September 5, 2002 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16261 HONORING ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF Of course the success of Southwest would of a sense of duty to his community and his NORTH CAROLINIANS not be possible without the unwavering sup- belief that he could make a difference. This port of parents, who sacrificed hours of family belief was reflected in the way he conducted HON. RICHARD BURR and work time to shuttle the players to and himself on and off the job. OF NORTH CAROLINA from practices and tournaments; of coaches, Mr. Speaker, all of us are affected by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who also sacrificed time away from their fami- loss of this good and decent man, and the en- lies and jobs to teach these young men about Wednesday, September 4, 2002 tire St. Louis community grieves with his fam- baseball, and more importantly, the things the ily. His bravery and dedication to others won’t Mr. BURR of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I game teaches us about life and our responsi- be soon forgotten, and we are grateful to have rise today to honor the accomplishments of bility to others, be they teammates, class- had him among us. some fellow North Carolinians who, during the mates, family members or society as a whole. recent District Work Period, brought great Also, league organizers and sponsors, who for f honor to our State. the past three decades have given the chil- Shortly after we returned to our respective dren of Southwest Forsyth county a place to PRO-INDIAN CHARITIES SUPPORT Districts, North Carolina lost one of its most spend their Springs and Summers in a com- TERRORISM famous athletes, Enos ‘‘Country’’ Slaughter. petitive, safe and constructive atmosphere to Born in Roxboro, just south of the Virginia learn our Nation’s pastime. Each of these HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS State line, Country went on to star for the St. young men, have, at one time during this OF NEW YORK Louis Cardinals baseball team during their hey memorable ride, given the people of Forsyth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES day’s of the 1940’s. Known as one of the County and North Carolina something to cheer ‘‘Gashouse Gang,’’ Country batted .300 for his about, so it would be only fitting to recognize Wednesday, September 4, 2002 career and had almost as many triples (148) all of them: Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, on August 8 as he had home runs (169). His most memo- Chad Gentry, Robbie Scott, Daniel Genung, there was a very significant article in the In- rable moment came in the 1946 World Series, Austin Dillon, Christopher Sanders, Alex Rob- dian newspaper The Hindu. It was written by when he rounded the bases from first on a ertson, Scott Riggsbee, David Morgan, Mi- Robert M. Hathaway, whom many of us know routine single to score the Series winning run. chael DeLuca, Sammy Lucas, David McCon- as a former aide to former South Asia Sub- The ‘‘Mad Dash’’—as it came to be known— nell II, Taylor Russell, and Peyton Covington. committee chairman Steven Solarz. As you may have been his finest moment on the field, Manager: John Scott, Coach: Chuck DeLuca, may remember, Chairman Solarz was a fer- but often forgotten and much more appre- Coach: Mark Wylam. vent defender of India. ciated by his fellow Americans was his service Mr. Speaker, August saw the passing of the Mr. Hathaway’s article is called ‘‘Charity to our country in World War II during the baseball torch in North Carolina: from one who . or Terrorism?’’ It exposes the rise of ter- height of his career. Country was inducted into made the sport what it is to those who will rorism in India and how charitable contribu- the Hall of Fame in 1985 and returned annu- make it what it will be. I join all North Caro- tions from Indian-Americans support it. In his ally for the induction ceremonies until his linians in mourning the passing of Enos article, Mr. Hathaway writes, ‘‘substantial sums health prevented his attendance this year. Slaughter, but celebrating the accomplish- of money are sent from Indians resident in the Former teammate Marty Marion called Slaugh- ments of the Southwest Forsyth County Little U.S., and from American citizens of Indian ori- ter, ‘‘. a good old country boy who just League. It thrilled us all to see the ideals of gin, to groups and organizations in Gujarat loved to play baseball.’’ Country will be sorely sportsmanship and team camaraderie Enos and elsewhere in India that are directly linked missed. believed in being carried forward by North to the violence in Gujarat.’’ He also writes that About the same time Enos was called Carolina’s new Boys of Summer. We caught a ‘‘respected Indian journalists have uncovered home, a new generation of North Carolina glimpse of the potential each of these boys disturbing linkages.’’ These transactions could baseball players were reaching the pinnacle of possesses, both as athletes and ambassadors raise issues of fraud and they appear to vio- youth sports—The Little League World Series. of our State. We thank them for a Summer full During the months of July and August, a tal- late U.S. antiterrorism laws. of memories and look forward to watching We must not allow money from the United ented group of 11 and 12 year olds from the them grow and prosper as productive citizens Southwest Forsyth County Little League swept States, even in the form of private contribu- of our community. tions, to be used in support of terrorism. In through the North Carolina Little League Tour- f nament, defeating Greenville to become State that case, President Bush should act. After Champions. Then, at the Southeast Regional IN TRIBUTE TO OFFICER MICHAEL September 11, the President froze the assets Championship, the All-Stars ran their winning BARWICK of charities involved in supporting the terrorist streak to 13 by tearing through the competition network that attacked the World Trade Center in Florida and defeating the Virginia State HON. RICHARD A. GEPHARDT and the Pentagon. Similar action should be Champions to earn their tickets to Williams- taken to freeze any American assets of char- OF MISSOURI ities involved in the violence and terrorism in port, Pennsylvania. They are only the third IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES team in North Carolina to reach the World Se- India. And contributions from U.S. residents to ries in the event’s fifty-six year history. Wednesday, September 4, 2002 those charities’ offices in India should ex- Upon reaching Williamsport, Southwest was Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, August 29, pressly be prohibited. America should also thrust into the international spotlight, living 2002, was a sorrowful day for our community. stop its aid to India until it stops repressing the side-by-side with Venezuelans, Saudi’s, and St. Louis Police Officer Michael Barwick died minorities, sponsoring cross-border terrorism Russians, as well as Californians and Texans. that day when his police cruiser collided with against Sindh and other neighbors, and until it In the pool play competition, Southwest put up another vehicle and caught fire. This fine allows self-determination for all the people and a valiant effort in each of its three games, the young officer was performing his duty to pro- nations seeking freedom from India. third of which was a loss to eventual world tect and serve the citizens of St. Louis when Mr. Speaker, I would like to put Mr. Hatha- champions Louisville, Kentucky. Even though the fatal crash occurred. way’s article into the RECORD at this time. It the won-loss record does not reflect it, the tal- Officer Barwick attained his lifelong dream shows Indian terrorism in great detail. ent and effort put forth by these young men of becoming a police officer just two years [From the Hindu, Aug. 8, 2002] far exceeded the expectations of coaches and ago. He loved his work and was committed to CHARITY ... OR TERRORISM? parents and in the category of sportsmanship, helping people in trouble; this devotion was (By Robert M. Hathaway) Southwest is an undisputed champion. These evident to all who knew and worked with him. 13 ‘‘Boys of Summer’’ now share a bond that He was 27 years old. It is probably advisable for the American Government to hold an official inquiry into will be with them for the rest of their lives— Officer Barwick was not a police officer to fund-raising in the U.S. by groups implicated and stories of their on-field heroics from the become rich or to work easy hours. He in the Gujarat violence. Summer of 2002 will grow with each passing worked long hours, in many dangerous situa- TERRORISM COMES in many guises. An year into legends like those of Country tions, for a very modest salary. He joined the armed assault against Parliament House in Slaughter’s ‘‘Mad Dash.’’ St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department out New Delhi. A suicide bomber detonating high VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:39 Mar 09, 2006 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR02\E05SE2.000 E05SE2 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD 16262 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 5, 2002 explosives in a crowded bazaar. Political as- jolt to the relationship administered by In- ing those concerns and further strengthening sassination. Angry young men flying com- dia’s 1998 nuclear tests and subsequent impo- the new partnership between our peoples. mercial aircraft into the World Trade Cen- sition of U.S. sanctions—Washington and ter. And, yes, hate-consumed mobs butch- New Delhi have begun to construct a quali- f ering innocent women and children.
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