour Wars 27 Diderot, Denis 54, 55 food riots 27, 44, 103 Directory 61, 135–42 Forrest, Alan 94, 113 n. 6, 176, 179 Hanson/Contesting the French Revolution 9781405160834_6_index Final Proof page 223 20.11.2008 12:56pm Compositor Name: ARaju 223 Fouche´, Joseph 113, 117, 130, 152, Gorsas, Antoine-Joseph 18 153, 175 Goubert, Pierre 26 Foulon, Joseph 163 Gouges, Olympe de 61–62 index Francesco, Antonio de 99 Gough, Hugh 110–11 free coloreds 59–61, 101–2 Great Fear 43–47, 166 French Revolution Great Terror 124–26, 174 administrative legacy 189 Greer, Donald 173, 176 as class struggle 4–5 Gre´goire, Abbe´ 58, 60 cultural and ideological Gross, Jean-Pierre 114, 117–18 origins 13–21 Grotius (Hugo de Groot) 55 Enlightenment and 13–14, 15–16 Gueniffey, Patrice 125, 174 n. 27 global legacy 193–95 Guillotin, Dr. Joseph 174 historiography 195–96 guillotine 109, 160, 174–75 legacy in France 187, 188–93 Guizot, Franc¸ois 131 legacy of 186–97 Marxist analysis of 4–6 Habermas, Ju¨rgen 18–19 political legacy 189–90 Hague, Treaty of The 136 social and economic legacy 190–93 Haiti 188, 195 social and economic origins 22–29 Hampson, Norman 21 structural and institutional Hapgood, David 158 origins 29–34 He´bertistes 109, 122 Fre´ron, Louis-Stanislas 115 Heller, Henry 25, 196 Friedland, Paul 21, 40 Helmsley, Leona 68–69 Fructidor coup 132 Henry, Louis 173 Furet, Franc¸ois 7, 15, 33, 38, 81, 186 Higonnet, Patrice 113 on Constituent Assembly 73 Hildreth, A. 92 criticism of 20 historiography 4–8, 195–96 on fear of conspiracy 109 Marxist 4–6, 22, 91 on Great Terror 125 revisionist 8, 22–29 and revolutionary violence 161 Hoche, Lazare 132, 145 on Terror 16, 111, 125–26, 171 Hufton, Olwen 49, 62, 80–81, 167 human rights 10, 16, 51, 54–55, gabelle (salt tax) 27 68, 194: see also Declaration of Gainot, Bernard 140–41 the Rights of Man and Citizen Garrioch, David 28–29, 96 hunger and deprivation: violence Gauchet, Marcel 57 of 184–85 Girondins 5–6, 89, 91–96, 98, 122 Hunt, Lynn 8, 36, 97, 109, 149 proscription of deputies from National on Declaration of the Rights of Convention 6, 66, 99, 130 Man 16, 54, 55, 57, 59, 68 see also Brissot, Jacques-Pierre; on human rights 194 Ducos, Pierre-Roger; Vergniaud, on political rights 189 Pierre-Victurnien on popular violence 163–64 Godechot, Jacques 114 on social and economic legacy of Godineau, Dominique 62–63 French Revolution 190 Gordon, Daniel 16 on women’s rights 61, 62 Hanson/Contesting the French Revolution 9781405160834_6_index Final Proof page 224 20.11.2008 12:56pm Compositor Name: ARaju 224 inflation 135 Le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau, International Congress on the History Louis-Michel 121 index of the French Revolution, Lebrun, Charles-Franc¸ois 151 Washington D.C. (1989) Lefebvre, Georges 4, 26, 127 187, 194 on Brumaire coup/dictatorship 148–49 Jackson, Julian 189 on Declaration of the Rights of Man Jacobin Club, Paris 4, 82, 88, 134 16, 55–56 Jacobin club network 82, 96, 98, on Great Fear 45, 46, 166 113, 117, 130, 134 pamphlet debate 37–38 Jansenism 16–17, 79–80 on peasantry 104–5 Jaure`s, Jean 3, 94 on Terror 172 Javogues, Claude 113, 116 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 4 Jefferson, Thomas 53–54 Le´on, Pauline 62 Jews 58–59 lettres de cachet 56, 120 Johnson, Hubert 182 Lewis, Gwynne 182 Jones, Colin 8, 23–24, 64, Lewis-Beck, M.

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