![CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 28](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
H9586 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 28, 1997 Mr. Speaker, first, this is a very potential threat to philanthropic inter- The Depot Caucus believes this work straightforward rule, one hour of de- ests, it would be difficult for the Pre- should go to the depots, regardless of bate on the conference report. I have sidio Trust to meet its self-sufficiency cost and regardless of what the Defense no problem with the rule. Secondly, I requirements without a timely and Department needs. They are protecting would like to say to my distinguished thorough cleanup of the Presidio. Se- their home turf, and I respect that, but colleague, the gentleman from Ohio curing the leases necessary to generate it is also bad policy, and this is not [Mr. KASICH] that there is a different revenues is essential to the success of what we should be supporting. It puts perspective and point of view on the trust, and can only be accom- our troops at a disadvantage. Bosnia. This obviously is not the time plished if the cleanup is timely and The Secretary of Defense and his nor the place for us to engage in sub- thorough. military commanders need the flexibil- stantive debate on that matter. I would like to yield to the gen- ity on the current law to modernize. To With the balance of the time, Mr. tleman from Colorado for his final re- do so, they need to have the ability to Speaker, I would like to, for the pur- marks. take the best and most appropriate poses of colloquy, engage the distin- Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank public or private bid. guished gentleman from Colorado [Mr. the gentleman for yielding further. Let us not tie the Pentagon's hands HEFLEY]. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman has with a requirement on design, because, There is considerable concern, I raised very important concerns, ones at the end, it is only to protect the ex- would like to say to my distinguished which have also been voiced by the isting bases that are there now. It will colleague from Colorado, at both the Committee on Appropriations in two of be at the expense of modernization and local level and the Federal level, that its measures. We will work together to at the expense of readiness. A vote the environmental cleanup proposed by resolve these questions to ensure the against the defense authorization bill the Department of the Army for the success of the Presidio. is a vote for competition and for the fu- Presidio in San Francisco will not Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, re- ture of our military readiness. meet the environmental health and claiming my time, I think this has Mr. Speaker, there is also evidence in safety criteria appropriate for a na- been an important colloquy. the newspapers by some individuals in- tional park. Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield dicating that on the contracts that are The Presidio, as you know, Mr. three minutes to the gentleman from out there, ``Contractors will have to in- Speaker, is the only base closure to Texas [Mr. RODRIGUEZ], a member of clude in their bids millions of dollars of convert to national park use, and it is the committee. costs that were previously required.'' I important for the Army to meet the Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I think this will make it unlikely that cleanup levels set by the National Park want to indicate that this is no com- the contractor will even bid. Service. promise. It is like someone stealing Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, let me I would encourage the committee to your wallet and then offering only to interrupt this debate to yield such work with the gentlewoman from Cali- return a few dollars. The bottom line time as he may consume to the gen- fornia [Ms. PELOSI] in urging the De- is, this is not an appropriate agreement tleman from Sanibel, FL [Mr. GOSS] partment of the Army to expedite its we can deal with. chairman of the Permanent Select environmental remediation efforts at The language in this bill prevents Committee on Intelligence. fair competition for Defense Depart- the Presidio. This is a clear case where f there should be an accelerated cleanup ment maintenance work. This means that meets the requirements of the na- higher costs for U.S. taxpayers. I re- CONFERENCE REPORT ON S. 858, tional park to ensure the public health peat, the depot language in this bill INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION and safety of the millions of visitors will cost the taxpayers money. ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1998 there. We just completed a competition for Mr. GOSS submitted the following Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, will the work done at Kelly Air Force Base. conference report and statement on the gentleman yield? Warner±Robins Air Force Base in Geor- Senate bill (S. 858) to authorize appro- Mr. DELLUMS. I yield to the gen- gia won the contract, at a savings of priations for fiscal year 1998 for intel- tleman from Colorado. $190 million. The language in this bill ligence and intelligence-related activi- Mr. HEFLEY. Mr. Speaker, I share would prevent us from seeing such sav- ties of the United States Government, the concerns that my colleague has ings in the future. the Community Management Account, raised and will work with the commit- Without the ability to conduct a fair and the Central Intelligence Agency tee, and with him, and with the gentle- public-private competition, the Air Retirement and Disability System, and woman from California [Ms. PELOSI] to Force and Defense Department will not for other purposes: ensure an appropriate cleanup for the be able to fund the modernization pro- CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. 105±350) Presidio. gram needed for our military to remain We have this problem with a number superior. Whether one thinks we should The committee of conference on the dis- agreeing votes of the two Houses on the of bases around the country, but I be spending additional money or not amendment of the House to the bill (S.858), think this one has a unique factor con- for national defense, everyone should to authorize appropriations for fiscal year nected with it. I think the gentleman agree that we should use every dollar 1998 for intelligence and intelligence-related from California [Mr. DELLUMS] has most effectively. activities of the United States Government, pointed out what that factor is, and The language in this bill is to the the Community Management Account, and that is that this is a national park. We contrary. It makes public-private com- the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement want to move forward in creating this, petition next to impossible. Supporters and Disability System, and for other pur- and, if we are going to do this, we want of the language freely and proudly poses, having met, after full and free con- admit that it will make it too expen- ference, have agreed to recommend and do it to be a good national park. We can- recommend to their respective Houses as fol- not do that without the cleanup. sive and too restrictive for the private lows: I share the gentleman's concerns and contractors to bid on depot work at That the Senate recede from its disagree- will do everything I can to work with San Antonio and Sacramento. The ment to the amendment of the House and him and solve this problem. deck is stacked against free competi- agree to the same with an amendment as fol- Mr. DELLUMS. Mr. Speaker, re- tion and against the U.S. taxpayer and lows: claiming my time, I thank the gen- military modernization. In lieu of the matter proposed to be in- tleman for his thoughtful remarks and It should come as no surprise that serted by the House amendment, insert the response. I would just like to further the most punitive restrictions fall on following: for the record make the following com- the competition workload at the clos- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. ment. ing depots in San Antonio and Sac- (a) SHORT TITLE.ÐThis Act may be cited as the ``Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Significant philanthropic efforts are ramento. Private bidders must comply Year 1998''. under way at the Presidio where size- with arcane rules not imposed on the (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.ÐThe table of con- able pledges have been made to the Na- public bidders, so we do not have a tents for this Act is as follows: tional Park Service. In addition to the level playing field. Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. October 28, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9587 TITLE IÐINTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES appropriated under section 101, and the author- that any such officer, employee, or member may Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. ized personnel ceilings as of September 30, 1998, be detailed on a non-reimbursable basis for a pe- Sec. 102. Classified schedule of authorizations. for the conduct of the intelligence and intel- riod of less than one year for the performance of Sec. 103. Personnel ceiling adjustments. ligence-related activities of the elements listed in temporary functions as required by the Director Sec. 104. Community Management Account. such section, are those specified in the classified of Central Intelligence. (e) NATIONAL DRUG INTELLIGENCE CENTER.Ð TITLE IIÐCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN- Schedule of Authorizations prepared to accom- (1) IN GENERAL.ÐOf the amount authorized to CY RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY SYS- pany the conference report on the bill S.858 of be appropriated in subsection (a), the amount of TEM the One Hundred Fifth Congress. (b) AVAILABILITY OF CLASSIFIED SCHEDULE OF $27,000,000 shall be available for the National Sec.
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