tendance testified to the community’s stead- the room had for the yeshiva. The campaign’s fast support for yeshiva’s mission and vital success far exceeded the original goal, and work, including the many organizations that the evening’s campaign was subsequently were founded by and are under the auspices extended the following day to the yeshiva’s of the yeshiva: The Jewish Experience, Aish national supporters and alumni, providing Denver, Mercaz Torah V’chessed, The Vaad much needed funding. The feedback follow- Project and the Avreichim program. ing the dinner was unanimous: a heightened The inspiring program provided a appreciation and support for the yeshiva and glimpse into YTC’s daily efforts spreading a strengthened resolve to continue support- Torah throughout the broader Denver com- ing Yeshiva Toras Chaim in its vital work, munity. The evening commenced with an ad- keeping the flame of Torah alive in Denver dress from rosh yeshiva Rav Yitzchok Was- and beyond. serman, followed by a video which provided a peek into yeshiva’s work. Current talmid (L-R) Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman, Ezriel Abrams spoke, relaying his gratitude CEO of YTC; Rav Yitzchok Wasserman, Rosh for being in yeshiva and describing the sup- Yeshiva; Mr. Alan Fruitman, honoree; Rabbi port and devotion of the yeshiva’s rabbeim Aver Jacobs, honoree; Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan, Annual Dinner for Yeshiva and roshei yeshiva. Rosh Yeshiva; Rabbi Aaron Boruch Kagan, Vice President. Rabbi Ahron Yisroel Wasserman, CEO Toras Chaim of Denver of the yeshiva, presented Mr. Ronald and Sandra Shiff with a beautiful candelabra – a token of appreciation to the Shiffs for their generous dedication of the yeshiva’s new Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver recently serman and Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan, both campus. The dinner’s honorees were Rabbi held its 52nd annual dinner in Denver, Colora- still current roshei yeshiva today. Over a Aver and Chavi Jacobs, Mr. Alan and Belina do. The event was a celebration of over half thousand talmidim have entered the yeshiva’s Fruitman, and Mr. Robert and Rhoda Reiss a century since the yeshiva opened, creating doors over the years, emerging as true bnei Pitler. a movement of Torah throughout Denver Torah and future leaders of Klal Yisroel. Over The remarkable results of YTC’s match- which is still going strong today. 500 attendees were present at the dinner, held ing campaign were yet another testimony to YTC was founded by Rav Yitzchok Was- in the BMH-BJ venue. The overwhelming at- the gratitude and deep support everyone in month. Rav Yosef Elephant, r”m in Yeshivas Mir Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky Yerushalayim, was inspired when he saw the list of over one hundred worldwide Daf Hash- Promotes Daf Hashovua ovua chaburos, and he hopes to share it with his talmidim. Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, speaking at the it. What they saw was an amazing array of Mr. Duvy Gross made a belated siyum on recent Agudah Convention, remarked that al- marei mekomos, bechinos, and other resources Maseches Ta’anis on Friday morning at the though many people who work full time set that can be easily accessed via email or on the Convention. He compared learning the daf aside time to learn, there is still more that can Daf Hashovua website. Marei mekomos vary over a seven-day period to a set of mechutonim be done. Not only can one “learn” the daf, ex- from Hebrew to English, from in-depth to ba- becoming acquainted throughout the week plained Rav Shmuel, but one can delve into sic points on the daf and from lomdus to of sheva brochos. Just as after the whir it and enjoy more of the Gemara’s sweetness. practical halacha. The bechinos are of the chasunah, they slowly get to One of the ways to accomplish this is through also available in English, covering know and appreciate each other, Daf Hashovua – a structured program in which basic shakla v’tarya with Rashi, throughout the week one can “get participants learn the blatt throughout the as well as in Lashon Hakodesh to know” the daf and internalize it. week, appreciating its beauty and making ef- covering Tosfos too. Rabbi Tzvi Daf Hashovua is learning forts to review. Rav Shmuel was fascinated by Ortner, rov of Khal Linas Hatze- Maseches Megilah through the the lomdei Daf Hashovua. He attributed this to dek, remarked that Daf Hashovua winter and into Purim, and now learning at a slower pace, with some iyun, and has advanced the level of learning is a great time to join, learn, re- leaving time for chazara. in his kehilla in Kensington. Oth- view and own the daf! Visit www. Many stopped by the Daf Hashovua exhibit ers said that the weekly and monthly dafaweek.org, call 718-376-9663 or at the Agudah Convention to learn more about bechinos are the highlights of their week/ email [email protected]. TEAM Shabbos Just One Week Away In one week, shuls and communities But TEAM Shabbos is not just about a munity members around the country, we and join hundreds of shuls across the na- across the country will join the fourth an- shul drosha; it is also about encouraging can continue spreading our message about tion to generate awareness about the Torah nual Traditional End-of-Life Awareness community members to get involved and the importance of properly preparing our- perspective on the value of life, here and Movement (TEAM) Shabbos returns Shab- take action. Communities can also use this selves and others for illness and end-of-life hereafter. bos Parshas Vayechi, December 22, 2018. opportunity to collaborate with NASCK in decisions. To sign up or learn more, call 718-847- A project of the National Association of planning programs that delve into a vast ar- Has your shul joined the TEAM? En- 6280, email [email protected], or visit team- Chevra Kadisha (NASCK), TEAM Shab- ray of end-of-life related topics. Individuals courage your rov and shul to sign up today shabbos.org/register. bos addresses end-of-life concerns that af- can be encouraged to purchase life-insur- fect the Jewish community. The mission of ance, fill out a halachic living will, begin TEAM Shabbos — to generate awareness, the process of writing a will in accordance education, and direction regarding the val- with halacha, reach out to family members ue of life and critical end-of-life decisions who may be considering choices other than — is resonating strongly in communities a traditional burial for a loved one, or open throughout the US and Canada. The mo- an end-of-life conversation with their par- mentum is growing as shuls and commu- ents. nities nationwide enthusiastically embrace From New York to Toronto to Tennes- the opportunity to bring the topic of end-of- see, the TEAM Shabbos initiative is creat- life, a subject which is too often avoided, ing a dramatic shift in the perspective about out into the open in an informative, inspir- end-of-life care and preparation. Subjects ing, and positive way. that were once taboo and questions that Shuls can utilize the week leading up to have gone unanswered can now be ad- Parshas Vayechi to open the conversation dressed in a constructive way. By taking about relevant issues through the Shabbos advantage of the teachable moment that drosha, shiurim, newsletters, and divrei To- TEAM Shabbos offers and with the com- rah. mitment of rabbis, shuls, and active com- 126 YatedNe’eman 6 Teves 5779 | December 14, 2018.
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