The original documents are located in Box 52, folder “President - Scheduling 1975 (5)” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. 'THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 2, 1975 :o: PHIL BUCHEN ?ROM: RUSSELL A. ROURKE _____For Direct Reply -----For Draft Response ' -----X For Your Information Please advise Digitized from Box 52 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' THE \VHITE HO-CSE W.-\SH!:\GTO:\ May 30, 1975 JACK, I discussed the attached with Bill Nicholson. The President plans to sign the Declaration as a "private citizen" in a private ceremony in the Oval Office with only Richard DeVos and David Kennerly present. Case closed. ~SS ' I' '. ', {,, r I' . 1'HE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Iv~ tµ;ft_ P/B, ' ....., '• ..I THE''·v·HrT E HO USE \V.-\SHl:-iGTO :-< May 2, 19 7,..:> 1\t1EMO TO: JACK 1\t1ARSH FROM: RUSS ROURKE re Amway Jack, please Should note wePhil sen Buchend y our ' smemo ·:-:lemo- forwar d to proposal. hold off? Rustand/' SEND - HOLD OFF ___ t l I • ! ! !; ! i i 1 l ! 1, 1975 i NE:·IOR!\l1DUY1 FOR: RUST~·iD FR:JU: PHIL SUBJECT: 'A:..'tr:·1av Bicentennial Program By all means, the President should decline to pa.rticipate in the above prograra. Ait:tway has a c~se pending against it by the Federal Trade Crnn..rnission, but even if this were not case, President should avoid being fied any project whic~ has coc.•'Iler- SDOC\-o-·-·-},i' p. - / c:Lal '- .!.•;::;, .J-..;;>u ·~ Jae}~ l>Iarsh Ted i·Iarrs . t l t J t ! ' T i --1 THE 'NHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON I SUGGESTED RESPONSE FROM JACK MARSH TO WARREN RUSTAND ' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIN G TO N May l, 1975 :MEMORANDU!vl TO: WARREN RUSTAND i FROM: JACK MARS_ I I don't see how the President can dev.iat rom the policy or not endorsing commercial activities of this Despite Amway's protestations to the contrary, it would appear impossible to completely separate their proposed Bicentennial Program from the normal sales activitias of their 18, 000 distributors. Despite the very laudable intentions of their Program, I firmly believe the President must decline the honor of participating. The precedent-setting factor is paramount. Obviously, Arn.way's Bicentennial Program should be run by ARBA for their possible participation and coordination during Am.ways Annual Leadership Convention in Washington. ' . ........ __ ~, .. .. ,, ..; ~ :: : .... ~ :- = ; ·J:...; s ::: ..c':.pril 2S, 1973 :..rE1:fORA0:DC:vt FO~: PHILI? B UC HEN JO:t-E-.T 0. 1'.L.;RSH TED ivl_.:\RRS FROrvf: VTARREN RUSTAND SUBJECT: Amsvay Bicentennial Program > Richard DeVos has been very persistent in trying to cor:unit the President to participate- in. the Amway venture. Their goal is to obtain the signatures of 20 millio:i Americans on copies of the De.claration of Independe.::ice as a syrri..bolic recommitmen.!: to the ideals of the document. ·whl.le the concept is good, this is being sponsored by DeVos, Van Andell and Amway Corporation. There may or may not be commercial benefit. T 1 ... I would appr eciate your recommendation on the P resi.dent.r s part~d.p.;.tio~1 in this prog :-am. Thank you. ' () ( .. ' \ .,_;.'r.oe~~·,z, , I - ...............-, __ __ .. .... ' -....-...-~ ;..-• ,---, i : i \ • I ·~:;.. --~,.~~:ill ~ • .:.,..,. .Jo~ "-~- ~ ;,",, ;,...;~ i > __,, ··-.l' ) ...) .... •"-.l i .,.....,, :c l:J - i:J · ~~ A. i .J .\.~ -"'"' -- --- 1 - ... 7 •• 11" - I.._ -!\ST-:: ji_TQN ROAD .40·~. 1v1:CHiG:l.t\i 49301 ? i-i 0 ~: E t ~:> 1 6 } 6 7 -1 .3 J JC Ap:-il -= ..• 1975. - \'Tarr en R~s tar:.~ Appoin"t.!uen·t Sec:-c~::.a..z-y \•7hi te fi:n!s e Wa shingo:.on, D.C. 20500 D2ar .Hr . Rustan::.: Rich DeVos has su9gested that I contact you to a.rran:;e for President ?ord 1 s participation in the kickoff of ~..m.way's Bicentennial progrru.-a., the re.,-signing of copies of the D2clarati.on of Independence by A-~ericans, signifying a recorn.'Uit..~ent to the principles upon which the United States was founded. This project will be carried out by independent A.-rnway distributors located throughout the . Unite~ States. This force nu..tlbers nearly one..,.. half million people. It is intenced that the initial period of activity will begin in June, 1975, and extend into September, ·when the first retrieval of signed doclli""'!ents ·will occur. A second Tr.ajar push will be opened in the early months o f 1976 anc will be reinforced tr1.rougho~t th.~ Bicentennial year_ Our goal i_s not f e~. .,,er t!i.. an twenty million signatu:-:::-es. It is intended that appropriate publicity will be generated throughout the time involved anc th.'.at the signed doctu::ents l;li.,ll. ultinatelv- be placed appropriately for safe keeping and recognition of their .!.!.ls;:oric"!.,. • • • vaJ..ue.~ . • The project will be kicked. off at &..:U.wayts Anriual Leader­ ship Conv2ntio!2 1 whicJ:'i_ oc-::::trs this year iri Was_hington, D.C~ on June 7. On June 4 , 5 and 6 1 other activities in.connection with ..t.... .. a M-:::t...:. .y. ,., --o. ti r .-..,.-.:!'l"':"'!"I 'I'-•, i· · J.- .. -- ·a T.,.,. -~.: n-.io.&.. rrr}, o 1...n~ ---C..JO..!.. ...... onv _n _on P-0-::j ..... .......:.•· wl...1.. a so occu.... lil n3.::S!'-.l...:..'::i-1...0:l . .L_... _ Jun-e 7 activities ·will be presented 3.t th-:= Capital Cent::-e, when 18 1 000 Ji.:::::.wa.y distributors f::-om all O\lar Nozth F-_:merL:::::a are expected to attend. i ' i We wish to of::er th.a opportunity of being the first \ \ signator to'President ?ord1 fu~erica's fo~ e:.~o~t citizen. It has occurre~ to u:s ·t~_at arral!O'e.D.en ·t. s mic1"tt be made to a·::·::ot:::>lis h. \ J J ~ 'hi- . ..$-\. Q\ 10-F-=1~.:::i -t:t.,-•...::J,.,.r.--"'"'.;?". ~'1,('\C).,. 7'"--.---""'"'.!_ ...::l. \ i:.~ __ ;::, in '-!1e 1a -l.--- Ou ,,_~ i ...... a.: .,. ....,..._H..._ ,,.g 1 u ...... _._ o. rt,::>?.:..Ot-' ......... """'-"- viue.'.)·..:i -.::aping• • , :r:i.1..:ming~·, • an2.- recora· -ing ·w:t._..:..·11 ensl!.re -c.n.a-c.... "C.ne.• Lr.:i.p:;.ct:. _,...- , .. / ' _..,,. , "-1--Ct. Sq......,, , . <"£ , / / 'f -;.. //..r_ / ..:::--'.? /f,"_u,{ . /}' "' c: !t_fl/-•/ .r ' ' "" I) ..,I •h -c 1J. ..... ~-'~ I./ ,. - ' '""- ~ ' Jrr' y- - /' ,,- •. '- r'-r"'····/-1I _.;.. // ... .:::>r,,.;~r:;z..Si"- -¥ ' r . "v. ' ~/! ) ·c--· / ~, "''/ r . d r~ ·._,-~ /, /" v...,/).;.- _:,,,r·,,,,•'o- ... I/ I i > ./ ·-,_,y .~ , -· '1-· -f-0 ~fC~;W1.1!./~ ' V•. # • .· , ,...,~J -r- • •--- v-/•"j'~,,... •...,,.' • -- .. ,.v;• /,/ :::; :-1 :"ATFS \.,.... ·' ~i)A .... ALJS-:-R.:.. Li,; l! ;\!: ~~ CD K i'? G C 0 \: 'fJE~T ....,.,_.~:·.:-=~ .. ./~,, .~'· : :i. Ru s ta!l.d .. o:E P~e s_ :8~t Fo ~ :.. ~ s ~'art ic ipc.. tior'~ a:c1d p~~r-s023_l recv:?..r:.it--::t~::.t . · · _ be transmitted re-!atedl a l l across th~ United St··t~s tn ~~~ • • • +: ., ., ... • - .L. 1 - . 1 - - f'.l.O'l1cns -co ,_cJ...!.·:r>·r . _ .'.1.e viaeo 1_ape wou d ne ew..p oyer.:1 on ::>~tt!:cG.-:!, June 7 at C apita~ C 0 n~re as a part o f the k~ckoff of ths Nat:>:~l Re-signing ? rog ::::- a:n . 'fe expect th.at a lar;e nu...'l'.ber of C'J[lg..:,,_.,3:.i-::::..::., S e!1~ tor s and o ~h.e ::- Ta s hington d. igni taries wil l be pre3e2t at. c!-_~t t ime to pa.rt.icipa.te in the cere:.Llonies. J.t r-},-l - +--l:-i ::.:l. +--ho r- "'~ s~a """'.;'"""' ,-r o -_f L..t::·=1·-- -::: ~-:i'".._-:_t~..:: o_;: -:- ..l~='-"' -- ---- .::> '- --·-- I ---- ,_ J...-' !~ • .:.-;:, - - - ..... _...., - .... Declaration of Inde92ndence to be carried out by 1·..rrr.. r a y C.istrib--tors is the only such p:;:oject which will take place in all fifty s-!::3..tes. TFit8 - ·g •ciatl ven~i19Pt , as the activities engaged. i n by P..:m.-..·1ay dis::.ri.butors / who are all private business people, will f ocus on makin·3' the documents a v ailable to all sections o f the populace through schools, service clubs, church groups, and to personal contacts such as friends and family. To that end, the. films, slides and recordings created at the time of Presidanc Ford 1 s participation will. be utilized by A-TD.way distributors as they carry on the activities of gathering more and more signatu::es . We sincerely hope that it will be possible to arrange the President 1 s participation. To that end, I ·will be contacting you soon by telephone to discuss it further, Very truly yours, ~ a. ~ Noel A. Black, Director Publ ic Affairs ' <:,.. • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 2, 1975 'O: PHIL BUCHEN ?RO.NI: RUSSELL A. ROURKE ------For Direct Reply ------For Draft Response ------X For Your Information ------Please advise -------- , f j l THE \\"H lTE HO -~E W.\:i~il.\GTO;.; 1v1ay 30, 1975 JACK, I discussed the attache2.
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