PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 12 First in Public Service • TE LEVI SIO N'S telescope lens catches an intimate moment— Mrs. Deivey's final word of encouragement to the Governor before his acceptance speech. This is a frame from a 35 tarn motion picture photographed in the booth of the Paramount Theatre, New York. Thursday evening. June 24 eAhibited a .feu seconds later on the theatre's screen . and telecast 20 hours later in Hollywood at Station KTL.4. KTLA First in public service! TELEVISION'S remarkable coverage tif the Republican The Democratic National Convention was rep ru led National Convention was film-recorded in Paramount'- in the same swift, complete fashion. Public se; vice of New York tele-laboratories, speedily edited into news- this character in America's fastest-growing m ar ket ha reels and flown non-stop to KTI.A for immediate shom won first place for KTI.A in vest Coast televiewing ings. Southern California televiewers enjoyed four reel- favor a day of televised convention highlights for five day, KTIA * le& e a 4 C4-,. Get. leeVee * 9 a/tu mid * Hollywood Studios • 5451 Marathon St • H011ywood 6363 .9—e liefie;t9re k elieleee A KEY STATION OF THE PARAMOUNT TELEVISION NETWORK ON OUR COVER On the cover of this week's Tele- ae ear Inspires the Pen vision issue is a close-up of the lensing end of one of Don Lee's Evelyn Printemps, 10710 lellogio load. Marilyn Goodman, 1512 Stafford Street, video cameras. Two longest are tel -Air, Calif. Los Angeks 35, Calif. the telephoto lenses used for Sirs: Can you tell me what ever Sirs: Thanks loads for your article close-ups. Shortest is the 50 mil- happened to Mr. ,L.ouie Mason, whose on "Junior Miss." Barbara Whiting limeter, wide-angle lens, used for beautiful voice went to school with me at University pictures of the whole stage. Next was heard on High School last year, and she cer- shortest is the 90 millimeter used "M o o nshine tainly is a terrific girl. How about for long shots that don't include and Honeysuckle" an article on Mason Adams, Joan an entire set (the longer the lens several years Alexander and Mercedes McCam- the closer the picture; the shorter ago? I'd welcome bridge? I would also appreciate one the lens, the greater scope in pic- his picture in on Merton Koplin, writer-director in ture taken). Cover Photo by Otto "Flashbacks," or New York. Rothschield. better yet, I'd As we've toga other readers, Marilyn, cheer the pro- we'd like to feature a series on Sew York end eastern talent, but it just has Helen A. Morse, Mrs. Elinor Bogdany, Bur- gram that made to wait until we're caught up on the bank and Van Nuys, Calif. use of the most many stories still due our West Coast Louis Mason pleasant voice of radio shows and folks. Hope bear Sirs: I have heard Bob Shannon with us until Radio Life makes a trip Mr. Mason once again. to the East. and can nail personalities on "The Man Says Yes," and wish U.K.(). brought Mr. Mason out to Cali- and programs for first-hand articles. so much we may hear it again, as fornia, ut the end of "Moonshine and we enjoyed it very much. Honeysuckle" on NBC. to play in "Spit- fire" with Kathryn Hepburn. Ile has Mrs. Ruth Mickey, 5422 /12 Santa Monica, been here ever since, working in pic- Hollywood 27, Calif. tures, and can be spotted at present Mrs. A. K. Leack, 604 East Maple Ave- with Rosalind It in - Velvet Sirs: Would very much like to nue, Orange, Calif. Touch," and in many of Columbia's settle an argument, so will call on westerns, Now ond then, he has done one of his movie phis on "Lux." Here's you for help. Is the emcee of "Leave Sirs: What ails folks who can't ap- a recen, picture and he is also loan- It To the Girls" (which, by the way, preciate real humor, "Digger" on ing us an old-time photo for "Hash- is one of my favorite programs) "The Life of Riley"? I've had to have Nicks." married to Binnie Barnes? If not, the service for my dear ones, but whom did Mike Frankovich marry? that's no reason why one has to stop Ann Townsend, Los Angeles, Calif. Mike I:rani:Goa-iv is married to Rin - all the rest of the world from living. Sirs: After reading the letter com- nit. Barnes. as you've guessed. 7'hey "Digger" is good for many a laugh. had their own "Rinnie and hike" break- , mending Bob Kelley, sportscaster of fast sho w on the air not long ago. Even food is bad if we use it wrong. the Los Angeles ballgames, I feel the incentive to state my favorite baseball announcer, Fred Haney. Every night he broadcasts the games of my beloved Hollywood stars, ably assisted by the very versatile Jack Sherman, who not only appears with Fred on the ballgames, but has a fine show of his own ("Housewives' Exhange" KGIL, daily). Fred was a manager and player for many years and has many interesting anecdotes to tell between innings. He has also organized a Knothole Club, and takes a decided interest in young up-and- coming ball players. * * RADIO LIFE * * CARL M. BIGSBY. Publisher Sep.'. 12, 1948 «in > 44 vol. 18, Vo. 2 Published vi- -ekly at Lies Angeles, California. Busier:is ani: Editorial Offices: 6361 Selma Ave., liollywooal 28. Phone Hillside 9275. Radio Life was entered as Second Class Matter May 8, 1942, at Los Angeles, under Act of March 3, 1879. Pre. laid Subscription, $4.50 year, $2.50 six menthe.. Single Copies on sale at leading Independent Grocers in Southern California. Single ('opios niail 10c. Address all remittances and corry ipondence to Radio Life. Sub scribers please a. low two weeks for change of address. E VELYN A. BiGSFrif. Editor Editorial Department: Assist ant Editor, Joan Buchanan; Television Editor., Jase Peigram; l'recast Editor, Judy Maguire 'et Director, Ray W heeler; Log Editor, kin t J111111111. Business Department: General >Gina gr. B. W. 1.ewie; Advertising Manager. ¡"asid J Man- ning: Office Manager. Georgia I ryetru... All material used by Radio Life is specially prepared by its own staff write r., and re- printing in whole or in part iv itninot pub- lisher's permission strictly forbidden. Un- solicited manuscripts can not be acres ,ted or returned. KTLA SPECIAL EVENTS molode pick-up catches the world premiere of The Em- Advertising Offices: San Francisco: Roirers W alt z '. Parrott. 68 Post Street. Chicago: E. J. rose- peror at the Paramount-Hollywood on one of the world's mos.: glamorous ere, 75 E. W acker Drive. n d best-known 5 oulevards. Television makes you an eye-witness. September 12, 1948 Page Three rhe gar Inspires the Pen About Your Letters All letters to the Ear Inspires the Pen Department should in- Mrs. C. T.. 1624 East Broadway, Long Mrs. Jackie Show, 2157 Ogden Street, San clude name and full address of leach. Calif. Bernardino, Calif. the sender. Name and or address Sirs: While so many contests are Sirs: In regard to "The Digger" will be withheld on writer's re- on "The Life of Riley," I appreciate being sponsored for amateur music quest. Opinions expressed in the that hu mor. In writers, why doesn't somebody start letters printed are those of the a contest for the older women, say every line of senders and do not necessarily from forty on up, who have written trade there are music but never had a chance to do jokes to be made. reflect the opinion of Radio Lite. anything about it? I know of sev- Listen in to the eral women (including myself) who m yster y pro- gra ms; the y have talents for writing music and ing cowboy, his sweet little wife and sometimes happen who would have a new lease on life pal, his famous horse "Champion" in real life. Stop if they could only have a fair show and "the Little Horse." The article and consider that to compete in a contest of this kind is very interesting and informative, the people in Won't somebody please help us for - the pictures fine, the cover picture radio and movies gotten housewives? exceptionally appealing. We, Gene have to make a "Digby O'Dell" Autry fans, are very proud of our living t o o. And Just a bit of advice. Don't listen to famous star, not only for his wonder- Miss Helen Cardillo, 11486 Saticoy Street, programs that get under your skin. ful talent and spectacular climb up fame's ladder, but for his friendly, North Hollywood, Calif. Would you please print "The Dig unassuming manner toward one and ger's" picture in Radio Life. Sirs: I am a native of California, all. His beautiful home life is out- and my parents are of Italian de- Herewith "The Digger." alias John Brown. He's also "Al" on "My Friend standing. Worthy of our emulation. scent, and I admire Mrs. Munsch Enna," "Father Foster" on "A Hale We are very much aware of the part for writing in about the murder and With Judy" und the Prof. on "The Mel played in the Autry success by his Tonne shout." mystery programs using Italian wife, and agree that Ina Autry is names for all the bandits in their someone we'd "like to have as a stories.
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