SLAVE NIKOLOVSKI - KATIN SLAVÈ NIKOLOVSKI – KATIN SVETOZAR - SVETLE STAMEVSKI SVETOZAR - STEVE STAMEVSKI KNIGOIZDATELSTVO MAKEDONSKA ISKRA” - SKOPJE ” MAKEDONSKA ISKRA PUBLISHING HOUSE – SKOPJE Edicija: PORTRETI Series: PORTRAITS SLAVE NIKOLOVSKI - KATIN SLAVÈ NIKOLOVSKI – KATIN SVETOZAR - SVETLE STAMEVSKI SVETOZAR - STEVE STAMEVSKI MONOGRAFIJA - MONOGRAPH Recenzent / Reviewers: Mitropolit Kiril, Polo{ko-kumanovski arhijerej Metropolitan Kiril, Bishop of Polog and Kumanovo Tomislav Stojanovski - Bombaj Tomislav Stojanovski – Bombaj Site prava se za{titeni, nieden del od ovaa publikacija ne mo`e da se razmno`uva ili prenesuva vo koj bilo oblik, bez da se dobie dozvola od izdava~ot, so isklu~ok na kriti~ar - urednik koj ima `elba da citira kusi delovi vo vrska so nekoj tekst pi{uvan za spisanie ili vesnik. PRVO PE^ATEWE 2006 • PE^ATENO VO MAKEDONIJA • „MAKEDONSKA ISKRA“ - SKOPJE All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without the prior permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine or newspaper. FIRST PRINTING, 2006 • PRINTED IN MACEDONIA • BY “MAKEDONSKA ISKRA“ - SKOPJE Izdanieto e finansirano od semejstvoto STAMEVSKI This edition was sponsored by the STAMEVSKI family SLAVE NIKOLOVSKI - KATIN SLAVÈ NIKOLOVSKI - KATIN 1997 Naca, Krste i Stame, predcite na Stamevski • Naca, Krste and Stame, the Stamevski ancestors Cena i Tvrdomir, roditelite na Svetozar-Svetle Stamevski na 50-godi{ninata od brakot Cena and Tvrdomir, Svetozar-Steve Stamevski’s parents at their 50th Anniversary Svetozar-Svetle i Svetlana so decata • Svetozar-Steve and Svetlana with their children Svetlana, Xorx, Lora i Svetozar-Svetle • Svetlana, George, Laura, and Svetozar-Steve SVETOZAR - SVETLE STAMEVSKI Parlamentot na Republika Makedonija • The Parliament of Republic of Macedonia Belata ku}a vo Va{ington • The White House in Washington 10 SVETOZAR-STEVE STAMEVSKI I DEL - MAKEDONIJA MOJATA RODNA ZEMJA VOVED AFIRMATOR NA MAKEDONIJA I SAD INTRODUCTION AFFIRMER OF MACEDONIA AND USA ojot pove}egodi{en anga`man vo y many years of studying Mace- prou~uvaweto na makedonskoto donian migration resulted in the iseleni{tvo, dovede do publiku- publication of numerous works on M vawe na brojni trudovi od ovaa M M Mthis subject. However, in recent oblast. Poslednive godini, me|utoa, moeto years, my attention has been increasingly vnimanie sé pove}e go preokupiraat uspe{- drawn by the successful Macedonians in the nite Makedonci vo dijasporata, ~ij broj ne Diaspora, who are not just a few, and who e mal, a koi mu davaat svoeviden beleg na give this migration phenomena a unique ovoj star iseleni~ki fenomen. I ne samo characteristic. And this is not only because of zaradi specifikata na migracionite dvi- the specific nature of the migratory move- `ewa vo svetot, osobeno vo minatiot vek, ments in the world, particularly in the last tuku poradi faktot {to Makedoncite, ne- century, but because of the fact that the zavisno na koi svetski meridijani }e se Macedonians, regardless of where they are in najdat, poseben beleg im davaat na op{test- the world, add a special quality to the vata vo koi se integriraat. Tipi~en primer societies in which they integrate. Svetozar- za toa e po~ituvanoto semejstvo na Svetozar Steve Stamevski's respected family from the -Svetle Stamevski od selo Odri, od Polog. village of Odri, Polog, is an epitome of this. He Toj e makedonski iselenik vo SAD, vo dr`a- is a Macedonian migrant in Michigan, USA. A vata Mi~igen, istaknat biznismen, poznat distinguished businessman, well-known and i priznat donator, humanist i veren patri- recognized donator, he is a humanist and loyal ot na Makedonija i SAD. Negovoto semejstvo patriot of Macedonia and the USA. His family minalo niz site fazi na makedonskoto ras- experienced every phase of the Macedonian petie, ispolnuvaj}i go celiot dvaesetti vek crucifixion, filling the entire 20 th century with so nastani tipi~ni za vekovnata borba na events typical of the age-old struggle of makedonskiot opstanok, ne samo vo starata Macedonian survival, not only in their native tatkovina, Makedonija, tuku i na site svet- fatherland Macedonia, but throughout the ski iseleni~ki prostori. Toa e semejstvo migrant world. It is a family to be respected INTRODUCTION 11 SVETOZAR - SVETLE STAMEVSKI za po~it i primer od koe mo`at i treba da and taken as an example, from which other se ogledaat i drugite makedonski semejst- Macedonian families from both fatherlands, va vo dvete tatkovini, SAD i Makedonija. USA and Macedonia, can and should learn, Zatoa {to deloto {to go napravile Sta- for, the deed that the Stamevski family has mevski pretstavuva ubav primer i patokaz done is a beautiful example and road sign of na edno ~estito i blagorodno semejstvo. an honest and noble family. Analizata na nivniot buren iseleni~ki For these reasons precisely, the analysis of pat, tokmu od iznesenite pri~ini, ni go ot- their turbulent road in migrating opens up to kriva svetot na Makedonecot vo planetarni us the world of the Macedonians on a razmeri, poka`uvaj}i i potvrduvaj}i deka planetary scale, demonstrating and confirming potomcite na Aleksandar Makedonski, neza- that the descendents of Alexander of Macedon, visno od nivnite rodokrajni koti, se del na (the Great) regardless of their place of origin, edna od najstarite svetski civilizacii, ~ii are part of one of the oldest world civilizations trajni vrednosti gi raznesuvaat na site de- whose permanent values they take to every lovi na na{ata galaksija, po koi svetot i ne part of our galaxy, for which the world knows prepoznava. Poradi toa istorijata na koe us. Because of this, the history of any bilo makedonsko uspe{no semejstvo vo di- successful Macedonian family in the Diaspora jasporata, fakti~ki e istorija na makedon- is in fact the history of the Macedonian age-old skoto vekovno bitisuvawe, ne samo na Bal- existence, not only in the Balkans and in kanot i vo Evropa, tuku i na site drugi kon- Europe, but on every other continent as well. tinenti. Zatoa, obidot da napi{am mono- Thus, my attempt to write a monograph of the grafija za semejstvoto Stamevski, vo mojata Stamevski family, within my research on istra`uva~ka rabota za makedonskoto ise- Macedonian migration, is the crown of this free leni{tvo, pretstavuva kruna na toj slobo- project. The monograph is based on facts that den proekt. Monografijava se potpira na spring from the lifelong opus of these people faktografija koja izvira od `ivotniot of ours, who are the pride of their native opus na tie na{i lu|e, so koi se gordee niv- fatherland, the Republic of Macedonia, which, nata stara tatkovina, Republika Makedoni- despite the numerous problems it is facing at ja, koja, i pokraj site problemi {to denes the moment, has nevertheless started stepping gi ima, uspe{no za~ekori kon svojata demo- successfully towards its democratic transfor- kratska preobrazba, vo ramkite na evrop- mation as part of the European and world skite i svetskite integracioni procesi. integration processes. Edna od zna~ajnite li~nosti koja dala Svetozar-Steve Stamevski, politician, mem- golem pridones vo afirmiraweto na samo- ber of the same party, and friend of the US stojnosta na Republika Makedonija i nejzi- President George Bush Junior, is of course one no priznavawe od strana na SAD, sekako e of the significant personalities that made a Svetozar-Svetle Stamevski, politi~ar, so- great contribution to the affirmation of the partiec i prijatel na amerikanskiot pret- independence of the Republic of Macedonia sedatel Xorx Bu{ - Junior. and its recognition by the USA. 12 SVETOZAR-STEVE STAMEVSKI VOVED Knigava e monografija za semejstvoto This book is a monograph of the Stamevski Stamevski, od selo Odri, Polog, Makedoni- family, from the village of Odri, Polog, ja, koe od vtorata decenija na minatiot vek Macedonia, who has lived and worked in `ivee i raboti vo Soedinetite Amerikan- Detroit, Michigan, USA since the second ski Dr`avi, vo Detroit, vo dr`avata Mi~i- decade of the last century. One can get the full gen. Celosna pretstava za niv mo`e da se picture of them only under one condition i.e. if, dobie samo pod eden uslov: ako za proekci- wishing to present the Stamevski family, one jata na Stamevci se prekr{i rodnoto og- reflects their native hearth Odri, Tetovo, as ni{te Odri, Tetovsko kako negov atar i Ma- their property, and Macedonia as their father- kedonija kako Tatkovina. Taka istorijata za land. Thus, their history will be complete, par- niv }e bide kompletna, osobeno za onie vo ticularly for those in whose hands this book will ~ii race }e se najde ova kniga, za ameri- find itself, for Steve-Svetozar's American kanskite prijateli na Svetozar-Svetle i friends and for his future generations, as well negovite novi generacii, no i na onie vo as those in his fatherland who do not know all tatkovinata koi sé u{te nemaat celosna of this land, yet, and those who do not know pretstava za nea. A ne znaat kako da i po- how to help it. They will learn this lesson from mognat. Taa lekcija }e ja nau~at od Sveto- Svetozar-Steve Stamevski, who has not only zar-Svetle Stamevski, koj ne samo {to ne not given up on Odri, Polog, and Macedonia, krenal race od Odri, Polog i Makedonija, but he also influences effectively the courses tuku efektivno vlijae i vrz tekovite na of the U.S. policy. Svetozar-Steve Stamevski, amerikanskata politika. Za izborot na nej- among others, also deserves credit for the ziniot prv ~ovek, Xorx Bu{ - Junior, me|u election of the U.S.
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