Henry Clinton Papers William L. Clements Library Partial Subject and Name Index The University of Michigan Finding Aid: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-42cli?view=text This partial index serves as a guide to many of the various names and subjects within the Chronological series (Volumes 1-220) and Undated series (Volumes 221-233) of the Henry Clinton papers. In addition to providing the dates of letters referring to particular subjects or people, the index also gives the volume numbers, and in some cases, the folio numbers. To locate the topics addressed within a particular volume, simply perform a search within the index for the phrase "Vol. __". Whenever available, the index uses the Library of Congress authorized forms of names for the first instance in which the name appears. Geographic terms have been spelled out, rather than abbreviated. This index primarily concerns people, organizations and subjects mentioned within letters and documents. For information on the writers and recipients of letters, see the card catalog in the Reading Room. Abercromby, Robert, Clinton's instructions for African Americans, British military policies toward [September 1780] (Vol. 124, Fol. 39) June 30, 1779 (Vol. 62, Fol. 28) Acland, John Dyke, death of African Americans, capture of deserter by, South November 30, 1778 (Vol. 47, Fol. 11) Carolina February 27, 1780 (Vol. 87, Fol. 9) Admiral Rodney (ship), loss of February 29, 1780 (Vol. 87, Fol. 21) January 7, 1781 (Vol. 139, Fol. 31) African Americans, cattle-driving, South Carolina Adye, Stephen Payne, d. 1794 May 11, 1780 (Vol. 97, Fol. 37) [after 1784] (Vol. 200, Fol. 59) [ca. June 1786] (Vol. 205, Fol. 12) African Americans, Clinton's comments on July 4, 1786 (Vol. 205, Fol. 15) May 20, 1780 (Vol. 99, Fol. 47) Adye, Stephen Payne, d. 1794, Clinton's African Americans, Commissary of Captures recommendation of July 1779 (Vol. 65, Fol. 12) September 1, 1781 (Vol. 173, Fol. 17) African Americans, complaints against June 6, 1780 (Vol. 104, Fol. 25) Adye, Stephen Payne, leave of absence August 13, 1780 (Vol. 116, Fol. 36) African Americans, Cornwallis' comments on May 11, 1780 (Vol. 97, Fol. 37) African Americans, as bringers of news and intelligence African Americans, desertion [before May 12, 1780] (Vol. 97, Fol. 40) March 22, 1780 (Vol. 89, Fol. 27) October 29, 1780 (Vol. 127, Fol. 14) November 16, 1780 (Vol. 128, Fol. 43) May 5, 1781 (Vol. 154, Fol. 53) July 11, 1781 (Vol. 163, Fol. 31) African Americans, disease, Charleston July 11, 1781 (Vol. 163, Fol. 33) July 16, 1780 (Vol. 112, Fol. 7) July 14, 1781 (Vol. 164, Fol. 31) July 24, 1781 (Vol. 166, Fol. 25) African Americans, enlistment in American Army September 18, 1781 (Vol. 175, Fol. 4) January 9, 1781 (Vol. 139, Fol. 53) October 7, 1781 (Vol. 178, Fol. 23) October 24, 1781 (Vol. 180, Fol. 30) African Americans, enlistment in provincial forces October 24, 1781 (Vol. 181, Fol. 3) November 9, 1779 (Vol. 75, Fol. 4) 1 March 14, 1777 (Vol. 75, Fol. 5) African Americans, Rhode Island June 29, [1780] (Vol. 107, Fol. 22) African Americans, expenses related to February 20, 1780 (Vol. 86, Fol. 5) African Americans, tailors [ca. April-May 1780] (Vol. 95, Fol. 56) African Americans, horse stealing December 5, 1780 (Vol. 132, Fol. 30) African Americans, transportation of ordnance April 3, 1780 (Vol. 91, Fol. 25) African Americans, hospital ships May 16, 1780 (Vol. 99, Fol. 10) March 22, 1780 (Vol. 89, Fol. 27) African Americans, uprisings, prophecy African Americans, imprisoned, Newark (New August 16, 1781 (original in Gold Star Jersey) collection) May 20, 1781 (Vol. 156, Fol. 7) African Americans, violence against African Americans, insolence May 21, 1780 (Vol. 100, Fol. 5) May 9, 1780 (Vol. 97, Fol. 23) African Americans, Virginia African Americans, juvenile [October 1780] (Vol. 127, Fol. 52) [ca. April-May 1780] (Vol. 95, Fol. 56) November 19, 1780 (Vol. 130, Fol. 48) [ca. April-May 1780] (Vol. 95, Fol. 57) African American prisoners African Americans, orderly men, General Hospital March 25, 1780 (Vol. 89, Fol. 43) February 29, 1780 (Vol. 87, Fol. 19) April 1, 1780 (Vol. 91, Fol. 9) April 15, 1782 (Vol. 193, Fol. 32) African Americans, housing February 10, 1779 (Vol. 52, Fol. 25) African Americans, prophecy August 16, 1781 (Vol. 170, Fol. 27) African Americans, marauding (original in Gold Star collection) November 1779 (Vol. 78, Fol. 18) African Americans, Royal Regiment of Artillery, African Americans, memoranda concerning returns June 3, 1780 (Vol. 103, Fol. 27) April 28, 1780 (Vol. 95, Fol. 27) African Americans, musicians African Americans, ship building, pay [ca. April-May 1780] (Vol. 95, Fol. 56) August 10, 1781 (Vol. 170, Fol. 1) African Americans, mustering African Americans, ship building, Virginia [ca. May 1780] (Vol. 102, Fol. 27) August 10, 1781 (Vol. 170, Fol. 1) African Americans, New Jersey African Americans, threats toward women November 14, 1780 (Vol. 130, Fol. 14) June 19, 1782 (Vol. 194, Fol. 27) May 5, 1781 (Vol. 154, Fol. 53) African American servants, New York African Americans, New York July 11, 1781 (Vol. 163, Fol. 31) February 10, 1779 (Vol. 52, Fol. 25) July 14, 1781 (Vol. 164, Fol. 31) African Americans, North Carolina African American ship-pilots June 30, 1775 (Vol. 13, Fol. 21) July 19, 1775 October 24, 1781 (Vol. 180, Fol. 30) African Americans, post-war settlement June 3, 1780 (Vol. 103, Fol. 27) African American soldiers, in French and Indian War [after 1757] (Vol. 1, Fol. 7) African Americans, receiving provisions at Savannah, Georgia, returns African American soldiers, in Revolutionary War October 20, 1779 (Vol. 72, Fol. 10) May 22, 1776 (Vol. 16, Fol. 1) 2 November 3, 1777 (Vol. 26) [April? 1781] (Vol. 165, Fol. 16) September 17, 1778 41) [1778] (original located in Gold Star Allen, Ira, 1751-1814, conversations with Justus Collection) Sherwood March 17, 1780 (Vol. 89, Fol. 1) May 8-25, 1781 (Vol. 168, Fol. 13) (Vol. 224, Fol. 25) (Vol. 233, Fol. 43) (original located in Gold Allen, Ira, information on Vermont Star Collection) May 11, 1781 (Vol. 168, Fol. 25) African American soldiers, in Revolutionary War, Allen, Ira, prominence in Vermont policies concerning March 23, 1781 (Vol. 150, Fol. 42) June 3, 1780 (Vol. 103, Fol. 27) July 11, 1780 (Vol. 111, Fol. 3) Amboy, New Jersey, skirmishes at January 9, 1781 (Vol. 139, Fol. 54) African American soldiers, uniforms and clothing for January 13, 1781 (Vol. 140, Fol. 29) March 4, 1780 (Vol. 88, Fol. 1) [January 15-25, 1781] (Vol. 141, Fol. 3) March 19, 1780 (Vol. 89, Fol. 12) (Vol. 233, Fol. 42) Americans, self-governance of June 28, 1774 (Vol. 9) African American women July 19, 1777 (Vol. 22) Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron, 1717-1797 November 6, 1780 (Vol. 128, Fol. 43) January 10, 1779 50, Fol. 15) Agricultural prices, Long Island (New York) Amphitrite (ship) April 17, 1778 (Vol. 34) [April] 1777 (Vol. 20, Fol. 55) May 22, 1777 (Vol. 21) Alexander, William, 1726-1783, Clinton's friendship with André, John, 1751-1780 [1764] (Vol. 2, Fol. 11) June 9, 1779 (Vol. 60, Fol. 48) November 10, 1779 (Vol. 74, Fol. 31) Alfred (ship) [September 7, 1780] (Vol. 122, Fol. 14) February 4-10, 1776 (Vol. 13, Fol. 33) September 24, 1780 (Vol. 124, Fol. 27) [February 9?, 1776] (Vol. 13) [September 1780] (Vol. 124, Fol. 45) (Vol. 221, Fol. 3b) Allen, Ethan, 1738-1789. (Vol. 229, Fol. 34) [ca. July 1780] (Vol. 114, Fol. 12) (Vol. 230, Fol. 40) January 1, 1781 (Vol. 138, Fol. 2) (Vol. 228, Fol. 26) André, John, American admiration for (Vol. 231, Fol. 17) September 30, 1780 (Vol. 124, Fol. 34) Allen, Ethan, discussion of Vermont's independence André, John, attempts to exchange March 9, 1781 (Original located in Gold September 30, 1780 (Vol. 124, Fol. 34) Star) October 1, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 2) [ca. October 1780] (Vol. 127, Fol. 47) Allen, Ethan, exchange of July 3, 1776 (Vol. 17) André, John, capture September 29, 1780 (original in Gold Star Allen, Ethan, intelligence and rumors concerning collection) October 10, 1779 (Vol. 71, Fol. 21) September 30, 1780 (Vol. 124, Fol. 34) December 18, 1780 (Vol. 134, Fol. 18) October 1, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 5) January 26, 1781 (Vol. 1(Vol. 43, Fol. 7) March 17, 1781 (Vol. 150, Fol. 5) André, John, capture, Clinton's accounts March 18, 1781 (Vol. 150, Fol. 15) October 4, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 9) [after March 20, 1781] (Vol. 150, Fol. 29) October 11, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 31) March 23, 1781 (Vol. 150, Fol. 42) [October 11, 1780] (Vol. 125, Fol. 32) [March 27, 1781] (Vol. 151, Fol. 5) October 3, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 33) 3 André, John, care of his family Anson, George Anson, Baron, 1697-1762 September 29, 1780 (original in Gold Star [1762] (Vol. 1, Fol. 40) collection) September 29, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 40) Anstruther, William , wounds October 12, 1780 (Vol. 125, Fol. 39) May 11, 1780 (Vol. 97, Fol. 33) December 5, 1780 (Vol. 132, Fol. 27) March 24, 1780 (Vol. 109, Fol. 9) January 2, 1781 (Vol. 138, Fol. 12) Anstruther, William , assignment to Bermuda André, John, Clinton's recommendation of June 28, 1780 (Vol. 107, Fol. 4) October 26, 1779 (Vol. 72, Fol. 39) Antelope (ship), provisions, returns André, John, commissions February 4, 1780 (Vol. 84, Fol. 13) August 3, 1780 (Vol. 115, Fol. 11) August 3, 1780 (Vol. 115, Fol. 17) Apollo (ship) August 29, 1780 (Vol. 119, Fol. 26) March 6, 1777 (Vol. 20) September 16, 1780 (Vol. 123, Fol. 25) March 20, 1777 (Vol. 20) March 23, 1777 (Vol.
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