CChePALM E R H·o USE WI the hear/ a[ DOWNTOWN CHICAGO ISITORS to Chicago, even measurably to the enjoyment of Vwith limited time at their your visit-and often tempt disposal for sight-seeing and you to prolong your stay. shopping, will find in the Spacious, quiet rooms insure central location of the Palmer a restful night's sleep .. Excel­ House a real convenience. lent cuisine-five popular res­ Besides being in the center of taurants. Orchestras. Library~ all downtown attractions and Complete hospital staff. Chil­ within easy walking distance dren's playroom. One entire of many points of interest, you floor reserved exclusively for are right on the main transpor­ women guests and fitted ex­ tation routes to outlying actly t~ their.needs.· Reception poims. Excellent garage service room and clerk's office on every if you arrive in your own car. floor. And .with all-tradition­ Convenience is combined with al Pal~er House hospitality. comforts, services and refined Rooms for one, $4 and up surroundings -for two, that add im- $7 and up. WALTER L. GREGORY ...;Jrfa11ager STATE STREET, MONROE STREET AND WABASH AVENUE ··~ ,,., . in the hear/ o[ DOWNTOWN CHICAGO ISITORS to Chicago, even measurably to the enjoyment of Vwith limited time at· their . your visit-and often tempt disposal for sight-seeing· 'and you to prolong your stay. shopping, will find in the Spacious,. quiet rooms insure central location of the Palmer a restful night's sleep. Excel- · House a real convenience. lent cuisine-five popular res­ Besides being in the center of taurants._ Orchestras. Library. all downtown attractions and Complete hospital staff. Chil­ within easy walking distance dren's playroom. One entire of many points of interest, you floor reserved exclusively for are right on the main transpor­ women guests and fitted ex­ tation routes to outlying actly t<? their needs. Reception points. Excellent garage service room and clerk's office on every if you arrive in your own car. floor. And with all-tradition­ Convenience is combined with al Palmer House hospitality. comforts, services and refined Room·s for one, $4 and up surroundings -for two, that add im- $7 and up. WALTER L. GREGORY .Jrfa11ager STATE STREET, MONROE STREET AND WABASH AVENUE .,--- 2. OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 · ·of JUGGLER Notre Dame Exponent· of True Campus Life 1- ' ~r~ ( rrr ( I I I - ~ i' j: Are You Blue? ~ 9 Just Fill in the Blank Below IF SO; JOIN THE and Your Dark Days are Joke-of-the-Month GONE FOREVER Club ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - . - :- TI-IE FUNNY FELLOW - :- Please enter my name for a year :- ·membership in the JU.GGLER- : Joke-of-the-Month Club. - - Name------------~------------------------------- [ - :- Street---------------------------~---------------· - ~ :- CitY--------------------------------------------- _J .. ./ ~ OFFIC·IAL FOOTBALL REVI.EW-192.9 3 To The Metnory of Rupart Mills . '15 Rupe, who was · a four spo~ts letterman at Notre Dame, went to his death July 21, 1929, in· a vain attempt to save a friend from drowning. That he was a true son of Our Lady was shown not only in his heroic death, but in every act of his campus and later life. May the memory of Rupe Mills be a vivid example for Notre Dame men ·of the future to follow. 4 OFFICiAL FOOTBALL R~VIEW-1929 NOTRE DAME STADIUM built of Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co. Chicago Memphis LaSalle Cape Girardeau St. Louis . Ralph Sollitt & Sons General·­ Contractors 1930 ·SERIES NEW MODEL SOUTH BEND LATHES South Bend, Chicago, South Bend Lathe Works Ind. Ill. 425 East Madison St., South Bend, Ind . Official 1929 FOOTBALL REVIEW University of Notre Darr),e STAFF Joseph S. Petritz--------~-----------------:_----------Editor-iu-Cbief Richard L. Donoghue------:--------------------------Assistaut ·Edif or August L. Bondi....: _____ _..:. ____________________________ Assis taut Ed it or Harley L. McDevitt_ _____________________________ Graduate Manager John J. Cannon ____________________· _____________ Circulatiou Ma11ager Lawrence Mullins __________________________ Ass't. Circulation Manager CONTRIBUTORS K. K. Rockne John Bergan John B. La.w . Robert E. Gorman Paul G. Sullivan Robert C. Balfe Harry_ A. Sylvester, Jr. Feg Murray The staff wishes to express its appreciation of the assistance of lVIr. George Maypole, Miss Ruth Faulkner,_ Mr. J. Arthur Haley, Miss Marie \Villi_ams, Mr. James Armstrong, Mr. Harry Elmore, Mr. Herb Jones, Mr. Arthur \Vest, and Mr. ·Archer Hurley, in the compilation of this Review. Cover design by Art Kane. 6 OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 OFFICIAL FO.OTBALL. RE-VIEW-192 .. 9 7 I ·i ... ·.~;~:l.@~ul;iB,~vt~\,~,~rf~~t~ 'Dedication HOf!SANDS of persons have co1nkined th~ir efl~rts through tl:e years to 1nake 1-- posszble the new Notre Dmne stadnt1n whrch wzll be opened tn ·1930. Every 1nan who ever wore the Blue and Gold ·of Notre Da11ze, every 1ne11zber of the faculty, every 1ne11zber of the coaching staff, every loyal Notre Da11ze student, every faithful Notre Da11ze follower has done his share since the fo1tnding of the school to 1nake this dreauz of Coac/1 Rockne's a 1'ealit)'· To the known and unknown heroes ·who have contributed their bit in bringing about this new honte for the wan·iors of Our Lady we offer ou1· heartfelt thanks, and to these do we dedicate this acco1int of the 1~ 29 teauz., worthy successors to Notre Daute tea1ns of the past.· · ' . 8 OFFICIAL FO.O T BALL REVIEW-1929 REVEREND CHARLES L. O'DONNELL, C.S.C., Ph.D. PRESIDENT oF THE UNIVERSITY OF NoTRE DAME OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 9 REVEREND M. A. MULCAIRE, C.S.C., Ph.D. VIcE-PRESIDENT oF THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME CHAIRMAN OF THE ATHLETIC BoARD OF CONTROL 10 OFFICIAL FO 0 T"B ALL REVIEW-1929 -By CourltSy of The Alumnus. OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 11 VY congratulations to one of the finest c.JCJb Notre Da11ze tea11zs of all ti11te and to the splendid coaching staff headed by To11z Lieb, that carried on so -u;ell and effectively in 1ny absence. In fact, I believe that Lieb, Chev.igny and Voedisch did the co{lching while I just helped .a little._ · Every 11te11tber of the tea11z lived up to the finest traditions of our great school and .. I have every reason to feel proud ·of their sea- son's 1vork. · · · The student 1nanagers, the band; the so­ called Scrub~ and Fresh.inen also did yoe11tan service and 1vere a vital part in the suc~e~s- ful season. · KNUTE K. RocKNE 12 OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 i I i i !li il! ';ll {:r ·l! 'Ij: H) 111 i! ll ·: / ii ·'i I ! i :! I j CAPT. JOHN B. LAW, NOTRE DAME, 1929 0 F F I C I A L F 0 0 T B A L L R E V I. E W - 1 9 2 9 - 13 . LfS.captain of the Notre Da.~ne football U ~ tea1n of 1929, 17'!ay I say _that I have . never played against 1nore. capable and 1nore sports1nanlike tea1ns than have been 1ny pleasure to compete with this year. In spite of the rather obvious disadvant­ ages to be sur1nounted this y~ar, I feel th.at I have, in 1ny o~v1z s1nall way justified the position given 1ne, made possible, however, only by the 1ne11~bers of the tea11~ ~vhose loyalty and dauntless fighting spirit never once slac!?..ened. To the faculty and studf!nt body I can only say that it 1'vas their spiritual- support and splendid co-:o peration that 1nade this seaio1~'s clean slate possible. JOHN BRENDEN LAw 14 OFFICIAL FOOTBALL REVIEW-1929 Patrons Ben Bloom Anthony J. Heinlein R. J. O'Donn"ll R. A. Gallagher New York City Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. T. J. Curtin D. F. Kelly Robt. P. Morrow Walter J, Riley Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Buffalo, N. Y. E. Chicago, Ind. J. T. Harrigan James T. Se-xton M. F. Devereux J. Kalman Reppa New York City New London, Ct. WC?odcliffe, N. J, E. Chicago, Ind. Dr.. Paul Dineen Wm. F. Leimer Rev. Walter D. Casey Jas. Newman New York City ·Orange, N. J, Hartford, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. J. B. Lamb John C. Sullivan Barney U dol£ D. R. Kirby New York City Passaic, N. J. New York City lJetroit, Mich. J. M. Studebaker, Jr. John Carroll Arthur G. Peacock Thos. C. Casey 'South Bend, Ind. Calumet City, Ill. New York City W. Orange, N. J, Francis V. Pisula E. T. Christmas John P. Kalina -W. J, Cassady Latrobe, Pa. New York City Cleveland, Ohio Norwood, Ohio Frank E. Hering Tyler Williams John E. Fitzgerald Chas. W. Lynch . South Bend, Ind. Chicago, .Ill. Hammond, Ind. New York City Chas. J, Raleigh John B. Wheeler Harry A. Scharf P. C. Reilly New York City Chicago, Ill. New York City Indianapolis, Ind. John J. Poulton D. A. Eister Wm. J. Bellinger Thos. S. Donlon Chicago, Ill. Hornell, N. · Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hudson Heights, N. J. Dr. Crow C. Coady Wm. C. Kinne· N. A. Scull en D. P. O'Keefe Dubuque, la. Hornell, N •. Y. Cleveland, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Thos. J. Cronin Richard Haggerty R. F. Tierney Francis A. B~lin Binghamton, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. New York City New York City Thos. L. Grace Bernard J. Fallon Edward King Louis R. Rochetto Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. New York City Chicago, · Ill. John A. Byrnes M. E. Stetz Byron V. Kanaley Dr• .las. E. McCambridge New York City Haverstraw, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Cornelius A. Breen Andrew J. Haire Martin J. Healy Harold J. Burke Hackensack, N. J. New York City New York City Chicago, Ill. Geo. Larkin Walter J.
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